How to get the attribute of a selected row in a label

Hi all,
I am using Jdeveloper and ADF.
I have a table with two columns, Id and Name. Furthermore I have an outputText where I would like to see the field Name of the selected Row in the table.
How have I to set the property "value" of the outputText to do this?
Thank you

Hi Andrea,
If you are using ADFBC, the easiest way is to drop the attribute(Say Name) from the data control palette as outputText component and add partialTriggers property of it to point to table id(to refresh the outputText whenever the row is selected in table)

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    Hi Andrea,
    If you are using ADFBC, the easiest way is to drop the attribute(Say Name) from the data control palette as outputText component and add partialTriggers property of it to point to table id(to refresh the outputText whenever the row is selected in table)

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    just get this code empTable is the table binding
                    RowKeySet rks = new RowKeySetImpl(); 
                    CollectionModel model = (CollectionModel)empTable.getValue(); 
          RowKeySet selectedRowKeys = empTable.getSelectedRowKeys();
          if (selectedRowKeys != null)
                Iterator iter = selectedRowKeys.iterator();
                if (iter != null && iter.hasNext())
                  Object key = model.getRowKey(); 
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                             var selectedOption = sel[sel.selectedIndex].value;

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                             var selectedOption = sel[sel.selectedIndex].value;
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    <html:select styleClass="text" name="querydefs" property="shortcut"
                             onchange="retrieveSecondOptions()" styleId="firstBox"
                             <html:options collection="advanced.choices" property="shortcut"
                                  labelProperty="label"  />
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    What are you using to read the XML file??
    On the assumption of JDOM - Something along the lines of:SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(true);
    Document doc =;
    Element root = doc.getRootElement();
    List children = root.getChildren();
    Element thisElement = (Element)children.get(n);
    String name = thisElement.getAttributeValue("name")
         int age = Integer.parseInt(thisElement.getAttributeValue("age"));
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         throw new InvalidElementException("Expected an int.....");

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import java.awt.HeadlessException;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
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    * @author Frederic FOURGEOT
    * @version 1.0
    public class JTreeFolder extends JPanel {
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    JTree tree;
    protected JScrollPane scrollpane;
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    * Sous-classe FSNode
    * @author Frederic FOURGEOT
    * @version 1.0
    private class FSNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
    File file; // contient le fichier li� au noeud
    * Constructeur non visible
    private FSNode() {
    * Constructeur par initialisation
    * @param userObject Object
    FSNode(Object userObject) {
    * Constructeur par initialisation
    * @param userObject Object
    * @param newFile File
    FSNode(Object userObject, File newFile) {
    file = newFile;
    * Definit le fichier lie au noeud
    * @param newFile File
    public void setFile(File newFile) {
    file = newFile;
    * Renvoi le fichier lie au noeud
    * @return File
    public File getFile() {
    return file;
    public JTree getJTree(){
         return tree ;
    * Constructeur
    * @throws HeadlessException
    public JTreeFolder() throws HeadlessException {
    File[] drive;
    tree = new JTree();
    // cr�ation du noeud sup�rieur
    racine = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Poste de travail");
    // cr�ation d'un noeud pour chaque lecteur
    drive = File.listRoots();
    for (int i = 0 ; i < drive.length ; i++) {
    FSNode node = new FSNode(drive, drive[i]);
    addFolder(drive[i], node); // on descend dans l'arborescence du lecteur jusqu'� MAX_LEVEL
    // Gestion d'evenement sur JTree (on �coute les evenements TreeExpansion)
    tree.addTreeExpansionListener(new TreeExpansionListener() {
    public void treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
    // lorsqu'un noeud est ouvert
    // on descend dans l'arborescence du noeud jusqu'� MAX_LEVEL
    TreePath path = e.getPath();
    FSNode node = (FSNode)path.getLastPathComponent();
    ((DefaultTreeModel)tree.getModel()).reload(node); // on recharche uniquement le noeud
    public void treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
    // lorsqu'un noeud est referm�
    // alimentation du JTree
    DefaultTreeModel model = new DefaultTreeModel(racine);
    // ajout du JTree au formulaire
    tree.setBounds(0, 0, 240, 290);
    scrollpane = new JScrollPane(tree);
         scrollpane.setBounds(0, 0, 240, 290);
    * Recuperation des sous-elements d'un repertoire
    * @param driveOrDir
    * @param node
    public void addFolder(File driveOrDir, DefaultMutableTreeNode node) {
    setCursor(new Cursor(3)); // WAIT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    addFolder(driveOrDir, node, 0);
    setCursor(new Cursor(0)); // DEFAULT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    * Recuperation des sous-elements d'un repertoire
    * (avec niveau pour r�cursivit� et arr�t sur MAX_LEVEL)
    * @param driveOrDir File
    * @param node DefaultMutableTreeNode
    * @param level int
    private void addFolder(File driveOrDir, DefaultMutableTreeNode node, int level) {
    File[] fileList;
    fileList = driveOrDir.listFiles();
    if (fileList != null) {
    sortFiles(fileList); // on tri les elements
    // on ne cherche pas plus loin que le niveau maximal d�finit
    if (level > MAX_LEVEL - 1) {return;}
    // pour chaque �l�ment
    try {
    for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
    // en fonction du type d'�l�ment
    if (fileList[i].isDirectory()) {
    // si c'est un r�pertoire on cr�� un nouveau noeud
    FSNode dir = new FSNode(fileList[i].getName(), fileList[i]);
    // on recherche les �l�ments (r�cursivit�)
    addFolder(fileList[i], dir, ++level);
    if (fileList[i].isFile()) {
    // si c'est un fichier on ajoute l'�l�ment au noeud
    node.add(new FSNode(fileList[i].getName(), fileList[i]));
    catch (NullPointerException e) {
    // rien
    * Recuperation des sous-elements d'un noeud
    * @param node
    public void addFolder(FSNode node) {
    setCursor(new Cursor(3)); // WAIT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    for (int i = 0 ; i < node.getChildCount() ; i++) {
    addFolder(((FSNode)node.getChildAt(i)).getFile(), (FSNode)node.getChildAt(i));
    setCursor(new Cursor(0)); // DEFAULT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    * Tri une liste de fichier
    * @param listFile
    public void sortFiles(File[] listFile) {
    triRapide(listFile, 0, listFile.length - 1);
    * QuickSort : Partition
    * @param listFile
    * @param deb
    * @param fin
    * @return
    private int partition(File[] listFile, int deb, int fin) {
    int compt = deb;
    File pivot = listFile[deb];
    int i = deb - 1;
    int j = fin + 1;
    while (true) {
    do {
    } while (listFile[j].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(pivot.getName()) > 0);
    do {
    } while (listFile[i].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(pivot.getName()) < 0);
    if (i < j) {
    echanger(listFile, i, j);
    } else {
    return j;
    * Tri rapide : quick sort
    * @param listFile
    * @param deb
    * @param fin
    private void triRapide(File[] listFile, int deb, int fin) {
    if (deb < fin) {
    int positionPivot = partition(listFile, deb, fin);
    triRapide(listFile, deb, positionPivot);
    triRapide(listFile, positionPivot + 1, fin);
    * QuickSort : echanger
    * @param listFile
    * @param posa
    * @param posb
    private void echanger(File[] listFile, int posa, int posb) {
    File tmpFile = listFile[posa];
    listFile[posa] = listFile[posb];
    listFile[posb] = tmpFile;

  • How to get the attribute values out?

    Hi everyone,
    <category name="Mens Clothing" id="0">
    <subcategory>Active/Baselayer Tops</subcategory>
    <category name="Womens Clothing" id="1">
    How to get the attribute values out? For example "Mens
    Clothing" and "Womens Clothing".
    // the line below returns "Active/Baselayer Tops" and
    "Active/Baselayer Bottoms"
    var myXml:XML = new XML(event.result);

    Here is attribute identifier operator from FB Help:
    @ attribute identifier Operator
    Usage myXML.@attributeName
    Identifies attributes of an XML or XMLList object. For
    example, myXML.@id identifies attributes named id for the myXML XML
    object. You can also use the following syntax to access attributes:
    myXML.attribute("id"), myXML["@id"], and myXML.@["id"]. The syntax
    myXML.@id is recommended. To return an XMLList object of all
    attribute names, use @*. To return an attribute with a name that
    matches an ActionScript reserved word, use the attribute() method
    instead of the @ operator.
    Operands attributeName:* — The name of the attribute.
    How to use examples
    The first example shows how to use the @ (at sign) operator
    to identify an attribute of an element:
    var myXML:XML =
    <item id = "42">
    <catalogName>Presta tube</catalogName>
    trace(myXML.@id); // 42The next example returns all attribute
    var xml:XML =<example id='123' color='blue'/>
    var xml2:XMLList = xml.@*;
    trace(xml2 is XMLList); // true
    trace(xml2.length()); // 2
    for (var i:int = 0; i < xml2.length(); i++)
    )); // xml
    trace(xml2.nodeKind()); // attribute
    .name()); // id and color
    } The next example returns an attribute with a name that
    matches a reserved word in ActionScript. You cannot use the syntax
    xml.@class (since class is a reserved word in ActionScript). You
    need to use the syntax xml.attribute("class"):
    var xml:XML = <example class='123'/>

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    Killerfinch wrote:
    My new yahoo account nestles comfortably in iCloud on the mine iPad.
    No, your Yahoo account is not in iCloud (which only handles iCloud mail), it is in Yahoo, and the Yahoo mail account is on your iPad.
    But the MacBook Pro will have none of it! I write this question now as I fear that I will be totally demented very soon and unable to formulate my thoughts clearly!
    Get the correct settings for your account from Yahoo and set it up manually.
    By the way, I also find the "password" issue problematical. It seems Apple want my Apple password rather than my eMail password. All very confusing.
    That would depend on what you are trying to do.

  • How to get the position of a selected cell in a table ?

    How can I get the position of a selected cell in a table or in a list multicolumn cmd ?

    Invoke node >>> point to Row Column
    Message Edited by Ben on 07-19-2007 03:14 PM
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction
    Point_To_Row_Column.PNG ‏22 KB

  • How to get the Attributes of the UNIX  file Directories  ?

    Hi Guru,
    How to find of the Attributes of the UNIX  file Directories in sap  TC  :-   u2018 *ZZWT*u2019   .
    The file attribute details need to show in the report.
    But not getting the attributes details.
    If any idea plz. Help me.

    Which basis release do you use?
    From 7.0 you have [GET DATASET|] statement
    Before, you may only get what you see in AL11 : mimic what is in program RSWATCH0
    Or you may register and use [UNIX commands (SM69 transaction / SXPG|]) and get the results
    Edited by: Sandra Rossi on Aug 2, 2009 12:39 AM

  • How to get the last transaction in a row in SQL Developer?

    What syntax would I use to get the last transaction of a row in SQL developer?
    The way I have my query set-up currently it is not returning the correct data, here is my current syntax:
    select ssn, max(tran_id), chng_type,tran_id
    from pda_tran
    where ssn = 'xxx-xxx-0011'
    and chng_type = 'C'
    group by ssn, chng_type,tran_id;
    It returns a 'C' chng_type but it is not the last one. when I query on this ssn this is what I get:
    ssn tran_id chng_type
    xxx-xxx-0011 001 A
    xxx-xxx-0011 002 E
    xxx-xxx-0011 003 C
    xxx-xxx-0011 004 S
    xxx-xxx-0011 005 C
    xxx-xxx-0011 006 T
    I only want to return the ssn's with a last transaction chng_type of 'C'. How can I get the correct information returned. Please advise.

    From what I see and read... there is one to many group by
    You wrote
    select ssn, max(tran_id), chng_type,tran_id
    from pda_tran
    where ssn = 'xxx-xxx-0011'
    and chng_type = 'C'
    group by ssn, chng_type,tran_id;
    If you want the max(tran_id), remove it from the "group by"
    select ssn, chng_type, max(tran_id)
    (SELECT 'xxx-xxx-0011' ssn, '001' tran_id, 'A' chng_type FROM DUAL UNION
    SELECT 'xxx-xxx-0011' ssn, '002' tran_id, 'E' chng_type FROM DUAL UNION
    SELECT 'xxx-xxx-0011' ssn, '003' tran_id, 'C' chng_type FROM DUAL UNION
    SELECT 'xxx-xxx-0011' ssn, '004' tran_id, 'S' chng_type FROM DUAL UNION
    SELECT 'xxx-xxx-0011' ssn, '005' tran_id, 'C' chng_type FROM DUAL UNION
    SELECT 'xxx-xxx-0011' ssn, '006'tran_id, 'T' chng_type FROM DUAL )
    where ssn = 'xxx-xxx-0011'
    and chng_type = 'C'
    group by ssn, chng_type;

  • ADF: How to get the attributes' values of one single row from a table?

    Currently I have a table with 3 attributes, suppose A,B and C respectively. And I've added an selectionListener to this table. That means when I select one single row of this table, I wish to get the respective value of A, B and C for that particular row. How do I achieve this?
    suppose the method is like:
    public void selectionRow(SelectionEvent se) {            //se is the mouse selection event
    .......??? //what should I do to get the values of A\B\C for one single row?
    Edited by: user12635428 on Mar 23, 2010 1:40 AM

    Assuming you are using Jdev 11g.
    Try with this
    public void selectionRow(SelectionEvent se) {
    String val = getManagedBeanValue("bindings.AttributeName.inputValue");
    public static Object getManagedBeanValue(String beanName) {
    StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer("#{");
    return resolveExpression(buff.toString());
    public static Object resolveExpression(String expression) {
    FacesContext facesContext = getFacesContext();
    Application app = facesContext.getApplication();
    ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
    ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
    ValueExpression valueExp =
    elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, expression,
    return valueExp.getValue(elContext);

  • How do I get the values from a selected row.

    I am using JDeveloper 9.0.5. On my page, I have placed a button within a table. The button has been assigned an event. The event is within my Action class. This class implements DataAction and has overriden the
    processComponentEvents(DataActionContext actionContext);
    Question: While I am within the processComponentEvents method, is it possible to obtain the values of selected row?

    Good Morning Jeffery,
    First off thanks for your clear explanation. I have a few related questions as noted from your response:
    There are two ways to communicate the desired model row between the UIX view and the struts controller. One way is to use the singleSelection component in your table and put your buttons in the singleSelection's contents.
    When the user selects the radio button for a particular row and then clicks on one the buttons, a built in event handler in UIX will set the current row in the model to be the user selected row. Therefore, your Struts action can operate on the currently selected model row.
    When you drop a UIX table from the data control palette it is automatically set up in this way (with a single selection).
    Ok, Lets say that i've set everything up as you described. Not lets say that the button was pressed and I hit the overriddenprotected void processComponentEvents(DataActionContext actionContext) throws IOException, ServletException ;
    When I look at the request object, I do not see the values. How do I get access to the rowkey at this point?
    Some people, however, want to actually render buttons in their table rows, and have those buttons initiate an action on their row. If you are doing this, then you need to pass the row id to your struts action as a parameter, which means that you need to know the row id when you are rendering a button for a given row. There is an EL expression that will return the row-id for the current row, it is:
    which is not so obvious or well documented in the preview release (sorry) but should be for the production release.
    A generic code snippet would go a long way to shedding some light on that. I guess I am use to using JDeveloper 9.0.3. It seems,"to me", that JDev 9.0.5 has put a completely new twist on things. I find myself wondering when I can use the 9.0.3 syntax and when
    should not. If your team has any short source toys around which demonstrated using rowkeys, or accessing the internal parts of the
    struts controller, I would find that invaluable. It dose not matter if this information is documented.
    Thank you

  • How to get the folder name of selected subitem in tree structure?

    Hi All,
               I created a tree structure like below.
             ->Folder1-- 1
                    i.e i have two folders & each folder having the values like above.Now i want to perform some action by clicking on the any of the values.Suppose if i click value 2,i want to do some action.the actions need to perform is varies from floder to to folder.
            So How can i get the folder name of clicked Value?

    Hi Kumar ,
    the below code should help you.
    Register the below action for the leaf node for which u need the subfolder's name above it.
    Worked fine in my system ...hope it does in ur scenario too
      data : lr_element TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
             lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
             ls_path type string,
             ls_path_node TYPE string,
             lt_string type TABLE OF string,
             l_lines type i,
             l_lines_1 TYPE i.
      lr_element = wdevent->get_context_element( 'CONTEXT_ELEMENT' ).
    **-> getting the path of the node/leaf
    *which  u had clicked and from that getting the node above it
      ls_path = lr_element->get_path( ).
      SPLIT ls_path at '.' into table lt_string.
    -> remove the first 2 entries as they will contain the view name
      DELETE lt_string FROM 1 to 2.
      l_lines = LINES( lt_String ).
      l_lines_1 = l_lines - 1.
    -> remove the last 2 entries as they will contain the element in the path
      DELETE lt_string  from l_lines_1 to l_lines.
      LOOP AT lt_string into ls_path.
        CONCATENATE LINES OF LT_STRING into ls_path_node SEPARATED BY '.'.
    **-> getting access to the node above the leaf element
    LR_NODE = WD_CONTEXT->PATH_GET_NODE( path = ls_path_node ).
    lr_element = lr_node->get_element( ).
    **-> Getting the name of the folder...
    *here path is the attribute in my context which stores the name of the folder
    lr_element->get_attribute( EXPORTING name = 'PATH' IMPORTING value = ls_path ).

  • How to get the display value of selected item in list box?

    I have a page with an HtmlSelectOneListbox that is filled with an ArrayList of SelectItem objects.
    The SelectItem objects contain a Key and Value. The Value is displayed in the ListBox.
    The value parameter of the listbox is bound to a bean property which is called selectedListItem.
    The bean property selectedListItem contains the Key of the SelectItem that is selected.
    How do I obtain the Value of the selectedListItem?
    I need to be able to get the Value field that is displayed, not just the Key to the item that is displayed.
    Edited by: burferd on Nov 3, 2007 10:03 PM

    How are you filling in the value of the menu? Obtain it back by the same way. Or pass it along the key in a object.
    This article may give useful insights:

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