How to call a class that extends a frame from a panel ?

How to call a class that extends a frame from a panel ?
I am trying to create an application say "Videoshow"
Videoshow has a panel which in turn consists of 2 components : 1]a textarea( to show the contents of a page) and 2] a mediaclip(to show the video).
Now I have an application "MediaApplication"(to show the videoclip) which extends Frame (Code from Java 2 Unleashed, Chap 21). I want to show this MediaApplication in Component 2 of the above panel. But when I do this, I only see the MediaApplication frame instead of the whole SlideShow.
I want to do something likethis.
VideoShow :
| |
| (Comp 1) | (Comp 2)
| TEXTAREA | Video Clip
| |(MediaApp entends Frame)
What is the best way to achieve this ? Also which component can I use to show the videoclip ?

im not familiar with the code you mention from Java 2 Unleashed, but your best bet is to read up on Swing a bit - so you get an idea of how Swing containers and components work - then im sure you'll find a solution to your problems. Then if you encounter any difficulties whilst your attempting to do that, post your code in the Swing forum and im sure someone will help you.

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    Yes, you can, although strictly speaking you won't be calling that classes "main" method, you will simply be calling and initializing the class through it's constructor, the "main" method will be ignored. If you have code inside your main method that you want executed as well consider moving it inside your constructor and simply using the "main" method as an application initializer:
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    new MyClass();
    This way you can use your class as an application or call it from another class and not have any duplicate code inside your "main" method and constructor. You can also take this further and have it call the applet initialization so that you can launch it any way you like, I suspect this is a bit beyond what you were asking.
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    I will be very thankful to you if some one can reserve few minutes & do this favor early.
    Thanks a lot for any help.
         My Pong Code
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Class1 extends Applet implements Runnable
    {     private final int APPLET_WIDTH = 900;
         private final int APPLET_HEIGHT = 600;
         private int px = 15;
         private final int py = 560;
         private final int ph = 10;
         private final int pw = 75;
         private int old_px = px;
         private int bx = 450;
         private int by = 15;
         private final int bh = 20;
         private final int bw = 20;
         private int move_x = 2;
         private int move_y = 2;
         private boolean done = false;
         Thread t;
         private final int delay = 25;
         public void init()
         {     setBackground(;
              setSize(APPLET_WIDTH, APPLET_HEIGHT);
              addKeyListener(new DirectionKeyListener());
             (t = new Thread(this)).start();
         public void run()      {
        try      {     while((t == Thread.currentThread()) && (done == false))           {     
                   if ((bx < 15) || (bx > APPLET_WIDTH-30))                     move_x = -move_x;                                if ((by < 15) ||                    ((by > APPLET_HEIGHT-60)&&                     ((px<=bx)&&(bx<=px+pw))))
                        move_y = -move_y;
                   if (by > APPLET_HEIGHT)
                        done = true;
                                   bx = bx + move_x;
                   by = by + move_y;                                                repaint();
         catch(Exception e)      {}
         }//end run
         /*public void move_paddle(int amount)
              old_px = px;
              //if (amount > 0)
                //if (px <= APPLET_WIDTH-15)
                   px = px + amount;
              //else if (amount < 0)
               // if (px >= 15)
                   px = px + amount;
         public void paint(Graphics page)
              //     page.setColor(;
              //     page.drawRect(old_px, py, pw, ph);
                   page.drawRect(px, py, pw, ph);
                   page.drawOval(bx, by, bw, bh);
                   if ((done == true) && (by > APPLET_HEIGHT))
                        page.drawString("LOSER!!!", APPLET_WIDTH/2, APPLET_HEIGHT/2);
                   else if (done == true)
                        page.drawString("Game Over, Man!", APPLET_WIDTH/2-10, APPLET_HEIGHT/2);
         private class DirectionKeyListener implements KeyListener               
              public void keyPressed (KeyEvent event)
                   switch (event.getKeyCode())
                   case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
                        old_px = px;
                        if (px >=15)
                             px -=10;
                   case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
                        old_px = px;
                        if (px+pw <= APPLET_WIDTH-15)
                             px += 10;
                   case KeyEvent.VK_Q:
                        done = true;
                   }  //end switch
              }//end keyPressed
              public void keyTyped (KeyEvent event)
              public void keyReleased (KeyEvent event)
         }  //end class 

    thank you sir for your advice.
    Its not like that I without any attempt, just past code here & asked for its conversion. I spent about 5 hours on it, can say spoil whole day but to no avail. You then just guide me, give some hint so that I do it. I will most probably wanted to do it by myself but asked for help when was just disappointed.
    I try to put all init() in default constructor of identical copy of this applet that extends JPanel. Problem.....ball tend to fell but pad not moving. Also out out was not getting ant color input. That was like my best effort.....other tried that I found by search like just do nothing only extend panel OR frame in spite of applet, start applet from within main of another class.... these are few I remember what I tried.
    I will be very very thankful to you if you can help/guide me how can I do it. Behavior of the Applet is like a normal PONG game with on pad controlled by arrow keys, & one ball colliding with walls of boundary & falling down.
    Thanks a lot again for your attention & time.

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    I hope it works for you now (why using , but not indentation?).                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • JEditorPane (or subclasses) and a class that extends JPanel

    hello to all,
    i'm realizing an application with Swing.
    i have realized a class that extends JPanel(called "PanelLayer") and, other to draw a ruler as Office 2003, it must contain an other subclass of JPanel (called "PanelLayer") that, in turn, will contain a JEditorPane.
    the problem is strange: i should continue in moviment the mouse to look well the JEditorPane (or subclasses)
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    URL :
    public class Layer extends JPanel implements ComponentListener{
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private Rectangle2D.Double areaCentrale = new Rectangle2D.Double(100,100,850,1285);
        private double larghFoglio = 21.0*50;
        private double altFoglio = 29.7*50;
        private double zoom = 1.0;
        private JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(this);
        private Rectangle2D.Double posFoglio = new Rectangle2D.Double();
        private int lastX,lastY;
        private PanelLayer pl;
        private Point mouse = null;
        private JEditorPane text;
        public Layer(PanelLayer pl){
   = pl;
            this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension((int)(40+larghFoglio*zoom), (int)(100+altFoglio*zoom)));
            areaCentrale = new Rectangle2D.Double(100*zoom,100*zoom,850*zoom,1285*zoom);
                text = new JEditorPane();
            //}catch(IOException e){}
            lastX = sp.getHorizontalScrollBar().getValue();
            lastY = sp.getVerticalScrollBar().getValue();
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
            if(posFoglio.height + posFoglio.width == 0){
                this.posFoglio = new Rectangle2D.Double((this.getWidth()-larghFoglio*zoom)/2,50,larghFoglio*zoom,altFoglio*zoom);       
            Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
            g2d.draw(new Rectangle2D.Double(0,0,larghFoglio*zoom,altFoglio*zoom));
            g2d.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(1,1,larghFoglio*zoom-1,altFoglio*zoom-1));
        public JScrollPane getJScrollPane(){
            return sp;
        public Rectangle2D.Double getDimFoglio(){       
            return this.posFoglio;
        public double getCmWidth(){
            return larghFoglio*zoom/50+((larghFoglio*zoom/50)%1 <= getIncr() ? 0 : getIncr());
        public double getCmHeight(){
            return altFoglio*zoom/50+((altFoglio*zoom/50)%1 <= getIncr() ? 0 : getIncr());
        public Point getPointMouse(){
            return mouse;
        public void refresh(){
            lastX = sp.getHorizontalScrollBar().getValue();
            posFoglio.x = (this.getWidth()-larghFoglio*zoom)/2-lastX;
        public double getIncr(){
            return zoom/2;
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {}
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
            mouse = e.getPoint();
            mouse.x -= sp.getHorizontalScrollBar().getValue();
            mouse.y -= sp.getVerticalScrollBar().getValue();
        public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {}
        public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {
            lastX = sp.getHorizontalScrollBar().getValue();
            posFoglio.x = (this.getWidth()-larghFoglio*zoom)/2-lastX;
            lastY = sp.getVerticalScrollBar().getValue();
            posFoglio.y = 50-lastY;
        public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
        public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {}
    public class PanelLayer extends JPanel implements MouseWheelListener,MouseInputListener{
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private Layer layer;
        private JScrollPane sp = null;
        private boolean visualizzaMouse = false;
        public PanelLayer(){
            layer = new Layer(this);
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
            if(layer.getDimFoglio().getWidth()+layer.getDimFoglio().getHeight() == 0){
            if(sp == null){
                sp = layer.getJScrollPane();
            Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
            g2d.setPaint(new Color(153,255,153));
            g2d.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(0,0,this.getWidth(),30));
            g2d.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(0,0,30,this.getHeight()));
            for(double i=0,j=0;i<=layer.getCmWidth();i+=layer.getIncr(),j++){
                    g2d.drawLine((int)(layer.getDimFoglio().x+31+i*50), 15,(int)(layer.getDimFoglio().x+31+i*50), 30);
                    g2d.drawString(String.valueOf((int)(j/2)), (float)(layer.getDimFoglio().x+31+i*50), 13);               
                    g2d.drawLine((int)(layer.getDimFoglio().x+31+i*50), 22,(int)(layer.getDimFoglio().x+31+i*50), 30);
            for(double i=0,j=0;i<=layer.getCmHeight();i+=layer.getIncr(),j++){
                    g2d.drawLine(15, (int)(layer.getDimFoglio().y+31+i*50),30,(int)(layer.getDimFoglio().y+31+i*50));
                    g2d.drawLine(22, (int)(layer.getDimFoglio().y+31+i*50),30,(int)(layer.getDimFoglio().y+31+i*50));
            if((layer.getPointMouse() != null)&&(visualizzaMouse)){
            g2d.setPaint(new Color(153,255,153));
            int largh = layer.getJScrollPane().getVerticalScrollBar().getWidth();
            g2d.fillRect(this.getWidth()-largh, 1, largh, 29);
            g2d.fillRect(1, this.getHeight()-largh, 29, largh);
        public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) {
            JScrollBar vsb = layer.getJScrollPane().getVerticalScrollBar();
        public void refresh(){
            if((layer != null)&&(sp != null)){
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
            visualizzaMouse = true;
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
            visualizzaMouse = false;
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {}
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {}
    }(my english isn't very good)

    Don't really understand what the posted code does and I can't execute the code so I don't have much to offer.
    But I did notice that you don't invoke super.paintComponent(...) which means you may have garbage being painted on the panels.
    If you need further help then you need to create a "Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program (SSCCE)", that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour.

  • Closing a class that extends JPanel

    Hi, i have a class that extends JPanel(lets call it class A). In that class, if the user click the logout button, i want class A to close and display class B that extends JFrame. right now, i am able to call class B, but i cannot close class A.
    I uses remove() to close class A, but it doesnt work... could u tell me what to do??
    I put this code in class A...
    if (e.getSource() == logoutButton)     {
         new Rest_Login1();
         String [] ar = null;
    } Thx

    so i want to remove the CustomerPanel3 and display the Rest_Login1...
    some of my code look like this.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class CustomerPanel3 extends JPanel implements ActionListener
    // some JButton, JLabel n etc
         public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
              if (e.getSource() == logoutButton)     {
                   new Rest_Login1();
                   String [] ar = null;
    public class Rest_Login1 {
         public static void main(String args[])
              JFrame login1 = new JFrame("Login User Interface");
              RestaurantLogin userpan = new RestaurantLogin();
              login1.setSize(600, 250);

  • How to call java class from pl/sql procedure ?

    Hello everyone,
    My query is..
    There is one pl/sql stored procedure which is doing some business logic and storing data in some columns of one table, suppose the table name is 'ABC' .. and the rest of columns of table ABC are getting updated using java class. Now my problem is whenever I insert data in ABC using store proc.. i have to call that java class so that it will update the rest columns ( why java class for updating the columns in ABC is ..because that logic cant be done from pl/sql proc.. it has to be done using java )
    and the other thing is.. oracle is in one machine and java is in another .. :(
    hope ..u can help me out !!
    Thank in advance !!

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    Nobody is able to solve this problem, i cant even
    think this things. i have hope so plz try and get
    result and help.Did you understand what Sharad has said???
    Yep, you can forward to specific error page from servlet when even error occured in JSP. In order to achieve you have to open jsp file from servlet say example by using reqdisp.forward.
    handle exception in the part where you are forwarding. And forward to the specific error page inside catch block.

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    Ok. So, I want to know if I use JSF standards should I put my actions into this class or should I create another Managed bean to handle that? What to do with this generated class?
    Thank you.

    So you want to create a portlet that uses JSF instead of JSP?
    You can JDev do that for you. When you create a new portlet there is a step where you can specify the default page for the portlet mode (view, edit).
    On the right hand side you can select ADF JSF (or something like that).
    JDev will then create a class that extends the PortletBridge class and you don't have to do anything more. Just edit the jspx like it's a normal page.

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    how to call the application that submitted with the ipod touch 5?? is a ninja

    You should not discuss beta software here at all.
    This is a developer only question and should be posted in the developer forum

  • How to call a procdure that will return me list of values(JSF,ADF BC)

    hi all,
    any one can help me how to call a procedure that will return me list of value with using adf and jsf

    I did this with a LoginModule that returned a list of user roles. Below is the Java call
    stmt = conn.prepareCall(authquery);
            stmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
            stmt.setString(3,new String(password));
            // realm is null if not set
            rolesResultSet = (ResultSet)stmt.getObject(1); 
            stmt.close();authquery is the name of a procedure that returned a ref Cursor
      TYPE principal_ref IS REF CURSOR;
      function get_user_authentication(p_username in varchar2, p_password in varchar2, p_realm varchar2) return principal_ref;
      FUNCTION get_user_authentication (p_username in varchar2, p_password in varchar2, p_realm varchar2)
      RETURN principal_ref
        var_username varchar2(100);
        var_userid number(10);
        var_password varchar2(100);
        role_cursor principal_ref;
        FAILED_AUTHENTICATION exception;
        select userid, username, password into var_userid, var_username, var_password from sec_users where username = p_username;
        if (var_password = p_password) then
            if (p_realm is null) then
              open role_cursor for
                select rolename from user_roles_view where userid = var_userid;
              open role_cursor for
                select rolename from user_roles_view where userid = var_userid and realm=p_realm;
            end if; -- p_realm check
          -- if password doesn't match, raise Excpetion for LM to
          -- abort the authentication process
        else raise FAILED_AUTHENTICATION;
        end if;
        RETURN role_cursor;
      END get_user_authentication;
    END;You only ned to expose the call to teh procedure in a method (e.g. on ADF BC Application Module) and create a method binding for it.

  • How to  call library classes threw xml

    In my flash library has "MC",
    var xml:XML=<m c="MC"></m>
    How to call MC class threw xml.

    It's a bit cryptic but I think you mean like this:
    import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    var xml:XML = <m c="MC"></m>;
    var classRef:Class = getDefinitionByName(xml.@c) as Class;
    var movieclip:MovieClip = new classRef() as MovieClip;
    Kenneth Kawamoto

  • How to call java method having array as argument from c++ ?

    Hello sir,
    how to call java method having array as arguments from c++;
    here is java code which is called from c++
    class PQR {
         public void xyz(int[] ia) {
              for (int i = 0; i < ia.length; i++)
    suppose all jvm invocation is done...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    For someone well versed in java, C++ and JNI although tedious that should be obvious.
    For someone not well versed in all three it is going to be very difficult.
    Even for someone that does have knowledge in all of those areas coming up with a C++ interface that reflects that functionality in a dynamic way such that anyone is will to use it is going to be quite an adventure.
    At any rate to start building it you do exactly the same thing that you would in java.
    1. Extract everything in the jar via the zip package
    2. For each found instance extract all of the methods, return types, parameters, etc and build a description tree for each class.
    Doing all of that in C++ is going to take a LOT of code. If someone wanted an estimate from me it would take me 6 months to do it. And before I would even attempt it I would get them to explain to me in detail exactly how they thought they were going to use it when I was done because I can't see any reasonable way to do that.
    I left out the description tree itself. I suppose you could duplicate the entire reflection api in C++.
    Now perhaps if it was much, much more constrained, like to only those classes that implement a single interface then that would be more reasonable.

Maybe you are looking for