How to get a specific layout with the available layout managers?

Not done java GUI's (approximately 5 and a half years) for a while (I havn't even touched java for ages until a few months ago), and I am a little embarrased by how much I have forgotten.
After tring unsuccessfully several times with TableLayouts and GridBagLayouts to produce this [ [] ] sort of layout, I have decided I am either being incredibly stupid, or It's a rather difficult thing to do.
(Sorry about the crudeness of the drawing)
Please can someone point me on the right track as to what combination of layout managers + components I should be using to achive this, or even be super kind and post a code snippet for it.
Preferably, I would like to use just the default layout manages / components that come with java, which will allow me to continue working on the GUI in netbeans without it complaining, but I'll use external libraries if absolutely nesecarry.
A completely unrelated side note, but where the heck have all my past posts and dukes gone. :(
Edited by: DarthCrap on Aug 2, 2010 5:14 PM

Yes, A BorderLayout did solve my problems. It appears I was being stupid after all. :)
@Encephalopathic. Using a gridbaglayout does indeed help with the centering issue for the smaller panel on the right. I had just worked that out myself when you posted. I had been reluctant to try the gridbaglayout for that, because it caused me a load of pain when I tried using it for the original problem.

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    Hi All,
    I need help. I need to assign project specific tasks (which i will be taking from staging table) other than the default task which are assigned during project creation. How do I proceed with this within same package. I am attaching the code of my package below...
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE body xxpa_proj_conv_pkg as
    variables need to derive global parameters
    v_responsibility_id NUMBER; --- PA Supervisor responsibility id
    v_user_id NUMBER;
    deriving global parameters-
    -- Variables needed for API standard parameters
    v_api_version_number NUMBER := 1.0;
    v_commit VARCHAR2(1) := 'F';
    v_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
    v_init_msg_list VARCHAR2(1) := 'F';
    v_msg_count NUMBER;
    v_msg_index_out NUMBER;
    v_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_workflow_started VARCHAR2(1) := 'Y';
    v_pm_product_code VARCHAR2(10);
    ---variables for catching errors---
    v_error_flag number:=0;
    -- Predefined Composite data types
    v_tasks_in_rec PA_PROJECT_PUB.TASK_IN_REC_TYPE;
    v_tasks_out_rec PA_PROJECT_PUB.TASK_OUT_REC_TYPE;
    v_CREATED_FROM_PROJECT_ID varchar2(20);
    v_person_id NUMBER;
    v_project_role_type VARCHAR2(20);
    v_a NUMBER;
    cursor for project in data
    CURSOR cur_project_in_data IS SELECT * FROM XXPA_PROJECT_IN_STG;
    cursor for task data
    CURSOR cur_task_in_data IS SELECT * FROM XXPA_TASK_IN_STG;
    ------------------------Cursors used for validations----------------------------------
    cursor for product code used for validation
    cursor cprc is select distinct PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE from PA_PROJECT_CUSTOMERS;
    cursor for distribution rule-
    cursor cdr is select DISTRIBUTION_RULE from PA_DISTRIBUTION_RULES;
    cursor for project status code
    cursor for template/created from project id
    cursor ccpid is select project_id from pa_projects where template_flag='Y';
    select user_id, responsibility_id into v_user_id, v_responsibility_id
    from PA_USER_RESP_V
    where user_name like 'amit_kumar%'
    and responsibility_name like'PA SupervisorS';
    -- --Fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id,resp_id, resp_appl_id);
    -- Fnd_global.apps_initialize(v_user_id,v_responsibility_id,275);
    -- -------calling global parameters---
    p_api_version_number =>v_api_version_number,
    p_responsibility_id =>v_responsibility_id,
    p_user_id =>v_user_id,
    p_msg_count =>v_msg_count,
    p_msg_data =>v_msg_data,
    p_return_status =>v_return_status
    dbms_output.put_line ('Set Global status ->' || v_return_status);
    ----Cursor for PRODUCT RELATED DATA-----------
    FOR REC IN cur_project_in_data LOOP
    ----retrieving product code-----
    select lookup_code into v_pm_product_code
    from pa_lookups
    where lookup_type = 'PM_PRODUCT_CODE'
    and meaning = 'Oracle Project Manufacturing';
    -----retrieving and validating created from project id----
    select project_id
    from pa_projects_all
    where name=rec.created_from_project_name;
    when others then
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Incorrent CREATED_FROM_PROJECT_NAME';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    SET ERROR_FLAG ='1' ,last_updation_date='sysdate' where created_from_project_name = rec.CREATED_FROM_PROJECT_NAME;
    -----retrieving & validating carrying out organization id-----
    from pa_projects_prm_v
    where CARRYING_OUT_ORGANIZATION_NAME=rec.carrying_out_organization_name;
    when others then
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Incorrent Carrying Out Organization name';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    SET ERROR_FLAG ='1' ,last_updation_date='sysdate' where carrying_out_organization_name = rec.carrying_out_organization_name;
    END ;
    v_project_in.pm_project_reference := rec.segment1;
    v_project_in.project_name := rec.PROJECT_NAME;
    v_project_in.created_from_project_id := v_CREATED_FROM_PROJECT_ID;
    v_project_in.carrying_out_organization_id := v_CARRYING_OUT_ORGANIZATION_ID;
    v_project_in.project_status_code := rec.PROJECT_STATUS_CODE;
    v_project_in.description := rec.PROJECT_DESCRIPTION;
    v_project_in.start_date := rec.PROJECT_START_DATE;
    v_project_in.completion_date := rec.PROJECT_COMPLETION_DATE;
    v_project_in.distribution_rule := rec.DISTRIBUTION_RULE;
    v_project_in.project_relationship_code := rec.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE;
    -------------------------Validation of incoming project data--------------------------------
    v_error_flag := 1;
    project relationship code validation
    for prc in cprc
    if (rec.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE=prc.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE) or (rec.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE is null)--can be overridden from template
    v_error_flag :=0;
    else null;
    end if;
    end loop;
    project distribution rule validation
    for dr in cdr
    if (rec.DISTRIBUTION_RULE=dr.DISTRIBUTION_RULE) or (rec.DISTRIBUTION_RULE is null) null since the value can be taken from template too
    v_error_flag :=0;
    else null;
    end if;
    end loop;
    project status code validation
    for sc in cpsc
    if (rec.PROJECT_STATUS_CODE=sc.PROJECT_STATUS_CODE) or (rec.PROJECT_STATUS_CODE is null) null since the value can be taken from template too
    v_error_flag :=0;
    else null;
    end if;
    end loop;
    dbms_output.put_line ('Error at PROJECT_STATUS_CODE>' ||v_error_flag);
    validation logic for project start date
    v_error_flag := 1;
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Project start date cannnot be greater than completion date';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    END IF;
    validation logic for project completion date
    v_error_flag := 1;
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='completion date cannot be greater than sysdate for closed projects';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    END IF;
    v_error_flag := 1;
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Project closed date cannot be less than start date';
    end if;
    --------Update staging table for the error records--------
    if v_error_flag =1
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Incorrect project relationship code';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    SET ERROR_FLAG ='1' ,last_updation_date='sysdate' where PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE = rec.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE;
    end if;
    -----------------------End of validation of incoming project data----------------------------------
    ---------------Project Task DATA-----------------
    FOR tsk IN cur_task_in_data LOOP
    v_tasks_in_rec.pm_task_reference :=tsk.task_reference ;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_name :=tsk.task_name;
    v_tasks_in_rec.pm_parent_task_reference :=tsk.parent_task_reference ;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_start_date :=tsk.task_start_date ;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_completion_date :=tsk.task_completion_date ;
    v_tasks_in(v_a) := v_tasks_in_rec;
    end loop;
    ---------------end of task details------------------
    p_api_version_number=> v_api_version_number,
    p_commit => v_commit,
    p_init_msg_list => v_init_msg_list,
    p_msg_count => v_msg_count,
    p_msg_data => v_msg_data,
    p_return_status => v_return_status,
    p_workflow_started => v_workflow_started,
    p_pm_product_code => v_pm_product_code,
    p_project_in => v_project_in,
    p_project_out => v_project_out,
    p_key_members => v_key_members,
    p_class_categories => v_class_categories,
    p_tasks_in => v_tasks_in,
    p_tasks_out => v_tasks_out);
    if v_return_status = 'S'
    SET INTERFACE_STATUS ='Success' where segment1 = v_project_out.pa_project_number; ---P->pending & S-> Success
    dbms_output.put_line('New Project Id: ' || v_project_out.pa_project_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('New Project Number: ' || v_project_out.pa_project_number);
    SET INTERFACE_STATUS ='Pending' where segment1 = v_project_out.pa_project_number;
    raise API_ERROR;
    end if;
    ------Handling Exception--------
    WHEN api_error THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('An error occured during project creation');
    IF (v_msg_count > 0 ) THEN
    FOR i IN 1..v_msg_count LOOP
    p_msg_count => v_msg_count,
    p_encoded => 'F',
    p_msg_index => i,
    p_msg_data => v_msg_data,
    p_data => v_data,
    p_msg_index_out => v_msg_index_out);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message v_data ->'||v_data);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message v_msg_data ->'||v_msg_data);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message v_msg_index_out ->'||v_msg_index_out);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message p_msg_index ->'||i);
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('An error occured during conversion, SQLCODE ->'|| SQLERRM);
    IF (v_msg_count >=1 ) THEN
    FOR i IN 1..v_msg_count LOOP
    p_msg_count => v_msg_count,
    p_msg_index => i,
    p_encoded => 'F',
    p_msg_data => v_msg_data,
    p_data => v_data,
    p_msg_index_out => v_msg_index_out);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message ->'||v_data);
    END IF;
    end; --end procedure
    END xxpa_proj_conv_pkg;
    * Please tell me how to assign project specific task with the newly created projects??? *
    Also please tell me how to assign multiple * Project_Relationship_Code * (ex: END CLIENT, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PRIMARY) for a particular project during project creation?

    Are you not storing the project number in the staging table designed for storing the task data? You can use create_project API to create the project and tasks at the same time with one single call. You may want to try that option

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    1. The OTHER FIELD
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    DATA : chr(15) TYPE c.
    m = -100.
    WRITE m TO chr.
    IF m < 0.
      CONDENSE chr.
      CONCATENATE '-' chr INTO chr.
    WRITE chr.
    amit m.

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    Actually, you can change the order of items in the RSS feed without changing any of the dates or other info that is within a given item.
    Select the episode you want first, cut it and then paste it at the top of the list right after the general feed info. Re-order all your episodes this way (oldest at the top, newest at the bottom). This way, if someone double-clicks the name of your feed episode 1 will be the one they get.
    Also, in many podcast lists your episodes are listed in the same order in which you have placed them in your RSS feed
    So you just re-arrange the items, but don't change the info in the items.
    G5 dual 2.7 Mac OS X (10.4.2)
    G5 dual 2.7   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

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    What can I do to stop certain songs from syncing (whitout having to create a million playlists)?

    Make sure that the "Sync Music" option from the Music tab in your iTunes is checked but not the "Entire music library" underneath the "Entire music library" option you can select which parts of you iTunes library to sync with your iPhone.

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    or maybe the interface has been set to Dark?
    Go to Preferences > Interface tab, choose Light from Color Theme dropdown on Apearance section (upper part of the window)

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    How do you solve an issue with the card? I don't get the option of 'none'

    I had this exact same problem with the new iPhone I bought on 1/4/13. The walk through they provide on how to do this is useless because it fails to explain that if you are already having the problem of not getting the "None" payment option with an Apple ID then you will need to create a completely new Apple ID.
    I had to do this 7 times since I bought my iPhone on Friday until this morning to figure out how to finally be able to use the Home Sharing option in iTunes to put my music collection on my brand new $500.00 iPhone. Pretty pathetic if you ask me but since it made me so angry I want to make sure other know how to do this so you don't get as upset as I did.
    #1 If your current or soon to be "old" Apple ID is not providing the option for "None" as a payment option then you need to make a brand new one. But you have to make it specifically how I tell you.
    #2 You will need to use an email address that has not already been used for anything related to a previous Apple ID. You might need to make a brand new email address.
    #3 Open iTunes, then open iTunes Store (upper right corner of iTunes).
    #4 Click on App Store (upper center of screen).
    #5 Scroll down the screen page until you see Top Free Apps on the right side.
    #6 Choose any one of the FREE apps.
    #7 You should either get the option to create a new Apple ID box, either that, or it will pop up with some kind of disclaimer and then it does the create new Apple ID.
    Either way just create a new Apple ID when it gives you the option to and then when you get to the page that looks like the payment page the "None" payment option will finally be available.
    Note: You will still have to fill out the information on the payment page. As long as you choose the "None" option it will not request any credit card information.
    #8 You will be sent a confirmation email to the new email account. Just follow through with what ever it tells you and viola now you can use your Apple Device.
    What a pain in the keester, eh?

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    You might consider itunes match for moving CDs you've copied into your itunes library if you dont have a way to use home sharing.
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    See this. <br />

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    If you bought the boxed set of Logic Studio 2.0  which includes LP9, then you cannot  download it. You must use the disks that came as part of the boxed set... to install from.
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    We didn't do that video. Why are you asking here?
    Those videos are usually outdated....
    Use the current tools etc., in the iOS Dev Center and iTunes/iTunes U ~ Stanford.

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    From the home screen, tap on Contacts, tap on the contact you'd like to edit.
    In the top right, tap the , scroll down, for Ringtone, tap on Default, select the desired ringtone.

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