How to create cfc for this give solution

name="doc" access="remote" returntype="Any" >
 <cfargument name="profile_id" type="any" required="true" default="" >
 <cfargument name="search_primary_storage_profile_id_only" type="numeric" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="from_where" type="string" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="from_where_response_mode" type="string" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="setting_sec_document_access_rights" type="numeric" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="customer_name_number_srch" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="file_or_folder_name_srch" type="string" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="file_extension_srch" type="string" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="document_create_dat_start_srch" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="document_create_dat_end_srch" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_yyyy" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_emp_fname" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_emp_lname" type="any" required="true">
 <cfargument name="dsi_emp_id" type="any" required="true">
 <cfargument name="dsi_filename_original" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_document_type" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_file_label" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_document_group" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_document_expiration_dat" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="order_by_1" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="order_by_1_asc_desc" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="order_by_2" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="order_by_2_asc_desc" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="Search" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="document_ocr_full_text_srch" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="and_or_setting" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="setting_search_ocr_type" type="any" required="true" default="1">
 <cfargument name="document_ocr_full_text_rank" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfset  form.profile_id=profile_id><cfset 
 <cfset  form.order_by_1=order_by_1><cfset 
 <cfset  form.Search=Search><cfset 
 <cfinclude template="#application.ist_environment.ist_auth#logon/logon_status.cfm">
<!--- Access parameters --->
 <cfset nf5.mpf = 27>
 <cfinclude template="#application.ist_environment.ist_auth#logon/logon_load_my_auth_access_variables.cfm">
<!--- Access parameters --->
 <cfinclude template="#application.ist_environment.ist_shared#/ist_display/body_main.cfm">
<!--- Get profiles and indexed keys --->
 <cfquery name="get_active_profiles" datasource="#request.ds.docstor#" cachedwithin="#createtimespan(0,0,5,0)#">
 SELECT storage_profile_id, storage_profile_name 
FROM storage_profile_attributes 
WHERE storage_profile_active = 1 
ORDER BY storage_profile_name, storage_profile_id desc  
 <cfquery name="get_indexes" datasource="#request.ds.docstor#" cachedwithin="#createtimespan(0,0,5,0)#">
 SELECT distinctml.storage_profile_key_id,
FROM storage_profile_variables_master_list as ml 
LEFT JOIN storage_profile_rule_by_profile as r 
ON ml.storage_profile_id = r.storage_profile_id 
and ml.storage_profile_key_id = r.storage_profile_key_id 
WHERE storage_profile_key_isIndexed = 1 
<cfif val(form.profile_id)>
 and ml.storage_profile_id = #val(form.profile_id)# 
 and 1 = 0 
<!--- <cfreturn profile_id>--->
<!---<cfreturn form.dsi_yyyy>--->
<!--- Get profiles and indexed keys --->
 <cfif isdefined("form.profile_id")>
 <cfquery name="QoQ_storage_profile_key_options" datasource="#request.ds.docstor#">
 SELECT spko_value, storage_profile_key_id, storage_profile_id 
FROM storage_profile_key_options 
WHERE storage_profile_id = #val(form.profile_id)#  
 <cfparam name="application.storageProfileTable.sp#val(form.profile_id)#.exists" default="0">
 if(val(form.profile_id) gt 0){
//application.storageProfileTable["sp#val(form.profile_id)#"]["pop"] = 0;
if(application.storageProfileTable["sp#val(form.profile_id)#"]["exists"] neq 1 or application.storageProfileTable["sp#val(form.profile_id)#"]["pop"] eq 0){
if(not isdefined("application.cfc.cfcDocstor_search_profile_table_build") or not isCustomFunction(application.cfc.cfcDocstor_search_profile_table_build)){application.cfc.cfcDocstor_search_profile_table_build =
// Update the denormalized document index tables
args =
structnew();args.storage_profile_id =
val(form.profile_id);// If focused_document_id_list is empty then the system will pick up any edits that need to be made
args.focused_document_id_list =
"";args.maxrows =
"sp#val(form.profile_id)#"]["pop"] = 0;application.cfc.cfcDocstor_search_profile_table_build.fnVerifyStorageProfileTable(args.sto rage_profile_id, args.focused_document_id_list, args.maxrows);
<!---<cfparam name="form.and_or_setting" default="and">
<cfparam name="form.file_or_folder_name_srch" default="">
<cfparam name="form.customer_name_number_srch" default="">
<cfparam name="form.document_create_dat_start_srch" default="">
<cfparam name="form.document_create_dat_end_srch" default="">
<cfparam name="form.file_extension_srch" default="">--->
 <cfparam name="form.search_primary_storage_profile_id_only" default="1">
 <cfparam name="current_storage_profile_name" default="None Selected">
<!--- Search Options --->
<!--- Other inputs --->
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.and_or_setting" default="and">
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.customer_name_number_srch" default="">
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.file_or_folder_name_srch" default="">
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.document_create_dat_start_srch" default="">
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.document_create_dat_end_srch" default="">
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.file_extension_srch" default="">
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.setting_search_ocr_type" default="1">

name="doc" access="remote" returntype="Any" >
 <cfargument name="profile_id" type="any" required="true" default="" >
 <cfargument name="search_primary_storage_profile_id_only" type="numeric" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="from_where" type="string" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="from_where_response_mode" type="string" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="setting_sec_document_access_rights" type="numeric" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="customer_name_number_srch" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="file_or_folder_name_srch" type="string" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="file_extension_srch" type="string" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="document_create_dat_start_srch" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="document_create_dat_end_srch" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_yyyy" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_emp_fname" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_emp_lname" type="any" required="true">
 <cfargument name="dsi_emp_id" type="any" required="true">
 <cfargument name="dsi_filename_original" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_document_type" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_file_label" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_document_group" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="dsi_document_expiration_dat" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="order_by_1" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="order_by_1_asc_desc" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="order_by_2" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="order_by_2_asc_desc" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="Search" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="document_ocr_full_text_srch" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="and_or_setting" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfargument name="setting_search_ocr_type" type="any" required="true" default="1">
 <cfargument name="document_ocr_full_text_rank" type="any" required="true" >
 <cfset  form.profile_id=profile_id><cfset 
 <cfset  form.order_by_1=order_by_1><cfset 
 <cfset  form.Search=Search><cfset 
 <cfinclude template="#application.ist_environment.ist_auth#logon/logon_status.cfm">
<!--- Access parameters --->
 <cfset nf5.mpf = 27>
 <cfinclude template="#application.ist_environment.ist_auth#logon/logon_load_my_auth_access_variables.cfm">
<!--- Access parameters --->
 <cfinclude template="#application.ist_environment.ist_shared#/ist_display/body_main.cfm">
<!--- Get profiles and indexed keys --->
 <cfquery name="get_active_profiles" datasource="#request.ds.docstor#" cachedwithin="#createtimespan(0,0,5,0)#">
 SELECT storage_profile_id, storage_profile_name 
FROM storage_profile_attributes 
WHERE storage_profile_active = 1 
ORDER BY storage_profile_name, storage_profile_id desc  
 <cfquery name="get_indexes" datasource="#request.ds.docstor#" cachedwithin="#createtimespan(0,0,5,0)#">
 SELECT distinctml.storage_profile_key_id,
FROM storage_profile_variables_master_list as ml 
LEFT JOIN storage_profile_rule_by_profile as r 
ON ml.storage_profile_id = r.storage_profile_id 
and ml.storage_profile_key_id = r.storage_profile_key_id 
WHERE storage_profile_key_isIndexed = 1 
<cfif val(form.profile_id)>
 and ml.storage_profile_id = #val(form.profile_id)# 
 and 1 = 0 
<!--- <cfreturn profile_id>--->
<!---<cfreturn form.dsi_yyyy>--->
<!--- Get profiles and indexed keys --->
 <cfif isdefined("form.profile_id")>
 <cfquery name="QoQ_storage_profile_key_options" datasource="#request.ds.docstor#">
 SELECT spko_value, storage_profile_key_id, storage_profile_id 
FROM storage_profile_key_options 
WHERE storage_profile_id = #val(form.profile_id)#  
 <cfparam name="application.storageProfileTable.sp#val(form.profile_id)#.exists" default="0">
 if(val(form.profile_id) gt 0){
//application.storageProfileTable["sp#val(form.profile_id)#"]["pop"] = 0;
if(application.storageProfileTable["sp#val(form.profile_id)#"]["exists"] neq 1 or application.storageProfileTable["sp#val(form.profile_id)#"]["pop"] eq 0){
if(not isdefined("application.cfc.cfcDocstor_search_profile_table_build") or not isCustomFunction(application.cfc.cfcDocstor_search_profile_table_build)){application.cfc.cfcDocstor_search_profile_table_build =
// Update the denormalized document index tables
args =
structnew();args.storage_profile_id =
val(form.profile_id);// If focused_document_id_list is empty then the system will pick up any edits that need to be made
args.focused_document_id_list =
"";args.maxrows =
"sp#val(form.profile_id)#"]["pop"] = 0;application.cfc.cfcDocstor_search_profile_table_build.fnVerifyStorageProfileTable(args.sto rage_profile_id, args.focused_document_id_list, args.maxrows);
<!---<cfparam name="form.and_or_setting" default="and">
<cfparam name="form.file_or_folder_name_srch" default="">
<cfparam name="form.customer_name_number_srch" default="">
<cfparam name="form.document_create_dat_start_srch" default="">
<cfparam name="form.document_create_dat_end_srch" default="">
<cfparam name="form.file_extension_srch" default="">--->
 <cfparam name="form.search_primary_storage_profile_id_only" default="1">
 <cfparam name="current_storage_profile_name" default="None Selected">
<!--- Search Options --->
<!--- Other inputs --->
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.and_or_setting" default="and">
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.customer_name_number_srch" default="">
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.file_or_folder_name_srch" default="">
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.document_create_dat_start_srch" default="">
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.document_create_dat_end_srch" default="">
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.file_extension_srch" default="">
 <cfparam name="session.ds_search.setting_search_ocr_type" default="1">

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  • How to create workflow for this scenerio

    HI Gurus,
    I am new to workflow.
    I have to create a workflow. But I have a problem what the object type I have to choose. It may be simple but i dont know do it.
    Scenerio of the workflow given is...
    This workflow gets pernr and benefit plan information from portal.
    this workflow is a one step approval mail
    In the workflow three steps are there.
    In the first step i have to derive basic hourly salary of the person by using infotype --- 008 and company code for the pernr from the 0001 and benefit plan he enrolled
    Second step ---
    there are two company codes, I have to use condition step,
    if one company code I have to send to one hr department mail for approval
    and the other for another hr department step.
    in the workitem i have to pass salary information, pernr information.
    third step, after approval I have to update the respective infotype.
    My question is for the above scenerio, what object type I have to use.
    For the first step is there any method I have to create which calls function module.
    if so for which object type i have to add method.
    third how do I create the workflow container for this.
    I am new to workflow. Please help me friends.

    I think you should create your own Business Object or you can refer to Business Object EMPSALPACK.
    Now Company Code should be an Attribute that you should do the Coding For.
    Use this attribute in the Condition Step of Workflow Template.
    Workflow Container will contain the Business Object that you will be creating. The Business object should have Key Field Pernr and may be anything relevant that you will do for Coding. I think you might have to trigger the Event of the Business Object through code.
    Check the Code below.
    <b>Reward Appropriate Point if useful</b>
      INCLUDE <cntn01> .
      DATA:i_emp_details TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF p0001,  "Employee Details
           wa_request    TYPE p0001,                    "Workarea for Employee details
           v_country_grp TYPE molga,                    "Country SubGrouping
           v_object_key  TYPE sweinstcou-objkey.        "Key for the buisness object ZWOBUSTRIP
      CONSTANTS: c_bo_trip     TYPE swo_objtyp VALUE 'ZWOBUSTRIP',
                 c_event_trip  TYPE swo_event  VALUE 'TripCreate',
                 c_infy_type_1 TYPE infty      VALUE '0001'.
    Event Container declaration
      swc_container i_event_cont.
      swc_create_container i_event_cont.
    Reading the INFO TYPE 0001 to obtain the
    Employee details
          pernr           = i_emp_number
          infty           = c_infy_type_1
          begda           = sy-datum
          endda           = sy-datum
          infty_tab       = i_emp_details
          infty_not_found = 1
          OTHERS          = 2.
    SY-SUBRC check is not required as the error
    handelling will be done by WorkFlow rule
      CLEAR wa_request.
      READ TABLE i_emp_details INTO wa_request INDEX 1.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
      Retrieving the Country SubGrouping for the employee
        SELECT SINGLE molga
          FROM t001p
          INTO v_country_grp
         WHERE werks = wa_request-werks
           AND btrtl = wa_request-persk.
    Sending the relevant data to event container
      swc_set_element i_event_cont 'EmpId'     i_emp_number.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    No Processing needed.
      swc_set_element i_event_cont 'PersonnelArea'    wa_request-werks.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    No Processing needed.
      swc_set_element i_event_cont 'CountryGrouping' v_country_grp.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    No Processing needed.
      swc_set_element i_event_cont 'EmpSubGrp'       wa_request-persk.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    No Processing needed.
      swc_set_element i_event_cont 'EmpTripId'       i_emp_trip.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    No Processing needed.
    Raising the event to trigger the workflow
      v_object_key = i_emp_number.
          objtype           = c_bo_trip
          objkey            = v_object_key
          event             = c_event_trip
          event_container   = i_event_cont
          objtype_not_found = 1
          OTHERS            = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    No Processing needed.

  • How to create workflow for this simple scienerio

    HI Gurus,
    I have to create a simple workflow. But I have a problem what the object type I have to choose.
    Scenerio of the workflow is ..
    This workflow gets pernr and benefit plan information from portal.
    this workflow is a one step approval mail
       In the workflow three steps are there.
    In the first step i have to derive basic hourly salary of the person by using infotype --- 008 and company code for the pernr from the 0001 and benefit plan he enrolled
    Second step ---
            there are two company codes, I have to use condition step,
    if one company code I have to send to one hr department mail for approval
    and the  other for another hr department step.
    in the workitem i have to pass salary information, pernr information.
    third step, after approval I have to update the respective infotype.
    My question is for the above scenerio, what object type I have to use.
    For the first step is there any method I have to create which calls function module.
    if so for which object type i have to add method.
    third how do I create the workflow container for this.
    I am new to workflow. I know scenerio is simple but I dont know how to do it.
    Please help me friends.

    think you should create your own Business Object or you can refer to Business Object EMPSALPACK.
    Now Company Code should be an Attribute that you should do the Coding For.
    Use this attribute in the Condition Step of Workflow Template.
    Workflow Container will contain the Business Object that you will be creating. The Business object should have Key Field Pernr and may be anything relevant that you will do for Coding. I think you might have to trigger the Event of the Business Object through code.
    Check the Code below.
    <b>Reward Appropriate Point if useful</b>
    INCLUDE <cntn01> .
    DATA:i_emp_details TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF p0001, "Employee Details
    wa_request TYPE p0001, "Workarea for Employee details
    v_country_grp TYPE molga, "Country SubGrouping
    v_object_key TYPE sweinstcou-objkey. "Key for the buisness object ZWOBUSTRIP
    CONSTANTS: c_bo_trip TYPE swo_objtyp VALUE 'ZWOBUSTRIP',
    c_event_trip TYPE swo_event VALUE 'TripCreate',
    c_infy_type_1 TYPE infty VALUE '0001'.
    Event Container declaration
    swc_container i_event_cont.
    swc_create_container i_event_cont.
    Reading the INFO TYPE 0001 to obtain the
    Employee details
    pernr = i_emp_number
    infty = c_infy_type_1
    begda = sy-datum
    endda = sy-datum
    infty_tab = i_emp_details
    infty_not_found = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    SY-SUBRC check is not required as the error
    handelling will be done by WorkFlow rule
    CLEAR wa_request.
    READ TABLE i_emp_details INTO wa_request INDEX 1.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    Retrieving the Country SubGrouping for the employee
    FROM t001p
    INTO v_country_grp
    WHERE werks = wa_request-werks
    AND btrtl = wa_request-persk.
    Sending the relevant data to event container
    swc_set_element i_event_cont 'EmpId' i_emp_number.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    No Processing needed.
    swc_set_element i_event_cont 'PersonnelArea' wa_request-werks.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    No Processing needed.
    swc_set_element i_event_cont 'CountryGrouping' v_country_grp.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    No Processing needed.
    swc_set_element i_event_cont 'EmpSubGrp' wa_request-persk.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    No Processing needed.
    swc_set_element i_event_cont 'EmpTripId' i_emp_trip.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    No Processing needed.
    Raising the event to trigger the workflow
    v_object_key = i_emp_number.
    objtype = c_bo_trip
    objkey = v_object_key
    event = c_event_trip
    event_container = i_event_cont
    objtype_not_found = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    No Processing needed.

  • How to create infopackage for Cube to Cune to transaction

    HI Experts
    I have performed following steps for cube to cube load.
    1. Created source cube and loaded the data from R3
    2. Created Destination cube
    3. Generated Export Data source for the source cube. Here I'm able to see my datasource Icon(8ZFIGL_C01). When I double click on that it is give details.
    4. Defined the update rules for Destiination cube by assiging the infosource (8ZFIGL_C01) which is created in step3.
    5.Now I'm searching for the infosurce (8ZFIGL_C01) in data modelling -> infosource.  its not showing up any name with 8ZFIGL_C01.
    Kindly let me know how to create infopackage for this to laod the data from cube to cube.
    Additional information:
    I have set the optopn Display Generated Object in Settings.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Right Click on "Infosource" (TA RSA12 Top at the Right side Panel) and choose Insert lost nodes and refresh the screen and now search for your infosource and you will find it.
    See solution from SAT:
    Problems with Infosource Data Marts
    Best regards,

  • How to create Rfc for EP system in Solution manager

    Dear experts,
    I am doing ChaRM configuration for my EP system ( java only).
    I also configured CTS+ successfully but we want to integrate this with Chram in solman.
    I have done all configuration according to standard doc for ChaRM.
    But when creating project from solar_admin it is giving "   NO RFC for DEP system"
    so please suggest me how to create RFC for java system in Solution manager.
    thanks in advance

    You need to setup an ABAP communication client and system, that's done through the TMS settings:
    For source system:
    - CTC                                              1
    - CTS_SYSTEM_TYPE                          JAVA  (others for a MDM system)
    - NON_ABAP_SYSTEM                          1
    - COMMUNICATION_SYSTEM:              (SAPSID of the ABAP communication system (e.g. the domain controller))
    - NON_ABAP_WBO_CLIENT                    (Client of the ABAP stack on which the Transport Organizer Web UI (CTS_BROWSER) is activated and will run.)
    - WBO_GET_REQ_STRATEGY                 TAGGED
    - WBO_REL_REQ_STRATEGY                 MANUAL
    For quality and production Java system (target systems):
    - CTC                                              1
    - CTS_SYSTEM_TYPE                          JAVA (others for a MDM system)
    - NON_ABAP_SYSTEM                         1
    - COMMUNICATION_SYSTEM:                 (SAPSID of the ABAP communication system (e.g. the domain controller))
    - DEPLOY_WEB_SERVICE                       CTSDEPLOY
    When this is done correctly, you will see the fields ABAP communication system and client populated in SMSY.
    When ChaRM needs to operate on the non ABAP systems, it will take the RFCs for the communication system and client.
    Best regards,
    Miguel Ariñ

  • How to create DataSource for FlatFile Source Systems

    I am practicing BI7.I am familiar with BW 3.5 but while practicing BI7 i am facing some problems.I am trying to load master data of an infoobject (STUDENTID) STUDENTID ATTR.
    After creating Appl Comp and when i am trying to create transformations for the master data attribute i am unable to assign data source.I came to know that i have to create datsource at this step.But dont know how to create datasource for FlatFiles.
    Can anyone give me stpes how to create DataSource.
    Thanks in advance,

    Find below help link for procedure
    and below are some help links which will be usefull in BI7.0
    Look at this new features in Bi 7.0
    how to's in BI 7.0
    Demo's [original link is broken]
    Report designer new component
    Most of ur solutions u can get through help or SDN search

  • How to create transaction for a maintenance view, Thank you.

    How to create transaction for a maintenance view,
    Thank you.

    Hi Deniz,
    Go to se93.
    Then create the new T.code.
    Under that select parameter Transaction.
    Then give the sm30 in the t.code in default values tab.
    check the checkbox skip initial screen.
    in classification tab.
    click checkbox inherit gui attributes..
    Now below..
    In the default values..
    viewname and give ur table name.
    UPDATE= Xsave
    view - table name ( Should be upper case
    update X ( should be upper case).
    Hope this helps you.

  • What are the uses of MVC, Extension and how to create it for begineers pls

    what are the uses of MVC, Extension and how to create it for begineers pls
    dont give link for tutorials please explain ,
    thank you,
    Jagrut BahratKumar Shukla

    Check out this link :
    <a href=""></a>
    It is the best possible explanation and documentation that you'll get.

  • How to create Headervariable for File adapter in 11g SOA Suite?

    Hi All
    My process in reading file and I wanted to know the exact name of the File.
    In 10g, we have fileAdapterInboundHeader.wsdl and create HeaderVariable using message type used in this wsdl and can get file and directory name in this variable But in 11g we dont have any wsdl like this.
    Can anybody give me some idea how to create Headervariable for Inbound file adapter to get file name?

    Look at this document : [Oracle JCA Adapter for Files/FTP|]

  • How to create documentation for report programs and how to use it

    how to create documentation for report programs and how to use it in the selection screen by placing an icon in the Applicatin Tool bar. If i click this icon the help documentation has to display.
      Note: Exaple <b>RSTXSCRP</b> programs selection screen

    1 goto SE38 transaction, give the program name
    2 Click on documentation radiobutton & then press change
    3 Write your PURPOSE, PREREQUISITES etc details
    4 Save the same & Activae it.
    The icon will come automatically on selection screen
    Reward if useful

  • How to create EVENTS for a View Cluster.

    Hi Tech Gurus,
    I have created a view cluster on 5 tables. I need to do a validation and this can be done by using events. But i am unable to create a EVENT for the View Cluster. Could anyone please tell me how to create events for a View Cluster.
    Thanks in advance for your esteemed replies.
    Raghavendra Goutham P.

    Hello Pasapula
    When you are in the View Cluster maintenance dialog (SE54) click on dialog "Events".
    Below the field for the view cluster you have an additional field <b>FORM routines main program</b>. There you have to add the main program containing the FORM routines called by the VC events.
    For example: I had defined a normal report containing an include with all the FORM routines. The report contains only the following lines of coding:
    report zus_0120_u1.
    * Common Data und access routines for user exits in VC maintenance
    include LSVCMCOD.
    include  zus_0120_f1. "FORM routines for VC events
    Now in the "Events" dialog of the view cluster maintenance you assign your FORM routines to the events.

  • How to create wizard for a custom mainenance view/view cluster

    Hi Experts,
    I have created 5 custom maintenance view and have maintained all the views sequencially and have made the first mainenance view as the start view & header entry and all other views are child or subview of the header view in a custom view cluster. But I want a wizard to help the user / end user successfully enter all the required values for all child views, it will help  the user to navigate  from the start view to all the child views where the fields of the wizard will be associated to the child maintenance views.
    Please suggest how to create wizard for view cluster.
    I'll give max reward point for the helpful answer.
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Pasapula
    When you are in the View Cluster maintenance dialog (SE54) click on dialog "Events".
    Below the field for the view cluster you have an additional field <b>FORM routines main program</b>. There you have to add the main program containing the FORM routines called by the VC events.
    For example: I had defined a normal report containing an include with all the FORM routines. The report contains only the following lines of coding:
    report zus_0120_u1.
    * Common Data und access routines for user exits in VC maintenance
    include LSVCMCOD.
    include  zus_0120_f1. "FORM routines for VC events
    Now in the "Events" dialog of the view cluster maintenance you assign your FORM routines to the events.

  • How to create F4 for the standard transaction

    Hi all ,
    How to create F4 for the standard transaction for a particular field .

        You can create F4 values for a field in a standard Transaction .
    1. First search for a standard search help meeting your requirement .
    2. If you don't find one, create your own custom (z) serach help .
    ( 1 is preferable )
    After that, include that serch help to the standard field in the transaction .
    For this u need to go to the screen
    ( F1->F9-> screen-> Field )
    Click on the property of the field and include the search help .
    You ll require the access key from the basisi guys as u r changing standard .
    Hope it helps,
    ~ laxmi
    Reward for helpful answers

  • How to create variant for table/view ?

    When I go through SM30, I find a radio button called variant. I don't know the effect.
    Can anyone tell me how to create variant for table / view ?
    I want to know when we need to create variant for table/view.
    Best regards,
    Chris Gu

    hi ,
    Whenever you start a program in which selection screens are defined, the system displays a set of input fields for database-specific and program-specific selections. To select a certain set of data, you enter an appropriate range of values.
    For further information about selection screens, refer to Selection Screens in the ABAP User's Guide.
    If you often run the same program with the same set of selections (for example, to create a monthly statistical report), you can save the values in a selection set called a variant
    To create a new variant:
           1.      On the ABAP Editor initial screen, enter the name of the program for which you want to create a variant, select Variants, and choose Change.
           2.      On the variant maintenance initial screen, enter the name of the variant to be created.
    Note the naming convention for variants (see below).
           3.      Choose Create.
    If the program has more than one selection screen, a dialog box for screen assignment appears. The dialog box does not appear if the program only has one selection screen. The selection screen appears in this case.
           4.      If there is more than one selection screen, select the screens for which you want to create the variant
    5.      Choose Continue.
    The (first) selection screen for the report appears.
    If your program has more than one selection screen, use the scroll buttons in the left-hand corner of the application toolbar to navigate between them and to fill the fields with values. If you keep scrolling forwards, the Continue button appears on the last selection screen.
           6.      Enter the desired selection values, including multiple selection and dynamic selection.
           7.      Choose Continue.

  • How to creat deadlock for the purchase order in SAP Workflow

    How to creat deadlock for the purchase order in SAP Workflow

    Hi Ben,
    Are you using FM "CONVERT_DATE_TO_EXTERNAL" before passing delivery date?  If not, use FM like this, before passing the date to BAPI_PO_CREATE1 and it might work
      DATA: vf_doc_date(10),
                 internal_date TYPE d.
         vf_doc_date = sy-datum.              "Document date.
         internal_date = vf_doc_date.
          date_internal            = internal_date
          date_external            = vf_doc_date
          date_internal_is_invalid = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.

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