How to download music to ipod

I cannot download music that I purchased from iunes to my ipod anyone, please help, I have tried itunes but either their phone rep puts me on hold and that's it bo help no person to talk with no nothing. Itunes ***** like a hover except it doesn't put up anything.

Connect the iPod to your computer and wait for iTunes to see it.
Click on the Device/Music pane and choose the Sync option you want to use, such as Sync Music.
When the Sync has completed, eject the iPod using the eject icon.
That's it
For the future, use of asterisks as a substitute for words that you know will not be acceptable, is also not acceptable. It doesn't help explain anything to us and frankly, "itunes asterisk like a hover except it doesn't put up anything" means absolutely nothing to me, no matter which bad words I substitute back in. Really nothing, I don't know what you are trying to say.

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    Also these useful internet articles...
    p.s. iPod: Frequently Asked Questions

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    This is asked and answered everyday on these forums. The forum search bar is on the right side of this page.
    Zevoneer has one of the best explanations I've seen.

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    If you are using iTunes version 7 or later, then you can transfer purchased iTunes store music from the iPod to an authorized computer by using the "file/transfer purchases from iPod" menu. Note that the maximum of 5 authorized computers applies here.
    For all other non purchased music (your own CDs etc) try this method which works on some Windows PCs.
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    See: iPod Disk Use.
    Open iTunes and select edit/preferences/advanced/general. Put a check mark in the box marked "copy files to iTunes music folder when adding to library" and also "keep iTunes music folder organized", then click 'ok'.
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    iOS devices are not and have never been backup devices.
    Move the content from the old computer or the backup of the old computer.
    Hopefully this clumsy friend either paid for or at the very least contributed to the replacement cost of the new computer.
    If for some silly reason you have failed to maintain a backup, downloading past purchases from iTunes.

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