HOW to buy perpetually licensed version?

Dear Adobe:
I don't want a subscription. I am an occasional user. I own a license to Adobe Creative Suite Design Standard (Mac, v 6.0). That works just fine for me. Really.
I am now trying to license LightRoom. In trying to do so, your genius marketing people have led me down a rabbit hole so deep, I have no idea where the ... where I am anymore.
I JUST want to license LightRoom. I neither want nor need a monthly subscription to anything.
This shouldn't be this hard!!!


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    schavali wrote:
    Go to for all documentation in PDF format. You can then download the PDF file and print it on your printer (or have the PDF professionally printed - not sure if any copyright laws are being violated here)
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    Or wait a few weeks and get LR6, maybe?   We’re up to LR 5.7 and there’s never been a LR somethingxzxz.8 so it would make sense that the next version is a payfor upgrade, again, with some sort of improvements and new features over LR 5.  This suggestion assumes LR6 will be available as a perpetual license as an upgrade to LR 4, which I would expect, but you never know.

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    Make sure you have cookies enabled and clear your browser's cache before you try downloading.  If it continues to present that error try using a different browser.
    As far as getting to a chat link goes, it can be hit or miss...  Start Here  If after selecting relevant responses you are unable to find a solution, choose "Still need help? Contact us." and the chat contact option.

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    You need to purchase a license. You can do that on the Acrobat X Pro product page at

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    1. CON-SU1-AS1A1PK9 this is Cisco SMARTnet Support for AIP-SSM-10
    2. do I need smartnet for ASA ?
    3. what is part number of license ?
    ASA5510test# session 1
    Opening command session with slot 1.
    Connected to slot 1. Escape character sequence is 'CTRL-^X'.
    login: cisco
    This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States
    and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery
    of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import,
    export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and
    users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using
    this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you
    are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
    A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
    If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
    [email protected].
    There is no license key installed on the SSM-IPS10.
    The system will continue to operate with the currently installed
    signature set.  A valid license must be obtained in order to apply
    signature updates.  Please go to
    to obtain a new license or install a license.
    sensor# sh ver
    Application Partition:
    Cisco Intrusion Prevention System, Version 6.0(6)E3
        Realm Keys          key1.0
    Signature Definition:
        Signature Update    S399.0                   2009-05-06
        Virus Update        V1.4                     2007-03-02
    OS Version:             2.4.30-IDS-smp-bigphys
    Platform:               ASA-SSM-10
    Serial Number:          ........
    No license present
    Sensor up-time is 21 min.
    Using 655507456 out of 1032499200 bytes of available memory (63% usage)
    application-data is using 39.7M out of 166.8M bytes of available disk space (25%
    boot is using 37.6M out of 68.6M bytes of available disk space (58% usage)
    MainApp          N-NUBRA_2009_JUL_15_01_10_6_0_5_57   (Ipsbuild)   2009-07-15T01
    :15:08-0500   Running
    AnalysisEngine   N-NUBRA_2009_JUL_15_01_10_6_0_5_57   (Ipsbuild)   2009-07-15T01
    :15:08-0500   Running
    CLI              N-NUBRA_2009_JUL_15_01_10_6_0_5_57   (Ipsbuild)   2009-07-15T01
    Upgrade History:
      IPS-K9-6.0-6-E3   17:48:06 UTC Wed Jul 15 2009
    Recovery Partition Version 1.1 - 6.0(6)E3

    CON-SU1-AS2A10K9 contract if for ASA+IPS bundle. If AIP-SSM-10 ws purchased as a spare the contract would be CON-SU1-ASIP10K9.
    I am not sure whether or not this Cisco Service for IPS contract can be  used to cover just the AIP-SSM-10 if it was purchased as part of a  Bundle instead of a Spare.
    I would recommend that you check with your Cisco reseller or Cisco  Sales Representative.

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