How to get a char from a String Class?

How to get a char from a String Class?

Use charAt(int index), like this for example:
String s = "Java";
char c = s.charAt(2);

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    use this to get the following End_date
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    Or with only one loop:
            int actionType = 0;
            while (true)
                actionType = (actionType % 4) + 1;
                msg = "Process actionType: " + actionType;
                catch (InterruptedException ex)
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    tintin_99 wrote:
    In my code I should get numeric int numbers and convert them to 1 and 0 , concatenate thm to make an string ( 8 chars) . the problem I have is the empty chars as result of conversion from number to string
    so lets say pxiAnaIn=1 dutVdd=2 and dutOut=5 so then the output should be 10110001 but now the output is 10110  1 . could you please let me know how can I fix this problem
    You could make your life a little easier and only use 1 format string.  Use "%03b%02b%03b" for the format string.  You can then expand the format string to allow multiple inputs.  You will do the job of 4 functions with just 1.
    "%3b" just says to give 3 spaces for the binary number.  But any preceding 0s will be turned into spaces.  Adding the 0 in there tells the format string to prepend 0s instead of using spaces.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    Create table Sample
    ID int not null,
    Message nvarchar(max) null,
    ID asc
    Insert statement:
    Sample (ID, Message)
    VALUES (1, 'X_YRS: 00 ; X_MONS: 18 ; X_DAYS: 000 ; Y_YRS: 00 ; Y_MONS: 16 ; Y_DAYS: 011 ; Z: 1 ; Z_DATE: 09/04/2014
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     ; Z: 1
     ; Z_DATE: 06/02/2012')
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    1       X_YRS: 00 ; X_MONS: 18 ; X_DAYS: 000 ; Y_YRS: 00 ; Y_MONS: 16 ; Y_DAYS: 011 ; Z: 1 ; Z_DATE: 09/04/2014
    2       X_YRS: 01 ; X_MONS: 15 ; X_DAYS: 010 ; Y_YRS: 00 ; Y_MONS: 18 ; Y_DAYS: 017 ; Z: 1 ; Z_DATE: 06/02/2012
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    ID      X-Column         Y-Column         
    1       00 18 000        00 16 011
    2       01 15 010        00 18 017
    So, please I need t-SQL to get above output.
    Thanks in advance.

    ;With CTE
    SELECT s.ID,RTRIM(LTRIM(STUFF(Val,1,CHARINDEX(':',Val),''))) AS Val,RTRIM(LTRIM(LEFT(Val,CHARINDEX('_',Val+'_')-1))) AS Pattern,
    f.ID AS Seq
    FROM Sample s
    CROSS APPLY dbo.ParseValues(s.[Message],';')f
    STUFF((SELECT ' ' + Val FROM CTE WHERE ID = c.ID AND Pattern = 'X' ORDER BY Seq FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') AS XCol,
    STUFF((SELECT ' ' + Val FROM CTE WHERE ID = c.ID AND Pattern = 'Y' ORDER BY Seq FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') AS YCol,
    STUFF((SELECT ' ' + Val FROM CTE WHERE ID = c.ID AND Pattern = 'Z' ORDER BY Seq FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') AS ZCol
    ParseValues can be found here
    Numeric check logic is as per below
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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    Something like this?
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    Len(string or binary object)
    Find(substring, string [, start ])
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    FUNCTION f_main_facility(pi_flag_codes VARCHAR2) return gc_result_set AS
    pi_flag_codes will be passed a value in this way '(25,23,35,1)'
    How to get each value from the string
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    23 second time
    35 third time
    1 fourth time
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    (SELECT t2.org_id, t4.description
    from org_name t2, ref_org_name t3, code_table t4
    where t2.att_data = t4.code
    and t3.ref_code = t2.att_type
    and t2.att_type = 25 and t3.code_type = t4.code_type
    and to_date('01-JAN-10', 'DD-MON-YY') between t2.att_start_date AND t2.att_end_date) q1,
    (SELECT t2.org_id, t4.description
    from org_name t2, ref_org_name t3,code_table t4
    where t2.att_data = t4.code
    and t3.ref_code = t2.att_type
    and t2.att_type = 23 and t3.code_type = t4.code_type
    and to_date('01-JAN-10', 'DD-MON-YY') between t2.att_start_date AND t2.att_end_date) q2,
    (SELECT t2.org_id, RTRIM(xmlagg(xmlelement(e, t4.description || ';')
    ORDER BY t4.description).EXTRACT('//text()'), ';') AS DESCRIPTION
    from org_name t2, ref_org_name t3,code_table t4
    where t2.att_data = t4.code
    and t3.ref_code = t2.att_type
    and t2.att_type = 35 and t3.code_type = t4.code_type
    and to_date('01-JAN-10', 'DD-MON-YY') between t2.att_start_date AND t2.att_end_date
    group by t2.org_id) q3,
    (SELECT t2.org_id, t4.description
    from org_name t2, ref_org_name t3, code_table t4
    where t2.att_data = t4.code
    and t3.ref_code = t2.att_type
    and t2.att_type = 1 and t3.code_type = t4.code_type
    and to_date('01-JAN-10', 'DD-MON-YY') between t2.att_start_date AND t2.att_end_date) q4
    Please help me with extracting each alue from the parm '(25,23,35,1)' for the above purpose. Thank You.

    chris227 wrote:
    I would propose the usage of regexp for readibiliy purposes and only in the case if this doesnt perform well, look at solutions using substr etc.
    regexp_substr( '(25,23,35,1)', '\d+', 1, 1) s1
    ,regexp_substr( '(25,23,35,1)', '\d+', 1, 2) s2
    ,regexp_substr( '(25,23,35,1)', '\d+', 1, 3) s3
    ,regexp_substr( '(25,23,35,1)', '\d+', 1, 4) s4
    from dual 
    S1     S2     S3     S4
    "25"     "23"     "35"     "1"In pl/sql you do something like l_val:= regexp_substr( '(25,23,35,1)', '\d+', 1, 1);
    If t2.att_type is type of number you will do:
    t2.att_type= to_number(regexp_substr( '(25,23,35,1)', '\d+', 1, 1))Edited by: chris227 on 01.03.2013 08:00Sir,
    I am using oracle 10g.
    In the process of getting each number from the parm '(25,23,35,1)' , I also need the position of the number
    say 25 is at 1 position.
    23 is at 2
    35 is at 3
    1 is at 4.
    the reason I need that is when I build seperate select for each value, I need to add the query number at the end of the select query.
    Please see the code I wrote for it, But the select query is having error:-
    IF(pi_flag_codes IS NOT NULL) THEN
    SELECT length(V_CNT) - length(replace(V_CNT,',','')) FROM+ ----> the compiler gives an error for this select query : PLS-00428:
    *(SELECT '(25,23,35,1)' V_CNT  FROM dual);*
    -- V_CNT := 3;
    if L_CNT=0 then
    V_E_POS:=instr(pi_flag_codes, ',', 1, 1)-1;
    V_E_POS:=instr(pi_flag_codes, ',', 1, L_CNT+1)-V_S_POS;
    end if;
    if L_CNT=V_CNT then
    end if;
    VN_ATYPE := ' t2.att_type = ' || V_ID;
    rec_count := rec_count +1;
    query_no := 'Q' || rec_count;
    Pls help me with fetching each value to build the where cond of the select query along with the query number.
    Thank You.

  • How to get Date Format from Local Object.

    Hi All,
    I am new to Web Channel.
    I need to know Date format From date of locale.
    suppose there is a date "01/25/2010" date in date field I want to get string "mm/dd/yyyy". Actually I have to pass date format to backend when I call RFC. 
    Is there any way to get Date format from "Locale" object. I should get date format for local object
    I get local object from "UserSessionData" object but how to get Date format from it.
    I am not looking for Date value. I am looking for current local date format ("mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy or mon/dd/yyyy) whatever local date format.  I could not find example which show how to get date format from "Locale" object.
    Any help will be appreciated with rewards.
    Web Channel

    You can get it from "User" or "Shop" business object.
    Try to get User or Shop Business Object as shown below.
    BusinessObjectManager bom = (BusinessObjectManager) userSessionData.getBOM(BusinessObjectManager.ISACORE_BOM);
    User user = bom.getUser();
    char decimalNotation = user.getDecimalPointFormat().getGroupingSeparator();
    If you are seeing "1,234.00" then above code will return "."
    I hope this information help you to resolve your issue.
    eCommerce Developer.

  • How to get a formula from the user from a text box in a webpage

    Hi. I would like to know how to get the formula from the user who enters in a textbox. This formula can have any number of variables starting with a and goes on.
    The complexity of the formula can go upto sin, cos, ln, exp. Also user enters the minimum and maximum values of these variables. Based on a specific algorithm (which I use) I would calculate a *set of values, say 10, for each of these variables, substitute in the formula and based on the result of this formula, I select ONE suitable  value for each of the variables.
    I don't know how to get this formula (which most likely to be different each time) and substitute the values *which I found earlier.
    Kindly help me out in this issue.

    The textbox is the easy part. It's no different than getting a String parameter out of an HTTP request.
    The hard part is parsing the String into a "formula" for evaluation. You'll have to write a parser or find one.
    Google for "Java math expression parser" and see what you get.
    Or write your own with JavaCC.

  • How to get column value from DB grid

    I wander how to get col value from GridControl?
    My app consists of one rowsetinfo with two
    columns CODE and DESCRIPTION and a jbutton
    titled SELECT. When user clicks SELECT button
    the app should show the value of the CODE col
    of the selected row in GridControl.
    I wander how to make this action ?
    XxpsTransTimesMasterIter.setAttributeInfo( new AttributeInfo[] {
    DESCRIPTIONXxpsTransTimesMasterIter} );
    XxpsTransTimesMasterIter.setQueryInfo(new QueryInfo(

    You could attach an ActionListener on the JButton, and try the following code :
    NavigationManager fm = NavigationManager.getNavigationManager();
    DataItem dataItem = fm.getFocusedControl().getDataItem();
    ImmediateAccess col_code = null;
    String code = null;
    if (dataItem != null && dataItem instanceof RowsetAccess) {
    RowsetAccess rowset = (RowsetAccess)dataItem;
    try {
    col_code = (ImmediateAccess) rowset.getColumnItem("CODE");
    code = col_code.getValueAsString();
    } catch (DuplicateColumnException de) {
    } catch (ColumnNotFoundException ce) {
    } catch (SQLException se) {
    JTextField tf = new JtextField();
    I haven't tested this code.
    I am curious to know, the Object type of the dataItem.If it doesnot happen to be RowsetAccess ..try.. ScrollableRowsetAccess OR ImmediateAccess.
    Your code would change accordingly, depending on the instance.Refer to the product documentation for this.
    Do let me know, if this works.

  • How to get selected value from OADefaultListBean.

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    How to get selected value from OADefaultListBean ?

    To identify the user's selection(s) when the page is submitted, you would add the following logic to your processFormRequest() method:
    OADefaultListBean list =
    String name = list.getName();
    String[] selectedValues = pageContext.getParameterValues(name);
    To retrieve all the values in the list box, call list.getOptionsData().

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    String str = (String)vo.getCurrentRow().getAttrbute("RunId");
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    getCurrentRow() would always return null if no setCurrentRow() is used.
    Please check the page design and understand how many rows of VO are there. You can also use the following to get the row:

Maybe you are looking for