How to find Number of working threads using java executor framework

I'm creating a java thread pool using java 1.5 executor framework.
private ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadPoolSize);
public <T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task) {
          return executorService.submit(task);
}Now I want to get the number of working thread at runtime. Is there any java api available to do this using java 1.5 executor framework?

If the ExecutorService you are working on is a ThreadPoolExecutor then you can use ThreadPoolExecutor#getActiveCount() to get the count of threads actually running tasks. There is no such method on the ExecutorService interface though.

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    Encephalopathic wrote:
    I'm no IO expert, but aren't all files binary?Yes.
    I think what the OP is after is how to tell if a file contains only characters (e.g. ASCII characters). This can be done by reading the file and checking if every byte is a valid ASCII character more or less. An example would be limiting byte values to 9 (tab), 10 (LF), 12 (FF), 13 (CR), and 32-127.

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    The Java option works well.
    -- results table that will contain a file list result
    create global temporary table directory_list
            directory       varchar2(1000),
            filename        varchar2(1000)
    on commit preserve rows
    -- allowing public access to this temp table
    grant select, update, insert, delete on directory_list to public;
    create or replace public synonym directory_list for directory_list;
    -- creating the java proc that does the file listing
    create or replace and compile java source named "ListFiles" as
    import java.sql.*;
    public class ListFiles
            public static void getList(String directory, String filter)
            throws SQLException
                    File path = new File( directory );
                    final String ExpressionFilter =  filter;
                    FilenameFilter fileFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
                            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                                            return true;
                                    if(name.matches("." + ExpressionFilter))
                                            return true;
                                    return false;
                    String[] list = path.list(fileFilter);
                    String element;
                    for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
                            element = list;
    #sql {
    into directory_list
    ( directory, filename )
    ( :directory, :element )
    -- creating the PL/SQL wrapper for the java proc
    create or replace procedure ListFiles( cDirectory in varchar2, cFilter in varchar2 )
    as language java
    name 'ListFiles.getList( java.lang.String, java.lang.String )';
    -- punching a hole in the Java VM that allows access to the server's file
    -- systems from inside the Oracle JVM (these also allows executing command
    -- line and external programs)
    -- NOTE: this hole MUST be secured using proper Oracle security (e.g. AUTHID
    -- DEFINER PL/SQL code that is trusted)
    SCHEMA varchar2(30) := USER;
    '<<ALL FILES>>',
    'execute, read, write, delete'
    To use:
    SQL> exec ListFiles('/tmp', '*.log' );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from directory_list;
    /tmp X11_newfonts.log
    /tmp ipv6agt.crashlog
    /tmp dtappint.log
    /tmp dhcpclient.log
    /tmp oms.log
    12 rows selected.

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    If you go to the Properties for the Folder in Discoverer Administrator, there is a Dependents tab that should list any workbooks using the folder. This only works for workbooks saved to the database, so won't help with any created using Discoverer Desktop. If you are gathering statistics and have the The Discoverer V5 EUL business area and its workbooks installed, it can tell you about Folders Used as well. It contains information about queries run whether the workbook is saved to the database or to the file system, but wouldn't contain inforamation about workbooks that had been created but not run.

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    Hi neeraj,
    You can see the query used to display reports.Follow these steps to get the query.
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    2)Select "Daily Business Intelligence Administrator" responsiblity.
    3)Now click on "Enable/Disable Debugging" (Now u enabled debugging)
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    Check out some of Marcus Hirt's blog entries for details about how to use JRockit Mission Control. It's a very nice tool that should provide a lot of insight:

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    how to find number of records present in an internal table.

    DESCRIBE TABLE itab [KIND knd] [LINES lin] [OCCURS n].
    1. ... KIND knd
    2. ... LINES lin
    3. ... OCCURS n
    This statement determines some properties of the internal table itab and assigns them to the specified variables. The various additions enable you to determine the table type, the number of currently filled rows and the initial memory requirement.
    In addition, the system fields sy-tfill and sy-tleng are filled with the current number of table rows and the length of a table row in bytes.
    For detailed information about an internal table, you should use the methods of RTTS of the DESCRIBE TABLE statement.
    Without the specification of an addition, the statement DESCRIBE TABLE only sets the system fields sy-tfill and sy-tleng.
    Addition 1
    ... KIND knd
    The table type of the internal table itab is determined and a corresponding one-digit identification is assigned to the data object knd. A character-type data type is expected for the data object. The identifications are "T" for standard tables, "S" for sorted tables and "H" for hashed tables. These values are also defined as constants sydes_kind-standard, sydes_kind-sorted, and sydes_kind-hashed in the type group SYDES.
    Addition 2
    ... LINES lin
    The current number of table rows of the internal table itab is determined and is assigned to the data object lin.The data type i is expected for the data object.
    As of release 6.10, the current number of rows of an internal table can also be determined using the in-built function lines.
    Addition 3
    ... OCCURS n
    The initial memory requirement defined during the creation of the internal table with the addition INITIAL SIZE or the obsolete addition OCCURS is determined and assigned to the data object n. The data type i is expected for the data object.
    Descending sorting of a generically typed internal table in a subprogram. Since sorted tables cannot be sorted in a descending order, the table type is checked to avoid an exception that cannot be handled.
    TYPE-POOLS sydes.
    FORM sort_descending CHANGING itab TYPE ANY TABLE.
      DATA tabkind(1) TYPE c.
      DESCRIBE TABLE itab KIND tabkind.
      IF tabkind = sydes_kind-standard OR
         tabkind = sydes_kind-hashed.
        SORT itab DESCENDING.
      ELSEIF tabkind = sydes_kind-sorted.
        MESSAGE '...' TYPE 'E'.
        MESSAGE '...' TYPE 'E'.
    This statement is for internal use only.
    It cannot be used in application programs.
    All characteristics of the field f, its components , sub-components etc. are displayed in the field td (type description). td has to be of the type SYDES_DESC, defined in Type Group SYDES. Because of this, the type group SYDES must be integrated into the ABAP-program with a TYPE-POOLS statement .
    The structure SYDES_DESC has two table-type components TYPES and NAMES:
    In TYPES, the tree structure of the type belonging to f is displayed. The components of a node are stored in the table TYPES in a continuous manner. Beginning and end of the line area that represents the components are stored in TYPES-FROM and TYPES-TO. The reference to the superior node can be found in TYPES-BACK. If no superior resp. subordinate node exists, then this is marked by the value 0 (For the relevance of further components, refer to the following sections).
    The names of components, types etc. are not stored directly in TYPES. Instead, the components TYPES-IDX_... hold an index in the name table NAMES. The value 0 indicates that there is no reference to the name table.
    NAMES contains the possibly fragmented names in the component NAMES-NAME. If a name continues in the following line, this is indicated by an asterisk ('*') in the component NAMES-CONTINUE.
    The type description table (TYPES) not only stores information about the tree structure but also further information about the type of f resp. its components. This includes especially all information that can be determined using the usual additions to DESCRIBE FIELD. In detail, TYPES contains the following columns:
    Component Name
    Name of a user-defined type, i.e., a type that was defined through its TYPES-statement. Derived types (... TYPE A-B) and structures from the ABAP-Dictionary are not considered to be user-defined types.
    For user-defined types only: The context, in which the type is defined. Possible values are defined in the constant SYDES_CONTEXT of the type group SYDES. Please only use these constants to carry out a comparison. In detail, we distinguish between the following type contexts:
    SYDES_CONTEXT-PROGRAM: Program-global type
    SYDES_CONTEXT-FORM   : FORM-local type
    For user-defined types only:
    With a local context: The name of the FORM or FUNCTION, whose type was defined. The name of the associated program is then the first entry in the name table.
    With a global context: The name of the program in which the type was defined.
    Conversion routine from the ABAP-Dictionary, is in accordance with the addition EDIT MASK at simple DESCRIBE.
    Help-Id when referencing to fields from the ABAP-Dictionary
    Internal length, corresponds to the addition LENGTH at simple DESCRIBE
    Output length, corresponds to the addition OUTPUT-LENGTH at simple DESCRIBE
    Number of decimal digits, corresponds to the addition DECIMALS at simple DESCRIBE
    ABAP-Type, corresponds to the addition TYPE at simple DESCRIBE
    A table type is stored here for the components which represent an internal table. The same values are returned as with the variant DESCRIBE TABLE itab KIND k. Components which do not represent a table get the return value set to SYDES_KIND-UNDEFINED (see type group SYDES).
    Example definition of the complex data type EMPLOYEE_STRUC:
    TYPES: BEGIN OF name_struc,
             first  TYPE c LENGTH 20,
             last   TYPE c LENGTH 20,
           END OF name_struc,
           BEGIN OF absence_time_struc,
             day        TYPE d,
             from       TYPE t,
             to         TYPE t,
           END OF absence_time_struc,
           phone_number TYPE n LENGTH 20,
           BEGIN OF employee_struc,
             id         LIKE sbook-customid,
             name       TYPE name_struc,
             BEGIN OF address,
               street  TYPE c LENGTH 30,
               zipcode TYPE n LENGTH 4,
               place   TYPE c LENGTH 30,
             END OF address,
             salary_per_month TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 3,
             absent           TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF absence_time_struc
                                   WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY,
             phone            TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF phone_number
                                   WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY,
           END OF employee_struc.
    You can determine the structure of the type EMPLOYEE_STRUC by collecting the type group SYDES as follows:
    TYPE-POOLS: sydes.
    DATA: employee TYPE employee_struc,
          td       TYPE sydes_desc.
    DESCRIBE FIELD employee INTO td.
    The following table shows a few selected columns of the type description table TD-TYPES. For a better overview, the names of the columns IDX_NAME, IDX_UERR_TYPE and IDX_EDIT_MASK have been shortened:
      1 |  2 |  7 |  0 |  0 |  2 |  0 |  v
      2 |  0 |  0 |  1 |  6 |  0 |  4 |  N
      3 |  8 |  9 |  1 |  7 |  5 |  0 |  u
      4 | 10 | 12 |  1 |  8 |  0 |  0 |  u
      5 |  0 |  0 |  1 |  9 |  0 |  0 |  P
      6 | 13 | 13 |  1 | 11 |  0 |  0 |  h
      7 | 17 | 17 |  1 | 12 |  0 |  0 |  h
      8 |  0 |  0 |  3 | 13 |  0 |  0 |  C
      9 |  0 |  0 |  3 | 14 |  0 |  0 |  C
    10 |  0 |  0 |  4 | 15 |  0 |  0 |  C
    11 |  0 |  0 |  4 | 16 |  0 |  0 |  N
    12 |  0 |  0 |  4 | 17 |  0 |  0 |  C
    13 | 14 | 16 |  6 |  0 | 18 |  0 |  u
    14 |  0 |  0 | 13 | 20 |  0 |  0 |  D
    15 |  0 |  0 | 13 | 21 |  0 |  0 |  T
    16 |  0 |  0 | 13 | 22 |  0 |  0 |  T
    17 |  0 |  0 |  7 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  N
    Please note that the entries in rows 6 and 7 represent internal tables (ABAP-Type h). There is always an entry for the corresponding row type (rows 13 and 17) to an internal table.
    The indices in the rows 5 to 7 refer to entries in the name table TD-NAMES. If you look, e.g., at row 3, you find the corresponding component name in TD-NAMES from row 7 (NAME) onward and the corresponding user type from row 5 (NAME_STRUC) onward.
    In the name table TD-NAMES you find the following entries. Note that the names SALARY_PER_MONTH and ABSENCE_TIME_STRUC are stored in two parts:
        |CONTINUE|NAME                   |CONTINUE|NAME
    |--|     -||--
      1 |        |DESCTEST            12 |        |PHONE
      2 |        |EMPLOYEE_STRUC      13 |        |FIRST
      3 |        |SBOOK-CUSTOMID      14 |        |LAST
      4 |        |==ALPHA             15 |        |STREET
      5 |        |NAME_STRUC          16 |        |ZIPCODE
      6 |        |ID                  17 |        |PLACE
      7 |        |NAME                18 |   *    |ABSENCE_TIME_ST
      8 |        |ADDRESS             19 |        |RUC
      9 |   *    |SALARY_PER_MONT     20 |        |DAY
    10 |        |H                   21 |        |FROM
    11 |        |ABSENT              22 |        |TO

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    Can anyone tell me how to find what OS I'm using on the Mac?
    Tiger or Leopard?
    Also, how do I update from 10.6.8 to the latest version?

    Go to the Apple menu and select "About This Mac". You will get a window similar to this one -
    You current OS X version number will be shown as I've marked.
    OS X 10.4.x is Tiger, 10.5.x is Leopard, 10.6.x is Snow Leopard, 10.7.x is Lion, and 10.8.x is Mountain Lion.
    Whether or not you can go to the latest OS X version depends upon your hardware -
    You will need to purchase the retail set for the OS X version you want; there is no pint in getting and installing any intermediate versions. Once the retail version has been installed, you can update it to the latest release for that version via download updater.

  • How to find the columns and tables used in a stored procedure?

    Can someone suggest how to find the columns and tables used within a stored procedure?

    For example:
    SQL> create or replace
      2    procedure p1
      3      is
      4          cnt number;
      5      begin
      6          select count(*) into cnt from emp;
      7  end;
      8  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> select  referenced_owner,
      2          referenced_name
      3    from  dba_dependencies
      4    where owner = 'SCOTT'
      5      and name = 'P1'
      6      and referenced_type = 'TABLE'
      7  /
    SCOTT                          EMP
    SQL> SY.

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    can any one tell how to find out particular work item is trigger by particular transaction. in swfrevtlog we ill get custom obj type and also super business obj type,but i need to identify this work item id is triggered by this transaction. can any one help,
    Thanks in advance

    Sorry, but I don't believe that's possible. Even if you can identify the program, there could be multiple transactions that executed it.
    The only possible way, I think, would be to add an enhancement / badi which uses the callstack to determine the calling transaction at the time he event is raised (and then stores it somewhere).
    But that's not very elegant.
    Why do you need to know the triggering transaction? To influence the workflow? If so, another approach might be this:  pass the transaction code as an additional parameter to the workflow event & then pass that to the workflow.

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    it uses the location services to locate it. but the phone has to be on and connected to some sort of internet (cellular or wifi)

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    Great link giving you peace of mind that at least they will not be able to use it with out your AppleID and Password.
    According to the "Lost Mode" anytime the device is turned back on or able to receive a signal the phone will lock itself down and it's position will be updated to show its last known location.

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    Is it possible to have your whole family on one apple id or is it better to have each person have there own?
    Yes, it is possible. 1 apple ID can be associated with up to 10 devices.
    If each has their own does each id have to buy their own music and apps?
    Yes, all purchases are non-transferable.
    How does find my iphone work with one apple id or two?
    Every device associated with one apple ID through Find my iPhone is tied to that Apple ID; Find my iPhone will work in the same way with up to ten devices associated with one apple ID. You cannot enable Find my iPhone for one device across two apple IDs
    I am going to be going off to college soon should I make an itunes id for my self and how will I get all the music from the old id?
    If you have authorized a computer with the old apple ID, you can transfer old media purchased through the old to other devices via iTunes. This doesn't mean the media purchases through the old apple ID it transferred to the new account. If you plan to make future purchases and don't wish to share them with others, make your own apple ID.

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    pageSize ="5" will be ok . but it displays remaining rows in next page. but i want to display only first 5 rows . is there any attribute to restrict number of rows.

    I have no idea which component you're talking about. If want to discuss here about a non-Sun JSF component, then please mention about the name, version and build in detail. You can also consider posting this question at the website/forum/mailinglist of the component manfacturer rather than here. At least I can tell you that the Sun JSF h:dataTable has the 'rows' attribute for that. I can also suggest you to just take a look in the TLD documentation of the component in question. There should be all possible attributes listed with a detailed explanation about the behaviour.

  • How can we get ADFSecurity work when used in OC4J, OID and OAM?

    I am getting error in http server log "mod_oc4j: Response status=499 and reason=Oracle SSO, but failed to get mod_osso global context."
    But I am not using Oracle SSO and my client doesn't want to use it either, I am using OAM SSO(CoreIDSSO) in my configuration. Please read the details below.
    I am using ADFSecurity in an app that is protected by OAM. To migrate ADFSecurity permissions from
    system-jazn-data.xml to OID, I used JAZNMigrationTool to populate OID with Grantees and Permissions. OAM gives login page, and authentication works fine.
    But ADFSecurity is not working. ADFComponent Delete button is enabled even for roles that dont have permissions for the iterator delete.
    - The app works fine when I use without OAM. ADF Security permissions work fine.
    - The app works fine when used with OAM, but with ADFSecurity disabled (enforce=false).
    - When I enforce ADFSecurity alongwith OAM, ADFSecurity is not working.
    In the doc "Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide b28957", there is a mention of use of CoreIDPrincipal for permissions. Our OID Permissions entries show
    LDAPRealmRole for attribute orcljaznprincipal. I am not sure if this could be the reason.
    We have configured AccessServerSDK for the SOA instance and have policy for the urls in the policy manager. We have entries in orion-application.xml, orion-web.xml and system-jazn-data.xml as per the documentations.
    How can we get ADFSecurity work when used with OID and OAM?

    Have you been able to successfully integrate OAS with OAM & OID? We have similar requriement and so far we have not been able to get it working.
    We have application specific roles which we map to OID roles using orion-application.xml.
    Any pointers to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

Maybe you are looking for