How to erase ghost messages on iphone

My iphone6 shows emails that I can't no erase

I think you mean Iphone 4s?
It's the same
Meg St._Clair's answer helped
too bad it doesn't work with whatsapp:(

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    gbabu wrote:
    I think by using javascript with DOM we can put alert's boxes .Uh, think?
    I wasn't talking about alerts. Alerts also have nothing to do with DOM.
    but how to erase that error message of JSF in XHTML pageI already answered that. If you just want plain code, you're here at the wrong place.
    Better learn Javascript and HTML DOM. w3schools has nice tutorials about that.

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    It's equally easy, but they won't go back into the Camera Roll. Instead, iPhoto albums are uploaded to the Photo app. You do this with iTunes. Connect the phone, click on its name in iTunes, then the Photos tab, and select the albums you want on the phone. See: for more details.

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    "Other" is all of the data for all of the built in apps. If you delete its contents all of your built in app data will disappear. Some of what is contained in other:
    email messages and attachments
    Calendar entries
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    Probably a few I've missed. There was a problem in an earlier version where deleted MMS messages left behind their attachments, but that has been fixed as of 6.1. Some people suggest deleting your music on the phone. DON'T DO IT! The reason that deleting music recovers some Other space is because it deletes cover art. But is also screws up your music, which will no longer play correctly.
    You will find posts from people who said they recovered over 1 GB of space by just deleting old text messages.
    If you want Other to be smaller you will have to keep less data on your phone; delete old MMS and texts, delete old email (especially from the "deleted" folder), clear the cache, eliminate cover art.
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    Hi, I found this step by step guide explains how to backup sms from iphone to computer. You can do the extract work in a few clicks.
    Hope this can hlep.
    Good luck!

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    Call AT&amp;T and ask where the voicemails are.

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