How to find desktop background image file

I am preparing an old PowerBook G4 laptop to be sold. I had previously lent it to a friend and I am selling it to another friend. The friend to whom I lent it asked me for the desktop image file so he can use it as his desktop on the Mac he owns.
I shot that photo years ago and I can't find the original .jpg for it, so I am hoping that I can find the desktop version of it before I finish preparing my PowerBook for sale. I have searched everywhere, but that image file does not show up on the PowerBook.
I figure that since I can see the photo when I am logged in, it must be somewhere, but where? I originally had it in iPhoto, but it was deleted from there at least two years ago. This PowerBook only has one account, so there's not a lot of places to look through.
If anyone has any pointers on how to find an image file on a PowerBook running Mac OS X 10.4.11, please let me know.

HI Stanely,
Try going to System Preferences/Desktop&ScreenSaver. Click the Desktop tab. Now, go thru the folders listed there to see if the image shows up there. If it does, then go to Spotlight and type in the name of the folder where the image was. Spotlight will populate a list for you. At the top of the list click where it says: Show All. A pane will open. Look for the folder, then on the right click the little white circle with an "i" in it. That will give you the path to find the folder where the image resides.
You can search Spotlight by typing in these extensions: jpg tiff png pict gif bmp psp that's another way to search for an image.
Also, open a Finder window and look in the Sidebar on the left. Click where it says: Pictures. Might be in there also.

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    Actually, “repeat with k from 18 to (18 + N - 1)” was not a good idea, since it works only with N < 5, as I discovered after posting the script.
    So here's an improved version of the previous script that should work with any number of desktops:
    set theFile to POSIX file "/Library/Desktop Pictures/Isles.jpg" -- just an example
    -- Find out how many desktops you have:
    tell application "System Preferences"
        reveal anchor "shortcutsTab" of pane id ""
        tell application "System Events" to tell window "Keyboard" of process "System Preferences"
            set N to count (UI elements of rows of outline 1 of scroll area 2 of splitter group 1 of tab group 1 whose name begins with "Switch to Desktop")
        end tell
    end tell
    -- Loop through the desktops, setting each of their backgrounds in turn:
    tell application "System Events" to key code 18 using {control down} -- Desktop 1
    tell application "Finder" to set desktop picture to theFile
    repeat (N - 1) times
        delay 1
        tell application "System Events" to key code 124 using {control down} -- ⌘→
        delay 1
        tell application "Finder" to set desktop picture to theFile
    end repeat

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    Many thanks,

  • Setting the desktop background image via Powershell

    I found the solution that addressed my problem, which I posted in a post below. Keeping the original post for Internet historical reasons as I the hope this helps someone else later on in their search for a solution. 
    I have Bing'ed and I have Google'd and I haven't found a solid answer to setting the desktop wallpaper programmically.  I am trying to do this via PowerShell, but I would be happy for any other language flavor or application to work. 
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    Thank you for looking.
    Function Get-WallPaper()
    $wp=Get-ItemProperty -path 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop\' -name wallpaper
    { "Wall paper is not set" }
    {"Wall paper is set to $($wp.WallPaper)" }
    Function Refresh-Explorer {
    $code = @'
    private static readonly IntPtr HWND_BROADCAST = new IntPtr(0xffff);
    private const int WM_SETTINGCHANGE = 0x1a;
    private const int SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG = 0x0002;
    [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
    static extern bool SendNotifyMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, UIntPtr wParam,
    IntPtr lParam);
    [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern IntPtr SendMessageTimeout ( IntPtr hWnd, int Msg, IntPtr wParam, string lParam, uint fuFlags, uint uTimeout, IntPtr lpdwResult );
    private static extern int SHChangeNotify(int eventId, int flags, IntPtr item1, IntPtr item2);
    public static void Refresh() {
    SHChangeNotify(0x8000000, 0x1000, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
    SendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, IntPtr.Zero, null, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 100, IntPtr.Zero);
    Add-Type -MemberDefinition $code -Namespace MyWinAPI -Name Explorer
    Function Set-WallPaper($Value)
    echo "Setting background to: $value"
    Set-ItemProperty -path 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop\' -name wallpaper -value $value
    rundll32.exe user32.dll, UpdatePerUserSystemParameters
    #sleep 1
    rundll32.exe user32.dll, UpdatePerUserSystemParameters
    #sleep 1
    rundll32.exe user32.dll, UpdatePerUserSystemParameters
    #sleep 1
    #Stop-Process -ProcessName explorer
    NOTE: I left in a few commented out statements. I found that they do not offer any help in formulating a solution.
    Thank you.

    Great news! I found the solution and all props and credit goes to
    jsd1982 of the XKCD comic
    forum from a post he made in 2007 and some deep search kung-fu Googling on my part. Here is the
    direct link to the post.
    This solution has worked for me 100% of the time on Windows 8. The only gotcha I found (minor detail) was when setting this process to run as a scheduled task, I had to run it as elevated privileges for the code to compile in memory. Running this function
    from PowerShell at the command prompt was fine. 
    NOTE: The code below is a slight trimmed down version posted by jsd1982 to just set the desktop wallpaper. I removed the image fetching from the Internet and the color inversion.
    # Credit to jsd1982
    function Compile-Csharp ([string] $code, $FrameworkVersion="v2.0.50727",
    # Get an instance of the CSharp code provider
    $cp = new-object Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider
    # Build up a compiler params object...
    $framework = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:windir, "Microsoft.NET\Framework\$FrameWorkVersion")
    $refs = new-object Collections.ArrayList
    $refs.AddRange( @("${framework}\System.dll",
    # "${mshhome}\System.Management.Automation.dll",
    # "${mshhome}\System.Management.Automation.ConsoleHost.dll",
    if ($references.Count -ge 1)
    $cpar = New-Object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters
    $cpar.GenerateInMemory = $true
    $cpar.GenerateExecutable = $false
    $cpar.CompilerOptions = "/unsafe";
    $cpar.OutputAssembly = "custom"
    $cr = $cp.CompileAssemblyFromSource($cpar, $code)
    if ( $cr.Errors.Count)
    $codeLines = $code.Split("`n");
    foreach ($ce in $cr.Errors)
    write-host "Error: $($codeLines[$($ce.Line - 1)])"
    $ce |out-default
    Throw "INVALID DATA: Errors encountered while compiling code"
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") > $null
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Runtime") > $null
    # C# code to post to wallpaper
    $code = @'
    using System;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Drawing.Imaging;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Net;
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    namespace test
    public class Wallpaper
    const int SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER = 20 ;
    const int SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE = 0x01;
    const int SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE = 0x02;
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
    static extern int SystemParametersInfo (int uAction , int uParam , string lpvParam , int fuWinIni) ;
    public static void SetWallpaper(string uri)
    System.IO.Stream s = new WebClient().OpenRead(uri);
    Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(s);
    Bitmap copy = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height);
    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(copy);
    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height);
    g.DrawImage(img, rect, 0, 0, img.Width, img.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
    // Save to a temp file:
    string tempPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "wallpaper.bmp");
    copy.Save(tempPath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
    RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey( @"Control Panel\Desktop", true ) ;
    key.SetValue(@"WallpaperStyle", 1.ToString( ) ) ;
    key.SetValue(@"TileWallpaper", 0.ToString( ) ) ;
    SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER,
    function Set-Wallpaper([string] $imgurl)
    compile-CSharp $code

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    display dialog (heightImage & " X " & widthImage) as string
    end tell

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    Pls send me anyone.

    I'm not an applet programmer so I can't give you much advice there.
    If you want to stream the file from the server before it's entirely uploaded, then I don't believe you can treat it like a normal file. If you're just wanting to throw it up there and then listen to it, then you can treat it like a normal file.
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    Is that an Apple Remote Desktop command or a Unix command that I can send through ARD v3.5.3 to the machines to reset the desktop background image to the default Aqua Blue jpeg image located in the /MacintoshHD/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Aqua\ Blue.jpg.
    The machines that I am dealing with have OS X 10.4.11, OS X 10.5.8, OS X 10.6.8, and OS X 10.7.4 installed on them, but the OS X 10.4.11 machines are the ones that are creating the biggest issue so I would like to deal with those first.

    Ya, I'd love to have the computers connected to the Xserver, unfortunately against my heeding, I was ordered to take them off of the Xserver, so they only have a local account that automatically logs in on startup, and even though I have Parental Controls set, I can not stop them from going to Safari, selecting an inappropriate image and setting it as the background, so now I’ve been ordered to fix all of the backgrounds that people are messing with.
    My Xserver is running OS X 10.4.11 Server Edition. Yes, I would love a new server, but that’s not happening due to budget cuts.
    So what I am hoping for is a command that I can put into Apple Remote Desktop v3.5.3 and push out to all of the computers via its Unix commands and reset all the desktops to their default image.

  • How to put the background image in Title Window?

    I'm newbie in flex. I 'm using Flex 4.
    Can anyone give me some guidelines on how to put the background image in Title Window?
    Is it possible to do this?

    Check the below sample code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
            @namespace s "library://";
            @namespace mx "library://";
            s|BorderContainer {
        <s:TitleWindow width="100%" height="100%">
            <s:BorderContainer width="100%" height="100%"/>

  • How can i display a image file which is placed in the applications server

    Hi all,
    Can any one help me how can I display a image file which is present in the application server.
    With regards,
    M.Ramana Murthy

    *& Form TOP_OF_PAGE
    * text
    i_logo = Logo name

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    All of my desktop background images have been dithering, despite the fact that my display is set to 32-bit color. This can be demonstrated by opening up the image used for the desktop in an image-editing application and viewing them both side-by-side. Here's a screenshot of such a comparison:
    This is a major bummer - anyone have an idea what is wrong?

    I should have mentioned that the dimensions of the background image exactly match the resolution of the monitor (1280x1024).
    Also, yes, it is an LCD monitor, but it is hooked up via DVI.
    I am wondering if it might have to do with the display card hardware (GeForce FX 5200), as I did not have this problem under the same circumstances, in tiger, but under different hardware...
    So, no, still not solved - but thanks for your input.

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    How can I use servlet to return that image via the following calling method
    the image.jpg in the server will return
    I know that I need to set the content type to image/jpeg
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    - set the right Mime Type (as you already wrote)
    - write the filecontent to the ServletOutput as you would do with any other content
    - that's it.

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