How to display FileDialog in applet?

Hi all,
I looked FileDialog constructors but only Frame can be the owner of the dialog? Is there a way to do display it in applet?
Thank you.

Applets need to be signed to access the file system.

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    I would recommend that you read the following article
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    Hi taral_shah!
    There isn't errors in your code. Unfortunately there is not a way to display layers over applets because objects contexts are different for both. It also happens with layers and flash objects or layers and "select" object (using forms).
    Best Regards.

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  • Using getter/setter for returing a string variable to display on an Applet

    have two classes called, class A and class testA.
    class A contains an instance variable called title and one getter & setter method. class A as follow.
    public class A extends Applet implements Runnable, KeyListener
         //Use setter and getter of the instance variable
         private String title;
         public void init()
              ASpriteFactory spriteFactory = ASpriteFactory.getSingleton();
              // Find the size of the screen .
              Dimension theDimension = getSize();
              width = theDimension.width;
              height = theDimension.height;
              //Create new ship
              ship = spriteFactory.createNewShip();
              fwdThruster = spriteFactory.createForwardThruster();
              revThruster = spriteFactory.createReverseThruster();
              ufo = spriteFactory.createUfo();
              missile = spriteFactory.createMissile();
              //Example from Instructor
              //setMyControlPanel( new MyControlPanel(this) );
              // new for JDK 1.2.2
         public void update(Graphics theGraphics)
              // Create the offscreen graphics context, if no good one exists.
              if (offGraphics == null || width != offDimension.width || height != offDimension.height)
                   // This better be the same as when the game was started
                   offDimension = getSize();
                   offImage = createImage(offDimension.width, offDimension.height);
                   offGraphics = offImage.getGraphics();
              //Load the game with different color of the space ship          
              // Copy the off screen buffer to the screen.
              theGraphics.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, this);
         private void displayInfoScreen()
              String message;
              if (!playing)
                   offGraphics.drawString("\'A\' to Change Font Attribute", 25, 35);
                   offGraphics.drawString(getTitle(), (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 2
                             - fontHeight);
                   message = "The Training Mission";
                   offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 2);
                   message = "Name of Author";
                   offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 2
                             + fontHeight);
                   message = "Original Copyright 1998-1999 by Mike Hall";
                   offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 2
                             + (fontHeight * 2));
                   if (!loaded)
                        message = "Loading sounds...";
                        int barWidth = 4 * fontWidth + fontMetrics.stringWidth(message);
                        int barHeight = fontHeight;
                        int startX = (width - barWidth) / 2;
                        int startY = 3 * height / 4 - fontMetrics.getMaxAscent();
                        offGraphics.fillRect(startX, startY, barWidth, barHeight);
                        if (clipTotal > 0)
                             offGraphics.fillRect(startX, startY, (barWidth * clipsLoaded / clipTotal), barHeight);
                        offGraphics.drawRect(startX, startY, barWidth, barHeight);
                                  .drawString(message, startX + 2 * fontWidth, startY + fontMetrics.getMaxAscent());
                        message = "Game Over";
                        offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 4);
                        message = "'S' to Start";
                        offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 4
                                  + fontHeight);
              else if (paused)
                   message = "Game Paused";
                   offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 4);
         public String getTitle() {
              return title;
         public void setTitle(String title) {
              this.title = title;
    }displayInfoScreen method in class A calls out for getTitle( ) to be displayed on an applet as an initial display string for the application.
    The instance variable title is set by setTitle method which is called out in class testA as follow,
    public class testA extends TestCase
          * testASprite constructor comment.
          * @param name
          *          java.lang.String
         public testA(String name)
          * Insert the method's description here.
          * @param args
          *          java.lang.String[]
         public static void main(String[] args)
              // need to figure out how to get rid of the frame in this test
         public static Test suite()
              return new TestSuite(testA.class);
          * Basic create and simple checks
         public void testCreate()
              A theGame = new A();
              assertNotNull("game was null!", theGame);
          * Basic create and simple checks
         public void testInit()
              A theGame = new A();
              Frame gameFrame = new Frame("THE GAME");
              int width = 640;
              int height = 480;
              gameFrame.setSize(width, height);
              // must pack to get graphics peer
              theGame.resize(width, height);
              theGame.setTitle("TEST THE GAME");
              assertEquals("ASprite width not set", A.width, width);
    }Basically, class testA invokes the init( ) method in class A and start the applet application. However, it displays a white blank display. If I change the getTitle( ) in the displayInfoScreen method to a fixed string, it works fine. Did I forget anything as far as using getter & setter method? Do I have to specify some type of handle to sync between setter and getter between two classes? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

    Your class A extends runnable which leads me to believe that this is a multi-threaded application. In that case, title may or may not be a shared variable. Who knows? It's impossible to tell from what you posted.
    Anyway, what is happening is that your applet is being painted by the JFrame before setTitle is called. After that, who knows what's happening. It's a complicated application. I suspect that if you called setTitle before you added the applet to the frame, it would work.

  • How do I convert this Applet to launch from a JFrame instead??

       A simple program where the user can sketch curves and shapes in a
       variety of colors on a variety of background colors.  The user selects
       a drawing color form a pop-up menu at the top of the
       applet.  If the user clicks "Set Background", the background
       color is set to the current drawing color and the drawing
       area is filled with that color.  If the user clicks "Clear",
       the drawing area is just filled with the current background color.
       The user selects the shape to draw from another pop-up menu at the
       top of the applet.  The user can draw free-hand curves, straight
       lines, and one of six different types of shapes.
       The user's drawing is saved in an off-screen image, which is
       used to refresh the screen when repainting.  The picture is
       lost if the applet changes size, however.
       This file defines two classes, SimplePaint3,class, and
       class, SimplePaint3$Display.class.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class SimplePaint3 extends JApplet {
            // The main applet class simply sets up the applet.  Most of the
            // work is done in the Display class.
       JComboBox colorChoice, figureChoice;  // Pop-up menus, defined as instance
                                             // variables so that the Display
                                             // class can see them.
       public void init() {
          Display canvas = new Display();  // The drawing area.
          JPanel buttonBar = new JPanel();       // A panel to hold the buttons.
          getContentPane().add(buttonBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
          JPanel choiceBar = new JPanel();       // A panel to hole the pop-up menus
          getContentPane().add(choiceBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          JButton fill = new JButton("Set Background");  // The first button.
          JButton clear = new JButton("Clear");   // The second button.
          colorChoice = new JComboBox();  // The pop-up menu of colors.
          figureChoice = new JComboBox();  // The pop-up menu of shapes.
          figureChoice.addItem("Straight Line");
          figureChoice.addItem("Filled Rectangle");
          figureChoice.addItem("Filled Oval");
          figureChoice.addItem("Filled RoundRect");
       }  // end init()
       public Insets getInsets() {
              // Specify how wide a border to leave around the edges of the applet.
          return new Insets(3,3,3,3);
       private class Display extends JPanel
                  implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, ActionListener {
               // Nested class Display represents the drawing surface of the
               // applet.  It lets the user use the mouse to draw colored curves
               // and shapes.  The current color is specified by the pop-up menu
               // colorChoice.  The current shape is specified by another pop-up menu,
               // figureChoice.  (These are instance variables in the main class.)
               // The panel also listens for action events from buttons
               // named "Clear" and "Set Background".  The "Clear" button fills
               // the panel with the current background color.  The "Set Background"
               // button sets the background color to the current drawing color and
               // then clears.  These buttons are set up in the main class.
          private final static int
                      BLACK = 0,
                      RED = 1,            // Some constants to make
                      GREEN = 2,          // the code more readable.
                      BLUE = 3,           // These numbers code for
                      CYAN = 4,           // the different drawing colors.
                      MAGENTA = 5,
                      YELLOW = 6,
                      WHITE = 7;
          private final static int
                     CURVE = 0,
                     LINE = 1,
                     RECT = 2,               // Some constants that code
                     OVAL = 3,               // for the different types of
                     ROUNDRECT = 4,          // figure the program can draw.
                     FILLED_RECT = 5,
                     FILLED_OVAL = 6,
                     FILLED_ROUNDRECT = 7;
          /* Some variables used for backing up the contents of the panel. */
          Image OSI;  // The off-screen image (created in checkOSI()).
          int widthOfOSI, heightOfOSI;  // Current width and height of OSI.  These
                                        // are checked against the size of the applet,
                                        // to detect any change in the panel's size.
                                        // If the size has changed, a new OSI is created.
                                        // The picture in the off-screen image is lost
                                        // when that happens.
          /* The following variables are used when the user is sketching a
             curve while dragging a mouse. */
          private int mouseX, mouseY;   // The location of the mouse.
          private int prevX, prevY;     // The previous location of the mouse.
          private int startX, startY;   // The starting position of the mouse.
                                        // (Not used for drawing curves.)
          private boolean dragging;     // This is set to true when the user is drawing.
          private int figure;    // What type of figure is being drawn.  This is
                                 //    specified by the figureChoice menu.
          private Graphics dragGraphics;  // A graphics context for the off-screen image,
                                          // to be used while a drag is in progress.
          private Color dragColor;  // The color that is used for the figure that is
                                    // being drawn.
          Display() {
                 // Constructor.  When this component is first created, it is set to
                 // listen for mouse events and mouse motion events from
                 // itself.  The initial background color is white.
          private void drawFigure(Graphics g, int shape, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
                // This method is called to do ALL drawing in this applet!
                // Draws a shape in the graphics context g.
                // The shape paramter tells what kind of shape to draw.  This
                // can be LINE, RECT, OVAL, ROUNTRECT, FILLED_RECT,
                // FILLED_OVAL, or FILLED_ROUNDRECT.  (Note that a CURVE is
                // drawn by drawing multiple LINES, so the shape parameter is
                // never equal to CURVE.)  For a LINE, a line is drawn from
                // the point (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).  For other shapes,  the
                // points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) give two corners of the shape
                // (or of a rectangle that contains the shape).
             if (shape == LINE) {
                   // For a line, just draw the line between the two points.
             int x, y;  // Top left corner of rectangle that contains the figure.
             int w, h;  // Width and height of rectangle that contains the figure.
             if (x1 >= x2) {  // x2 is left edge
                x = x2;
                w = x1 - x2;
             else {          // x1 is left edge
                x = x1;
                w = x2 - x1;
             if (y1 >= y2) {  // y2 is top edge
                y = y2;
                h = y1 - y2;
             else {          // y1 is top edge.
                y = y1;
                h = y2 - y1;
             switch (shape) {   // Draw the appropriate figure.
                case RECT:
                   g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
                case OVAL:
                   g.drawOval(x, y, w, h);
                case ROUNDRECT:
                   g.drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, 20, 20);
                case FILLED_RECT:
                   g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
                case FILLED_OVAL:
                   g.fillOval(x, y, w, h);
                case FILLED_ROUNDRECT:
                   g.fillRoundRect(x, y, w, h, 20, 20);
          private void repaintRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
                // Call repaint on a rectangle that contains the points (x1,y1)
                // and (x2,y2).  (Add a 1-pixel border along right and bottom
                // edges to allow for the pen overhang when drawing a line.)
             int x, y;  // top left corner of rectangle that contains the figure
             int w, h;  // width and height of rectangle that contains the figure
             if (x2 >= x1) {  // x1 is left edge
                x = x1;
                w = x2 - x1;
             else {          // x2 is left edge
                x = x2;
                w = x1 - x2;
             if (y2 >= y1) {  // y1 is top edge
                y = y1;
                h = y2 - y1;
             else {          // y2 is top edge.
                y = y2;
                h = y1 - y2;
          private void checkOSI() {
               // This method is responsible for creating the off-screen image.
               // It should be called before using the OSI.  It will make a new OSI if
               // the size of the panel changes.
             if (OSI == null || widthOfOSI != getSize().width || heightOfOSI != getSize().height) {
                    // Create the OSI, or make a new one if panel size has changed.
                OSI = null;  // (If OSI already exists, this frees up the memory.)
                OSI = createImage(getSize().width, getSize().height);
                widthOfOSI = getSize().width;
                heightOfOSI = getSize().height;
                Graphics OSG = OSI.getGraphics();  // Graphics context for drawing to OSI.
                OSG.fillRect(0, 0, widthOfOSI, heightOfOSI);
          public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
               // Copy the off-screen image to the screen,
               // after checking to make sure it exists.  Then,
               // if a shape other than CURVE is being drawn,
               // draw it on top of the image from the OSI.
             g.drawImage(OSI, 0, 0, this);
             if (dragging && figure != CURVE) {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                  // Respond when the user clicks on a button.  The
                  // command must be either "Clear" or "Set Background".
             String command = evt.getActionCommand();
             if (command.equals("Set Background")) {
                    // Set background color before clearing.
                    // Change the selected color so it is different
                    // from the background color.
                if (colorChoice.getSelectedIndex() == BLACK)
             Graphics g = OSI.getGraphics();
          private Color getCurrentColor() {
                   // Check the colorChoice menu to find the currently
                   // selected color, and return the appropriate color
                   // object.
             int currentColor = colorChoice.getSelectedIndex();
             switch (currentColor) {
                case BLACK:
                case RED:
                case GREEN:
                case BLUE:
                case CYAN:
                   return Color.cyan;
                case MAGENTA:
                   return Color.magenta;
                case YELLOW:
                   return Color.yellow;
                   return Color.white;
          public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
                  // This is called when the user presses the mouse on the
                  // panel.  This begins a draw operation in which the user
                  // sketches a curve or draws a shape.  (Note that curves
                  // are handled differently from other shapes.  For CURVE,
                  // a new segment of the curve is drawn each time the user
                  // moves the mouse.  For the other shapes, a "rubber band
                  // cursor" is used.  That is, the figure is drawn between
                  // the starting point and the current mouse location.)
             if (dragging == true)  // Ignore mouse presses that occur
                 return;            //    when user is already drawing a curve.
                                    //    (This can happen if the user presses
                                    //    two mouse buttons at the same time.)
             prevX = startX = evt.getX();  // Save mouse coordinates.
             prevY = startY = evt.getY();
             figure = figureChoice.getSelectedIndex();
             dragColor = getCurrentColor();        
             dragGraphics = OSI.getGraphics();
             dragging = true;  // Start drawing.
          } // end mousePressed()
          public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) {
                  // Called whenever the user releases the mouse button.
                  // If the user was drawing a shape, we make the shape
                  // permanent by drawing it to the off-screen image.
              if (dragging == false)
                 return;  // Nothing to do because the user isn't drawing.
              dragging = false;
              mouseX = evt.getX();
              mouseY = evt.getY();
              if (figure == CURVE) {
                     // A CURVE is drawn as a series of LINEs
              else if (figure == LINE) {
                 if (mouseX != startX || mouseY != startY) {
                       // Draw the line only if it has non-zero length.
              else {
                 if (mouseX != startX && mouseY != startY) {
                       // Draw the shape only if both its height
                       // and width are both non-zero.
              dragGraphics = null;
          public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {
                   // Called whenever the user moves the mouse while a mouse button
                   // is down.  If the user is drawing a curve, draw a segment of
                   // the curve on the off-screen image, and repaint the part
                   // of the panel that contains the new line segment.  Otherwise,
                   // just call repaint and let paintComponent() draw the shape on
                   // top of the picture in the off-screen image.
              if (dragging == false)
                 return;  // Nothing to do because the user isn't drawing.
              mouseX = evt.getX();   // x-coordinate of mouse.
              mouseY = evt.getY();   // y=coordinate of mouse.
              if (figure == CURVE) {
                     // A CURVE is drawn as a series of LINEs.
              else {
                    // Repaint two rectangles:  The one that contains the previous
                    // version of the figure, and the one that will contain the
                    // new version.  The first repaint is necessary to restore
                    // the picture from the off-screen image in that rectangle.
              prevX = mouseX;  // Save coords for the next call to mouseDragged or mouseReleased.
              prevY = mouseY;
          } // end mouseDragged.
          public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { }   // Some empty routines.
          public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { }    //    (Required by the MouseListener
          public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { }   //    and MouseMotionListener
          public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) { }     //    interfaces).
       } // end nested class Display
    } // end class SimplePaint3

    Im quite the novice, how exactly do I go about doing that. What I did was to put both in diff files but I got errors saying that they cant find colorChoice, figureChoice in the Display class.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Simple extends JFrame implements Display{
            // The main applet class simply sets up the applet.  Most of the
            // work is done in the Display class.
       JComboBox colorChoice, figureChoice;  // Pop-up menus, defined as instance
                                             // variables so that the Display
                                             // class can see them.
       public void init() {
          Display canvas = new Display();  // The drawing area.
          JPanel buttonBar = new JPanel();       // A panel to hold the buttons.
          getContentPane().add(buttonBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
          JPanel choiceBar = new JPanel();       // A panel to hole the pop-up menus
          getContentPane().add(choiceBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          JButton fill = new JButton("Set Background");  // The first button.
          JButton clear = new JButton("Clear");   // The second button.
          colorChoice = new JComboBox();  // The pop-up menu of colors.
          figureChoice = new JComboBox();  // The pop-up menu of shapes.
          figureChoice.addItem("Straight Line");
          figureChoice.addItem("Filled Rectangle");
          figureChoice.addItem("Filled Oval");
          figureChoice.addItem("Filled RoundRect");
       }  // end init()
    } // end class SimplePaint3
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Display extends JPanel
                  implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, ActionListener {
               // Nested class Display represents the drawing surface of the
               // applet.  It lets the user use the mouse to draw colored curves
               // and shapes.  The current color is specified by the pop-up menu
               // colorChoice.  The current shape is specified by another pop-up menu,
               // figureChoice.  (These are instance variables in the main class.)
               // The panel also listens for action events from buttons
               // named "Clear" and "Set Background".  The "Clear" button fills
               // the panel with the current background color.  The "Set Background"
               // button sets the background color to the current drawing color and
               // then clears.  These buttons are set up in the main class.
          private final static int
                      BLACK = 0,
                      RED = 1,            // Some constants to make
                      GREEN = 2,          // the code more readable.
                      BLUE = 3,           // These numbers code for
                      CYAN = 4,           // the different drawing colors.
                      MAGENTA = 5,
                      YELLOW = 6,
                      WHITE = 7;
          private final static int
                     CURVE = 0,
                     LINE = 1,
                     RECT = 2,               // Some constants that code
                     OVAL = 3,               // for the different types of
                     ROUNDRECT = 4,          // figure the program can draw.
                     FILLED_RECT = 5,
                     FILLED_OVAL = 6,
                     FILLED_ROUNDRECT = 7;
          /* Some variables used for backing up the contents of the panel. */
          Image OSI;  // The off-screen image (created in checkOSI()).
          int widthOfOSI, heightOfOSI;  // Current width and height of OSI.  These
                                        // are checked against the size of the applet,
                                        // to detect any change in the panel's size.
                                        // If the size has changed, a new OSI is created.
                                        // The picture in the off-screen image is lost
                                        // when that happens.
          /* The following variables are used when the user is sketching a
             curve while dragging a mouse. */
          private int mouseX, mouseY;   // The location of the mouse.
          private int prevX, prevY;     // The previous location of the mouse.
          private int startX, startY;   // The starting position of the mouse.
                                        // (Not used for drawing curves.)
          private boolean dragging;     // This is set to true when the user is drawing.
          private int figure;    // What type of figure is being drawn.  This is
                                 //    specified by the figureChoice menu.
          private Graphics dragGraphics;  // A graphics context for the off-screen image,
                                          // to be used while a drag is in progress.
          private Color dragColor;  // The color that is used for the figure that is
                                    // being drawn.
          Display() {
                 // Constructor.  When this component is first created, it is set to
                 // listen for mouse events and mouse motion events from
                 // itself.  The initial background color is white.
          private void drawFigure(Graphics g, int shape, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
                // This method is called to do ALL drawing in this applet!
                // Draws a shape in the graphics context g.
                // The shape paramter tells what kind of shape to draw.  This
                // can be LINE, RECT, OVAL, ROUNTRECT, FILLED_RECT,
                // FILLED_OVAL, or FILLED_ROUNDRECT.  (Note that a CURVE is
                // drawn by drawing multiple LINES, so the shape parameter is
                // never equal to CURVE.)  For a LINE, a line is drawn from
                // the point (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).  For other shapes,  the
                // points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) give two corners of the shape
                // (or of a rectangle that contains the shape).
             if (shape == LINE) {
                   // For a line, just draw the line between the two points.
             int x, y;  // Top left corner of rectangle that contains the figure.
             int w, h;  // Width and height of rectangle that contains the figure.
             if (x1 >= x2) {  // x2 is left edge
                x = x2;
                w = x1 - x2;
             else {          // x1 is left edge
                x = x1;
                w = x2 - x1;
             if (y1 >= y2) {  // y2 is top edge
                y = y2;
                h = y1 - y2;
             else {          // y1 is top edge.
                y = y1;
                h = y2 - y1;
             switch (shape) {   // Draw the appropriate figure.
                case RECT:
                   g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
                case OVAL:
                   g.drawOval(x, y, w, h);
                case ROUNDRECT:
                   g.drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, 20, 20);
                case FILLED_RECT:
                   g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
                case FILLED_OVAL:
                   g.fillOval(x, y, w, h);
                case FILLED_ROUNDRECT:
                   g.fillRoundRect(x, y, w, h, 20, 20);
          private void repaintRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
                // Call repaint on a rectangle that contains the points (x1,y1)
                // and (x2,y2).  (Add a 1-pixel border along right and bottom
                // edges to allow for the pen overhang when drawing a line.)
             int x, y;  // top left corner of rectangle that contains the figure
             int w, h;  // width and height of rectangle that contains the figure
             if (x2 >= x1) {  // x1 is left edge
                x = x1;
                w = x2 - x1;
             else {          // x2 is left edge
                x = x2;
                w = x1 - x2;
             if (y2 >= y1) {  // y1 is top edge
                y = y1;
                h = y2 - y1;
             else {          // y2 is top edge.
                y = y2;
                h = y1 - y2;
          private void checkOSI() {
               // This method is responsible for creating the off-screen image.
               // It should be called before using the OSI.  It will make a new OSI if
               // the size of the panel changes.
             if (OSI == null || widthOfOSI != getSize().width || heightOfOSI != getSize().height) {
                    // Create the OSI, or make a new one if panel size has changed.
                OSI = null;  // (If OSI already exists, this frees up the memory.)
                OSI = createImage(getSize().width, getSize().height);
                widthOfOSI = getSize().width;
                heightOfOSI = getSize().height;
                Graphics OSG = OSI.getGraphics();  // Graphics context for drawing to OSI.
                OSG.fillRect(0, 0, widthOfOSI, heightOfOSI);
          public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
               // Copy the off-screen image to the screen,
               // after checking to make sure it exists.  Then,
               // if a shape other than CURVE is being drawn,
               // draw it on top of the image from the OSI.
             g.drawImage(OSI, 0, 0, this);
             if (dragging && figure != CURVE) {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                  // Respond when the user clicks on a button.  The
                  // command must be either "Clear" or "Set Background".
             String command = evt.getActionCommand();
             if (command.equals("Set Background")) {
                    // Set background color before clearing.
                    // Change the selected color so it is different
                    // from the background color.
                if (colorChoice.getSelectedIndex() == BLACK)
             Graphics g = OSI.getGraphics();
          private Color getCurrentColor() {
                   // Check the colorChoice menu to find the currently
                   // selected color, and return the appropriate color
                   // object.
             int currentColor = colorChoice.getSelectedIndex();
             switch (currentColor) {
                case BLACK:
                case RED:
                case GREEN:
                case BLUE:
                case CYAN:
                   return Color.cyan;
                case MAGENTA:
                   return Color.magenta;
                case YELLOW:
                   return Color.yellow;
                   return Color.white;
          public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
                  // This is called when the user presses the mouse on the
                  // panel.  This begins a draw operation in which the user
                  // sketches a curve or draws a shape.  (Note that curves
                  // are handled differently from other shapes.  For CURVE,
                  // a new segment of the curve is drawn each time the user
                  // moves the mouse.  For the other shapes, a "rubber band
                  // cursor" is used.  That is, the figure is drawn between
                  // the starting point and the current mouse location.)
             if (dragging == true)  // Ignore mouse presses that occur
                 return;            //    when user is already drawing a curve.
                                    //    (This can happen if the user presses
                                    //    two mouse buttons at the same time.)
             prevX = startX = evt.getX();  // Save mouse coordinates.
             prevY = startY = evt.getY();
             figure = figureChoice.getSelectedIndex();
             dragColor = getCurrentColor();        
             dragGraphics = OSI.getGraphics();
             dragging = true;  // Start drawing.
          } // end mousePressed()
          public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) {
                  // Called whenever the user releases the mouse button.
                  // If the user was drawing a shape, we make the shape
                  // permanent by drawing it to the off-screen image.
              if (dragging == false)
                 return;  // Nothing to do because the user isn't drawing.
              dragging = false;
              mouseX = evt.getX();
              mouseY = evt.getY();
              if (figure == CURVE) {
                     // A CURVE is drawn as a series of LINEs
              else if (figure == LINE) {
                 if (mouseX != startX || mouseY != startY) {
                       // Draw the line only if it has non-zero length.
              else {
                 if (mouseX != startX && mouseY != startY) {
                       // Draw the shape only if both its height
                       // and width are both non-zero.
              dragGraphics = null;
          public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {
                   // Called whenever the user moves the mouse while a mouse button
                   // is down.  If the user is drawing a curve, draw a segment of
                   // the curve on the off-screen image, and repaint the part
                   // of the panel that contains the new line segment.  Otherwise,
                   // just call repaint and let paintComponent() draw the shape on
                   // top of the picture in the off-screen image.
              if (dragging == false)
                 return;  // Nothing to do because the user isn't drawing.
              mouseX = evt.getX();   // x-coordinate of mouse.
              mouseY = evt.getY();   // y=coordinate of mouse.
              if (figure == CURVE) {
                     // A CURVE is drawn as a series of LINEs.
              else {
                    // Repaint two rectangles:  The one that contains the previous
                    // version of the figure, and the one that will contain the
                    // new version.  The first repaint is necessary to restore
                    // the picture from the off-screen image in that rectangle.
              prevX = mouseX;  // Save coords for the next call to mouseDragged or mouseReleased.
              prevY = mouseY;
          } // end mouseDragged.
          public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { }   // Some empty routines.
          public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { }    //    (Required by the MouseListener
          public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { }   //    and MouseMotionListener
          public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) { }     //    interfaces).
       } // end nested class Display

  • How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed

    Hello, we are trying to accomplish the same thing that is mentioned in this post from Metalink. I've searched for a solution and hope someone here can help. Instead of restating the issue I think David Wilson does a good job of explaining what is needed. Can anyone please suggest a possible solution?
    From: David Wilton 07-Oct-05 01:08
    Subject: How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    We run an oracle 10g forms application through 9iAS over an intranet. All users are running windows 2000 professional.
    We run separate frame = true but I would like to switch to separate frame = false
    With separate frame = true if the user clicks the outer windows "X" close button (forms mdi window) the user is prompted to save changes before the application ends.
    when using separate frame = false
    If the user clicks the upper window "X" button (no longer form mdi window but regular browser window) the window and application is abruptly closed.
    I'm interested in using a onbeforeunload function to confirm if the user wants to close the window. This would be placed in the basejini.htm file. This could always ask if the user wants to exit or not. If they click OK then the window closes but if they click "Cancel" you are returned to the forms application exactly where you left. something like event.returnvalue="do you really want to exit?";
    However if the user exited using the normal exit form method then the applet is already closed before the onbeforeunoad event fires and there is nothing to go back to and I want the window to close automatically. This is accomplished using close.html file in post forms trigger.
    So what I want and what I think many may also want is the check if the embedded applet is still running and if so prompt the user to return to the application or continue to close. Of course If the applet is no longer running then just close because there is no reason confirm closing anymore.
    Does anyone have a html/JavaScript solution that can be placed in the jinitiator.htm file? or similar?
    Thank you
    [email protected]
    From: Andrew Lenton 07-Oct-05 08:58
    Subject: Re : How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    I don't know if this is exactly what you are after but you can add the following to the top of your basejini.htm file and it should prompt the user before exiting the IE window.
    <BODY %HTMLbodyAttrs%>
    window.onbeforeunload = unloadApplet;
    function unloadApplet(){
    message = "Warning! Please exit the Java Applet prior to
    exiting the browser"
    return message;
    From: Oracle, mohammed pasha 07-Oct-05 09:55
    Subject: Re : How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    Well I could not understand your complete requirement.
    Refer to Note.201481.1 How to Close the Browser Window When Closing Forms And How to Simulate SeparateFrame By Javascript
    Note.115905.1 How to Close Browser Window When Closing Webforms Applet
    Kind Regards,
    From: David Wilton 07-Oct-05 14:37
    Subject: Re : How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    Thank you for your reply and yes you did not understand my question fully.
    Sorry if this is a long reply
    I am able to close the browser window using information in notes 115905.1 and 201481.1, this is not the issue. We implemented this several years ago. It is workable for both separate frame = true or false.
    It is most important to not allow the user to end their forms application by closing the windows browser, they must close using normal form exit commands.
    What I want is to have separate frame = false, the big drawback to this option is the user can exit the application and bypass all forms code by pressing the windows "X" close button. This is why we need the code as just provided by Andrew Lenton above in this thread.
    BUT Andrew's code will always prompt the user before closing the window and I do not want that. I want the user to be prompted only under scenario 2 listed below.
    Here's the 2 case scenario for exiting the application.
    1. If the user closes properly and uses exit form which fires all normal form triggers including post_form with it's call to close.html file.
    All uncommitted changes are saved or rollback and the users session is ended normally both on the database and in the application server.
    All browser windows will close, great all is good. And without Andrew's code the window will close but with Andrew's code the user will be prompted to close or not, if they select Cancel the window will remain but the applet has already ended so why prompt? ...This is what I want to avoid.
    2. In the forms app. if the user clicks the windows "X" close button with uncommitted changes. The browser just closes the changes are rollback without prompting the user to save. The users sessions are now lost and still running in the database and application server until they are timed out.
    If I use Andrew's code then the user will be prompted to continue to close or go back, if they click Cancel to go back then focus returns to the forms application and the user can continue to work. If the user clicks OK then the window closes and unfortunately their sessions are still lost until timed out.
    So what I desire is to add to Andrew's code to check if the embedded applet is still running and prompt the user to close or not accordingly.
    Something like:
    Basejini.htm like
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    function maximizeWindow()
    function confirm(){
    Win.opener = self;
    Else if
    event.returnValue = "Closing Forms Application. OK to continue?";
    <BODY %HTMLbodyAttrs%, onload="maximizeWindow()", onbeforeunload="confirm()">
    I hope this explains my requirements.
    From: Oracle, Evelene Raechel 10-Oct-05 06:45
    Subject: Re : How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    Note.199928.1 How to Alert User on Closing Client's Browser Window in Webforms
    From: David Wilton 11-Oct-05 17:40
    Subject: Re : How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    I'm sorry this is not helpful at all.
    Note 199928.1 is only an alert which does not stop the closing of the window and still displays as an alert if the user does close properly using exit form ... so why would you want to display the alert then?
    This is exaclty what I do not want and why I want to determine if the applet is still running before displaying any kind of message.
    From: Oracle, Evelene Raechel 17-Oct-05 12:23
    Subject: Re : How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    Closing thread.

    I had the same issue last year - wanting to provide a warning on closing the browser, but only if the Forms session is still running. The approach I took is described below, see also the thread where I originally posted this at Closing brower window
    Hi there,I've had a similar requirement - or rather, the two conflicting requirements: to warn when the browser is being closed, but for the app to be able to close the browser without a warning being fired.
    To always provide a warning when someone (the user or the Forms app) tries to go to a different page (e.g. your close.htm), use Javascript like:
    function confirmExit(){
    if(appletRunning==true) {
    msg="Closing this window or navigating to another page will end your SomeGreatApp session.";
    And make a call to confirmExit() in the onBeforeUnload event of your main page.
    You'll notice I first check an 'appletRunning' variable before displaying the warning. This Javascript variable is set to true by my app when it starts up, using an embedded Javabean that calls out to Javascript. Once that variable is set to true, then the warning will be displayed if the user tries to shut the browser by clicking on the 'x' button, or to go to a different URL.
    When my app is shutting down, it uses the same Javabean to set appletRunning back to false. It then navigates to a close.htm - which will be done without a warning being displayed.
    See Re: How can a Javabean call Javascript function of the basejpi.html?? for example code on how to call Javascript from a bean embedded in your Forms app.
    Hope these ideas help you out, it's worked for me (so far, anyway!!)

  • Display JSP in applet

    Is there anyway to load a JSP from within an applet?

    If you want to display the output of the jsp in a GUI object in the applet you can use the HttpURLConnection class. This will allow you to call the jsp and retrieve the response. How to display is up to you. Nor do I know how you would handle javascript or CSS.
    If you want the JSP to be displayed in the browser window that the applet window is running in, look into using JavaScript and LiveConnect.

  • Display .gif In Applet Problem

    I have been making a game. Very simply, the game has a main class and another truely important class that extends JFrame, it is the map. In it i need to upload .gif files and display them. It worked up until recently because i needed to make a sepperate class. I know how to use the getImage() for Images and the the way for ImageIcons, but for some reason, they never display (they display just whiteness). My Code is as follows
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    // when this puppy reads from a file, it'll be able to have 55 15 x 15 terrains per row
    // 35 15 x 15 terrains per column
    // arrows by everythign that u would need to consider in finding the problem
    // this is not the main class
    public class GameMap extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener{
         public static final int MAX_BULLETS = 200;
         public static final int MAX_PLAYERS = 50;
         public static final int SPLAT_SIZE = 15;
         public static final int PLAYER_SIZE = 15;
         public static final int MAX_MESSAGES = 10;
         public static final int ROBOT_SIZE = 15;
         private static final int rowTerrains = 35;
         private static final int columnTerrains = 55;
         private static int currentBullets = 0;
         private static int currentPlayers = 0;
         private static int bulletRotation = 0;
         private static int aimX, aimY;
         private boolean mapLoaded;
         private boolean writingMessage;
         private boolean imagesLoaded;
         private int messageRotation;
         private int tileCoord;
         private String messageText = "";
         private String currentMap;
        private Bullet bullet[] = new Bullet[MAX_BULLETS];
        private Player player[] = new Player[MAX_PLAYERS];
        private Message message[] = new Message[MAX_MESSAGES];
        private Color backgroundColor = new Color(81, 141, 23);
        private Image offscreenMap; // offscreen image of map
        private Graphics mapGraphics;
         private ImageIcon yellowSplat1, yellowSplat2, yellowSplat3, yellowSplat4, yellowSplat5, bluePlayerBack, bluePlayerFront, bluePlayerRight, bluePlayerLeft, grass, tree, mountain, robot1;
         private Terrain terrain[] = new Terrain[(rowTerrains * columnTerrains)];
         public GameMap(){
              this(800, 450);
         public GameMap(int width, int height){
              addKeyListener(this); // use method requestFocusInWindow() for this to work
              setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
              for (int x = 0; x < bullet.length; x++){
                   bullet[x] = new Bullet();
              for (int x = 0; x < player.length; x++){
                   player[x] = new Player();
              for (int x = 0; x < message.length; x++){
                   message[x] = new Message();
              for (int x = 0, currentX = 0, currentY = 0; x < (rowTerrains * columnTerrains); x++){
                   terrain[x] = new Terrain();
                   currentX += 15;
                   if (currentX > columnTerrains * 15){
                        currentX = 0;
                        currentY += 15;
              player[0].drawPlayer(0, 0);
              //loadMap("Map1.txt"); // this is called to load the map right when this object is initialized
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
              Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
              Composite originalComposite = g2d.getComposite();
              if (imagesLoaded == false){
                   yellowSplat1 = new ImageIcon("yellow1.gif");
                   yellowSplat2 = new ImageIcon("yellow2.gif");
                   yellowSplat3 = new ImageIcon("yellow3.gif");
                   yellowSplat4 = new ImageIcon("yellow4.gif");
                   yellowSplat5 = new ImageIcon("yellow5.gif");
                   bluePlayerBack = new ImageIcon("BlueBack.gif");
                   bluePlayerFront = new ImageIcon("BlueFront.gif");
                   bluePlayerLeft = new ImageIcon("BlueLeft.gif");
                   bluePlayerRight = new ImageIcon("BlueRight.gif");
                   grass = new ImageIcon("Grass.gif");
                   tree = new ImageIcon("Tree.gif");
                   mountain = new ImageIcon("Mountain.gif");
                   robot1 = new ImageIcon("Robot1.gif");
              if (mapLoaded == false){ // so a map is loaded when game is started
                   mapLoaded = true;
              g.drawImage(offscreenMap, 0, 0, this);
              for (int x = 0; x < bullet[0].totalBullets; x++){
                   if (bullet[x].getArrived()){
                        //find splat type and display it
                        switch (bullet[x].getSplatType()){
                             case 0:
                                  yellowSplat1.paintIcon(this, g2d, bullet[x].getDestX() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2, bullet[x].getDestY() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2);
                             case 1:
                                  yellowSplat2.paintIcon(this, g2d, bullet[x].getDestX() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2, bullet[x].getDestY() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2);
                             case 2:
                                  yellowSplat3.paintIcon(this, g2d, bullet[x].getDestX() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2, bullet[x].getDestY() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2);
                             case 3:
                                  yellowSplat4.paintIcon(this, g2d, bullet[x].getDestX() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2, bullet[x].getDestY() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2);
                             case 4:
                                  yellowSplat5.paintIcon(this, g2d, bullet[x].getDestX() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2, bullet[x].getDestY() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2);
                        g2d.fillOval(bullet[x].getX(), bullet[x].getY(), 3, 3);
              for (int x = 0; x < player[0].totalPlayers; x++){
                   if (player[x].getPlayerPosition().equals("Back")){
                        bluePlayerBack.paintIcon(this, g2d, player[x].getX(), player[x].getY());
                   else if (player[x].getPlayerPosition().equals("Right")){
                        bluePlayerRight.paintIcon(this, g2d, player[x].getX(), player[x].getY());
                   else if (player[x].getPlayerPosition().equals("Left")){
                        bluePlayerLeft.paintIcon(this, g2d, player[x].getX(), player[x].getY());
                   else if (player[x].getPlayerPosition().equals("Front")){
                        bluePlayerFront.paintIcon(this, g2d, player[x].getX(), player[x].getY());
                        g2d.fillOval(player[x].getX(), player[x].getY(), 15, 15);
              if (writingMessage){
                   g2d.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 130));
                   g2d.draw3DRect(8, 7, 800, 17, true);
                   g2d.drawString(messageText, message[0].getX(), 20);
              for (int x = 0; x < MAX_MESSAGES; x++){
                   if (message[x].isDisplayed()){
                        g2d.drawString(message[x].getMessage(), message[x].getX(), message[x].getY());
         private AlphaComposite makeComposite(float alpha) {
              int type = AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER;
              return(AlphaComposite.getInstance(type, alpha));
         public void drawBullet(int aimX, int aimY){
              bullet[bulletRotation].drawBullet(player[0].getX() + PLAYER_SIZE / 2, player[0].getY() + PLAYER_SIZE / 2, aimX, aimY);
              if (bulletRotation >= MAX_BULLETS){
                   bulletRotation = 0;
         public void loadMap(String map){
              mapLoaded = false;
              currentMap = map;
                   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(map));
                   String input, string1, string2;
                   for (int x = 0; x < terrain.length; x++){
                   for (int x = 0, currentArray; x < terrain.length; x++){
                        if ((input = in.readLine()) != null) {
                             StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(input);
                             currentArray = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
                   offscreenMap = createImage(size().width, size().height);
                   mapGraphics = offscreenMap.getGraphics();
                   //mapGraphics.clearRect(0, 0, size().width, size().height);
                   // everything from here down is to be painted to mapGraphics... but it doesn't get this far cuz of an error
                   for (int x = 0; x < terrain.length; x++){
                        if (terrain[x].getTerrainType().equals("Grass")){
                             grass.paintIcon(this, mapGraphics, terrain[x].getX(), terrain[x].getY());
                             System.out.println("terrain(" + x + ") is Grass");
                        else if (terrain[x].getTerrainType().equals("Tree")){
                             tree.paintIcon(this, mapGraphics, terrain[x].getX(), terrain[x].getY());
                             System.out.println("terrain(" + x + ") is Tree");
                        else if (terrain[x].getTerrainType().equals("Mountain")){
                             mountain.paintIcon(this, mapGraphics, terrain[x].getX(), terrain[x].getY());
                             System.out.println("terrain(" + x + ") is Mountain");
              catch (FileNotFoundException e){
                   System.out.println("Map not found");
              catch (IOException e){
                   System.out.println("IOException Error!");
              // **** mouse Listener ****//
         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){}
         public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){}
         public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e){
              if (e.getButton() == 1){
                   //System.out.println("player[0].movePlayer(" + e.getX() + ", " + e.getY() + ")");
                   aimX = e.getX();
                   aimY = e.getY();
                   movePlayer(aimX, aimY);
              else if (e.getButton() == 3){
                   aimX = e.getX();
                   aimY = e.getY();
                   drawBullet(aimX, aimY);
         public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){
              if (isFocusOwner() != true){
         public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){}
         // **** end mouse listener ****//
         // **** mouse motion listener ****//
         public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e){}
         public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e){}
         // **** end mouse motion listener ****/
         public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){}
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){}
         public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){}
    }I removed a few unnecessary methods from this code to make it easier to view. EVERYTHING works except for the images displaying. The reason i'm having this problem now is i just redid my workspace and copied the code and i think some glitch stopped it from compiling correctly all along so now i experience this problem in the applet viewer. Though, even before, i couldn't get anything to display in an applet.
    And yes, everything is in the same place as the html file.
    Thanks for your help!

    Here's a way to keep track of and paint images with a simple Rectangle array. And also a way to remove lengthy initialization code blocks from paintComponent. Move the images by moving the rectangles.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class GameMapRx
        public static void main(String[] args)
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
            f.getContentPane().add(new GameMapPanel());
    class GameMapPanel extends JPanel
        Image[] images;
        Rectangle[] rects;
        boolean firstTime;
        final int PAD;
        public GameMapPanel()
            firstTime = true;
            PAD = 20;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
                initializeGameMap(w, h);
            for(int i = 0; i < rects.length; i++)
                Rectangle r = rects;
    g.drawImage(images[i], r.x, r.y, this);
    private void loadImages()
    String path = "images/duke/";
    String ext = ".gif";
    images = new Image[10];
    for(int i = 0; i < images.length; i++)
    URL url = getClass().getResource(path + "T" + (i + 1) + ext);
    images[i] =;
    catch(MalformedURLException mue)
    System.out.println("Bad URL: " + mue.getMessage());
    catch(IOException ioe)
    System.out.println("Unable to read: " + ioe.getMessage());
    private void initializeGameMap(int w, int h)
    rects = new Rectangle[images.length];
    int imageWidth = images[0].getWidth(this);
    int imageHeight = images[0].getHeight(this);
    int cols = (w - 2*PAD) / imageWidth;
    int xInc = imageWidth + (w - cols * imageWidth) / (cols + 1);
    int x0 = (w - cols * imageWidth -
    (cols - 1) * ((w - cols * imageWidth) / (cols + 1))) / 2;
    for(int i = 0; i < images.length; i++)
    int x = x0 + xInc * (i % cols);
    int rows = i / cols;
    int y = PAD + (imageHeight + PAD) * rows;
    rects[i] = new Rectangle(x, y, imageWidth, imageHeight);
    firstTime = false;

  • Display images in applets

    hi every body.
    I want to display images in an applet when i invoke it from the jsp page . it is not working. the code is as follows.
    <jsp:plugin type = "applet"
         code ="Welcome.class"
         width="475" height = "350" >
    while the code of "" is as follows.
    ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon("aa.gif");
    JButton button = new JButton(image);
    i have placed the aa.gif file in the same directory where i placed the Welcome.class and the jsp file.
    when i run this program the i recieve the message that the applet is not loaded.
    can some body help me how to place images in applets.

    You should be able to test that applet on you hard drive first. If it works check the case of the image file.
    Web servers look for case. If you are asking for ImageIcon img = new ImageIcon("abc.gif") and what is loaded on your web server is "abc.GIF" it won't find it. Same goes for basic HTML tags like
    <Img src=abc.gif>. But it will find it on you hard drive when you run the applet there.

  • How to Hide / Unhide iGrid Applet

    I'm attempting to develop an irpt page which will feature two grids / applets.  The topmost grid will be visible upon initial load of the page.  Upon selecting a record from the top grid, I'd like to then unhide the bottom grid so that a user may select a row from it before then calling another page.
    I've tried all of the following methods to hide / unhide the grid but none appear to be working:
    1)  Set the style.display of the applet to 'none' and then set it to 'inline' after row selection of the top grid.
    2)  Set the column widths of the bottom iGrid to 0 and then use the document.iGrid-applet.ColumnWidths=x,y JS command after row selection of the top grid.
    3)  Set the initial width of the iGrid applet to 1 X 1 and then use the document.getElementById("applet-iGrid").style.width / height = 'xxxpx' after row selection of the top grid.
    None of these solutions work.  It appears that once the iGrid applet is loaded, none of these properties may then be utilized to change it's appearance.
    How can hide upon load and then subsequently unhide an iGrid applet??
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks Udayan - this worked. 
    Only other tidbit was that it appears you first have to set the style display to inline in the div tag (to ensure all subsequent object references to the grid are valid). 
    Then in the function called by the update event of your top iGrid applet, you have to hide the bottom iGrid/applet with the style="display:none" command.
    Then in the function called by the selection event of your top iGrid applet, you have to unhide the bottom iGrid/applet with the style="display:inline" command.
    This ensures the applet is first displayed (so that all references to the grid object are valid), hide it when the first (top) grid is displayed, and then unhide it when a row is selected from the first (top) grid.
    Thanks again,

  • How to display client date in oracle

    Hi All,
    How to display client system date in oracle. When I try to display date & time oracle displays server date and time but I need to display client date & time. How can I achieve that?
    Thank you

    user536769 wrote:
    How to display client system date in oracle. When I try to display date & time oracle displays server date and time but I need to display client date & time. How can I achieve that?As Nicolas says, you can't easily do this.
    The reason is that the SQL engine (and the PL/SQL engine) are processes running on the database server and so they pick up the server date/time. Those processes, running on that server have no knowledge of "client" machines and no way to connect to them. Network security ensures that one machine can't just get onto another machine and access it's operating system without any form of authorisation, hence the only way to achieve this is to have some way for the server to serve a java applet or some such thing to the client and the client user accept that applet to run on their machine and then that applet obtains the relevant details and passes it back to the server.
    Imagine if you wanted to write code on your client machine to go to you colleagues client machine and get the date/time from it, how easy would that be to do without your colleague authorising some part of your software to run on his machine?

  • How to display integer in the JtextField?

    Dear All
    I need your guidance and your advise on the following.
    I am creating an applet and I don't know how to display the integer which I have.
    Basically, i need to disply the following into a JtextField.
    int d1 = (int) (Math.random() * 6) + 1;
    int d2 = (int) (Math.random() * 6) + 1;
    I have two textfield which i name them textField1 and textField2.
    But how can I generate my random value obtained from the above and display it inside the text field?

    SummerCool wrote:
    Dear All
    I need your guidance and your advise on the following.
    I am creating an applet and I don't know how to display the integer which I have.
    Basically, i need to disply the following into a JtextField.
    int d1 = (int) (Math.random() * 6) + 1;
    int d2 = (int) (Math.random() * 6) + 1;
    I have two textfield which i name them textField1 and textField2.
    But how can I generate my random value obtained from the above and display it inside the text field?
    textField1 .setText(""+d1);
    textField2 .setText(""+d2);

  • Simple introduction/tutorial on how to make Cocoa-Applescript Applets?

    I'm looking for a simple tutorial on how to make Cocoa-Applescript Applets.  I'm pretty new to Applescript, but fairly good at it, and I was wondering how Cocoa-Applescript Applets worked.  I was curious as I've been wondering if it was possible to somehow display images in Applescript, and it apparently is the only/easiest way.  My problem is that I haven't been able to find any tutorials on using it, so I was wondering if you guys could point me in the right direction, that'd be great!
    thanks in advance

    The main difference is with how the Cocoa APIs are used - in addition to the AppleScript and AppleScriptObjC release notes, there are some examples and resources at Mac OS X Automation.  Note that in Yosemite, AppleScriptObjC is available to all scripts, not just applets and libraries.

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