How to dump the IOR of the interface repository

Hi ,
how can i get hold of the IOR of the interface repository ?

divyesh vasani wrote:
With OS Script, in the second interface  before message processing option in adapter, you can use choice command in batch script.
> Find some links on Choice command in batch.
> ---Div
Managed to find the anatomy of choice command in batch file to introduce delay:
Choice command in DOS is used to select menu items.
Here you can use with below syntax in OS command before processing in second interface, sender file adapter
choice /C:a /D:a /T:2>nul
Where 2 is the delay in seconds and keep rest as them.
I tested on windows XP on dos command.

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    To test, you must have imported all your scenarios in to your new system.then couple of general tips,
    1.testing can be done only after understanding the scenario.
    For this, u refer to the integration scenario in ur design. so this shall give u an idea about all the systems involved in integration and how the data flowing is between them and what kind of systems they are?
    2. For testdata, you might need of business or functional team as you cannot have any info on the file formats etc(depending on different scenarios invloved like R3, SOAP Databse etc)
    these are only general tips. but u can refer to many of the trouble shooting guides already available blogs in sdn for any sought of inputs.But then, SDN is always there.
    you can test/monitor ur results in RWB->component monitoring
    also in sxmb_moni
    Edited by: kiran dasari on Mar 17, 2008 4:44 PM

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    Hi ,
    After creating the scenario of all 45 interface , create a package say master package which is going to run all 45 scenario in parallel
    Inside the master package for each and every scenario set the Synchronous / Asynchronous to Asynchronous Mode.
    After the 45th scenario use OdiWaitForChildSession and set Max. Number of Failed Child Sessions     to 1 .
    In this way you will achieve the following
    All 45 scenario will run parallel and if any one of the scenario execution fails your master package will result in error .
    Hope this helps .
    PS : You refer odiwaitforchildsession step

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    1 . Receiver JDBC adapter expects data for the INSERT to be of a particular format.
    <dbTableName action= “INSERT”>
    <col1>xml payload from Source</col1>
    Write a java or XSL mapping that will create an output of this format where the entire XML paykload is copied between COL1 . You will have to rename the fieldnames according to your table strcuture.

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    Hi Prathibha,
    File (Trigger) -> BP
    BP <-> ABAP server proxy (synchronous)
    BP -> File
    is one and the standard alternative. Just make your interface synchronous, add a msg type for the request (i think you need only one field), take the existing for the response. Regenerate your proxy.
    Alternative 2 would be:
    File (Trigger) -> ABAP server proxy (asynchronous)
    ABAP server proxy calling a ABAP client proxy
    ABAP client proxy -> File (asynchronous)
    You avoid using BPM, what can be an advantage of huge traffic (performance). This solution has a worse value for the future, because a person, who did not developed the process wouldnt see that the both messages belong together.

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    import datetime
    import sys
    import optparse
    document = []
    def docprint(string):
    document.append('%s' % string)n
    def docprintnocr(string):
    document.append('%s' % string)
    p = optparse.OptionParser()
    p.add_option('-a','--server',dest='server',default='XXX',help='The server with the ODI_W catalog')
    p.add_option('-b','--beginningday',dest='beginningday',type=int,default=1,help='The day to begin retrieval')
    p.add_option('-e','--endingday',dest='endingday',type=int,default=0,help='The day to end retrieval')
    p.add_option('-n','--session',dest='session',default='',help='Session to retrieve')
    p.add_option('-s','--step',dest='step',action='store_true',help='Print the step data')
    p.add_option('-t','--task',dest='task',action='store_true',help='Print the task data')
    p.add_option('-x','--recipientlist',dest='recipientlist',default='XXX',help='report recipient(s)')
    p.add_option('-y','--mailserver',dest='mailserver',default='XXX',help='mail server')
    p.add_option('-z','--mailuser',dest='mailuser',default='XXX',help='mail user')
    p.add_option('-p','--printonly',dest='printonly',action='store_true',help='Print, no e-mail')
    options,args = p.parse_args()
    docprint( '%s %s' \
    '\n\tserver=%s' \
    '\n\tbeginningday=%s' \
    '\n\tendingday=%s' \
    '\n\tsession=%s' \
    '\n\tstep=%s' \
    '\n\ttask=%s' \
    ,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    if options.server.upper() in ('XXX','YYY'):
    catalog = 'ODI_W'
    elif options.server in ('WWW','ZZZ'):
    catalog = 'SNP_W'
    print 'Unknown server %s' % options.server
    TimeEnd = - datetime.timedelta(options.endingday)
    TimeBegin = - datetime.timedelta(options.beginningday)
    TimeFormat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    if options.task:
    options.step = True
    docprint( '\n%s between %s and %s' %(
    OptionString = ''
    if options.session:
    OptionString = '\nPrinting session %s' % options.session
    OptionString = '\nPrinting all sessions'
    if options.step:
    OptionString = '%s %s' % (OptionString,'with step detail')
    if options.task:
    OptionString = '%s %s' % (OptionString, 'and task detail')
    import pyodbc
    ConnectString = 'DRIVER={SQL SERVER};SERVER=%s;DATABASE=%s;Trusted_Connection=yes' % (options.server.upper(),catalog)
    Connection = pyodbc.connect(ConnectString,autocommit=False)
    Cursor = Connection.cursor()
    except Exception, e:
    raise RuntimeError, '%s %s connect failed\n%s' % (options.server,catalog,e)
    SelectSession = """
    from SNP_SESSION as S
    where S.SESS_BEG between ? and ?
    and S.SESS_BEG = (
    select max(SESS_BEG)
    from SNP_SESSION
    where SESS_NAME = S.SESS_NAME)
    order by S.SESS_BEG ASC
    SelectSessionHistory = """
    select Top 3
    from SNP_SESSION
    where SESS_NAME = ?
    and SESS_NO <> ?
    order by SESS_BEG DESC
    SESS_NO = 0
    SESS_NAME = 1
    SESS_BEG = 2
    SESS_END = 3
    SESS_DUR = 4
    SelectStep = """
    inner join SNP_SESS_STEP STEP
    and STEP.NNO = LOG.NNO
    STEP_BEG = 0
    STEP_END = 1
    STEP_DUR = 2
    NB_ROW = 4
    NB_INS = 5
    NB_UPD = 6
    NB_DEL = 7
    NB_ERR = 8
    STEP_NAME = 9
    STEP_NO = 10
    SelectTask = """
    inner join SNP_SESS_TASK TASK
    and TASK.NNO = LOG.NNO
    AND LOG.NNO = ?
    TASK_BEG = 0
    TASK_END = 1
    TASK_DUR = 2
    TASK_ROW = 4
    TASK_INS = 5
    TASK_UPD = 6
    TASK_DEL = 7
    TASK_ERR = 8
    TASK_NAME = 9
    SessionStatuses = {'M':'Warning','E':'Err','D':'Done','R':'Run'}
    StepStatuses = {'M':'Warn','E':'Err','D':'Done','W':'Wait','R':'Run'}
    SessionRows =Cursor.execute(SelectSession,(TimeBegin,TimeEnd)).fetchall()
    for SessionRow in SessionRows:
    if options.session and options.session.upper() != SessionRow[SESS_NAME].upper():
    # Not requested
    # Skip these utilities
    if SessionRow[SESS_STATUS] == 'R':
    # Still running, nothing to print(
    docprint( '\n%s, status %s' % (
    if SessionRow[SESS_END]:
    SessionEnd = SessionRow[SESS_END].strftime(TimeFormat)
    SessionEnd = ' '
    SessionHistories = Cursor.execute(SelectSessionHistory,(SessionRow[SESS_NAME],SessionRow[SESS_NO])).fetchall()
    docprintnocr( '\n%-20s\n\t%s / %s %6i secs %s' % (
    for SessionHistory in SessionHistories:
    if SessionHistory[SESS_END]:
    SessionHistoryEnd = SessionHistory[SESS_END].strftime(TimeFormat)
    SessionHistoryEnd = ' '
    docprintnocr( '\t%s / %s %6i secs %s' % (
    if not options.step:
    # Step detail not requested
    docprint( '\n %-22s %5s %4s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s' % (
    for StepRow in Cursor.execute(SelectStep,SessionRow[SESS_NO]).fetchall():
    docprint( ' %-22s %5i %-4s %8i %8i %8i %8i %8i' % (
    except Exception, e:
    if not options.task:
    # Task detail not requested
    for TaskRow in Cursor.execute(SelectTask,(SessionRow[SESS_NO],StepRow[STEP_NO])).fetchall():
    docprint( ' %-21s %5i %-4s %8i %8i %8i %8i %8i' % (
    except Exception, e:
    docprint( e )
    docprint( '\nEnd of report')
    if options.printonly:
    for line in document:
    print line
    import smtplib
    Message = """From: %s
    To: %s
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-type: text/html
    Subject: %s
    <font face="courier" size="4"><b>%s</b></font>
    ,'Session Report'
    ,'<br>'.join(document).replace('\n','<br>').replace('\t',' ').replace(' ',' ')
    server = smtplib.SMTP(options.mailserver)

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    highlight the datastore in the navigator, expand its sub tree, there is a 'populated by' node, under the node, it will list all datastores which are used as sources to the current datastore
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    N@v!n K

    Hi Navin,
    Business Content archives that are provided by SAP for MDM do not come with the sample data.
    In the bsuiness content ,if you unzip the file you will see the a2a archive of the rep as provided by SAP and the import /export maps and the lookup data file.
    There is no main records that SAP provide with the sap content it is basically the data modell that SAP provides so that the foundation is set for you and you can now import and work with the data.
    However if you wish to use the demo repository or the training rep from Inquera then you will same some sample data already loaded in MDM rep to work upon.
    Regarding the version problem
    Check the MDM version of the business content rep with the MDM server you are using .They have to match to work correctly.
    You can work with a lower archives of the rep(say SP04) with an Upgraded MDM server (say SP06) by using the Update Repository option in the context menu of the MDM server in Console.
    But the vice versa is not possible.
    Check you MDM server version by clicking on the MDM server and see its details in the right side record detail pane.
    To know more on the demo and Inquera rep kinldy view the below links: (Demo Rep) Rep from Inquera you need to register and they will mail you)
    Hope It Helped
    Thanks & Regards
    Simona Pinto

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    Thank you. I'll try that, and update this again, if it seems to be wrong.
    I actually opened an SR on this, and asked this same question. After several hours, I got a response, something like "What part of the documentation do you find unclear?". I tried to carefully explain that the docs don't (as best I can tell) define how much of the path should be in the URL given to Oracle VM. I still haven't heard back.

  • How to access the XDB-Repository through iAS

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    However, since our database server is behind a firewall we need to access the XDB repository through our Oracle Internet application server (iAS 9i) which is situated outside the firewall. Does anyone know how to do this? Any hint is greatly appreciated; unfortunately nobody answers to this question in the iAS forum.
    We access a PSP-application on the database-server through the iAS-server using a DAD defined on the IAS-server. The XDB repository probably needs another access proceeding.
    Our environement:
    iAS 9.2 (Solaris)
    Oracle (Solaris)
    Thank you very much for any help
    Dirk Schmatz

    Hi there,
    This question is exactly what I would like to ask. Can someone answer this question please!!!

  • How to migrate the security repository

    Hi ,
    i am using BO 5.X
    i am planning to migrate just the security repository from the current database to another database ( a horizontal migration not an upgrade)
    1- how can i do that ?
    2 - do i need to repost all the existing reports again ?
    3 - do i need to copy the existing universes created to that new database ?
    please advise

    Below are the proper steps on how to migrate your repository.
    Migrating Your Repository from One Server to Another:
    This is a relatively simple process with only a few updates. It assumes that you are only copying your repository database to a new location, and all your business data will remain in the same place(s). In short, you move the database, and then make a few connection updates to reflect that change in location.
    1. Use your favorite database utility to make a copy of the entire repository schema in your target database. If the database user "Bob" owns the repository, export the entire "Bob" schema to a file, transfer the file to the target machine, and import the "Bob" schema into the target database.
    2. Run a Safe Recovery process to generate a new *.key file to point to this new location. Before you can login to the new repository, you must have a *.key, file that knows where it is.
    3. Log into the new repository using the new *.key file as a General Supervisor user type.
    4. Go to Tools--->Repository and update each document and universe domain connection ("Modify..." button) to reflect this change in the connection string to the new repository database. Keep in mind that you may have multiple document and/or universe domains that existed outside of the original "Bob" schema. Only one of each kind of domain can exist in a given schema, as they are made of database tables, and you cannot have two of the same name in the same place.
    5. Distribute your new *.key file. Place it in the ShData directory if using it, or send it to your users to place in their LocData folders. For your Webi server, search for the bomain.key and rename it to *.old before replacing with the newly created bomain.key.
    6. Test your newly migrated repository by running or publishing reports completely before bringing the old repository down.
    Now you have a new repository, and all the necessary pointers have been updated to the new location.
    Sarbhjeet Kaur

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    I am getting error in using the date repository variable in Filter expression. I am using the below formula
    filter( Fact.calls USING  "Dim Time"."Fiscal Month End Date" = VALUEOF("month_start") )
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    Formula syntax is invalid.
    [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 22024] A comparison is being carried out between non-compatible types. (HY000)
    SQL Issued: SELECT filter( fact.Calls using "Dim Time"."Fiscal Month End Date" =VALUEOF("month_start")) FROM "Call Data"
    Then i tryed the below format i am getting still the error
    filter( Fact.calls USING  "Dim Time"."Fiscal Month End Date" = DATE'(VALUEOF("month_start"))' )
    Formula syntax is invalid.
    [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 46047] Datetime value (VALUEOF("month_start")) from (VALUEOF("month_start")) does not match the specified format. (HY000)
    SQL Issued: SELECT filter( Fact.Calls using "Dim Time"."Fiscal Month End Date" =DATE'(VALUEOF("month_start"))') FROM "Call Data"
    Please let me know what i am missing or what is the correct syntax for fitler using the date repository variable.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi @li,
    Syntax-1 is fine it will work,What kind of Variable is it?
    Static or Dynamic

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    Welcome to the Apple discussions.
    These discussions are user-to-user. Apple generally doesn't monitor the discussions.
    My Turkish language skills are non-existant, however, you can use this to find an Apple store close to you: (you choose your country in the locator) . It may be as easy as returning it to a local store. In some countries you have a short time period to return anything bought from Apple (for example, 14 days in the US). If that doesn't work, you want to contact Apple customer service. Unfortunately, this is where I was unable to maneuver through the Turkish Apple site, due to not knowing the Turkish language.

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