How to create a pluggable application

I want to create an application to which I should add some functionalities later,
So how to create an application with plug-ins?

PsychoStat wrote:
[...]If my application allows users to install plugins through these service provider jars, where should the jar files be stored? My application stores third party API jars in a folder called /lib. Should I just create a folder called /plugin and store the jar files there? This sound like a good idea.
Could I have the plugin jar files stored outside of the same location as the application itself? Will this require me to extend ClassLoader?It will require you to extend your classpath somehow. The physical location of jar files does not matter as long as your (Starter-) application knows how to find them and add them to the classpath. Extending the classloader may be a solution. But I find it simpler to have a small starter application building the classpath and launching real application with that.
If you expect your plugin folder beeing outside the appliactions install path I'd let the user choose a folder anywhere in the file system at first start and store that location in a properties file parsed by the launcher application.

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    Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
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    You can find some information on this page.
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    Is your view in a different schema than the one the tables are in? If so, you need to grant permission on the view to the Parsing Schema defined for that application (go into Shared Components > Definition to see what the parsing schema is). Then you should be able to see the view in the dropdown.
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    For creating a new search service application, you can refer to the blog:  
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    You should get the latest software and documentation from
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    &#150; Scott &#150;

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