How to get elapsed time from start of current day

I've tried to use the DateDiff function to calculate the elapsed time, starting from 00:00:00:000 (Midnight of current day), but I'm getting hung up on how to inform the function of what date values it should use.  I could parse off the time section
of the
GetDate() function, but that doesn't seems a little klunky to me. 
So, what I'm trying to capture is this (pseudo code): 
Elapsed Time (int) =    Select DateDiff(seconds, Current Day.Midnight, CurrentDay.CurrentSecond)
Any help is greatly appreciated.

So something like this? You can change it around, I used variables so you can see and check (and play with) the values.
Declare @SecondsToDate INT
SELECT @SecondsToDate AS SecondsPastMidnight
-- do the check
Sean Gallardy | Blog | Microsoft Certified Master

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    The Boolean output (Time Elapsed) in Elapse Time VI should give True when time got elapsed.
    Else we can simulate using "Tick Count (ms)", which counts the ticks in milisecond. You can move on to state 2 when count reaches to reauired duration.
    We can give you better idea if you post the code VI.

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    Kind Regards,

    You should use the Get Date/Time in Seconds VI which will return a timestamp. You can then format this timestamp using the Format Date/Time String to give you exactly the time format that you need. Then you can extract the numbers you need and do your math. - Custom Imaging Solutions
    Get Seconds in ‏9 KB

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       RETURN osstat_table
      l_t1 osstat_record;
      l_t2 osstat_record;
      l_out osstat_record;
      l_num_cpus NUMBER;
      l_total NUMBER;
      l_instance NUMBER;
      l_t1 := osstat_record(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      l_t2 := osstat_record(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      SELECT value
      INTO l_num_cpus
      FROM v$osstat
      WHERE stat_name = 'NUM_CPUS';
      FOR i IN 1..p_count+1
        SELECT systimestamp, sum(decode(stat_name,'IDLE_TIME', value, NULL)) as idle_time,
               sum(decode(stat_name,'USER_TIME', value, NULL)) as user_time,
               sum(decode(stat_name,'SYS_TIME', value, NULL)) as sys_time,
               sum(decode(stat_name,'IOWAIT_TIME', value, NULL)) as iowait_time,
               sum(decode(stat_name,'NICE_TIME', value, NULL)) as nice_time
        INTO l_t2.date_time_to, l_t2.idle_time, l_t2.user_time, l_t2.sys_time, l_t2.iowait_time, l_t2.nice_time
        FROM v$osstat
        select value/100000
        into l_t2.instance_cpu_time
        from  V$SYS_TIME_MODEL
        where stat_name = 'DB time';
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                               ((l_t2.instance_cpu_time-l_t1.instance_cpu_time)/100));  --- >>  Should I divide by no of cpus here as well???  Or ???
        l_total := l_out.idle_time+l_out.user_time+l_out.sys_time+l_out.iowait_time+nvl(l_out.nice_time,0);
        if l_out.user_time > 0 then
           l_instance := (l_out.instance_cpu_time*100)/l_total;   ->> instance in percent of the total cputime
           l_instance := 0;
        end if;
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        PIPE ROW(osstat_record(l_t1.date_time_to, systimestamp,
        end if;
        l_t1 := l_t2;
      END LOOP;
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    My brain has stopped working now .... I'm stuck

    mettemusens wrote:
    Hi there !Duplicate thread:
    Re: v$osstat and V$SYS_TIME_MODEL question
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

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    //some code
    printf("Time elapsed: %d",time);
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    thx! even better than I needed .

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    Edited by: user9546145 on Sep 27, 2011 2:25 PM

    user9546145 wrote:
    I would like to know how to extract the timestamp alone from DATE datatype? Be careful! In Oracle, TIMESTAMP means a datatype, similar to but distinct from DATE. You'll avoid confusion if you don't use the word "timestamp" to mean anything else.
    There is a built-in function, TO_CHAR:
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    dt_col - TRUNC (dt_col)is a NUMBER (not less than 0, but less than 1) which is suitable for many tasks, such as finding the average time.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables, and also post the results you want from that data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using.

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    The textbox is the easy part. It's no different than getting a String parameter out of an HTTP request.
    The hard part is parsing the String into a "formula" for evaluation. You'll have to write a parser or find one.
    Google for "Java math expression parser" and see what you get.
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    Connect iPhone - iTunes will launch
    select iPhone in iTunes' left column
    in iTunes' main window untick "Automatically sync ..."

  • How to calculate elapsed time based on user input

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    What comes 13 hours after 4 o'clock? Create an ElaspedTimeCalculator application that prompts the user for a starting hour, whether it is am or pm, and the number of elapsed hours. The application then displays the time after that many hours have passed. Application output should look similar to:
    Enter the starting hour: 7
    Enter am or pm: pm
    Enter the number of elapsed hours: 10
    The time is: 5:00 amHere's the code I have so far:
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class ElapsedTimeCalculator
         public static void main(String[] args)
              int starting_hour;
              int starting_minutes; /*This is added in case the user wants to add minutes as well.*/
              String am_or_pm;
              int elapsed_hours;
              int elasped_minutes;
              int time_hours;
              int time_minutes;
              System.out.println("Welcome. This application will give you the time based on your input.");
              System.out.println(" ");
              Scanner input = new Scanner(;
              System.out.print("Enter the starting hour: ");
              starting_hour = input.nextDouble();
              System.out.print("Enter the starting minutes: ");
              starting_minutes = input.nextDouble();
              System.out.print("Enter either 'am' or pm': ");
              am_or_pm = input.nextString();
              System.out.print("Enter the number of elapsed hours: ");
              elapsed_hours = input.nextDouble();
              time_hours =
              time_minutes = 
              if(am_or_pm = "am" || am_or_pm = "a.m." || am_or_pm = "AM" || am_or_pm = "A.M.")
                   System.out.println("The time is " + time_hours + ":" + time_minutes + "am");
              if(am_or_pm = "pm" || am_or_pm = "p.m." || am_or_pm = "PM" || am_or_pm = "P.M.")
                   System.out.println("The time is " + time_hours + ":" + time_minutes + "pm");
    }To calculate time_hours should I just calculate this by adding the elapsed hour to the starting hour? I doubt it will be accurate for all situations.
    Same for the time_minutes For example, if the starting minutes and the elapsed minutes were 50, it would be greater than 60. Also, not sure if it makes sense to separate hours and minutes like this, it's not required to in the question. I initally thought it would be easier to approach like this instead of allowing the user to input a double for the starting hour. ex. 5.7
    I get the feeling that this is extremely simple, but nonetheless, I'm stuck, so any help would be appreciated.

    Well thanks to both of you. I did a little reading up on the modulus operator and coupled it with some logic (although, truthfully, I'm not really using to there actually being an application for the remainder of a division operation, since it's never really used very much in any of my Math courses) and the hours portion works perfectly now:
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class ElapsedTimeCalculator
         public static void main(String[] args)
              int starting_hour;
              //int starting_minutes; /*This is added in case the user wants to add minutes as well.*/
              String am_or_pm;
              int elapsed_hours;
              //int elasped_minutes;
              System.out.println("Welcome. This application will give you the time based on your input.");
              System.out.println(" ");
              Scanner input = new Scanner(;
              System.out.print("Enter the starting hour: ");
              starting_hour = input.nextInt();
              //System.out.print("Enter the starting minutes: ");
              //starting_minutes = input.nextInt();
              System.out.print("Enter either 'am' or pm': ");
              am_or_pm =;
              System.out.print("Enter the number of elapsed hours: ");
              elapsed_hours = input.nextInt();
              int time_hours = 0;
              //int time_minutes;
              String meridien;
                   time_hours = (starting_hour + elapsed_hours) % 24;
                   //time_minutes = (starting_minutes + elapsed_minutes) % 60;
              else if(am_or_pm.equals("am"))
                   time_hours = (starting_hour + elapsed_hours) % 24;
                   //time_minutes = (starting_minutes + elapsed_minutes) % 60;
              else if(am_or_pm.equals("AM"))
                   time_hours = (starting_hour + elapsed_hours) % 24;
                   //time_minutes = (starting_minutes + elapsed_minutes) % 60;
              else if(am_or_pm.equals("A.M."))
                   time_hours = (starting_hour + elapsed_hours) % 24;
                   //time_minutes = (starting_minutes + elapsed_minutes) % 60;
              else if(am_or_pm.equals("pm"))
                   time_hours = (starting_hour + elapsed_hours + 12) % 24;
                   //time_minutes = (starting_minutes + elapsed_minutes) % 60;
              else if(am_or_pm.equals("p.m."))
                   time_hours = (starting_hour + elapsed_hours + 12) % 24;
                   //time_minutes = (starting_minutes + elapsed_minutes) % 60;
              else if(am_or_pm.equals("PM"))
                   time_hours = (starting_hour + elapsed_hours + 12) % 24;
                   //time_minutes = (starting_minutes + elapsed_minutes) % 60;
              else if(am_or_pm.equals("P.M."))
                   time_hours = (starting_hour + elapsed_hours + 12) % 24;
                   //time_minutes = (starting_minutes + elapsed_minutes) % 60;
              if(time_hours < 12)
                   meridien = "A.M.";
                   System.out.println("The time is: " + time_hours + ":00 " + meridien);
              else if(time_hours > 12)
                   meridien = "P.M.";
                   System.out.println("The time is: " + time_hours + ":00 " + meridien);
    }Now the only thing is the minutes. My teacher did say she wants the user to have the option to input minutes also if he/she desires, so I do need it. However, the only problem is that if say the user inputs a "starting minute" of 14 for example, and 66 minutes elapsing, then (14 + 66) int/ 60 = 1r20 but using the modulus operator would only give me 20. So how will I be able to add any extra hours if it is necessary?

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    Hi HelpPleaseMan,
    >>How to get a photo from windows phone 8 programmatically and how to save that photo into my phone.
    In Windows Phone 8 we can use the
    PhotoChooserTask to enable users to select an existing photo from the phone.
    For more information, please try to refer to:
    #How to use the photo chooser task for Windows Phone 8: .
    Besides, we can also use the
    CameraCaptureTask to enable users to take a photo from your application using the built-in Camera application. If the user completes the task, an event is raised and the event handler receives a photo in the result. On Windows Phone 8, if the user accepts
    a photo taken with the camera capture task, the photo is automatically saved to the phone’s camera roll.
    For more information, please try to refer to:
    #How to use the camera capture task for Windows Phone 8: .
    Best Regards,
    Amy Peng
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to get each value from a parameter passed like this '(25,23,35,1)'

    One of the parameter passed to the function is
    FUNCTION f_main_facility(pi_flag_codes VARCHAR2) return gc_result_set AS
    pi_flag_codes will be passed a value in this way '(25,23,35,1)'
    How to get each value from the string
    like 25 first time
    23 second time
    35 third time
    1 fourth time
    I need to build a select query with each value as shown below:-
    (SELECT t2.org_id, t4.description
    from org_name t2, ref_org_name t3, code_table t4
    where t2.att_data = t4.code
    and t3.ref_code = t2.att_type
    and t2.att_type = 25 and t3.code_type = t4.code_type
    and to_date('01-JAN-10', 'DD-MON-YY') between t2.att_start_date AND t2.att_end_date) q1,
    (SELECT t2.org_id, t4.description
    from org_name t2, ref_org_name t3,code_table t4
    where t2.att_data = t4.code
    and t3.ref_code = t2.att_type
    and t2.att_type = 23 and t3.code_type = t4.code_type
    and to_date('01-JAN-10', 'DD-MON-YY') between t2.att_start_date AND t2.att_end_date) q2,
    (SELECT t2.org_id, RTRIM(xmlagg(xmlelement(e, t4.description || ';')
    ORDER BY t4.description).EXTRACT('//text()'), ';') AS DESCRIPTION
    from org_name t2, ref_org_name t3,code_table t4
    where t2.att_data = t4.code
    and t3.ref_code = t2.att_type
    and t2.att_type = 35 and t3.code_type = t4.code_type
    and to_date('01-JAN-10', 'DD-MON-YY') between t2.att_start_date AND t2.att_end_date
    group by t2.org_id) q3,
    (SELECT t2.org_id, t4.description
    from org_name t2, ref_org_name t3, code_table t4
    where t2.att_data = t4.code
    and t3.ref_code = t2.att_type
    and t2.att_type = 1 and t3.code_type = t4.code_type
    and to_date('01-JAN-10', 'DD-MON-YY') between t2.att_start_date AND t2.att_end_date) q4
    Please help me with extracting each alue from the parm '(25,23,35,1)' for the above purpose. Thank You.

    chris227 wrote:
    I would propose the usage of regexp for readibiliy purposes and only in the case if this doesnt perform well, look at solutions using substr etc.
    regexp_substr( '(25,23,35,1)', '\d+', 1, 1) s1
    ,regexp_substr( '(25,23,35,1)', '\d+', 1, 2) s2
    ,regexp_substr( '(25,23,35,1)', '\d+', 1, 3) s3
    ,regexp_substr( '(25,23,35,1)', '\d+', 1, 4) s4
    from dual 
    S1     S2     S3     S4
    "25"     "23"     "35"     "1"In pl/sql you do something like l_val:= regexp_substr( '(25,23,35,1)', '\d+', 1, 1);
    If t2.att_type is type of number you will do:
    t2.att_type= to_number(regexp_substr( '(25,23,35,1)', '\d+', 1, 1))Edited by: chris227 on 01.03.2013 08:00Sir,
    I am using oracle 10g.
    In the process of getting each number from the parm '(25,23,35,1)' , I also need the position of the number
    say 25 is at 1 position.
    23 is at 2
    35 is at 3
    1 is at 4.
    the reason I need that is when I build seperate select for each value, I need to add the query number at the end of the select query.
    Please see the code I wrote for it, But the select query is having error:-
    IF(pi_flag_codes IS NOT NULL) THEN
    SELECT length(V_CNT) - length(replace(V_CNT,',','')) FROM+ ----> the compiler gives an error for this select query : PLS-00428:
    *(SELECT '(25,23,35,1)' V_CNT  FROM dual);*
    -- V_CNT := 3;
    if L_CNT=0 then
    V_E_POS:=instr(pi_flag_codes, ',', 1, 1)-1;
    V_E_POS:=instr(pi_flag_codes, ',', 1, L_CNT+1)-V_S_POS;
    end if;
    if L_CNT=V_CNT then
    end if;
    VN_ATYPE := ' t2.att_type = ' || V_ID;
    rec_count := rec_count +1;
    query_no := 'Q' || rec_count;
    Pls help me with fetching each value to build the where cond of the select query along with the query number.
    Thank You.

  • How to get real value from selectOneChoice with javascript?

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    JSF page:
    <af:resource type="javascript">
    function parseAddress(event)
    alert("new value: " + event.getNewValue());
    <af:selectOneChoice label="Location:" value="" id="soc4">
    <af:clientListener type="valueChange" method="parseAddress" />
    <f:selectItems value="#{Person.locations}" id="si7"/>
    HTML :
    <option title="225 Broadway, New York, NY-10007" selected="" value="0">225 Broadway (Central Office)</option>
    <option title="90 Mark St., New York, NY-10007" value="1">90 Mark St. (Central Office)</option>
    Thanks a lot.

    Something I was missing ,
    You need to add valuePassThru="true" in your <af:selectOneChoice component. I have personally tested it and got the actual value in alert box. I hope this time you got the real solution. You can also test the following code by your end.
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <af:document id="d1">
    <af:form id="f1">
    <af:panelBox text="PanelBox1" id="pb1">
    <af:selectOneChoice label="Set Log Level" id="soc1"
    <af:selectItem label="select one" value="First" id="s6"/>
    <af:selectItem label="select two" value="Second" id="s56"/>
    <af:clientListener method="setLogLevel" type="valueChange"/>
    <af:resource type="javascript">
    function setLogLevel(evt) {
    var selectOneChoice = evt.getSource();
    var logLevel = selectOneChoice.getSubmittedValue();
    // var logLevelObject = AdfLogger.NONE;
    alert("new value is : " + logLevel);

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    Many Thx
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    use this to get the following End_date
    Try this
    Current StartDate <?START_DATE?>
    Current End Date <?END_DATE?>
    Next Start Date <?following-sibling::ROW/END_DATE?>
    Previous End Date <?preceding-sibling::ROW[1]/END_DATE?>
    <?end for-each?>
    Current StartDate 01-01-1980
    Current End Date 01-01-1988
    Next Start Date 01-01-1990
    Previous End Date
    Current StartDate 01-01-1988
    Current End Date 01-01-1990
    Next Start Date 01-01-2005
    Previous End Date 01-01-1988
    Current StartDate 01-01-2000
    Current End Date 01-01-2005
    Next Start Date
    Previous End Date 01

Maybe you are looking for

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