How to change the Websheet theme?

Can anybody tell me how can I change the websheet theme to match it with my current application theme?
Thanks and Regards,

Hi Shakeeb,
so the basic layout (three column) is fixed as well, right?
I would like to have the navigation tree in the first column and the contents in the middle, but this seems not to be possible, right?

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    With respect to digital images, there really is no size in inches. The size is given as number of pixels horizontally and vertically. In iPhoto '09 you click the little "i" inthe lower right side of the window and it will display information related to the selected photo, including the pixel dimensions. I do not have iPhoto '11 installed so I don't know if it is the same there.
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    Andrew, I know I am extremely late to the party but I too use Grid View.  I had the same problem that you had but have found this to work for me.  I used it and it is still holding as my default sorting even after switching between the Artist page and Grid View.
    Once you are inside of the Artist page continue to click on the Album column until it shows Album by Artist/Year.
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    Hope this helps.

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    Kind regards, Karin

    Would you really leave the names of photos like DSC05271.ARW and DSC05271.jpeg etc.?
    What if I name them f.i. like ...
    I would NOT do this. I would not change the file name.
    I would add keywords and other metadata to the photos to identify the content of the photos, and from that point on, I would use keywords and other metdata to search for these photos.
    However, let's look at the big picture. I think there are three different methods of organizing
    Organize via keywords and other metadata, and not via operating system constructs such as file name and folder name
    Organize via operating system constructs such as file name and folder name, and not via keywords and other metadata
    Some combination of 1 and 2
    You can choose any one of the three methods above, the choice is yours. I am a very strong believer that for most people (and it sounds like you are one of those people), method 1 is the best method. However, not everyone agrees.
    There are drawbacks to using file names to identify your photos. One big drawback is that you must type the information into each photo's name, and this is more tedious than if you wanted to assign the keyword "mountain" to the photos, you can assign the keyword to multiple photos at once. Also, if you mis-spell the information in the file name on any photo, you have just made the photo much harder to find; whereas in Lightroom, the keyword can be assigned via a mouse click (so you can't mis-spell it), or by typing the first few letters and Lightroom (auto-fill) will find the correct keyword name. So using keywords is a much simpler way to go.
    .. is this much too complicated to do that in Lightroom or even dangerous to got lost of photos?
    It is very simple to add keywords, as I explained for this case. Create keywords "Austria", "Mountain", "Valley"; then select the desired photos, and then click on the check box next to the keyword name. It is much more complicated in my opinion to rename the photos in this manner.
    There is less danger in doing this via keywords than the danger doing this via file names, because of potential mis-spellings.
    If I spend a lot of time in editing photos (in Lightroom or Photoshop) I don't want that I loose those photos f.i. later if Lightroom won't be the software I use regarding the photos (in 10, 20 years?!)
    Lightroom will OPTIONALLY write your keywords and other metadata to the files (or sidecar files in the case of RAW). Every photographic application I know of (and I'm sure those in the future) can read the keywords and other metadata. So if you ever want to switch to some other software, your keywords and other metadata are available. you can turn this option on via Edit->Catalog Settings->Metadata, check Automatically Write Changes to XMP.
    So I have to create two folders - one with the originals and one with the edited exported photos?
    No, you do not have to create two folders. You don't have to export everything, but if you do, you can put the exports wherever you want, including putting them in the same folder as the originals, with different name.
    Why not edit them in Photoshop and save them in the second folder which I import later in Lightroom? Because it takes longer?
    Wow, you really need to think about: Why are you using Lightroom?
    Could you explain this to me? Why are you using Lightroom?
    If your goal is to edit the photos in Photoshop, and then put them in folders with whatever custom name you want to give them, then what is the benefit of using Lightroom? You can do all of this WITHOUT Lightroom. You keep explaining that your intended goal is to use Photoshop and folders/file names, and this is a goal which AVOIDs all benefits of Lightroom. I can't understand what you think the benefits of using Lightroom are for you.
    It is starting to sound to me like Lightroom is not the right software for you.
    Some people want to see a movie on their TV and are able to watch a DVD (not all!). Flickr seems to be a solution for movies in a big size (many GBs) to share them with friends (?)
    You haven't mentioned this before, and you should check the rules on Flickr regarding how long a video you can upload.

  • How to change the defaut xmlparser on OC4J Standalone for Spring 3

    Hi All
    I am trying to use OC4J standalone with Spring 3.0 but I keep getting the error
    nested exception is oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDException: Duplicated definition for: 'identifiedType'It worked fine when I was using Spring 2.5.6
    I have tried to change the parser as described here ( This is not quite ideal as I want to change the parser for the whole server and not just one application and besides, If I cant start the server, I will not be able to change the parser for an application anyway. I say this because the default xml parser (xmlparserV2.jar) throws an exeception if you try to use it with Spring 3.0 i.e.
    nested exception is oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDException: Duplicated definition for: 'identifiedType'I have had a look on them Oracle Forums(How can I use a 3rd party XML parser such as xerces with OC4J ? and Spring forums and appararently you have to change the XML parser (because the oracle xml parser is buggy!!) by puting the Xerces parser(or any other parser for that matter) on the classpath and then using the following switch
    java -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl -Xbootclasspath/a:C:\Miscellaneous\xercesImpl.jar -jar oc4j.jarHowever, when I try and start OC4J, I get the following error and I have no idea how to solve this. I have been at this for a couple of weeks but I still not getting any joy.
    [Fatal Error] :-1:-1: Premature end of file.
    2010-01-07 10:29:06.881 ERROR J2EE JCA-01006 Error initializing an ApplicationConnectionManager - ConnectorArchive and Application cannot be null
    2010-01-07 10:29:06.881 ERROR J2EE JCA-01004 {0}
    2010-01-07 10:29:06.881 WARNING J2EE JCA-01013 Error (Error setting JavaBean property 'managedDataSourceConfigXML' for ManagedConnectionFactory class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) while setting up RA for MCF (oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl) for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'
    2010-01-07 10:29:06.881 ERROR J2EE OJR-00105 Exception creating Managed DataSource ConnectorPropertySet.  Exception: Error setting up resource adapter for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl' cannot be set up: Error setting JavaBean property 'managedDataSourceConfigXML' for ManagedConnectionFactory class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    10/01/07 10:29:06 SEVERE: ApplicationStateRunning.initConnector Error occurred initializing connectors.  Exception is: Exception creating Managed DataSource ConnectorPropertySet.  Exception: Error setting up resource adapter for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl' cannot be set up: Error setting JavaBean property 'managedDataSourceConfigXML' for ManagedConnectionFactory class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    10/01/07 10:29:06 SEVERE: ApplicationStateRunning.initConnector Stack trace: oracle.oc4j.sql.DataSourceException: Exception creating Managed DataSource ConnectorPropertySet.  Exception: Error setting up resource adapter for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl' cannot be set up: Error setting JavaBean property 'managedDataSourceConfigXML' for ManagedConnectionFactory class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.addConnectionFactory(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.initManagedDataSource(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.initDataSourceConnector(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.initConnector(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.initConnectors(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.initializeApplication(
         at com.evermind.server.Application.setConfig(
         at com.evermind.server.Application.setConfig(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.initializeDefaultApplication(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.initializeAutoDeployedApplications(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.setConfig(
    Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException: Error setting up resource adapter for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl' cannot be set up: Error setting JavaBean property 'managedDataSourceConfigXML' for ManagedConnectionFactory class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
         at com.evermind.server.connector.ApplicationConnectionManager.initOutbound(
         at com.evermind.server.connector.ApplicationConnectionManager.init(
         at com.evermind.server.connector.deployment.ConnectorArchive.createConnectionManager(
         at com.evermind.server.connector.deployment.ConnectorArchive.addConnectionFactory(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.addConnectionFactory(
         ... 12 more
    10/01/07 10:29:06 WARNING: Application.setConfig Application: default is in failed state as initialization failed.
    java.lang.InstantiationException: Error occurred initializing connectors.  Exception is: Exception creating Managed DataSource ConnectorPropertySet.  Exception: Error setting up resource adapter for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl' cannot be set up: Error setting JavaBean property 'managedDataSourceConfigXML' for ManagedConnectionFactory class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    10/01/07 10:29:06 Error initializing server: Application: default is in failed state as initialization failed
    10/01/07 10:29:07 Fatal error: server exitingCan anyone help or show me how to change the xml parser please ?
    Thanks in advance!!

    Hi All,
    I have found a way to change the xml parser for my application and NOT the xml parser for the server. I followed the instructions here In the end, I had to settle for changing the xml parser of my application(i.e. It uses its a custom parser e.g. xerces not the default OC4J parser i.e. xmlparserV2) and not the xml parser for OC4J because it was near impossible to change the xml parser for OC4J and besides, as the OC4J default parser(xmlparserV2) works well with the server and not my application, it made more sense to change the parser for my application (changed to Xerces) and not OC4J. Hope this helps someone else who may come across a similar problem.

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    Hi all,
    can anybody help,my requirement is, how to change the length of existing field in sap standard table....
    thanks in advance..

    Which field are you thinking of in particular?  Are you wanting to increase or decrease the length?
    Some fields are used so extensively that a change to their length will mean adjusting many tables, some of them potentially very large, and hence taking a long time to adjust.
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    Some screens could cease to work.
    If you decrease length, then you could lose data.

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    My guess is that while you added catetories to your Budget Sheet by adding new lines and filling in the category column, you didn't also add the formulas to these new budget lines.
    The proper way to add those lines would have been to select a cell in the line just above where you want to add a line and type Option/Alt-DownArrow. This would have copied the formulas into the new line. Maybe you did this, and maybe not. You didn't give details on how you added the lines.
    Select C2 and D2 and Command-C to copy them to the Clipboard.
    Select all the cells of Columns C and D except for the top and bottom rows and Command-V to Paste.
    If I have properly guessed the problem, you should be in business. This assumes that your Categories are exaclty the same as the entries in your Pop-up menus. Spelling counts, as does case.

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    Hi Jason,
    How to change the order of tables within sheets
    Make a table active by clicking in it once to select that table, then drag it by the 'bullseye' (top left, I have placed a red circle to show the bullseye):
    After dragging the table down:
    Table 1 is now below Table 2.
    The blue line is an Alignment Guide
    Two types of Guide:
    1. Menu > View >Show Rulers. Drag Alignment Guides from a ruler to where you want them.
    2. Menu > Numbers > Preferences > Rulers > Alignment Guides. Turn on (tick) both guides. That allows you to align objects with *each other* (as well as with the ruler guides). These guides help to align objects left, middle, right, top, bottom.
    Alignment Guides do not show unless you are moving an object.
    to drag/move table to another sheet in the one file
    Not possible in Numbers 3. The Sheets Pane has gone. Instead, select the entire table (click once in the table to make it active, then click on the bullseye). Copy (or Cut if you are brave). Go to another Sheet and Paste.
    Also can you change the size of sheet tab width on tab toolbar, so I can see more sheets at once??
    No. Let's hope this will be added in future updates. However, you can drag a Sheet tab left or right to reorder them.
    Another tip: each Sheet tab shows the contents of that Sheet, with some options such as Duplicate and Delete:

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    You can find many themes at  There's a download zip button on the right side of the page.
    Unzip and and copy the .dvtcolortheme files into /Users/YourUsername/Library/Developer/XCode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes Create the directory if it doesn't exist.
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