How to dynamically create sql statement for Defaulting Segment Values?

1) Descriptive/Segments
2) Query for DFF to be modified
3) Uncheck “Freeze Flexfield Definition”
4) (B) Segments
5) Segments Summary form opens
6) (B) open - Segments form opens
Now, here I want to specify Default type as "SQL Statement" and in the default value field I want to use SQL statement with parameters (to evaluate the default value).
The parameters should be pass at runtime from the form in which we have this DFF. The parameters value should be one of the values which get evaluated at runtime in the form window.
Please suggest how we can achieve this?
Or is there any alternative to achieve this?
Edited by: Narender Singh on Mar 30, 2010 7:47 AM
Edited by: Narender Singh on Mar 30, 2010 7:48 AM

it is possible, though not so simple as with a report.
What you need to do is to create a pipelined function, that returns your date and count data. This pipelined function can be the base of a pseudo-table, which can be used in a select. For the pipelined function you need to define types for one row and a table to define the return-type for your function:
create or replace type calendar_row as object (date_time date, description varchar2(250));
create type calendar_table as table of calendar_row;
Then you can create the package with the function:
create or replace package dyn_calendar is
procedure set_query(i_query in varchar2);
function view_source return calendar_table pipelined;
create or replace package body dyn_calendar is
v_query varchar2(100) := null;
procedure set_query(i_query in varchar2) is
v_query := i_query;
function view_source return calendar_table pipelined is
c_cal cursor;
v_date_time date := null;
v_description varchar2(100) := null;
r_cal calendar_row;
open c_cal for v_query;
fetch c_cal into v_date_time, v_description;
exit when c_cal%notfound;
r_cal := calendar_row(v_date_time, v_description);
pipe row(r_cal);
fetch c_cal into v_date_time, v_description;
end loop;
Now you can set query in a PL/SL region before the calendar:
dyn_calendar.set_query(SELECT count(*), ' || :P8_SOURCE_DATE || ' FROM ' || :P8_SOURCE_TABLE || ' GROUP BY ' || :P8_SOURCE_DATE);
and you can base your calendar on the query:
select * from table(dyn_calendar(view_source))
Good luck,

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    attached to the first frame of your new movieclip, type stop() in the actions panel.  put whatever graphic you want on-stage for your button's up stage.  create another keyframe, label it "over" and put whatever graphic you want for button's over state on-stage.
    in a layer above those graphics, you'll probably want to add a dynamic textfield so each of your buttons can have different text.  assign the textfield and instance name (say tf) and extend its timeline to the last frame of your movieclip button.
    then when you want to create a button, on your timeline you can use:
    var b:ButtonClass=new ButtonClass();  // these two lines need to be entered for each button
    //-------code between dotted lines only needs to be entered once no matter how many buttons you add --------------------
    function buttonhandlerF(b:ButtonClass,x:Number,y:Number){
    function overF(e:MouseEvent){
    function outF(e:MouseEvent){
    //-------code between dotted lines only needs to be entered once --------------------
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    the code between the dotted lines is amenable to being added to a class file if want to expand your capabilities.

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    it is possible, though not so simple as with a report.
    What you need to do is to create a pipelined function, that returns your date and count data. This pipelined function can be the base of a pseudo-table, which can be used in a select. For the pipelined function you need to define types for one row and a table to define the return-type for your function:
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    Then you can create the package with the function:
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    v_description varchar2(100) := null;
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    Now you can set query in a PL/SL region before the calendar:
    dyn_calendar.set_query(SELECT count(*), ' || :P8_SOURCE_DATE || ' FROM ' || :P8_SOURCE_TABLE || ' GROUP BY ' || :P8_SOURCE_DATE);
    and you can base your calendar on the query:
    select * from table(dyn_calendar(view_source))
    Good luck,

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    A bit rusty here but this is how I see it.
    Think of it this way ..
    all Oracle is going to see is:
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    Hi Jeyakanthan,
    here is an example (put the like statement into the where field)
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    The %% sign is a wildcard. If you need start with write 'test%%' and otherwise ends with '%%test'. For contains you need '%%test%%'. You also could combinate this statements like 'test%%abc%%'. This means starts with test and contains abc.
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    solved it!
    1) Suppress DEFAULT save message
    if form_failure then
    raise form_trigger_failure;
    end if;
    2) Place the default value before enter-query.
    Ref: Title='Default value in query field in ENTER_QUERY mode' in designer forum by CVZ
    form level trigger
    if :system.mode = 'ENTER-QUERY' then
    :block.item := 'default waarde';
    end if;
    3) Suppress the changes whenever leaving the default field.
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    end if;

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    PFile Entrie
    init.ora Parameter Example event='1401 trace name errorstack, level 12';
    tkprof orcl_ora_3632.trc b.txt
    after these two steps I am not able to see the sql statements in trace ...
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    Thanks & Regards,

    Trace Event 1401 will create a trace file and dumps the information when ORA-01401 error occurs. This error occurs when "inserted value too large for column"
    You will see the trace file getting populated only when you encounter ORA-01401 error.

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    Thank you

    If your dynamic query is based on an Entity object, then you can probably use RowSetInfo setQueryInfo method.
    The argument to this method is a 'Query' object. There are three flavours provided in the oracle.dacf.dataset
    defines an updateable SQL query based on a predefined BC4J View Object.
    Creates a view object based on an arbitrary SQL statement.
    Creates a View Object from an Entity Object and additional SQL clauses. The View Object will have
    that Entity Object as its sole Entity Object base.
    If in your application you are able to specify the name of the entity, then you can use the QueryInfo method to define your
    query. Please try the following.
    SessionInfo si = ....
    void runDynamicQuery()
    RowSetInfo rsi = new RowSetInfo();
    AttributeInfo ai = new AttibuteInfo(..);
    si.addChild( rsi)
    rsi.setQueryInfo( new QueryInfo( ...../* include entity name */ .... ));
    Hope this helps,

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    You need to use LiveCycle (PC Only) to create a dynamic form like that.
    The best you can do with Acrobat to view all of the text in a field is to set the field to multiline, and set the size to "Auto" (If you don't set the size to 'Auto', you can enter as much text as you wish, but the user will need to use the scrollbar to view all of the text.)

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                                      January 2014         January
    2013                            +/-
                    Region   Entry   Exit  Total    Entry   Exit   Total   (Total of Jan2014-Total of Jan2013)
                    A               2         3      
    40        5       7        30                    40-30= 10

    What is a table structure? Sorry cannot test it right now..
    SELECT <columns>,(SELECT Total FROM tbl WHERE Y=2014)-(SELECT Total FROM tbl WHERE Y=2013)
    FROM tbl
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

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    select end_date
    from pa_periods_all
    where status = 'O'
    and current_pa_period_flag = 'Y'
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    No idea what might be wroong without more info...
    Do some output. Test the ${} variable passed to the second jsp. If that is correct, then error is in the select statement or display of jsp2. If it is correct the error comes from jsp1.
    If I have to guess, then I would say the error comes from JSP1, and the ${row.vac_id} should only be called once. In which case I would do something like this:
    //in jsp 1
                <c:forEach var="row" items="${results.rows}"  varStatus="counter"  >
                    <c:set var="vac_id" value="${row.vac_id}" scope="page"/>
                        <td><a href="vacancydetails.jsp?id=${vac_id}">More</a></td>But that is a guess only...
    Errr... Hold on to that as reference, but the it is entirely likely that I misspelled ${} It may be ${} I forget and away from my machine right now...

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    select * from INFOCOLUMN WHERE employee_id=id
    employee_id is a column of the table,and id is the finder function parameter.
    The error is : invalid column name
    So,how to write the sql statement.
    Thanks .

    Bind variables are of the form $1, $2, etc., so your query stmt should look like:
    select * from INFOCOLUMN WHERE employee_id=$1

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