How to delete InfoSource

Hi there
I have been assigned DS to IS and working  properly.Now we have changed the Source system and assigned the new DS's to IS.
Now I want to delete the load from DS, IS ,Tr and ODS and Queries and workbooks, which are not being used.I have deleted all and when deleting IS it say's that 'No Source system connection'.
I assigned the new source system to that IS and Deleted but it's deleted only TS and Tr but IS not deleted.
How could i resolve that one?
Thanks in advance..

I have faced the problem with IS.The problem is IS is assigned to PRD250 source system and it was working.
Now we have changed sourcesystem ATH250 and assigned the DS to all IS, which are currently using one's.
But now ZNONPERF load is not being used and not anymore.We want to delete that one.I have deleted all except IS,because to that IS PRD250 DS was assigned but anyway there sre no TR aand TS.When i tried to delete it says "No PRD250 Connections".
How can i do that one?

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    check this not tested.
    -- Open a stored document --
    LC$Cmd Varchar2(1280) ;
    LC$Nom Varchar2(1000) ;
    LC$Fic Varchar2(1280);
    LC$Path Varchar2(1280);
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    End if ;
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    Ret := WEBUTIL_HOST.blocking( LC$Cmd ) ;
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    LN$But := Show_Alert( 'ALER_STOP_1' ) ;
    Raise Form_Trigger_Failure ;
    End if ;
    If Not webutil_file_transfer.Client_To_DB
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    Make sure you donot have any data in cube. If you have some data in cube, then you will not be able to see Delete option.
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    Hi Chang
    Welcome to SDN! Its our pleasure to help you here
    Step 1: Select your Cost Center in OKEW which is assigned to the Splitting Str
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    Welcome to OTN.
    You can delete the table by selecting the top left column (of the table) and then select delete from the ADFdi tab.
    Refer the documentation for more info.

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    With Regards,

    If you want to delete the rows in the table control and simultaneously delete it from the database table, then you can implement a 'DELETE' functionality specific to your table control. Have a MARK field (you will find that in the screen attributes of the table control -> give a name for the MARK field, you will find an additional MARK column at the beginning of your table control). You can check whatever rows you want to delete from the table control, call the delete module.
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    Please click the Mark as Answer button if a post solves your problem!

    Thank you all,
    As the mailbox is enabled single item recovery.
    I just want to make the items neither in deletion folder, nor in purges folder.
    So I think there are two ways to achieve this.
    Method 1,disabled the single item recovery. then delete the items in deletion folder ,so it wouldn't enter to the purges folder, it just deleted permanently. then enable the single item recovery
    Method 2,delete the items in deletion folder,then the messages move to the purges folder, then delete the messages in purges folder.
    the Method 1 is not so good ,as it need to disable the single item recovery firstly, then enable  single item recovery .
    So I want to use the Method 2
    Please click the Mark as Answer button if a post solves your problem!

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    Hello All,
    Delete the plant / Site complete details and put in one transport and do the import & export.
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    If your job control runs fine then best thing is to transfer the records from LBWQ to RSA7 and pull it to BW. If you do this all your delta data is intact and you do not loose any delta data. But if you delete the LBWQ you potentially loose all youre delta data. You can go to LBWE and start the job control and move data to RSA7 and then pull it to BW.
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    Thanks in advance......

    Hi Narendra,
    You can put the code in comments, if you don't want to use the old code..You can delete also..But be sure that code belongs to you only..
    SE38>zxrsau01>change-->find out your data source
    Comment(Or can delete) the code starting from WHEN '2LIS_11_VAHDR'. to the end of the code that you have written..
    If you really want to delete the assignment of RSAP0001 to your old project>goto CMOD>your project name>change>delete assigment
    Then create a new project and assign the enhancement RSAP0001 to your new project and write the code in Include 'ZXRSAU01'..
    Hope it helps

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    You can't delete it.
    Why do you need to?  Why can't you just work with your documents like everyone else does, by opening iWork software on your Mac and using File > Open, etc to see your docs that are in iCloud?  Why would you need to use your browser?

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    Please explain the usage of FM CRMXIF_CONDITION_SEL_DELETE with examples.
    I have also read the documention of the function module. How to use this FM for custom defined condition table.
    (this is the code given in Documentation)
    DATA-SEL_OPT-CT_APPLICATION              = 'CRM'
    DATA-SEL_OPT-OBJECT_TASK                    = 'D'
    DATA-SEL_OPT-RANGE-R_SIGN                  = 'I'    (Including)
    DATA-SEL_OPT-RANGE-R_OPTION           = 'EQ'

    Hi Shankar,
    I am using the same CRMXIF_CONDITION_SEL_DELETE function module to delete condition record present in CRM.
    But it is giving me below error in the return table of the FM after i run the program. Can you please correct me if I am doing any thing wrong?
    Error in  lt_return: SMW3     CND_MAST_SEL_DEL_EXT_VALIDATE     CND_M_SD
    ls_range-fieldname = 'PRODUCT_ID''.
    ls_range-R_SIGN = 'I'.
    ls_range-R_OPTION = 'EQ'.
    ls_range-R_VALUE_LOW = '123456'.
    APPEND ls_range TO lt_range.
    MOVE lt_range TO ls_entry-SEL_OPT-range.
    ls_data-SEL_OPT-object_task = 'D'.
    ls_data-SEL_OPT-ct_application = 'CRM'.
    ls_data-object_representation = 'E'.
        DATA          = ls_date
       RETURN        = lt_return
        return = lt_ret.
    Edited by: Saravanaprasad Nadar on Jul 7, 2010 1:27 AM

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