How to display grand total only on the last page of my report

I need to display the grand total amount of the invoice only on the last page of every report. If the report has 1 page then the grand total will be displayed on the 1st page. If the report has 2 pages then a subtotal will be displayed on the 1st page adding up all the amounts on page 1 only, and the grand total will be displayed on the 2nd page, adding up all the amounts of page 1 and 2. If the report has 3 pages then the a subtotal will be displayed on page 1 adding up all the amounts of page 1, and another subtotal on page 2 adding up all the amounts of page 2, and the grand total are displayed on page 3 adding up the amounts of every page.
supplier amount
xx 100
yy 100
subtotal 200
page 1 of 2 --here i need to display only the total amounts of page 1
supplier amount
subtotal brought forward 200 --then i need to bring total of page 1 over to page 2
qq 300
zz 300
total 800 --here i have reached the end of the report and  
need to display the grand total
page 2 of 2
--Currently i am displaying this on my report
supplier amount
xx 100
yy 100
total 800 --this one gives the problem cause it displays the grand total
---------- on page 1 of 2 even before you can see the amounts on the
next pages
page 1 of 2
supplier amount
qq 300
zz 300
total 800

put the grand total in a frame and set it to print on the last page of the enclosing object.

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    Dear Friend,
    where you created the summary coloumn? If your summary column in at top level you can do this just placing summary field bottom all repeating frame (all frames).
    Ahamed Rafeeque Cherkala

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    Assuming you have other content, you could:
    set the Print Object On property to be last page.
    anchor it to the main content that repeats on every page, so this frame only prints after the other one is done
    Assign a format trigger where you make it display only if current page is equal to total number of pages
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    place those fields outside the repeating frame.
    Draw another frame . Place repeating frame inside it. place those fieds in the outside frame at the end and runthe report

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    Assuming you have other content, you could:
    set the Print Object On property to be last page.
    anchor it to the main content that repeats on every page, so this frame only prints after the other one is done
    Assign a format trigger where you make it display only if current page is equal to total number of pages
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    I am using Oracle 11g.
    Thanks in advance...

    Hi ,
    Use This function
    create or replace FUNCTION xxg4_zen_conv_words (p_amount IN Number) RETURN Varchar2 IS
    --Creation Date   :  11-DEC-2009
    --Purpose         :  This Function returns amount in words.
    --Parameters      :
    --1) p_amount : Only positive and negative values are allowed.
    Precision can be entered upto 10 digits and only 2 scales
    are allowed e.g 9999999999.99
    -- Index by Tables to store word list
    TYPE typ_word_list IS TABLE OF Varchar2(200) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
    t_typ_word_list typ_word_list;
    TYPE typ_word_gap IS TABLE OF Varchar2(200) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
    t_typ_word_gap typ_word_gap;
    -- Local Variables
    v_amount Number := p_amount;
    v_amount_length Number;
    v_words Varchar2(10000);
    v_point_found Varchar2(1) := 'N';
    v_point_value Number;
    /*Getting value after point if found */
    v_point_value := SUBSTR(v_amount,(INSTR(v_amount,'.',1) + 1),2);
    /*Checking whether amount has any scale value also */
    v_point_found := CASE WHEN (INSTR(v_amount,'.',1)) = 0 THEN 'N'
    WHEN (INSTR(v_amount,'.',1)) > 0 THEN 'Y'
    /*Converting amount into pure numeric format */
    v_amount := FLOOR(ABS(v_amount));
    v_amount_length := LENGTH(v_amount);
    t_typ_word_gap(2) := 'and Paise';
    t_typ_word_gap(3) := 'Hundred';
    t_typ_word_gap(4) := 'Thousand';
    t_typ_word_gap(6) := 'Lakh';
    t_typ_word_gap(8) := 'Crore';
    t_typ_word_gap(10) := 'Arab';
    FOR i IN 1..99
    t_typ_word_list(i) := To_Char(To_Date(i,'J'),'Jsp');
    IF v_amount_length <= 2
    /* Conversion 1 to 99 digits */
    v_words := t_typ_word_list(v_amount);
    ELSIF v_amount_length = 3
    /* Conversion for 3 digits till 999 */
    v_words := t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,1,1))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(3);
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,2,2));
    ELSIF v_amount_length = 4
    /* Conversion for 4 digits till 9999 */
    v_words := t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,1,1))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(4);
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,2,1) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,2,1))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(3);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,3,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,3,2));
    END IF;
    ELSIF v_amount_length = 5
    /* Conversion for 5 digits till 99999 */
    v_words := t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,1,2))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(4);
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,3,1) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,3,1))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(3);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,4,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,4,2));
    END IF;
    ELSIF v_amount_length = 6
    /* Conversion for 6 digits till 999999 */
    v_words := t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,1,1))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(6);
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,2,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,2,2))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(4);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,4,1) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,4,1))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(3);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,5,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,5,2));
    END IF;
    ELSIF v_amount_length = 7
    /* Conversion for 7 digits till 9999999 */
    v_words := t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,1,2))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(6);
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,3,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,3,2))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(4);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,5,1) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,5,1))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(3);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,6,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,6,2));
    END IF;
    ELSIF v_amount_length = 8
    /* Conversion for 8 digits till 99999999 */
    v_words := t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,1,1))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(8);
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,2,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,2,2))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(6);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,4,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,4,2))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(4);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,6,1) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,6,1))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(3);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,7,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,7,2));
    END IF;
    ELSIF v_amount_length = 9
    /* Conversion for 9 digits till 999999999 */
    v_words := t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,1,2))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(8);
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,3,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,3,2))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(6);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,5,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,5,2))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(4);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,7,1) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,7,1))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(3);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,8,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,8,2));
    END IF;
    ELSIF v_amount_length = 10
    /* Conversion for 10 digits till 9999999999 */
    v_words := t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,1,1))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(10);
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,2,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,2,2))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(8);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,4,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,4,2))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(6);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,6,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,6,2))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(4);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,8,1) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,8,1))||' '||t_typ_word_gap(3);
    END IF;
    IF SUBSTR(v_amount,9,2) != 0
    v_words := v_words ||' '||t_typ_word_list(SUBSTR(v_amount,9,2));
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF v_point_found = 'Y'
    IF v_point_value != 0
    v_words := v_words||' '||t_typ_word_gap(2)||' '||t_typ_word_list(CASE WHEN LENGTH(SUBSTR(p_amount,(INSTR(p_amount,'.',1) + 1),2)) = 1 THEN SUBSTR(p_amount,(INSTR(p_amount,'.',1) + 1),2)||'0'
    WHEN LENGTH(SUBSTR(p_amount,(INSTR(p_amount,'.',1) + 1),2)) = 2 THEN SUBSTR(p_amount,(INSTR(p_amount,'.',1) + 1),2)
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF p_amount < 0
    v_words := 'Minus '||v_words;
    ELSIF p_amount = 0
    v_words := 'Zero';
    END IF;
    IF LENGTH(v_amount) > 10
    v_words := 'Value larger than specified precision allowed to convert into words. Maximum 10 digits allowed for precision.';
    END IF;
    RETURN (v_words);
    END xxg4_Zen_Conv_Words;

  • How do I place a SubReport on the last page of a report?

    Post Author: KPichelman
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    I am using CR 9.0 and C# to create a report.  Now I need to place a subreport (a signature box) on the last page of the report and I seem to be having difficulties.  I will not know the number of pages until runtime which I seem to be able to get using:
    int rptLastPageNum;ReportPageRequestContext req = new ReportPageRequestContext();rptLastPageNum = oReport.FormatEngine.GetLastPageNumber(req);
    Now, how do I place a subreport in the lower right corner of page "rptLastPageNum"?  Is it possible to do it in the report itself or is there a way to do it in my C# code?  One solution would be to put it in the footer of the report but unfortunately that doesn't work for us as there is another subreport to the left that will need to be shown next to our subreport, not above it.Thanks!!

    Post Author: heathdallison
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    have you tried making a section in your report footer to hold your subreport and then using the section expert to make that supress using something like:{current page number}  < {total page number}

  • How to get grand total text  in the last column of reuse_alv_grid_display ?

    I am able to get the subtotal text but i am not able to get the grand total text please pass some code or idea on it.
         2510    gopi       10
         2511   gopi        20
    subtotal                 30
         2521    anand    20
         2522    anand    10
        2523     anand    50
    subtotal                 80
         2512   vikram     30
    subtotal                 30
    (blank----)              140.
    Here i want to get text as 'COMPANY TOTAL'. by using REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY FM.
    Shabeer ahmed.

      you can get the 'COMPANY TOTAL' by using the following code:
      LOOP AT i_main INTO w_main.*   Storing the Total text need to be displayed in
        w_final-total      = 'COMPANY TOTAL'.
        w_final-field1   = w_main-field1.
        w_final-field2    = w_main-field2.   
        w_final-field3   = w_main-field3 .  
       APPEND w_final TO i_final.  ENDLOOP.

  • How to print a table only on the first page BI Publisher report

    I have a requirement to only print part of what is in the header on the first page only. It is a table. How can I do this in BI Publisher?

    better to ask a question about BI Publisher in BI Publisher Forum than here in Reports Forum.
    You can create a template in your rtf wich you reference in your header. With BI Desktop in Winword you can use a different header for first page than the others.

  • How to print grandtotal in table footer only in the last page in SMARTFORMS

    Hello Experts,
    How do I print the GRANDTOTAL in the table footer only on the LAST PAGE in SMARTFORMS.
    What I have done is in the text element of CELL1 of the table footer i wrote the folowing logic but not working.
    * V_SUM.
    /: ENDIF.
    I even tried this.
    /: IF &NEXT-PAGE& EQ 0.
    * V_SUM.
    /: ENDIF.
    but still it displays the grand total on all pages at table footer.
    How do i go for this experts.
    Ranjith N

    HI Nambiar,
    To print the grand total only on the last page then create the secondary window --> create the text node for the grand total -->In the condition tab check only after the end of the main window.
    This grand total will be displayed after all the items and end of the main window.
    Footer in the table displays as the subtotals i.e on every page total is displayed..

  • How to make the footer text to come only on the last page

    Iam just making an print forms using adobe forms,Iam havinga text and some variable in the end of the page.these things need to be printed only on the last page.
    if my output of the main window comes for 2 pages then it should print only in the second page not in the first page.
    if the data of my main item data comes to one page then this should be printed on the first page itself.
    how to put a condition on this type of footer windows.
    Thanks in advance.

    try with the following formcalc Scripting on the subform which contains the footer text...
         var curpage  = $ ( ref ( $ ) )
         var totpages = $layout.pageCount()
         if ( curpage ne totpages ) then
             $.presence = "hidden"

  • I want to display the Terms of my Order Purchase only at the last page

    I 'm new in xml publisher and i'm doing a template (order purchase). I want to print a terms only in the last page, in the end of each order number.
    I have this example:
    group G_CABECALHO by NRO_OC
    NR_OR: NRO_OC PAGE: <?fo:page-number?> / <?fo:page-number-citation:xdofo:lastpage-joinseq?>
    section break
    <?end body?>
    page break end G_CABECALHO by NRO_OC

    Hi. The layout is not correct, i generate another order purchase with a lot of lines. The first order the layout is ok, but the second you will see the TERMS in the same page. What i need is to have the TERMS in every end of the orders and to have a fix line border of the layout.
    | ORDER 1 |
    | ITEM |
    | 1 |
    | 2 |
    | TERMS |
    | ORDER 2 |
    | ITEM |
    | 1 |
    | 2 |
    | TERMS |

  • Sapscript bottom text in Main, just for the last page, but printing only in the last page

    I need to print a text but only for the last page in the main window.
    I have tried with IF.
    But it prints in all pages in every main window.
    Can someone point me what I am doing wrong or how can I do this?

    Hello Carlos,
    the problem with this condition is the following.
    The Sapscript composer cannot know during the processing of e.g. the first page,
    how many pages will follow. So &SAPSCRIPT-FORMPAGES& still contains the same
    value like& PAGE& and is filled with the correct values only at the very end of the processing.
    (when the total number of pages is known).
    So I suggest you to use the BOTTOM command in the print program,
    when the processing of all item of the MAIN window is ended.
    There is an other variable &NEXTPAGE&.  &NEXTPAGE& will always be 0
    when it reaches to last page to print. The problem with this variable that
    it can not be used in a condition in MAIN window too, only in a separate page window.

  • How can I print a label on the last page of the report in the margin

    I would like to display a label on my report but has to appear only on the last page of the report in the margin area or as a footer. I have tried using the solution below that I came across in this forum. This solution only worked if I put the label as a report trailer and not in the margin of the main section of report. The problem of putting the label as a report trailer is that it will only appear at the end of the report on it's own page, i.e. on a new page. I would like the label to appear at the end of the report, on the last page which has the other report details and not to appear on a new page on its own. Could you please help? Thanks.
    1. Create a dummy query, like
    select 1 dummy
    from dual
    2. Create a package spec:
    PACKAGE pkg_globals IS
    totalPages number(3);
    2. Create a repeating frame and field for this dummy at the end of the report layout.
    3. Create a format trigger for this frame:
    function R_1FormatTrigger return boolean is
    return (FALSE);
    4. Create a format trigger for your margin field:
    function F_1FormatTrigger return boolean is
    pagenum number;
    if pagenum = pkg_globals.totalPages then
    return (TRUE);
    return (false);
    end if;

    user8655468 wrote:
    I would like to display a label on my report but has to appear only on the last page of the report in the margin areaCreate a fixed frame at the bottom of margin area and inside the frame put your label.
    set the frame print object on: Last page
    Hope this works..

  • Printing Footer Only on the last page of adobe Form

    Hi Experts ,
    I have a requirement of printing text only on the last page of the adoe Forms.
    I know how to do this in Smart Forms , but being a novice in adobe forms i am unable to get the exact place to puth these conditions.
    Please reply ASAP.

    Thanks .
    Problem Solved.
    Here is the Code snippet in Formcalc language that i used in the intialize event
    var curpage  = $ ( ref ( $ ) )
    var totpages = $layout.pageCount()
    if ( curpage ne totpages ) then
    $.presence = "hidden"

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