How to disable the guest login in OBIEE 11g?

Whenever i click on analytics link, Guest automatically logs in , then i have to logout in order for the user to log in.
How do we disable this Guest login?

Whenever i click on analytics link, Guest automatically logs in , then i have to logout in order for the user to log in.
How do we disable this Guest login?

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  • How do I disable the GUEST login option at start up screen

    how do I disable the GUEST login option at start up screen.
    I have already gone to
    System Pref'>Users and Groups>Unlocked it with password>Guest User is OFF>Allow guests to log into this computer is NOT CHECKED,
    however I still have that GUEST USER selection on the login screen.

    Hello Leopardus,
    having read other post concerning this issue
    Re: Removing Guest User icon from login page
    dated all the way back to 2012, I have decide to leave well enough along and not let the GUEST button bother me.
    I rarely if ever take my Mac out of the house so I have not given much thought to theft or loss, but, in the event of it leaving my house by another way, the slim possibility of recovering it is worth the annoyance, I'll get over it.
    Thank you all.

  • How to remove the "Sign Out" in OBIEE 11g?

    How to remove or hide the "Sign Out" option from Dashboard in OBIEE 11g?
    Edited by: Siva Prasad on Jul 6, 2011 6:20 AM

    Hi Amit, Following z the file.. Plz check it out....
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    Edited by: Siva Prasad on Jul 6, 2011 10:39 PM
    Edited by: Siva Prasad on Jul 6, 2011 11:10 PM
    Edited by: Siva Prasad on Jul 6, 2011 11:58 PM

  • How to know the Em url in OBIEE 11g

    Hi Team,
    Can you please let me know the procedure to find out the URL for EM.
    I have installed version.
    I am looking out for the port no.
    http://localhost:(How to get this port no)/em...Tried with 7001.but no luck.
    Riyaz Ali

    Hi Riyaz
    The Port number is the AdminServer Port Number of the domain. This is where the EM app will be targetted and deployed. If you choose all defaults and have like a Simple Installation of BI Software, then you should have one Server named AdminServer running at default Port: 7001.
    To really confirm exactly, open you config.xml file which is under your domain root folder/config/config.xml file. Search for "em.ear" and see to which server it is targetted, generally it will be AdminServer (<target> tag entry). Now from the top search for "AdminServer" in the same file. You should see an entry like shown below. SSL Port is 7002. If you do NOT see <listen-port> tag, it means it is using DEFAULT Port which is 7001. But if you do see this tag, use that port number. Do not get confused with <ssl> port. Every domain have normal and ssl ports and most of the times we use normal port.
      </server>So, try, http://youradminserverhost:adminserverport/em
    NOW, if you get like Page Not Found, or do not see entry from em.ear file in your config.xml file, this means your domain is not having EM app deployed.
    Ravi Jegga

  • How do I disable the guest account

    Can someone show me how to disable the guess account from the log-in screen?

    if you want to disable, click the url
    most will recommend leaving it there if you use find my mac since it allows a way for thieves to login and connect to the internet (necessary for find my mac to work) without accessing your personal files
    think of it a honeypot security measure if nothing else

  • How do I remove the guest login option?

    When I turn on my computer, it shows that a guest could get onto the internet without a password. I don't want this to happen. I tried disabling the guest account from the settings but it still shows up. Why is this???

    Take a look at the iCloud settings and "Find My Mac" to learn more about this special "guest" account.

  • Why can I not disable the guest user in the 10.8.2 update? I have never enabled the guest user, but after the update, it was automatically enabled with a "managed" tag. It is not selectable even after entering my admin password to unlock the options.

    Why can I not disable the guest user in the 10.8.2 update? I have never enabled the guest user, but after the update, it was automatically enabled with a "managed" tag. It is not selectable even after entering my admin password to unlock the options. I was able to select the account under "parental controls", but again, could not delete it. Why Apple? Why?!!????

    SOLVED Ok. I actually was able to disable it. I had to actually log in as the guest user to make it accessible in the preference window. Then I disabled it and logged out. Apologies if this was obvious for some people, but I have had some sort of issue with something every update since Snow Leopard.

  • How to change the Default login script and the USER login script in Netware3.12

    I need to cut down the disk map from Neware 3.12 in Win98 client's PC.
    please tell me
    how to change the Default login script and the USER login script in
    Netware3.12 ?
    Or is there any other ways to do this thing?
    Thanks a lot!

    On 4/6/2006 [email protected] wrote:
    > how to change the Default login script and the USER login script in
    > Netware3.12 ?
    Please repost in the discontinued.forums.
    Edison Ortiz
    Novell Product Support Forum SysOp
    (No Email Support, Thanks !)

  • I have changed the apple ID (email, but on my iphone , the icloud is stil asking me to log in whit the old email.And it is poping-up on every 10 seconds.I never used icloud, and i dont want to use it.I just dont know how to disable the icloud.

    i have changed the apple ID (email) but on my iphone , the icloud is stil asking me to log in whit the old email.And it is poping-up on every 10 seconds.I never used icloud, and i dont want to use it.I just dont know how to disable the icloud.

    If you see that pop up you enabled icloud. Whether you want or do not want now to use it irrelevant until you actually disable activation lock.
    In order to do that you have to change your apple id back to do that just long enough to sign in and back out. System will ask you to verify, don't.
    Just sign in on the prompt you getting and then logout. Once done, change apple id to what you have now and verify. Then decide if you want to
    use icloud (who does not want to be able to track their phone if lost or stolen).

  • I have an older mac and it wants me to update to itunes 10 but my mac is too old and I cant figure out how to disable the update

    I have an older mac and it wants me to update to itunes 10 but my mac is too old and I cant figure out how to disable the update so I can use the store.

    If Software Update is offering the update then it would be compatible with your model.  Unfortunately, you haven't provided us with any information on your hardware that would enable us to determine if it really is too old.
    If you really wish to disable the update alert then the next time Software Update opens, select the update in the list then select "Ignore update" from SU's Update menu.

  • How to disable the reminding dialog when close the webi report viewer

    Dear all
    How to disable the reminding dialog when close the webi report viewer
    When user close the webi report viewer in inforview by click the button in the right-top of the webi report viewer frame. It always prompt a dialog to remind user that the modification will be lost without saving.
    But customer need to disable this dialog, and can clost the report viewer directly.
    So is there any ways to modify this?
    I think it shoule modify some .js file under tomcat, but can not find the solution.
    Thanks a lot, any information woulde be appreciated.
    David Zhang

    I've had the same issue bugging me since installing Snow, er, lion, er, cat, er, cougar, er, Mountain Lion. Incredibly ANNOYING.
    It's stupid stuff like this and reverse scrolling that really turn long-timer users off. I'm personally glad Forstall got fired for blunders such as these.
    I'm serious peeved that turning off iCloud Documents & Data actually deletes documents and data locally. That's just incredibly stupid.
    MANY thanks mende1 for the answer on how to fix it.

  • How to disable the previously entered user ID's that automatically appear. For example ; when logging into email , first letter of user ID promts the previously used email user IDs... Want to disable this feature---How can ot be done ?

    How to disable the previously entered user ID's that automatically appear. For example ; when logging into email , first letter of user ID prompts the previously used email user IDs... Want to disable this feature---How can it be done ?

    *Click the (empty) input field on the web page to open the drop down list
    *Highlight an entry in the drop down list
    *Press the Delete key (on Mac: Shift+Delete) to remove it.
    * Tools > Options > Security: Passwords: "Saved Passwords" > "Show Passwords"
    * Tools > Options > Privacy > History: "Remember search and form history"

  • How to disable the purchase function?

    Anyone know how to disable the purchase function from the ipad2? How to disable and empty the payment credit card inform? If not, is it secure?

    None for payment
    After establishing the Credit Card account (i.e. after you have made purchases), you can remove the credit card information by editing your payment info, choosing "None".

  • How to disable the selection of "Title and logo URL of a SharePoint 2013 site" from browser

    how to disable the selection of "Title and logo URL of a SharePoint 2013 site" from browser or How can we able to set our custom default log to the sp2013 site using code.So that users are not allowed to change from browser again.
    Thanks &amp; Regards, Krishna

    Hi  Krishna,
    For your issue, you need to deploy a farm solution using HideCustomAction to hide site settings link. For example to hide “Title, description, and logo” link you can use below code:
    <Elements xmlns="">
    HideActionId = "ProjectSettings"
    Location = "Microsoft.SharePoint.SiteSettings">
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to disable the status icon in Skype 4 for Andr...

    Dear Skypers,
    How to disable the status icon in Skype 4 for Android phones?
    The guide on this following support page not working anymore:
    Older version has the option to disable Skype Status and get rid of the Skype icon on Android status bar. But latest could not disable Skype Status in notifications settings. :/
    Device: Google Nexus 4
    Android: 4.3 JWR66Y
    Please bring back the option to disable the Skype icon on Android status bar. This is the main reason I uninstall Skype. :/
    Kudos to the team, the apps is really smooth and fluid to use. Would be nice if you guys are following the Android Design Principles and using Google Cloud Messaging for push notification to improve User Experience and battery life.
    Kind regards,
    everytime i get ahead, i feel more dead.
    Go to Solution.
    how to get rid of skype icon on android status bar.png ‏46 KB

    Long click on this notification a sub menu having field "App info" would appear goto App Info. You can goto there by "Manage Apps">"Skype" also. 
    Uncheck Option "Show Notifications" A dialog will open. Don't worry about notifications for now just click OK. Now the notification icon skype has also been removed. 
    Now simply check "Show notification again". After doing this you would get notifications but skype icon would not be shown in the status bar anymore.
    Issue: this is just a trick you need to repeat this every time sign out and sign in again. Mostly you don't do that so no need to worry.

Maybe you are looking for