How to check if restart is required

We are seeing the following issue
User A made some non dynamic changes, saved changes and stop edit session(not restarted server to reflect the changes).
User B started an edit session and deploy an app successfully but when he tries to undeploy the app, he gets the error message that app not found.
The reason is that user A made some non dynamic changes which require server restart so when user B deploy an app that is not visible until server restart so when he tried to undeploy it, he gets the exception.
So what we want here for User B is to check whether the server already has some non dymanic changes and restart is required or not.
I tried using isRestartRequired() or viewChanges() in WLST but do not return anything as these are valid only for current edit session.
Preferably through JMX but WLST check is also fine.
Thanks & Regards,

Hi Anand,
Once you open your Weblogic console,On the top left hand side there is Change centre.
Inside Change center,there is a tab View changes and restarts ,
Check the Restart Checklist tab,You will get the details about whether there were any changes that required a server Restart..

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    Thank you for your reminder.
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    Best Regards

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    If there is something specfic like converting date to something you can give
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    And here's some hints for you posting on the forum...
    a) do not post in UPPER CASE unless you are highlighting a word or two. Typing everything in UPPER CASE, is considered shouting and is not polite.
    b) do not say that your requirement is "urgent". Everyone here is a volunteer with their own jobs to do and your requirement is not "urgent" to them. Suggesting they drop everything to help you is poor netiquete and, again, quite rude. It also presumes that your issue is somehow more important than other people who have posted asking for assistance. Sure, everyone else would like their question answering as soon as possible, but they aren't so rude as to demand urgent attention, so neither should you.
    c) Always tell us your database version. The answers you are given may vary depending on the capabilities of the database version you are using and if you don't specify a version, people will have to assume you are using the latest supported versions and the answers may not work for you if you have a less capable version, even if those answers are technically correct.
    d) Always try and give an example of what you mean. Provide sample tables (create table statements) and sample data (insert statements), with example code or queries that you've tried (where relevant), showing what you expect to get as output and explaining any logic that is to get from the source to the output.
    e) Post any code or data inside {noformat}{noformat} tags so that it retains formatting on the forum.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    1. Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    2. Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Show Info in Finder (or just Show Info)
    from the contextual menu.* An Info dialog should open.
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    6. Close the Info window and test.
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    mkvdk - Verity, Inc. Version 5.0.1 (_nti40, Jul 23 2004)
    Usage: mkvdk [<option>...] <filespec>...
    Where <option> can be a VDK switch, or any of:
    -about Show the collection's about resources
    -autodel Delete bulk insert file when no longer needed
    -backup <dir> Specify collection backup location
    -bulk Submit bulk insert file(s)
    -charmap <name> Specify the character map to VDK
    -collection <path> Specify the collection (required)
    -create Create the collection
    -credentials <user> Specify user[:passwd][:domain][:mailbox]
    -datapath <path> Specify VDK datapath
    -datefmt <fmt> Specify date format to VDK
    -debug Enable debugging output
    -delete Delete documents
    -description <desc> Set the collection's description
    -diskcache <num> Set VDK's disk cache size (kbytes)
    -extract Extract field values from text
    -help Print this usage information
    -insert Insert documents (default)
    -locale <locale> Specify the locale to VDK
    -logfile <file> Save output in a log file
    -loglevel <num> Set the VDK output level for the log
    -mailboxes This option is depracated. Use the credentials option inste
    -maxfiles <num> Set VDK's maximum number of open files
    -maxmemory <num> Set VDK's maximum memory usage (kbytes)
    -mode <mode> Set the indexing mode
    -modify Modify fields using field/value pairs from a bulkfile
    -nohousekeep Disable housekeeping
    -noindex Disable indexing
    -nolock Turns off locking (dangerous)
    -nooptimize Disable optimizations
    -nosave Don't save collection work list
    -noservice Prevents servicing of submitted work
    -nosubmit Don't submit work to VDK
    -numdocs <num> Number of documents to insert from bulk insert file(s)
    -numpages <num> Synonym for diskcache for backward compatibility
    -offset <num> Specify offset into bulk insert file(s)
    -online Flag for online Bulk Modify
    -optimize <spec> Optimize the collection
    -outlevel <num> Set the VDK output level
    -persist Service the collection forever
    -purge Remove all documents from collection
    -purgeback Purge in the background
    -purgewait <secs> Specify delay before purge
    -quiet Suppress all non-error messages
    -repair Repair the collection
    -servlev <spec> Advanced option for overriding service level
    -sleeptime <secs> Interval between service calls for persist
    -style <dir> Specify style directory for create
    -submit Synonym for noservice for backward compatibility
    -synch Perform work synchronously
    -topicset <path> Specify VDK topic set
    -update Update documents
    -vdkhome <path> Specify VDK home
    -verbose Output more information
    -words Build word assist list
    -wordindex Build word assist index
    The <spec> for -optimize is a hyphenated string of:
    maxmerge Perform maximal merging of partitions
    squeeze Recover space from deleted documents
    vdbopt Build optimized VDB's
    spanword Create word list spanning all partitions
    ngramindex Create ngram index into spanning word list
    maxclean Really clean (not for read-write)
    readonly Make the collection read-only
    tuneup Fully optimize for read-write use
    publish Fully optimize for read-only use
    The <spec> for -servlev is a hyphenated string of:
    search Enable search and retrieval
    insert Enable adding and updating documents
    optimize Enable opportunistic collection optimization
    assist Enable building of word list
    housekeep Enable housekeeping of unneeded files
    delete Enable document deletion
    backup Enable backup
    purge Enable background purging
    repair Enable collection repair
    dataprep Same as search-index-optimize-assist-housekeep
    index Same as insert-delete
    Error: must specify collection
    mkvdk done

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    IsLockOwner( ) is not returning the correct value. Its not giving the current document field lock status.
    Is there any way to get current document field status?

    If I understand correctly, your requirement is to get the value of this field "Publish to Supplier on". It can be achieved by writing the below:
    isVendorVisible = doc.getExtensionField("VENDOR_VISIBLE").get();
    Meaning, if the box is checked, it will return a value = true and if not then false.
    Hope this helps,
    Vikram Shukla

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    Hi Jess,
    Have you checked the navigation part which is being displayed on left hand side of report S_ALR_87013565 and S_ALR_87013533.? There you have option to check transaction currency and object currency when you double click on it.
    In case if it is not being displayed under navigation. Then you can bring them on from transaction code CJE2. For eg: Report group for S_ALR_87013533 is 12KST1C. Double click on it and it will open up to do changes in report layout and many more. There you also have options to bring on transaction currency too. Similarly, you can check for other report groups as well just by checking the report description.
    But I am not sure if suits your requirements. Wait for other experts to comment on this.

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    My requirement is to create the  folder and sub folder in SharePoint document library. If already exist leave it or create the new folder and the subfolder in the Document library using client side object model
    I able to check for the parent folder.
    But cant able to check the subfolder in the document library.
    How to check for  the sub folder in the document library?
    Here is the code for the folder
    IsFolder alredy Exist.
    string IsFolderExist(string InputFolderName)
    string retStatus = false.ToString();
    ClientContext context =
    new ClientContext(Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DocumentLibraryLink"]));
                context.Credentials =
    List list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DocumentLibraryName"]));
    FieldCollection fields = list.Fields;
    CamlQuery camlQueryForItem =
    new CamlQuery();
                camlQueryForItem.ViewXml =
    string.Format(@"<View  Scope='RecursiveAll'>
    <FieldRef Name='FileDirRef'/>
    <Value Type='Text'>{0}</Value>
    + InputFolderName);
                Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(camlQueryForItem);
    if (listItems.Count > 0)
                    retStatus =
                    retStatus =
    catch (Exception ex)
                retStatus =
    return retStatus;

    Hi Sundhar,
    According to your description, you might want to check the existence of sub folder in a folder of a library using Client Object Model.
    Please take the code demo below for a try, it will check whether there is sub folder in a given folder:
    public static void createSubFolder(string siteUrl, string libName, string folderServerRelativeUrl)
    ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl);
    List list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(libName);
    CamlQuery camlQuery = new CamlQuery();
    camlQuery.ViewXml =
    @"<View Scope='RecursiveAll'>
    <FieldRef Name='FSObjType' />
    <Value Type='Integer'>1</Value>
    //camlQuery.FolderServerRelativeUrl = "/Lib1/folder1";
    camlQuery.FolderServerRelativeUrl = folderServerRelativeUrl;
    ListItemCollection items = list.GetItems(camlQuery);
    if (0 == items.Count)
    //create sub folder here
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to check the user hits to the sites (most often,frequently used sites) in sharepoint 2010?

    How to check the user hits to the sites (most often,frequently used sites) in sharepoint 2010?
    could you please help on the above?

    Hello Sudhir muvva,
    Just to be sure, the default Web Analytics reports don't meet your requirements?
    Does reports have subjects like top pages and number of page views.
    - Dennis | Netherlands | Blog |

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    i am planning to take unlocked  iphone5 which is from USA, let me to know how to check the phone is valid ?.How can i check is that properly unlocked, stolen and service.

    IF you can actually yet purchase an unlocked iPhone4 8GB from the US Retail stores is not clear
    They are certainly available from but only if you have a US credit card and a US delivery address
    I suspect you do not fit this requirement
    You also have to be careful as the Apple Retail stores sell no contract iPhones these are NOT unlocked
    However if you are able to purchase an unlocked iPhone4 8GB then it will certainly work with the Approved carriers in India

Maybe you are looking for