How to avoid "Cannot display source code at this location"?

This debugger message really annoys me. It seems to me that
sometimes when my program fails the debugger returns nice friendly
messages telling me exactly what line numebr an object is
undefined. This is great. But half the time I get message of this
at main_fla::MainTimeline/ot()
at main_fla::MainTimeline/buttMouseEvent()
Cannot display source code at this location.
Why does the debugger refuse to show the line number of the
code sometimes?
Is there acoding practice that one should use to avoid these
unhelpful debug messages?
It is very annoying when you have a 200 line function that
tells you that somehting is undefined SOMEWHERE in the function
without giving you a line number. Granted at least AS3 does
actually warn you....(unlike AS2) but I am constantly plagues by
these "Cannot display source code at this location" messages.
An anyone offer any explanation to why these messages dont
display line numebrs or how to code in a way that avoids them?

I want to thank you for responding to the thread I started on the forum at Your solution to my problem of needing to print the code of the html pages that the file I included generates was just what I was looking for. However, I have some further questions to ask, if you don't mind. To clarify my task I should say that your rephrasing of the problem is accurate: "You wan't to display the contents of the HTML file that the web server produces in response of client's request?"
Yes, this is what I need to do, but also it needs to display the source code of that html file that the server produces in response to the client's request. Also, in this case, I am the client requesting that the server return some html file, and I'm not sure where the server is. But the file that I shared on the forum is on my local machine. I was wondering if I could modify this file at my home so that any html file the server returns to me would automatically display the source code. This is a school project of mine and I am stuck on this one thing here.
Further, where would I put the "foo.html" file so it can be written to?
FileOuputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("foo.html");
Thanks so much for your help. I look forward to your response, at your convenience.

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  • How to display the source code for this friggin' file.

    Below is a rather lengthy bit of code that provides the behavior and attributes of a web server for OpenCyc. I need to know if I can enter some java to have the HTML source code displayed in a separate text file whenever this class returns some resulting webpage. If you have any ideas it will be greatly appreciated.
    -"Will code for foo."
    package org.opencyc.webserver;
    * Class WebServer is simple multithreaded HTTP server
    * with CGI limited to a Cyc connection on default port 3600.
    * <p>
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.jar.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import org.opencyc.util.*;
    public class WebServer extends Thread {
         * Singleton WebServer instance.
        public static WebServer current;
         * Default HTTP port.
        protected static int DEFAULT_PORT = 80;
         * Default Cyc base port.
        protected static int DEFAULT_CYC_PORT = 3600;
         * Default directory to serve files from on non-Windows OS.
        protected static String DEFAULT_DIR = "/";
         * Default directory to serve files from on Windows.
        //protected static String DEFAULT_WIN_DIR = "C:\\";
        protected static String DEFAULT_WIN_DIR = "k:\\opencyc\\run\\httpd\\htdocs";
         * File cache capacity.
        protected static final int CACHE_CAPACITY = 100;
         * File cache to improve file serving performance.
        protected static Hashtable fileCache = new Hashtable(CACHE_CAPACITY);
         * Number of files served from this web server.
        protected static long nbrFilesServed = 0;
         * Number of files served from this web server that were found in the cache.
        protected static long nbrCacheHits = 0;
         * Server socket for accepting connections.
        protected ServerSocket server;
         * Directories to serve files from.
        protected ArrayList dirs;
         * Map from String (jar root) to JarFile[] (jar class path).
        protected HashMap map;
         * Webserver HTTP port.
        protected int port;
         * Cyc HTML host.
        protected String cycHost = "localhost";
         * Cyc HTML port.
        protected int cycPort;
         * Expand jar tress.
        protected boolean trees;
         * Requests flag.
        protected boolean traceRequests;
         * Constructs a WebServer object.
         * @param port the port to use
         * @param directories the directory to serve files from
         * @param trees true if files within jar files should be served up
         * @param traceRequests true if client's request text should be logged.
         * @exception IOException if the listening socket cannot be opened, or problem opening jar files.
        public WebServer() throws IOException {
            server = new ServerSocket(port);
         * Class Task processes a single HTTP request.
        protected class Task extends Thread {
             * Socket for the incoming request.
            protected Socket sock;
             * Client socket to the Cyc KB HTML server.
            protected Socket cycHtmlSocket;
             * Output tcp stream.
            protected DataOutputStream out;
             * Contains the file request path for a not-found error message.
            protected String notFoundPath;
             * Contains the first line of a request message.
            protected String methodLine;
             * Contains the body of a POST method.
            protected String bodyLine;
             * Constructs a Task object.
             * @param sock the socket assigned for this request.
            public Task(Socket sock) {
                this.sock = sock;
             * Processes the HTTP request.
            public void run() {
                if (traceRequests)
                    Log.current.println("connection accepted from " + sock.getInetAddress());
                notFoundPath = "";
                try {
                    out = new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());
                    try {
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.current.println("file not found: " + notFoundPath);
                        try {
                            out.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n");
                            out.writeBytes("Server: Cyc WebServer\r\n");
                            out.writeBytes("Connection: close\r\n");
                            out.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
                            out.writeBytes("<TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE>\n");
                            out.writeBytes("<H1>404 - Not Found</H1>\n");
                        catch (SocketException se) {
                catch (Exception e) {
                finally {
                    try {
                    catch (IOException e) {
             * Reads the HTTP request and obtains the response.
             * @exception IOException when HTTP request has an invalid format.
            private void getBytes() throws IOException {
                // Below logic is complex because web browsers do not close the
                // socket after sending the request, so must parse message to find
                // the end.
                BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream()));
                ArrayList inBytes = new ArrayList(200);
                int ch = 0;
                boolean postMethod;
                methodLine = in.readLine();
                //if (traceRequests)
                //    Log.current.println("methodLine=" + methodLine);
                bodyLine = "";
                if (methodLine.startsWith("POST /"))
                    postMethod = true;
                    postMethod = false;
                //if (traceRequests)
                //    Log.current.println("postMethod=" + postMethod);
                int ch1 = -1;
                int ch2 = -1;
                int ch3 = -1;
                int ch4 = -1;
                // Read the HTTP request headers.
                while (true) {
                    ch =;
                    inBytes.add(new Integer(ch));
                    ch1 = ch2;
                    ch2 = ch3;
                    ch3 = ch4;
                    ch4 = ch;
                    if (ch1 == '\r' && ch2 == '\n' && ch3 == '\r' && ch4 == '\n')
                    if ((! postMethod) &&
                        (! in.ready()) &&
                        ch1 == -1 &&
                        ch2 == -1 &&
                        ch3 == '\r' &&
                        ch4 == '\n') {
                        inBytes.add(new Integer('\r'));
                        inBytes.add(new Integer('\n'));
                byte[] byteArray = new byte[inBytes.size()];
                for (int i = 0; i < inBytes.size(); i++) {
                    Integer ich = (Integer) inBytes.get(i);
                    byteArray[i] = ich.byteValue();
                String headers = new String(byteArray);
                if (postMethod) {
                    String lcHeaders = headers.toLowerCase();
                    int i = lcHeaders.indexOf("content-length: ");
                    String contentLength = lcHeaders.substring(i + 16);
                    int j = contentLength.indexOf("\r\n");
                    contentLength = contentLength.substring(0, j);
                    int bodyLen = (new Integer(contentLength)).intValue();
                    for (int k = 0; k < bodyLen; k++) {
                        bodyLine = bodyLine + (new Character((char);
                String line = methodLine + "\r\n" + headers + bodyLine;
                if (traceRequests)
                if (postMethod)
                    if (line.startsWith("GET /"))
                    else {
                        Log.current.println("Invalid request = " + line);
                        throw new IOException();
             * Processes an HTTP GET method.
             * @param httpGetPath the path of the file to get.
             * @exception IOException if the file is not found.
            private void processHttpGet(String httpGetPath) throws IOException {
                int i = httpGetPath.indexOf(' ');
                if (i > 0)
                    httpGetPath = httpGetPath.substring(0, i);
                Log.current.println(methodLine + " from " + sock.getInetAddress().getHostName());
                i = httpGetPath.indexOf("cg?");
                if (i > 0) {
                    cycHtmlRequest(httpGetPath.substring(i + 3));
                notFoundPath = httpGetPath;
                i = httpGetPath.indexOf('/');
                if (i < 0 || map == null) {
                    if (map == null || httpGetPath.endsWith(".jar")) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < dirs.size(); j++) {
                            String dir = (String) dirs.get(j);
                            String nativePath = dir + httpGetPath;
                            nativePath = nativePath.replace('/', File.separatorChar);
                            if (fileCache.containsKey(nativePath)) {
                                writeDataBytes((byte[]) fileCache.get(nativePath));
                            try {
                                File f = new File(nativePath);
                                byte[] fileBytes = getBytes(new FileInputStream(f), f.length());
                                if (fileCache.size() >= CACHE_CAPACITY)
                                fileCache.put(nativePath, fileBytes);
                                Log.current.println("...from " + nativePath);
                            catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new IOException();
                String jar = httpGetPath.substring(0, i);
                httpGetPath = httpGetPath.substring(i + 1);
                JarFile[] jfs = (JarFile[]) map.get(jar);
                if (jfs == null)
                    throw new IOException();
                for (i = 0; i < jfs.length; i++) {
                    JarEntry je = jfs.getJarEntry(httpGetPath);
    if (je == null)
    writeDataBytes(getBytes(jfs[i].getInputStream(je), je.getSize()));
    throw new IOException();
    * Processes an HTTP POST method.
    * @exception IOException if the file is not found.
    private void processHttpPost() throws IOException {
    Log.current.println("POST " + bodyLine + " from " + sock.getInetAddress().getHostName());
    * Reads the specified number of bytes and always close the stream.
    * @param in the file to be read for subsequent downloading.
    * @param length the number of bytes to read from the file.
    * @return An array of bytes from the file.
    * @exception IOException if an error occurs when processing the file.
    private byte[] getBytes(InputStream in, long length) throws IOException {
    DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(in);
    byte[] bytes = new byte[ (int) length];
    try {
    finally {
    return bytes;
    * Sends the HTML request to Cyc.
    * @param cycPath the portion of the URL which is given to the Cyc HTML server.
    private void cycHtmlRequest(String cycPath) {
    String request = sock.getInetAddress().getHostName() + "&" + cycPath + "#";
    System.out.println("request=" + request);
    ArrayList bytes = new ArrayList(10000);
    try {
    cycHtmlSocket = new Socket(cycHost, cycPort);
    System.out.println("cycHost=" + cycHost + " cycPort=" + cycPort);
    BufferedReader cycIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(cycHtmlSocket.getInputStream()));
    PrintWriter cycOut = new PrintWriter(cycHtmlSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
    int ch = 0;
    while (ch >= 0) {
    ch =;
    bytes.add(new Integer(ch));
    catch (Exception e) {
    byte[] byteArray = new byte[bytes.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.size() - 1; i++) {
    Integer ich = (Integer) bytes.get(i);
    byteArray[i] = ich.byteValue();
    try {
    catch (Exception e) {
    * Responds to the HTTP client with data content from the requested URL.
    * @param bytes the array of bytes from the URL.
    * @exception IOException if there is an error writing to the HTTP client.
    public void writeDataBytes(byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
    out.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Server: Cyc WebServer\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Connection: close\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Content-Length: " + bytes.length + "\r\n");
    String prefix = (new String(bytes)).toLowerCase();
    if (prefix.indexOf("<html>") > -1)
    out.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Content-Type: application/java\r\n\r\n");
    * Respond to the HTTP client with text content from the requested URL.
    * @param bytes the array of bytes from the URL.
    * @exception IOException if there is an error writing to the HTTP client.
    public void writeTextBytes(byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
    out.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Server: Cyc WebServer\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Connection: close\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Content-Length: " + bytes.length + "\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
    * Gets properties governing the web server's behavior.
    private void getProperties() {
    port = DEFAULT_PORT;
    String portProperty = System.getProperty("org.opencyc.webserver.port", "");
    if (! portProperty.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
    port = (new Integer(portProperty)).intValue();
    Log.current.println("Listening on port " + port);
    cycPort = DEFAULT_CYC_PORT;
    String cycPortProperty = System.getProperty("org.opencyc.webserver.cycPort", "");
    if (! cycPortProperty.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
    cycPort = (new Integer(cycPortProperty)).intValue();
    Log.current.println("Cyc connections directed to port " + cycPort);
    String dirsProperty = System.getProperty("org.opencyc.webserver.dirs", "");
    dirs = new ArrayList(3);
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(dirsProperty, ";", false);
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
    String dir = st.nextToken();
    trees = false;
    String treesProperty = System.getProperty("org.opencyc.webserver.trees", "");
    if (! treesProperty.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
    trees = true;
    traceRequests = false;
    String traceRequestsProperty = System.getProperty("org.opencyc.webserver.traceRequests", "");
    if (! traceRequestsProperty.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
    traceRequests = true;
    Log.current.println("tracing requests");
    * Adds transitive Class-Path jars to jfs.
    * @param jar the jar file
    * @param jfs the list of jar files to serve.
    * @param dir the jar file directory.
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error has occurred with the jar file.
    private void addJar(String jar, ArrayList jfs, String dir) throws IOException {
    Log.current.println("Serving jar files from: " + dir + jar);
    JarFile jf = new JarFile(dir + jar);
    Manifest man = jf.getManifest();
    if (man == null)
    Attributes attrs = man.getMainAttributes();
    if (attrs == null)
    String val = attrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH);
    if (val == null)
    dir = dir + jar.substring(0, jar.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1);
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val);
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
    addJar(st.nextToken().replace('/', File.separatorChar), jfs, dir);
    * Administrative accessor method that obtains list of directories from which files are served.
    public ArrayList getDirs() {
    return dirs;
    * Administrative method that updates the list of directories from which files are served.
    public synchronized void setDirs(ArrayList dirs) throws IOException {
    this.dirs = dirs;
    * Administrative accessor method that obtains number of files served.
    * @return The number of files served.
    public long getNbrFilesServed() {
    return nbrFilesServed;
    * Administrative accessor method that obtains number of files served from cache.
    * @return The number of files served from the cache.
    public long getNbrCacheHits() {
    return nbrCacheHits;
    * Administrative method that clears the file cache.
    public synchronized void clearFileCache() {
    Log.current.println("Clearing file cache");
    nbrFilesServed = 0;
    nbrCacheHits = 0;
    * Processes the directories from which files are served, expanding jar trees if
    * directed.
    * @exception IOException if problem occurs while processing the jar files.
    private void processDirectories() throws IOException {
    if (dirs.size() == 0)
    if (File.separatorChar == '\\')
    Iterator directories = dirs.iterator();
    while (directories.hasNext())
    Log.current.println("Serving from " +;
    if (trees) {
    map = new HashMap();
    for (int j = 0; j < dirs.size(); j++) {
    String dir = (String) dirs.get(j);
    String[] files = new File(dir).list();
    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    String jar = files[i];
    if (!jar.endsWith(".jar"))
    ArrayList jfs = new ArrayList(1);
    addJar(jar, jfs, dir);
    map.put(jar.substring(0, jar.length() - 4), jfs.toArray(new JarFile[jfs.size()]));
    * Provides the command line interface for creating an HTTP server.
    * The properties are:
    * <pre>
    * org.opencyc.webserver.port=<HTTP listening port>
    * </pre>
    * which defaults to 80.
    * <pre>
    * org.opencyc.webserver.cycPort=<Cyc connection port>
    * </pre>
    * which defaults to 3600.
    * <pre>
    * org.opencyc.webserver.dirs=<path>;<path> ... ;<path>
    * </pre>
    * with the argument enclosed in quotes if any path contains an
    * embedded space.
    * The default directory on Windows is C:
    * and the default on other systems is / the default
    * can be overridden with this property. By default, all files
    * under this directory (including all subdirectories) are served
    * up via HTTP. If the pathname of a file is <var>path</var> relative
    * to the top-level directory, then the file can be downloaded using
    * the URL
    * <pre>
    * http://<var>host</var>:<var>port</var>/<var>path</var>
    * </pre>
    * Caching of file contents is performed.
    * <pre>
    * org.opencyc.util.log=all
    * </pre>
    * If the all value is given, then all attempts to download files
    * are output.
    * <pre>
    * org.opencyc.webserver.traceRequests
    * </pre>
    * If this property has any value, then the client HTTP requests are
    * output.<p>
    * <pre>
    * org.opencyc.webserver.trees
    * </pre>
    * This property can be used to serve up individual files stored
    * within jar files in addition to the files that are served up by
    * default. If the property has any value, the server finds all jar files
    * in the top-level directory (not in subdirectories). For each
    * jar file, if the name of the jar file is <var>name</var>.jar, then any
    * individual file named <var>file</var> within that jar file (or within
    * the jar or zip files referenced transitively in the Class-Path manifest
    * attribute, can be downloaded using a URL of the form:
    * <pre>
    * http://<var>host</var>:<var>port</var>/<var>name</var>/<var>file</var>
    * </pre>
    * When this property has any value, an open file descriptor and cached
    * information are held for each jar file, for the life of the process.
    * @param args an unused array of command line arguments.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("OpenCyc Web Server");
    try {
    // Launch thread to accept HTTP connections.
    current = new WebServer();
    catch (IOException e) {
    * Just keep looping, spawning a new thread for each incoming request.
    public void run() {
    try {
    while (true) {
    // Launch thread to process one HTTP request.
    new Task(server.accept()).start();
    catch (IOException e) {

    I want to thank you for responding to the thread I started on the forum at Your solution to my problem of needing to print the code of the html pages that the file I included generates was just what I was looking for. However, I have some further questions to ask, if you don't mind. To clarify my task I should say that your rephrasing of the problem is accurate: "You wan't to display the contents of the HTML file that the web server produces in response of client's request?"
    Yes, this is what I need to do, but also it needs to display the source code of that html file that the server produces in response to the client's request. Also, in this case, I am the client requesting that the server return some html file, and I'm not sure where the server is. But the file that I shared on the forum is on my local machine. I was wondering if I could modify this file at my home so that any html file the server returns to me would automatically display the source code. This is a school project of mine and I am stuck on this one thing here.
    Further, where would I put the "foo.html" file so it can be written to?
    FileOuputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("foo.html");
    Thanks so much for your help. I look forward to your response, at your convenience.

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    Hi gss2,
    Make sure you are not under the Apple icon but under Safari>Preferences>Advanced. All the way at the bottom check the box that says: "Show Develop menu in menu bar."
    Now go back to the page you want to get the source code for, right click on it and choose Inspect Element. Hope this helps.

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    How can i get the source code from java concurrent program in R12? like , "AP Turnover Report" is java concurrent program, i need to get its source code to know its logic. how can i get its source code not the XML template?

    user570667 wrote:
    Hi 2 all,
    How can i get the source code from java concurrent program in R12? like , "AP Turnover Report" is java concurrent program, i need to get its source code to know its logic. how can i get its source code not the XML template?
    ZulqarnainDid you see old threads for similar topic/discussion? --

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    In my desktop version I just open this page in new tab and view webpage source, but there is no option for FF mobile to view source code.
    Best regards.

    Does the view-source: protocol work on mobile?

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    Google is your friend

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    How do i protect the source code giving to the someone from the ADF application. ?

    An ear file don't need to contain java source files, but is can.
    Sure you can create an ear without the source files. You define what goes into the ear yourself (source files are normally not included). The deployment descriptor you used to create the ear defines what file (contributors) are in the ear. Check the applications deployment descriptor and change it in a way that the sources are not included.

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    hi guys!
    please help me, how can we check the source code(No. of lines)in program with out comments

    Use this code. Replace with your program name with the text in bold. V_lines gives the no of lines of code excluding comments and as well blank lines.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_type,
           END OF t_type.
    DATA: program LIKE sy-repid
                     VALUE <b>'Z_ABC_INNER_JOIN'</b>,
    DATA: v_lines TYPE i.
    READ REPORT program INTO t.
    IF sy-subrc =0.
      LOOP AT t.
        IF t+0(1) = '*' OR t IS INITIAL.
          DELETE t INDEX sy-tabix.
      DESCRIBE TABLE t LINES v_lines.
    WRITE : v_lines.

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    If so, is it true that it has to be added again each time you publish?
    If you are talking about modifying the code in the .html files created when you publish from iWeb, yes, your modifications will be overwritten if you republish, so they need to be added again.

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    my name is Kazuma working in Japan.
    We have a problem with SE38.
    We transport one of executives program, which made from other development system, to our system.
    When we use SE38 and display botton, we encounter short dump like below and can't see source code.
    We want to know how we change BASIS or program.
    If somebody know similar situation, please let us know.
    The Import dataset has been destroyed
    What happened?
    The current ABAP/4 program "SAPLLOCAL_EDT1" had to be terminated because one of the statements could not be executed
    This is probably due to an error in the ABAP/4 program
    Error analysis
    The dataset could not be imported because it was in an unexpected format
    This is usually because the dataset has been destroyed as a result of directly manipulating the IMPORT/EXPORT data by other means (such as explicitly deleting parts of the dataset with SQL commands instead of using DELETE FROM DATABASE, u2026)
    In this case, the dataset header is already invalid
    In other words: The version ID of the dataset is invalid
    System environment
    SAP Release          4.6C
    Application server          sdax31
    Operating system          SunOS
    Release                    5.8
    Hardware type          sun4us
    Database server          sdax31
    Database type          ORACLE
    Database owner          SAPR3
    SAP kernel          46D
    Patch lebel          1646
    Patch text          ""
    Information of where termination occurred
    The termination occurred in the ABAP/4 program "SAPLLOCAL_EDT1" in "GET_MODIFICATION_INFORMATION"
    The main program was "RSABAPPROGRAM"
    The termination occurred in line 143 of the source code of program "LLOCAL_EDT1U36" (when calling the editor 1430)
    Edited by: kazuma mukai on Mar 3, 2009 6:34 PM

    Welcome to SCN
    Try to
    create the same program in your DEV client , by cut & paste the code from the other envionment , this will create a transport, activate the program and transport.
    This will be roundway solution
    Do you have any previous version to this program in the version management?

  • How to read the Java source code (in Netbeans)

    I use OS X10.5.5, NetBeans 6.1 and JSE 6 on a 64 bit mac.
    When I downloaded NB6.1 it had JSE 5 as it's default (and only) java platform. I ran Software Update to get Java 6 from Apple, used the Java Prefrences utitlity to set JSE6 as default. In NB I added the JDK6 platform, registered the JDK6 javadocs and noticed that I also have the option of registering the Java source code.
    I have three questions:
    1) How do I make JDK6 the default in NetBeans. The JDK5 keeps being default after I did the steps above and I don't see anywhere to change that.
    2) How do I read the Java 6 source code? I can see sun provides [source code|] for their supported platforms. I dont see Apple doing the same for its JDK port. What would I need to do to get to read the java SE6 sources? or is it actually hiding somewhere in the /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home hierarchy?
    3) Where does the JVM look for the binary code to run when I make a call to, say java.util.ArrayList or any other library. In my naivety I would have assumed it would be a .class file somewhere in the java Home folder, but I don't see anything like it.
    thanks in advance,

    This is taken from the help included with netbeans. In response to question 1.
    By default, the IDE uses the version of the Java SE platform (JDK) with which the IDE runs as the default Java platform
    for compilation, execution, and debugging. You can view your IDE's JDK version by choosing Help > About and clicking the
    Detail tab. The JDK version is listed in the Java field.
    You can run the IDE with a different JDK version by starting the IDE with the --jdkhome jdk-home-dir switch on the command line
    or in your IDE-HOME/etc/netbeans.conf file. For more information, see IDE Startup Parameters.
    In the IDE, you can register multiple Java platforms and attach Javadoc and source code to each platform. For example, if you
    want to work with the new features introduced in JDK 5.0, you would either run the IDE on JDK 5.0 or register JDK 5.0 as a
    platform and attach the source code and Javadoc to the platform.
    In  , you can switch the target JDK in the Project Properties dialog box. In  , you have to set the target JDK in the Ant script itself,
    then specify the source/binary format in the Project Properties dialog box.
    To register a new Java platform:
    Choose Tools > Java Platforms from the main window.
    Click New Platform and select the directory that contains the Java platform. Java platform directories are marked with a  
    in the file chooser.
    Use the Sources and Javadoc tabs to attach Javadoc documentation and source code for debugging to the platform.
    Click Close.
    To set the default Java platform for a standard project:
    Right-click the project's root node in the Projects window and choose Properties.
    In the Project Properties dialog box, select the Libraries node in the left pane.
    Choose the desired Java platform in the Java Platform combo box.
    Switching the target JDK for a standard project does the following:
    Offers the new target JDK's classes for code completion.
    If available, displays the target JDK's source code and Javadoc documentation.
    Uses the target JDK's executables (javac and java) to compile and execute your application.
    Compiles your source code against the target JDK's libraries.
    If you want to register additional Java platforms with the IDE, you can do so by clicking the Manage Platforms button.
    Then click the Add Platform button and navigate to the desired platform.
    To set the target Java platform for a free-form project:
    In your Ant script, set the target JDK as desired in the javac, java, and javadoc tasks.
    Right-click the project's root node in the Projects window and choose Properties.
    In the Sources panel, set the level of JDK you want your application to be run on in the Source/Binary Format combo box.
    When you access Javadoc or source code for JDK classes, the IDE searches the Java platforms registered in the
    Java Platform Manager for a platform with a matching version number. If no matching platform is found, the IDE's default platform is used instead.
    See Also
    Managing the Classpath
    Declaring the Classpath in a Free-Form Project
    Stepping Through Your Program
    Legal Notices

  • Studio 10 cannot display lex code?

    I am evaluating Studio 10 for a large C/C++ application which contains some scanners written with lex. I noticed that the debugger refuses to show code in lex sourcefiles (i.e. files with extension .l which are processed with lex to produce, for example, C files like lex.yy.c).
    When I try to step from C code into a function defined in a lex source file, the stack display shows the function, but the source pane stays at the line where the function is invoked. This makes debugging lex generated scanners almost impossible.
    This definitely works with Forte 6 Update 2 (I just checked).
    Any idea how to make this work again?
    I can, if necessary, provide a small example which shows the

    Thanks for the clarification. In the meantime, I found out that this boils
    down to the fact that the IDE only accepts a certain list of file extensions for C/C++ files. Because ".lex" is not among these, the editor apparently refuses to display the code.
    Unfortunately, this list is fixed and can not be extended (although the
    documentation suggests that it is possible to change lists of "mime types and edxtensions").
    I renamed a lex testfile to have extension ".c", and then the code displays. This is, however, no viable solution (users don't want to rename large numbers of files because a IDE is , well, restricted).
    I doublechecked with another situation: we have also include files with inline definitions, and these files have the extension ".icc", and this poses the same problems: I can't step through these functions. A mechanism to extend this builtin extension list is definitely needed for us.

  • Safari Displays Source Code by Default

    I've set file:///Users/MyName/Sites/1/index.php as my home page on all my browsers. It works fine in Firefox and Opera, but in Safari it displays the source code. Can someone tell me what's going on and how to fix it?

    Here's the head section and beginning body section. (I just discovered I have
    two instances of <style type='text/css'> though I wouldn't think that would nix the page display.):
    <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns="">
    <style type="text/css">
    body { margin: 0; padding: 5px 15px 25px; background: #fff; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 90%; font-weight: normal; color: #000 }
    p { text-align: left; text-indent: 0px }
    /* HYPERLINKS */
    a:link { color: #0000ff; text-decoration: none }
    a:visited { color: #0000ff; text-decoration: none }
    a:hover { color: #ff0000; background-color: #ffff00; text-decoration: none }
    div { padding: 5px; }
    div#toplinks { border-bottom: 1px solid #000; }
    div#geobop { background: #cff; }
    div#rep5 { background: #fcc; }
    div#media { background: #ff9; }
    div#ref { background: #eee; }
    div#computers { background: #cff; }
    div#allies { border-bottom: 1px solid #000; }
    .hilite { padding: 0px 5px 0px; background: #ff0; }
    .yellow { padding: 0px 5px 0px; background: #ff0; }
    .aqua { padding: 0px 5px 0px; background: #0ff; }
    .lime { padding: 0px 5px 0px; background: #0f0; }
    .green { padding: 0px 5px 0px; background: #cfc; }
    .red { padding: 0px 5px 0px; background: #ffc; }
    .blue { padding: 0px 5px 0px; background: #cff; }
    .gray { padding: 0px 5px 0px; background: #eee; }
    <style type='text/css'>
    body {
    margin:0; padding:0;
    color:#000; background:#fff;
    h3, h4 { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }
    #page {
    margin:0% 10%;
    #header {
    margin:10px; padding:5px;
    border:1px dotted #333;
    #title { padding: 0px;
    .menu {
    #content {
    margin:1em; padding:1em;
    border:1px dotted #333;
    #footer {
    margin:1em; padding:1em;
    border:1px dotted #333;
    .app {
    margin:1em; padding:.2em;
    border:1px dotted #333;
    .app p {
    margin:0; padding:0;
    .fltL3 {
    .fltL4 {
    .fltL5 {
    .clrBoth {
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    // if js is disabled we want app elements to be visible
    // so they are visible by default in the CSS
    document.write("<" + "style type='text/css'>.app{display:none;}<" + "/" + "style>");
    window.onload = function()
    function dsds_onload()
    var ln=1, // lnk number
    lo=1; // lnk object
    for (; lo; ++ln) {
    lo = document.getElementById('lnk' + ln);
    if (lo) {
    lo.appId = 'app' + ln;
    lo.onclick = dsds_onclick;
    window.currentAppId = null; // global
    // assumes app elements have display:none initially
    function dsds_onclick()
    var e;
    if (currentAppId && currentAppId != this.appId) {
    e = document.getElementById(currentAppId); = 'none';
    e = document.getElementById(this.appId);
    if ( == 'block') { = 'none';
    currentAppId = null;
    else { = 'block';
    currentAppId = this.appId;
    return false;
    <!-- Menu 1 -->
    Popular |
    Biz |
    Search/Rank |
    MyComputer |
    Personal |
    Medical |
    Jobs |
    Calendar |
    Notes |
    <!-- end Menu -->

  • How to understand the Vector source code for function elements()?

    hello all:
    This following code snippet is extracted from java.util.Vector source code.
    who can tell me how i can understand what the function nextElement does?
    thank you
    public Enumeration elements() {
         return new Enumeration() {
             int count = 0;
             public boolean hasMoreElements() {
              return count < this.num_elem;
             public Object nextElement() {
              synchronized (Vector.this) {   //???
                  if (count < elementCount) {//???
                   return elementData[count++];
              throw new NoSuchElementException("Vector Enumeration");

    Perhaps code would help more. This codeimport java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    public class Test {
        public static void main(String[] arghs) {
         Vector v = new Vector();
         Integer two = new Integer(2);
         // Fill the Vector
         v.add(new StringBuffer("Three"));
         // Enumerate through the objects in the vector
         System.out.println("---- Enumeration ----");
         Enumeration e = v.elements();
         while (e.hasMoreElements()) System.out.println(e.nextElement());
         // Loop through the objects in the vector
         System.out.println("---- Loop ----");
         for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++) System.out.println(v.get(i));
         // Iterate through the objects in the vector
         System.out.println("---- Iterator ----");
         Iterator i = v.iterator();
         while (i.hasNext()) System.out.println(;
    }produces this output
    ---- Enumeration ----
    ---- Loop ----
    ---- Iterator ----
    So, for a Vector, all three do the same thing. However, Iterator is part of the Collection Framework (see [url]here). This allows you to treat a whole bunch of [url]objects which implement the Collection interface all the same way. I know this is way more than you were asking, but I hope it at least clears up what you were asking.

  • How can one encrypt the source code of a given web page(html, jsp, etc.) ?

    Good Day! I'm just having a hard time of thinking how to encrypt the source code of a given web page(html, jsp, etc.) without affecting how it is previewed in an Internet Browser. What I plan is to disable the capabilities of some malicious Internet users of copying the source codes of my web pages by using the "View Source" option of Internet Explorer and the equivalent function in Netscape Navigator. Please somebody help me in this matter (I'm planning to use an IDEA algorithm using JCE)....
    It would be big help if a running code is supplied.
    Thank you very much in advance.
    God Bless!!!
    - Jonathan Untalan([email protected])

    don't know theses softs. What i know about encrypted web pages, is that you need a secure socket connection (https).
    Your web page will be ciphered, send to the user, and decipher by the browser with the signature file associated to your https connexion.
    It isn't possible to encrypt your page directly, and then decrypt them when requested.
    For the download time, only the server is responsible for this.
    if it is overloaded, then it will slow down its upload.
    Maybe you use some encryption method that require a lot of CPU time.
    For summary : you can only cipher the pipe transport, but not the transported pages.
    Good luck in your search.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Problems when trying to add a class

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  • Does support readyboost in windows Vista ?

    curious if this is something that apple addressed yet or not ?

  • Flash has sound just sometines

    Sound works for me on flash only sometimes. It behaves very randomly and sometimes when I start a flash video my laptop makes a very loud screeching sound that only goes away if I mute the speakers. When I unmute them loud sound goes away but the vid