How to get a SQL statement that trigerred a trigger ?

I'd like to trace all insert and update operations done on a table.
So, how can I get the SQL statement that triggered a trigger ?

Use AUDIT to trace all sql statement about table, views etc. (except column) :
Or, if you are in 9i or later, you can use DBMS_FGA (you can audit just a column) :

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    [StepName] = HIST.step_name,
    [Message] = HIST.message,
    [Status] = CASE WHEN HIST.run_status = 0 THEN 'Failed'
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    by default all sql jobs are executed as sql server agent account, unless otherwise a proxy is setup.
    you can get the proxy information as Olaf mentioned, if the proxy_id is null for the step, it implies that the job step was executed as sql server service account and in such case it will be null
    so, if it is null, it ran as sql server agent account.
    so, one work around is get the sql server agent service account and if the proxy is null, that means it ran as sql server agent account, so, use isnull function. the disadvantage would be if the sql server agent account was switched, you might not get the
    accurate information as the new account will show up though the job really ran as old account, to get this information, you need to  get this from the logmessage column as you mentioned above.
     try this code...
    /*from sql 2008r2 sp1, you get the service accounts using tsql,otherwise you have to query the registry keys*/
    declare @sqlserveragentaccount varchar(2000)
    select @sqlserveragentaccount= service_account
    from sys.dm_server_services
    where servicename like '%sql%server%agent%'
    select message,isnull(name,@sqlserveragentaccount) as AccountName
    from sysjobhistory a inner join sysjobsteps b
    on a.step_id=b.step_id and a.job_id=b.job_id
    left outer join sysproxies c on c.proxy_id=b.proxy_id
    Hope it Helps!!

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    I agree with John with the usual caveat about using bind variables.
    In other words, you should use
    SELECT A,B,C FROM T1 WHERE A = :P10_Ainstead of SELECT A,B,C FROM T1 WHERE A = 'foo'so that the shared pool doesn't get clutterred with copies of the same (sharable) SQL.
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    v$sql ?

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    You can use AUDIT
    Auditing Queries on a Table: Example To choose auditing for every SQL statement that queries the employees table in the schema hr, issue the following statement:
    ON hr.employees;
    To choose auditing for every statement that successfully queries the employees table in the schema hr, issue the following statement:
    ON hr.employees
    To choose auditing for every statement that queries the employees table in the schema hr and results in an Oracle Database error, issue the following statement:
    ON hr.employees
    Auditing Inserts and Updates on a Table: Example To choose auditing for every statement that inserts or updates a row in the customers table in the schema oe, issue the following statement:
    ON oe.customers;

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    Current SQL statements are viewed in dynamic tables:
    A historical log of all SQL statements is recorded in Oracle Archived Logs, and can be viewed using the Oracle Logminer approach. This process requires your database to be in ARCHIVELOG mode, and that Logminer be configured to read the archived logs.

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    I am using oracle 9i and oracle 10g.

    You can use {noformat}{noformat} tags to preserve the SQL format. Below is an example of how to use it.
    <place your code here>\When your do that your code may look like
         substr(sid || ',' || serial#,0,15) sid,
         sql_text Query
         and hash_value=sql_hash_value
         and status='ACTIVE'
    order by LOGON_TIME,sid,piece
    This one is more readable to everyone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • PL/SQL how to loop thru SQL statement?

    Hey guys. I have this bit of a complicated problem.
    I have a cursor that selects a DISTINCT field called Term and a StudentID.
    I am looping thru that cursor.
    Inside that loop I have another SQL statement that is pulling all rows from the DB where the Term = the Term and the StudentID= the StudentID from the crusor loop.
    My problem is how do I get all the information/rows returned from that SQL statement? I need to loop thru it somehow, but I am not sure how to do it.
    If there is a better way to get this done feel free to chime in.
    Here is my code.
    /* CURSOR*/
    CURSOR c_GPAPerTerm IS
            SELECT DISTINCT Term, Student_ID FROM course_grades
            WHERE STUDENT_ID = p_StudentID;
                 /* OPEN AND LOOP THRU CURSOR*/
        OPEN c_GPAPerTerm;
        FETCH c_GPAPerTerm INTO v_Terms,v_StudentID;
                SELECT Score
                INTO v_Scores
                FROM course_grades
                WHERE Term = v_Terms and StudentID = v_StudentID;
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE c_GPAPerTerm;

    Ok here's my complete's pretty big though...hope it's not too confusing.
    It compiles fine if I take the new cursor out, so the error is somewhere in that cursor.
         v_Terms VARCHAR2(6);
         v_Courses VARCHAR2(6);
         v_Scores NUMBER;
         v_Grade CHAR;
         v_GPA NUMBER;
         v_ScoresTotal NUMBER :=0;
         v_StudentID NUMBER;
         CURSOR c_GetTerms IS
              SELECT Term
              FROM course_grades
              WHERE STUDENT_ID = p_StudentID;
         CURSOR c_GetCourseAndGrade IS
              SELECT Course_ID, Score FROM course_grades
              WHERE STUDENT_ID = p_StudentID;
         CURSOR c_GPAPerTerm IS
              SELECT DISTINCT Term, Student_ID
              FROM course_grades
              WHERE STUDENT_ID = p_StudentID;
         CURSOR c_GetScores (p_Term VARCHAR2, p_StudentID NUMBER) IS          
                   SELECT Score
                   FROM course_grades
                   WHERE Term = p_Term AND StudentID = p_StudentID;
         FUNCTION convert_grade(p_GradeNumber IN NUMBER)
              RETURN CHAR IS
                   WHEN p_GradeNumber < 60 THEN RETURN 'F';
                   WHEN (p_GradeNumber > 59  AND p_GradeNumber < 70) THEN  RETURN 'D';
                   WHEN (p_GradeNumber > 69  AND p_GradeNumber < 80) THEN  RETURN 'C';
                   WHEN (p_GradeNumber > 79  AND p_GradeNumber < 90) THEN  RETURN 'B';
                   WHEN (p_GradeNumber > 89  AND p_GradeNumber < 101) THEN RETURN 'A';
              ELSE    RETURN 'Z';
              END CASE;
         END convert_grade;
         FUNCTION calculate_gpa(p_TotalHourPoints IN NUMBER, p_TotalHours IN NUMBER)
              RETURN NUMBER IS
              v_GPA NUMBER;
              /*CALCULATE AND OUTPUT GPA*/
              v_GPA := p_TotalHourPoints/p_TotalHours;
              RETURN v_GPA;
         END calculate_gpa;
         FUNCTION calculate_point (p_Grade IN CHAR)
              RETURN NUMBER IS
                   WHEN p_Grade = 'A' THEN RETURN 4;
                   WHEN p_Grade = 'B' THEN RETURN 3;
                   WHEN p_Grade = 'C' THEN RETURN 2;
                   WHEN p_Grade = 'D' THEN RETURN 1;
                   WHEN p_Grade = 'F' THEN RETURN 0;
              ELSE    RETURN 0;
              END CASE;
         END calculate_point ;
    /****BEGIN MAIN BLOCK********/
         OPEN c_GetTerms;
         FETCH c_GetTerms INTO v_Terms;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Term: ' || v_Terms);
         EXIT WHEN c_GetTerms%NOTFOUND;
         END LOOP;
         CLOSE c_GetTerms;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('**********COURSES AND GRADES**********');
         OPEN c_GetCourseAndGrade;
         FETCH c_GetCourseAndGrade INTO v_Courses, v_Scores;
            v_Grade := convert_grade(v_Scores);
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Course: ' || v_Courses || '   Grade: ' || v_Grade);
         EXIT WHEN c_GetCourseAndGrade%NOTFOUND;
         END LOOP;
         CLOSE c_GetCourseAndGrade;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('**********GPA PER TERM**********');
         OPEN c_GPAPerTerm;
         FETCH c_GPAPerTerm INTO v_Terms,v_StudentID;
                      /*NEW CURSOR LOOP WILL GO HERE*/
                   v_ScoresTotal := v_ScoresTotal + v_Scores;
                      v_GPA := calculate_gpa(v_ScoresTotal, 3);
                   v_ScoresTotal :=0;
                   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Term: ' || v_Terms || '   GPA: ' || v_GPA);
         END LOOP;
         CLOSE c_GPAPerTerm;
    END get_Student_GPA;

  • How do I use SQL statements to perform calculations with form fields????

    Please help!!! I don't know how to use a SQL statement within my APEX form......
    My form is below. The user will enter the values in the form. Click on Submit. Then we need to run a SQL select statement with those values.
    Our form looks like this:
    Start_Date ____________
    Per_Period ____________
    Period ____________
    [Submit Button]
    The user will enter these 3 values in the form.
    This is an example of an user providing the values:
    Start_Date 03/14/08_______
    Per_Period $200.00________
    Period 4____________
    [Submit Button]
    Then they will click the Submit Button.
    The SQL statement (BELOW) returns output based on the users selections:
    14-MAR-2008 00:00 200 Week 1 of 4
    21-MAR-2008 00:00 200 Week 2 of 4
    28-MAR-2008 00:00 200 Week 3 of 4
    04-APR-2008 00:00 200 Week 4 of 4
    Total 800
    This is the full text of the SQL that makes the output above:
    with criteria as (select to_date('03/14/08', 'mm/dd/rr') as start_date,
    4 as periods,
    'Week' as period,
    200 per_period from dual),
    periods as (select 'Week' period, 7 days, 0 months from dual
    union all select 'BiWeek', 14, 0 from dual
    union all select 'Month', 0, 1 from dual
    union all select 'ByMonth', 0, 2 from dual
    union all select 'Quarter', 0, 3 from dual
    union all select 'Year', 0 , 12 from dual
    t1 as (
    select add_months(start_date,months*(level-1))+days*(level-1) start_date,
    c.period||' '||level||' of '||c.periods period
    from criteria c join periods p on c.period = p.period
    connect by level <= periods)
    select case grouping(start_date)
    when 1 then 'Total'
    else to_char(start_date)
    end start_date,
    sum(per_period) per_period,
    from t1
    group by rollup ((start_date, period))
    THANKS VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're just doing a parameterized report, where the input fields are your parameters.
    Check out the Advanced Tutorial titled Parameterized Report here:
    Good luck,

  • How to get the previous state of my data after issuing coomit method

    How to get the previous state of some date after issuing commit method in entity bean (It should not use any offline storage )

    Is there any way to get the state apart from using
    offline storage ?As I said the caller keeps a copy in memory.
    Naturally if it is no longer in memory then that is a problem.
    and also what do you mean by auditlog?
    You keep track of every change to the database by keeping the old data. There are three ways:
    1. Each table has a version number/delete flag for each record. A record is never updated nor deleted. Instead a new record is created with a new version number and with the new data.
    2. Each table has a duplicate table which has all of the same columns. When the first table is modified the old data is moved to the duplicate table.
    3. A single table is used which has columns for 'table', 'field', 'data' and 'activity' (update, delete). When a change is made in any table then this table is updated. This is generally of limited useability due to the difficulty in recovering the data.
    All of the above can have a user id, timestamp, and/or additional information which is relevant to the data being changed.
    Note that ALL of this is persisted storage.
    I am not sure what this really has to do with "offline storage" unless you are using that term to refer to backed up data which is not readily available.

  • How to view the SQL statement generated during execution of the BW Query?

    Dear Experts,
    I am trying to retrieve data in a SAP BW Query from a Non-SAP system.
    I think if I am able to see the complete SQL statement that was generated when I executed the BW Query, I may be able to use it to retrieve the data.
    Do you know how and where I can see the SQL statement of a BW Query's SQL statement?
    I tried RSRT options to execute the Query but still could not find the SQL statement.
    Thanks in advance.

    goto rsrt
    give your query name
    select execute + debug option
    in the debug option under data manager check the check box "display SQL/BIA query
    selcet continue
    you can see the sql statement

  • How to put the SQL-statement returned value into the field (as a default)

    I am using Developer/2000 (Forms Designer) under windows 98.
    Please tell me how to put the SQL-statement value (as a default value) into the field before enter-query mode. Noted that I have tried the following ways but still some problems:-
    1) Place the SQL-statement into PRE_QUERY trigger in the form/block level.
    There is a message box which ask 'Do you want to save the changes?'.
    2) Place the SQL-statement before execute enter_query. There is still a
    message box which ask 'Do you want to save the changes?'.
    Any hints? Thanks. Urgent.

    solved it!
    1) Suppress DEFAULT save message
    if form_failure then
    raise form_trigger_failure;
    end if;
    2) Place the default value before enter-query.
    Ref: Title='Default value in query field in ENTER_QUERY mode' in designer forum by CVZ
    form level trigger
    if :system.mode = 'ENTER-QUERY' then
    :block.item := 'default waarde';
    end if;
    3) Suppress the changes whenever leaving the default field.
    if :block.item is null then
    -- assign statement
    end if;

  • See all SQL statements that have been executed in an active transaction?

    When I query v$transaction, v$session and v$sql, all I can see is the SQL statement that is currently running in an active transaction.
    How can I view all SQL statements that have been executed in a currently running transaction since that transaction began?

    Dana N wrote:
    When I query v$transaction, v$session and v$sql, all I can see is the SQL statement that is currently running in an active transaction.
    How can I view all SQL statements that have been executed in a currently running transaction since that transaction began?In the general case: impossible.
    In some special cases you can use v$sql, v$open_cursor, or "Availabilty>View and Manage Transactions" or something else.
    But be aware, transaction could be started long time ago, all cursor could be flushed from shared pool and closed, and redo (the page from Grid Control bring Log Miner) may not always be available.

  • How to get the sql which executing?

    I want to know the query sql runing in timesten? how can I get it?
    For example, in oracle 9i we can use below sql to get the query sql runinig in oracle. OSUSER, PROGRAM, USERNAME, SCHEMANAME, B.Cpu_Time, STATUS, B.SQL_TEXT
    2. from V$SESSION A
    5. order by b.cpu_time desc

    Sorry, there is no way to get this information in TimesTen. You can use internal tracing to see each SQL statement as it is executed but (a) the performance hit is severe and (b) there is no timing or CPU usage information available.
    If you want to know how long a specific SQL statement takes to execute you need to add timing instrumentation to your application code.

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    How to get the physical SQL query for the OBIEE reports.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Anitha,
    Thanks for your reply,
    I am getting XML script in log file. (Settings > Administration > Manage Sessions > View Log).
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