How to gain this effect

I would like your advice on obtaining this effect.
In the piece of film below at 15/16 / 28 and 41 seconds etc etc the red and yellowish blur/wash
I'm guessing it's a standard wash from some kind of media as I've seen it introduced within many pieces of film
Thanks for all.
Message was edited by: Andrew Yoole - fixed faulty Vimeo link

It's achieved by blending the flash frames from a piece of film into your footage, usually with additive or screen blend modes.
There's lots of this kind of material available at stock video outlets:  search Artbeats or iStockphoto for "Film Flash" or "Film Clutter".

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    Keylight what? All I see is some effect similar to Leave Color, a.k.a the Pleasantville effect that made the rounds 10 years ago. It may require additional masking and otehr effects, but definitely not something that is specifically related to Keylight...

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    While you could probably do this in Flash, it is much more simply done using AfterEffects. There's a splendid text tool that can be tortured into effects like this. Have a look at the podcasts from Creative Cow on AfterEffects for some interesting examples.

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    can anyone tell me how to do this effect at the 1:38 mark thanks in advance lcp

    you can use an effect call s_RandomEdits from the Sapphire plug ins. it randomly jumps between different points of the scene.

  • Can anyone explain how to create this effect in Deamweaver and Fireworks?

    This site was oriinally done in dreamweaver - but the shadow
    effect was done
    outside of Dreamweaver. When I save to html and load into
    Dreamweaver it
    makes no sense to me.
    Can anyone explain how to create this effect in Deamweaver
    and Fireworks?
    Thanks in advance,

    Thank you so much...
    You is da bomb!
    "Murray *ACE*" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Yes - a blank (completely blank) page.
    > --
    > Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    > Adobe Community Expert
    > (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    > ==================
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    Tutorials & Resources
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    > ==================
    > "Ken Binney" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> Murray, one more favor if you would be so kind...
    >> Do you recall how this page degraded in Safari?
    >> "Murray *ACE*"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>> Nope. Sorry. You need a Mac.
    >>> --
    >>> Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    >>> Adobe Community Expert
    >>> (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do
    >>> ==================
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    >>> - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
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    >>> ==================
    >>> "Ken Binney"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>> Thanks Murray...
    >>>> Is there a way I can test for Safari on my
    PC XP ?
    >>>> "Murray *ACE*"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>>> Fails in Safari, Ken.
    >>>>> --
    >>>>> Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    >>>>> Adobe Community Expert
    >>>>> (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH
    when you do so!)
    >>>>> ==================
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    Tutorials & Resources
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    >>>>> ==================
    >>>>> "Ken Binney"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >>>>>> Here is a solution requiring NO
    >>>>>> The CSS and the Javascript can
    easily made remote the page
    "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    >>>>>> "">
    >>>>>> <html>
    >>>>>> <head>
    >>>>>> <title>Shadow</title>
    >>>>>> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
    >>>>>> charset=iso-8859-1">
    >>>>>> <script
    >>>>>> var depth = 6 // in pixels
    >>>>>> // addLoadEvent t
    >>>>>> function addLoadEvent(func) {
    >>>>>> var oldonload = window.onload;
    >>>>>> if (typeof window.onload !=
    'function') {
    >>>>>> window.onload = func;
    >>>>>> } else {
    >>>>>> window.onload = function() {
    >>>>>> if (oldonload) {
    >>>>>> oldonload();
    >>>>>> }
    >>>>>> func();
    >>>>>> }
    >>>>>> }
    >>>>>> }
    >>>>>> addLoadEvent(function() {
    >>>>>> var a = document.all ? document.all
    >>>>>> document.getElementsByTagName('*');
    >>>>>> for (var i = 0;i < a.length;i++)
    >>>>>> if (a
    .className == "shadow") {
    >>>>>> for (x = 0;x < depth;x++) {
    >>>>>> var newSd =
    >>>>>> newSd.className = "shadow2"
    >>>>>> =
    >>>>>> = a
    .offsetWidth + "px"
    >>>>>> =
    a.offsetHeight + "px"
    >>>>>> = a
    .offsetLeft + x + "px"
    >>>>>> = a.offsetTop +
    x + "px"
    >>>>>> document.body.appendChild(newSd)
    >>>>>> }
    >>>>>> }
    >>>>>> }
    >>>>>> }
    >>>>>> );
    >>>>>> </script>
    >>>>>> <style>
    >>>>>> .shadow {
    >>>>>> border: 1px solid silver;
    >>>>>> padding: 2px;
    >>>>>> font: 10pt arial;
    >>>>>> position: relative;
    >>>>>> display: inline;
    >>>>>> background: white;
    >>>>>> z-index: 100
    >>>>>> }
    >>>>>> .shadow2 {
    >>>>>> overflow: hidden;
    >>>>>> position: absolute;
    >>>>>> filter: alpha(Opacity=15); /* modify
    to change the shade
    >>>>>> solidity/opacity, same as below */
    >>>>>> opacity: 0.1; /* firefox 1.5 opacity
    >>>>>> -moz-opacity: 0.2; /* mozilla
    opacity */
    >>>>>> -khtml-opacity: 0.1; /* opacity */
    >>>>>> z-index: 10
    >>>>>> }
    >>>>>> </style>
    >>>>>> </head>
    >>>>>> <body>
    >>>>>> <table width="800" border="0"
    align="center" cellpadding="0"
    >>>>>> cellspacing="0" class="shadow"
    >>>>>> <tr>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> </tr>
    >>>>>> <tr>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> </tr>
    >>>>>> <tr>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> </tr>
    >>>>>> <tr>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> </tr>
    >>>>>> <tr>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> <td> </td>
    >>>>>> </tr>
    >>>>>> </table>
    >>>>>> </body>
    >>>>>> </html>
    >>>>>> "Joe"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >>>>>>> This site was oriinally done in
    dreamweaver - but the shadow effect
    >>>>>>> was done outside of Dreamweaver.
    When I save to html and load into
    >>>>>>> Dreamweaver it makes no sense to
    >>>>>>> Can anyone explain how to create
    this effect in Deamweaver and
    >>>>>>> Fireworks?
    >>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
    >>>>>>> Joe

  • (PS CC - QUESTION) How to do this effect?

    How to do this effect? i'm using photoshop CC 2014
    Thank you !!!

    The easiest way is probably to use Image -> Adjustments -> Hue/Saturation and check the "Colorize" checkbox, then select the Hue and Saturation of the color you want.

  • How to imitate this effect on a video?

    How to imitate this effect on a video? Frozen Frames etc.
    Need to how to imitate this effect.

    Search the web for "digital glitch" or "digital noise". A simple technique woul be using the Time Displacment effect with a pattern created by the Mosaic effect....

  • How to make this effect ? ( video )

    Hi all
    how to make the screen blink dark like in this video
    starts at 0.46 end at 0.50
    can anyone tell me hows it called ?

    If you mean this effect and then changing to a black screen then this is a glow with an add blend mode and a blur followed by a black layer multiplied with opacity keyframes.
    I would put the video on the bottom layer, then add an adjustment layer and set the in and out point of the adjustment layer to the length you want to have this effect. It's only a few frames in the sample video. Then I'd go to the middle of the adjustment layer and add Glow to see if you could get close to this effect. Then I'd animate the opacity of the adjustment layer from zero to 100 over a few frames. I'd then set a new black solid above that and set the blend mode to Multiply. Set the in point just past the second keyframe in the adjustment layer and set the opacity to 0. Then move in a few frames and set the opacity of the black solid to 100% and set the out point of the adjustment layer to the same spot. Then move down a frame or two and set another opacity keyframe for the black solid at 100% then move down a few frames and set the opacity to zero and set an out point for the black solid.
    Figuring these things out is just a matter of looking at the frames and trying to figure how to stack layers up to achieve the effect. Grab some stills from various parts of an effect you are trying to copy and then try and figure out what you could do to the footage to get the same result. Only a few of the effects you see are just a single plug-in applied to a single layer. This is the best way to learn After Effects.
    Here's what a comp would look like using a frame from the sample video. Note that the adjustment layer and the black solid are only a few frames long. I made a quick stab at the color grading of the frame by making some adjustments to the A and B colors of the glow, added some blur, and added a little color correction to the adjustment layer using curves. This should get you started.

  • Help!! How to get this effect in Photoshop?

    How do you get this effect in PS7?
    Thanks soo much!!

       @ Chris

  • How to do this effect in photoshop?

    How do I do the effect used in this photo – to cover a face with a layer that follows all the curves.  And what do you call this effect?

    This is called a layer mask that has had layer transparency done to it and, possibly a series of Layer effects, too! There are quite a few steps and procedures to create this type of effect.
    I don't have the patience to try to give you each exact step by step to achieve this, but you might have better luck posting your query and image to a Photoshop users forum such as this.
    Planet Photoshop.
    Someone there may have created the entire procedures to recreate this effect.
    Good Luck!

  • Can someone tell me how to achieve this effect?

    I know FlexStore :
    has a cool effect when you browse > Product Details. by
    clicking one product.
    1) Click the Product button.... to see Browse product panel
    2) Click one of cellphone to see Product Detail panel
    Note : Transition that occurs between.....
    Does anyone know how to do this? name of the effect? or
    Transition? any info i can start looking into?

    It looks like it's a Move effect according to the source code
    below. Hope this helps!
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    // Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Adobe Macromedia Software LLC and
    its licensors.
    // All Rights Reserved.
    // The following is Sample Code and is subject to all
    restrictions on such code
    // as contained in the End User License Agreement
    accompanying this product.
    // If you have received this file from a source other than
    // then your use, modification, or distribution of it
    // the prior written permission of Adobe.
    <!-- width and height hard-coded in the root tag to better
    support the
    Design view in FlexBuilder since we know the width and
    height from the
    settings in flexstore.mxml -->
    <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""
    width="990" height="550"
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import samples.flexstore.Product;
    private var _catalog:ArrayCollection;
    public function get catalog():ArrayCollection
    return _catalog;
    public function set catalog(c:ArrayCollection):void
    _catalog = c;
    if (filterPanel != null)
    filterPanel.filter.count = c.length;
    public function addToCompare(product:Product):void
    //setting the state before adding the product avoids
    jumpiness in the transition, not sure why
    currentState = &apos;showFilter&apos;;
    public function addToCart(product:Product):void
    //setting the state before adding the product avoids
    jumpiness in the transition, not sure why
    currentState = &apos;showCart&apos;;
    height="100%" width="100%"
    <productsView:Grip id="filterGrip"
    gripTip="Show filter panel" click="currentState =
    <productsView:ProductFilterPanel id="filterPanel"
    width="265" height="100%"
    creationComplete="if (catalog) filterPanel.filter.count =
    <mx:Spacer width="100%"/>
    <productsView:ProductCart id="cartPanel" width="265"
    <productsView:Grip id="cartGrip"
    gripTip="Show cart" click="currentState =
    <productsView:ProductCatalogPanel id="catalogPanel" y="4"
    width="685" height="540"
    <mx:State name="showFilter">
    <mx:SetStyle target="{catalogPanel}" name="left"
    <mx:State name="showCart">
    <mx:SetStyle target="{catalogPanel}" name="right"
    make sure to use transitions here instead of applying a Move
    to the Panel itself which will result in odd behavior
    <mx:Transition fromState="*" toState="*">
    <mx:Move target="{catalogPanel}" />

  • How to do this effect?

    How do you achieve this effect on 1:35. the clapping effect

    Looks like it's just random 1 or 2 frame cuts over the main shot.

  • Any ideas how to achieve this effect?

    Hi there - I'm wanting to make some one layer stencils, and would love  to replicate this effect, does anyone know a, if it has a name, and b  how you'd go about creating it in photoshop (I'm fine to create the  duotone high contrast image, just want the wavey line effect)Thanks for taking the time out peeps, fingers crossed D

    Thanx for the response, I'll give both of those a try when Im back home laters, the 2nd idea sounds more likely to produce those sort of lines, its an effect I've seen quite often, so was surprised not to see more about it online (which is why I was asking if the technique had a name).
    Its kind of a more messed up version of the lined (which sort of tapers off at each end) effect you get when zoomed in on some TV's (cept in this case is vertical rather than horizontal . . .

  • Anyone know how to make this effect?

    Mac Miller - Clarity (Macadelic) - YouTube
    I'm trying to recreate the same 'push and pull' kind of effect which you can hear most clearly from 0.00 to 0.35...
    It's obviously using compression and I've tried sidechaing the sound to the snare and tweaking the attack and release settings but I still can't get this effect. It might also use some kind of delay technique...
    Anyone have any ideas?

    I'm not positive but, to me, it just sounds like a combination of individual loops perhaps with some fades to control the attack and decay.  it could be a sawtooth wave on the white noise loop but it sounds like too much of a delay from the decay to attack which is why i think it's more likely individual clips.  once you have the white noise part it seems to be a matter of playing your other parts (sounds like an organ part and a piano part) on or around the decay of the those clips.  the loose timing of the keyboard parts along with lots of modulation give it that sort of sick see-saw effect.

  • How to achieve this effect (similar to timeout)?

    I want to achieve something like this:
    if(some condition is met)
         //Do this
    else {
          Start a timer
          //Start a thread
          If(timer expired) {
                   //Clean up the thread that was started
                   //Do something else
    }I am not able to find how to implement the timer functionality. Can someone advice me on what to do? Or if my approach is incorrect, I would like to how something like this is done the right way...

    You shouldn't go around killing threads. Threads should notice themselves when they are not needed and do a "return;" from run(). Other methods of killing threads are unsafe and can lead to corrupted data structures.
    You have a loop of some kind in run()? Put a time check there.
    if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= my_time_to_die) { cleanupWhatever(); return; }

Maybe you are looking for