How to filter listResourceObjects result?

I am using the following code to get LDAP groups back:
<invoke class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil' name='listResourceObjects'>
<s>(cn=DB2 Administrators)</s>
</invoke>I expected that the result should only be one group. Instead I got all the groups back. Does anyone know how to filter the result?
Thanks a lot!

Thanks for your code posting.
One thing I noticed is that your code calls
the getResourceObjects method, whereas
the original poster (and myself) are trying to
call the listResourceObjects method.
If I call getResourceObjects, I get back just the
objects I need.
However if I call listResourceObjects I get back
a list of all the groupofuniquenames objects in my ldap tree.
I really need the names of the objects and not the
objects themselves, so getResourceObjects won't
work for me.
This code works, it returns four objects:
<invoke name='getResourceObjects' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>
This code does not work. It returns the name of every object
where or not the user is a member. It just seems to ignore
my searchFilter and always send a default one to the ldap server:
<invoke name='listResourceObjects' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>
John I

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    SELECT tab.description, tab.itmenum, tab.units, tab.countyname, tab.datelet,'Q'||tab.Quarter,
           tab.contid, tab.vendor, tab.vendorname, tab.quantity, tab.EngineersPrice ,
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      FROM (SELECT   INITCAP (i.idescrl || '  ' || e.isupdes) description,
                     e.isupdes, i.idescrl, SUBSTR (e.eiitem, 1, 4)|| '.'|| SUBSTR (e.eiitem, 5, 9) itmenum,
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                     b.datelet,TO_CHAR(b.datelet, 'Q-YYYY') Quarter, p.contid, d.vendor, l.CALL, g.csecnum, e.iplineno,                         
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                     (TRIM (d.vendor) || ' : ' || INITCAP (v.vnamel)) vendorname,
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                        FROM bidtabs br
                             --------------------Select Letting Dates-------------------------------
                       WHERE br.letting  between '&lettingDatePlease' and  '&lettingDatePlease2'
                         AND br.lineflag = 'L'                                   
                         AND br.iplineno = e.iplineno
                         AND br.CALL = l.CALL
                         AND br.vendor = d.vendor) vendorsPrice,
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                                 FROM propitem pi
                                WHERE pi.contid = p.contid
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                     propproj x,
                     proposal p,
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                     bidlet b,
                     bidders d,
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                 AND e.pcn = g.pcn
                 AND =
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                 AND l.lcontid = p.contid
                 AND l.letting = b.letting
                 AND l.letting = d.letting
                 AND l.CALL = d.CALL
                   -- AND l.LETSTAT='A'---------------------why 6/22 is not included----------------------------work with this-------------------------
                 AND d.vendor = v.vendor
                    ------Select Letting Dates--------
                 AND b.letting between '&lettingDatePlease' and  '&lettingDatePlease2'
            GROUP BY p.contid,
                     SUBSTR (e.eiitem, 1, 4) || '.' || SUBSTR (e.eiitem, 5, 9),
                     (i.idescrl || '  ' || e.isupdes),
                     func_get_unit_name (iunits),                
                     e.isupdes)  tab
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    Mobilization        2021.501/00010     LUMP SUM     Wright     5/18/2007     Q2-2007     070002              C320               C320 : Central Specialties Inc     1     130459     130459     637860     637860
    Mobilization        2021.501/00010     LUMP SUM     Wright     5/18/2007     Q2-2007     070002              D420               D420 : Duininck Brothers Inc     1     130459     130459     362000     362000
    Mobilization        2021.501/00010     LUMP SUM     Wright     5/18/2007     Q2-2007     070002              H151               H151 : Hardrives Inc     1     130459     130459     516000     516000
    Mobilization        2021.501/00010     LUMP SUM     Wright     5/18/2007     Q2-2007     070002              H438               H438 : Hoffman Construction Company     1     130459     130459     255000     255000
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    Hi gourous,
    I am sorry, my question is a little bit more complex. I hope I may repost here, without opening another thread. Thank you for your understanding.
    The EQUIPE_ID column of the table refers to a team. This id is returned by a select list named :P60_EQUIPE_ID which select all the EQUIPE_ID available. Then if one choose a team in this select list, the choosen EQUIPE_ID is returned. If nothing is selected in the select list, then a null value is returned.
    The AGENT_ID refers to a person. This id is returned by a select list named :P60_AGENT_ID, which returns all the members of the previously selected EQUIPE_ID. If nothing is selected, then a null value is returned.
    A team may have several persons belonging to that team.
    I would like that if a TEAM is selected, without selecting an agent in the :P60_AGENT_ID select list (returning a null value in this case), then all the people belonging to that theam will be retrieved by the select QUERY of a report.
    Then one could refine the query by selecting a person in the :P60_AGENT_ID select list in order to view only the people of that team in the report.
    To resume :
    IF EQUIPE_ID is NULL -> all the teams and all the persons are displayed in the report.
    IF EQUIPE_ID is NOT NULL and :P60_AGENT_ID is NULL -> All the people of that selected team appears on the report
    IF EQUIPE_ID is NOT NULL and :P60_AGENT_ID is NOT NULL -> The report displays only the results of the query for that person of that team.
    Thank you for your kind help !

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    have a look if this helps

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    Hey there,
    Thanks for replying,
    I too am using Dreamweaver recordset, my local server is XAMPP ( apache php mysql), i´have pasted my sql recordset below to give an idea of what i´m trying to do, however this does not work as i´m trying to select the exact data based on 4 menus PRICE TYPE LOCATION and BEDS, and also want the search to work if the user only selects options from either 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the menus, with the code as it is if the user select only two options from 2 of the menus the results don´t just find (for example) all results for location AND price they find all results for the location varibale OR the price variable rather than a match for both, if you see what i mean?
    Any suggestions?  
    SELECT trueprice,`desc`, `propid`, `bathrooms`, `photo1`, locationtable.loc,, bedtable.`number`
    FROM detailstable JOIN locationtable ON detailstable.location=locationtable.locid JOIN typetable ON detailstable.type=typetable.typeid JOIN pricetable ON detailstable.price=pricetable.priceid JOIN bedtable ON detailstable.beds=bedtable.bedid
    WHERE (location=varloc AND price = varprice AND type=vartype AND beds=varbed ) OR (price=varprice AND location=varloc AND type=vartype) OR  (price=varprice AND location=varloc AND beds=varbed) OR (price=varprice AND beds=varbed AND type=vartype) OR  ( location=varloc AND type=vartype AND beds=varbed) OR  (price=varprice AND location=varloc) OR (price=varprice AND type=vartype) OR (price=varprice AND beds=varbed) OR (type=vartype AND location=varloc) OR (type=vartype AND beds=beds) OR (location=varloc AND beds=varbed) OR (price = varprice OR beds=varbed OR type=vartype OR location=varloc)
    ORDER BY detailstable.trueprice ASC
    Look forward to receiving your thoughts,
    Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 14:36:33 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: how to filter results from 4 dynamic list menus depandant on how many of them are selected
    I'm just doing my first dynamic site too, and am at a similar level to yourself.
    Can you give us more info re the site. What software, eg Dreamweaver etc are you using, and is your server using PHP or ASP etc?
    For what I've used, I amended the SQL side of things in the recordset in Dreamweaver. That way, you can test the SQL as you're setting up the recordset.
    Let me know how you're going on anyway

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    To all,
    How do I filter the results of this so I only get that which is greater than 2 seconds?
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    Here are the results which I want to filter to get only the one row with 3 second time difference.
    99ac8695-18fb-a59d-1d6b-3d2a577fff22     +000000000 00:00:03.000000 <<<this is the one I want
    99ac8696-18fb-a59d-1d6b-3d2a577fff22     +000000000 00:00:02.000000
    99ac8896-18fb-a59d-1d6b-3d2a577fff22     +000000000 00:00:02.000000
    I tried it without the TO_CHAR casting but that gave an error.

    Hi, Eric,
    Add this to your WHERE clause:
    AND     b.create_by_ts > a.create_by_ts + INTERVAL '2' SECONDOr you could add this to the join condition.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables involved, and also post the results you want from that data.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using (e.g.,
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}

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    Without writing ABAP program.

    For simple single table reporting as this just use transaction code SE16 or SE16N. Filter your results as you would in any standard report selection screen using the search bubble option on the selected fields. After inputting the table select "Settings --> Fields For Selection" at the selection screen from the toolbar to add fields for the search. You may then download the results from "System --> List --> Save --> Local File" (Spreadsheet).

  • How to filter a form with pagination?

    Hi all,
    I've converted an app to Apex 3.1 (thanks to helpful folks here), but am stuck on the final form. I'd like to streamline the master-detail form, skipping over the tabular report in the detail. Here's (almost) a shell of what I'm trying to do:
    I'd like the select list in the top region to be able to filter the results in the lower region, showing one row of info at a time in a form. The above example isn't nearly as complex as the real form I'm using, of course, but it should show what I'm trying to do.
    I've set up the computation for P1_EMPNO as:
    select min(empno)
    from "#OWNER#".emp
    where deptno like :P1_DEPT_FILTER OR :P1_DEPT_FILTER IS NULL...with a conditional that P1_EMPNO is NULL. Likewise, the row fetch contains the same WHERE clause as above.
    I've been running around in circles trying to debug this, prototyping several forms to test combinations of branches, SQL, and such, but no luck.
    Has anyone done this before? I see some semi-close threads here, but they seem to end up as a report.
    Edited by: socpres on Dec 1, 2008 1:48 PM -- minor edit: changed SQL to use code tag

    Hi Rich,
    Sorry - just seen this.
    Yes, I have done something similar before (though the filters were handled on a separate page, the principle would be the same).
    The important parts are the selection of the first record, the IDs for the Next and Previous records, the conditional display of the Next/Previous buttons and how to set the current EMPNO id.
    1 - As you have a form on the page already, the first record can be set using a Before Header page computation that is conditional on the PK field being null and using your code as the source:
    select min(empno)
    from "#OWNER#".emp
    where deptno like :P1_DEPT_FILTER OR :P1_DEPT_FILTER IS NULL2 - You should then have hidden NEXT and PREVIOUS items on your page. These should be calculated using Before Header computations on EVERY page load (ie not conditional) and using SQL queries:
    Previous (say Item name of P1_PREVIOUS_EMPNO):
    select NVL(max(empno),0)
    from "#OWNER#".EMP
    AND EMPNO < :P1_EMPNONext (say Item name of P1_NEXT_EMPNO):
    select NVL(min(empno),0)
    from "#OWNER#".EMP
    AND EMPNO > :P1_EMPNO3 - Your Next button should be conditional on P1_NEXT_EMPNO not being 0 and your Previous button should be conditional on P1_PREVIOUS_EMPNO not being 0
    4 - The Next button should trigger a branch that sets the value of P1_EMPNO to P1_NEXT_EMPNO and your Previous button should set P1_EMPNO to P1_PREVIOUS_EMPNO
    5 - Your branches triggered by the Filter and Reset buttons should reset P1_EMPNO to null (the computation will calculate this again)
    Then, when the page loaded, the first EMPNO that matches the filter is determined and the next/previous EMPNO's are automatically calculated and the buttons shown/hidden as appropriate. Clicking Next or Previous will move through the records and new Next/Previous EMPNO's are calculated each time. When a new filter is applied or the page is reset, the EMPNO is cleared out and recalculated based on the current filter.

  • How to filter datagridview from 3 textboxes?

    hey, would you help me 
    so, i have a form and connects to mdb database.
    this is my code
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Data.OleDb
    Public Class Form1
    Private DBPath As String
    Private conn As OleDbConnection
    Private adapter As OleDbDataAdapter
    Private dtMain As DataTable
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    DBPath = Application.StartupPath + "\db.mdb"
    If Not File.Exists(DBPath) Then
    Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog()
    cat.Create(Convert.ToString("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=") & DBPath)
    cat = Nothing
    End If
    conn = New OleDbConnection(Convert.ToString("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=") & DBPath)
    Using cmd As New OleDbCommand("CREATE TABLE [Table_1] ([id] COUNTER PRIMARY KEY, [text_column] MEMO, [int_column] INT);", conn)
    End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
    If ex IsNot Nothing Then
    ex = Nothing
    End If
    End Try
    Using dt As DataTable = conn.GetSchema("Tables")
    For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
    If dt.Rows(i).ItemArray(dt.Columns.IndexOf("TABLE_TYPE")).ToString() = "TABLE" Then
    End If
    End Using
    End Sub
    Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    If ComboBoxTables.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
    End If
    adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [" + ComboBoxTables.SelectedItem.ToString() + "]", conn)
    Dim builder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(adapter)
    dtMain = New DataTable()
    DataGridView1.DataSource = dtMain
    End Sub
    End Class
    and now i have 4 textbox and 4 column table of database.
    for example, this is my table :
    and if i type :
    textbox 1 : "1"
    textbox 2 : "2"
    textbox 3 : "1" then i press button2.
    the result is textbox4 display : "C"
    other example, if i type textbox1 : "3", textbox2 : "3", textbox3 : "2" then textbox4 diplay "J".
    of course, if i type textbox1 : "3", textbox2 : "3", textbox3 : "2" then i'll get msgbox "max for column 2 is 2" or 
    if i type textbox1 : "3", textbox2 : "4", textbox3 : "2" i'll get msgbox "max of column 1 is 3"
    well, now im stuck, how to filter this. 
    thanks before. sorry for bad english.

    The following uses Lamda and LINQ to query three text box controls where each one has a unique tag value, TextBox1.Tag = 1, TextBox2.Tag = 2, TextBox3.Tag =3. The Tag is used to dictate the order of the columns in the where condition.
    In values, a where condition is used to determine any TextBox controls with Text then in the select I create a condition suitable for use in the SQL SELECT. In the variable WhereClause the conditions are combined. There is one or more conditions they are
    appended to the SQL statement.
    Now if we have to deal with columns of type string we need to surround them in apostrophes which opens up a can or worms if a string contains apostrophes so food for thought.
    Code suitable for VS2012 or higher, for VS2010 line continuation is needed.
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Each TextBox (three of them) have their tag set to 1,2,3 for ordering columns
    ''' in the where clause.
    ''' The Where conditions are using "and", you can also do "or" instead
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
    Handles Button1.Click
    Dim SelectStatement As String = "SELECT * FROM SomeTable"
    Dim Values = Me.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox).Where(
    Function(tb) Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb.Text)).Select(
    Return New Item With
    .Index = CInt(tb.Tag),
    .Value = tb.Tag.ToString & " = " & tb.Text
    End Function).ToList.OrderBy(Function(item) item.Index)
    Dim WhereClause = String.Join(" and ",
    (From T In Values Select T.Value).ToArray)
    If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(WhereClause) Then
    SelectStatement &= " WHERE " & WhereClause
    ' Nothing to append
    End If
    End Sub
    End Class
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Strong type data in the select part of the
    ''' lambda statement above
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Class Item
    Public Property Index As Integer
    Public Property Value As String
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    End Class
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help, this will help others who are looking for solutions to the same or similar problem.

  • How to filter certificate templates in Certificate Authority snap-in with the correct values

    How to filter certificate templates in Certificate Authority snap-in with the correct values
    I have a 2012 R2 server running Microsoft Certificate Authority snap-in.
    I want to do a filter on a specific Certificate Template which i know exists in the 'Issued Certificates' folder.
    All the documentation i can find seems to suggest i copy the certificate name and use this in the View Filter.
    1). I add the 'Certificate Template' option into the Field drop-down.
    2). I leave the Operation as the '=' symbol
    3). I paste in just the name of the template in question. for example: 'my computers'
    The search results always come back blank 'There are no items to show in this view.' even when i know there are many instances of this template. I've tried on a win 2008 server and same issue.
    Is there a correct value to enter for the Certificate Template name?
    Can this be done easier using certutil commands?
    When i run the certutil tool i can confirm i have several issued templates. Certutil -catemplates -v > c:\mytemplate_log.csv
    Anybody know what i'm doing wrong?
    I seem to be getting nowhere with this one.

    > But its important you are using the template name, not the display name
    this is incorrect. OIDs are mapped to *display name*, not common name (it is true for all templates except Machine template). That is, in order to translate template name to a corresponding OID, you need to use certificate template's display name. And, IIRC,
    template name in the filter can be used only for V1 templates. For V2 and higher, OID must be used.
    My weblog:
    PowerShell PKI Module:
    PowerShell Cmdlet Help Editor
    Check out new: SSL Certificate Verifier
    Check out new:
    PowerShell FCIV tool.

  • How can Filter ADF BC LOV values in ADF Faces UI?

    How can Filter ADF BC LOV values in ADF Faces UI?
    Hi i am bit struggle with filtering LOV values in ADF Faces UI.
    I have table In UI ,that is from ADF BC .Now i am Filtering that table data using Select one choice in same page.That SOC is named Type App:  ,So according to selection of Type in SOC table have to display.This portion is done.But my requirement is ,when i got perticular result table ,i want to add one more row related to that type only,so for that i had take popup and drag datacontrol as a form.In that form first column is Select one choice ,select Items will come from BC table.So here i want to filter those LOV values according selection in Type SOC.Suppose Type SOC contain Type1,Type2 values,then when i am selectin Type1,Type1 related date willl diplay on table,now click on ADD button popup will open and in that Type SOC will Dispaly only Type1 related values not Type 2 type values.Type1,Type2 values come from same Table.
    Here i am asking every one,please do help.

    The HR schema I used to build the example application had some modifications in the context of .
    So after running "demo/schema/mksample" as documented in "Resetting Sample Schemas" ...
    ... I got "java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "EMPLOYEES"."MODIFIED_DATE": invalid identifier ", using the example application in .
    So, I have updated the example application to match the reset HR schema:
    - see
    - see screencast at
    Because Re: af:table filter date format : task-flow navigation issue to get feedback, I created service request 3-2193340441 using My Oracle Support about (q1) and (q2).

  • Can anyone recommend a duplicate file finder application for OS10.6 systems?  All the apps I find on the App Store are only for 10.7 and later.  I don't know how to filter a search by operating system (if this is even possible).

    Can anyone recommend a duplicate file finder application for OS10.6 systems?  All the apps I find on the App Store are only for 10.7 and later.  I don't know how to filter a search on the App Store by operating system (if this is even possible).  I currently have a MacBook running OS10.6.8.   If you can recommend an app,  please post the URL.     Would appreciate any helpful suggestions....  
    <Email Edited By Host>

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.


    I need some example files , can anybody please help me ?
    Go to Solution.

    Just be sure to get examples specific to the Jet DBMS. It is rather "idiosyncratic" when dealing with time and date values.
    One question: the timestamp is being saved in a datetime field, right?
    Certified Professional Instructor
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    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • In BI how to filter the selection options based on inputs on top field

    Hi Friends,
    In BI, How to filter the selection options based on inputs on top field.
    The system should automatically filter the lower level drop downs based on the selection of a higher level.
    For e.g. :
    If a user selects a Country then the States drop down should only display the State's belongs to the Country. Similarly when a State is selected, the District drop down should display only those District's belongs to the State.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Jayaram M

    Hi Anil,
    Thanks for reply but I couldn't use Compounding Characteristic here. Need some other solution.
    Jayaram M

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    Anybody know how to filter Open Item Revaluation Report based on GL Date from and GL Date to in R12?
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    Pl do not post duplicates - R12: How to filter Open Item Revaluation Report based on GL Date

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    Anybody know how to filter AP and PO Accrual Reconciliation Report based on GL Date from and GL Date to in R12?
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