How to find the height of .obj Objects?

Okay so here is the deal. I'm trying to create a basic 3D world creator. I'm using .obj files to load the objects I can place in the world. If I'm correct when you load a .obj file it places the center of the object at the orign. I'm trying to make it so all the "buildings" I create from .obj files using the ObjectFile loader supplied by sun all lay on the same plane (All the bases are at the same y coordinate). I need to find the height of the Shape3Ds so I can put them all on one level. I keep on running into complications with deprecated methods and By_Reference. Is there a simple way to find the height? Thanks.

Will a BoundingBox be any help?
You can get a Bounds object from a Shape3D and use it to initialize a BoundingBox. That `s a simple way to give you the extreme upper and lower points of the BoundingBox from which to calculate the height.

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    Hi Aleks,
    If you want to enhance Business Partner, the object you are looking at should be "BUPA" in EEWB. To my knowledge, there is no place where this kind of mapping is maintained.
    Note 484597 describes where to find the Cookbook  which describes the enhanceable objects and the enhancement process.
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    Hi Rahul,
    You can make use of RSOSFIELMAP for your requirement.
    Go to Se16----->rsosfieldmap.
    You can see several fields as selections among them you could find Info object and Field selections as well.
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    Please don't post the same question multiple times.
    I've answered your question in the other thread here:

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    Please do not post the same question multiple times.
    As for your original question, there is no direct way to do it.
    Especially not the way you phrased it,
    since objects don't have "names".
    Applications also don't have "names".
    They have classes and instances.
    Also, there are 2 related issues, and I'm not sure which one is the one you asked.
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    Map<String,String> a = new HashMap<String,String>();
    Map<String,String> b = new HashMap<String,String>();
    Map<String,String> c = a;In this case, there are only 2 objects.
    The first object has (at least) 2 references pointing to it.
    The second object has (at least) 1 reference pointing to it.
    (There may be more, if the HashMap library keeps
    references to these things, or if the HashMap object has
    some internal cyclic references...)
    If you're asking this, then it can't be done.
    It's an active research topic in universities
    and software research labs, called "alias analysis".
    Type it in google, and you'll see people are working hard
    and having little success so far.
    #2. Finding the number of instances created from a class.
    In this case, what you have to do is to add a counter to
    the constructor of the class. Every time an object is constructed,
    you increment the counter. Like this:
       class MyClass
           public static int counter = 0;
           public MyClass( )  { counter++; }
        // Then later in your program, you can do this:
        MyClass a = new MyClass();
        MyClass b = new MyClass();
        System.out.println(MyClass.counter); // It should show 2Note: you won't be able to do this to every class in the system.
    For every class you care about, you have to modify its constructor.
    Also: when an object is deleted, you won't always know it
    (and thus you won't always be able to decrement the counter).
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    "Effective Java" book if you don't believe me), but basically
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    (2) finalizers can sometimes cause objects to not be deleted,
    and thus the JVM will run out of memory and crash

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    Best Regards,

    Hi Sai,
    Go to Report Element Tab-->There you have a Tab Cell Behaviors.
    When you flip between 'With Data' and 'Structure Only' under 'Design' Tab,you can see the some cells will be hide/Un hide behavior,if hiding of cells applied.
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    just go through this table.
    <b>TADIR</b>  object as 'PROG'
    in this you can also provide the authors name in AUTHOR field
    reward points if it helps,

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    In a more general case than assumed in the first post, if you wish to have an actual key point, you may:
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    Hi Raghunadh,
                        The data dictionary objects will be in the repository itself if activated.If the data dictionary objects was created by user and if it is not activated.In this scenarion the data dictionary object can be seen in object navigator.Please check the transaction SE80 and SE81.
    Hope your query resolves.
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            int screenHeight = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height;
         final JFrame tempFrame = new JFrame();
         tempFrame.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
             public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
             public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
         int frameHeight = tempFrame.getHeight();
         int taskbarHeight = screenHeight - frameHeight;

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        System.out.println("TaskBar height = " + (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height -

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    Neither in metalink nor in the oracle forums I could find any hint about that error.
    Can anyone help??
    Thanks in advance, Maren
    Internal ERROR: Can not find the ACL containter for object:CMPMap@1ba11bc/id=2023180/owningFCO=2023180/proxyFor=(CMPMapGen@1a4d5c6/id=2023180/stname=CMPBatchMap/pname=LOAD_XML/lname=LOAD_XML/status=CLEAN/committed=true/persistent=true/propsLoaded=false)
    Internal ERROR: Can not find the ACL containter for object:CMPMap@1ba11bc/id=2023180/owningFCO=2023180/proxyFor=(CMPMapGen@1a4d5c6/id=2023180/stname=CMPBatchMap/pname=LOAD_XML/lname=LOAD_XML/status=CLEAN/committed=true/persistent=true/propsLoaded=false)
         at oracle.wh.ui.common.WhSecurityHelper.securityCheck(
         at oracle.wh.ui.console.commands.EditObjectCmd.performAction(
         at oracle.wh.ui.console.commands.TreeMenuHandler$
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

    Hi Maren
    Like you I get this error and do not know what steps caused it.In my scenario I have some mappings that give the error and some that do not - the repository user gets the error but the repository owner does not.
    Thinking back over the last number of months (as this project contains 7-8 months od work - we do have exports of the project) I think the ones giving the error are those that perhaps were copied from another to start the coding but I cannot be sure.
    I have read the metalink note mentioned above as well as the the queries posted by Oleg and yourself. The queries posted are slightly different, one has a where clause
    fco.classname = 'CMPACLContainer' (Maren's)
    and the other
    fco.classname='CMPMap' (Oleg's).
    Was this intentional Maren on your behalf for your problem to be fixed?
    We are using OWB client and OWB repository.

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