How to get the link between mara, ausp, cawn and cawnt tables

i have got a requiremet in that i have to get the relation .
how to get the link between mara, ausp, cawn and cawnt tables and also type how can we get link between  char value and char description in cawn and cawnt tables through ausp and mara tables.
I would be very thankful  for ur help in advance.
Thanks & Regards.

Sample report using the linkage between tables;
report batch_char no standard page heading
                          line-size  132
                          line-count 58(1)
                          message-id mm.
       Report by Batch Characteristic                                *
Description          : Report by Batch Characteristic                *
Declaration for Tables
tables: mara,    " Material Master
        mard,    " Storage Location Data for Material
        t001w,   " Plants/Branches
        t001l,   " Storage Locations
        cabn,    " Characteristics
        inob.    " Link between Internal Number and Object
Declaration for Constants
constants : c_klart like ausp-klart value '023',     " Class Type
            c_obtab like inob-obtab value 'MCH1',    " Database Table
            c_flag  type c          value 'X',       " Flag
            c_c23   type i          value '23',      " Ratio
Constants for Ratio Categories
            c_13    type p decimals 2 value '13.00', " For Ratio 13
            c_1499  type p decimals 2 value '14.99', " For Ratio 14.99
            c_15    type p decimals 2 value '15.00', " For Ratio 15
            c_1699  type p decimals 2 value '16.99', " For Ratio  16.99
            c_17    type p decimals 2 value '17.00', " For Ratio 17
            c_1899  type p decimals 2 value '18.99', " For Ratio 18.99
            c_19    type p decimals 2 value '19.00', " For Ratio 19
            c_2099  type p decimals 2 value '20.99', " For Ratio 20.99
            c_21    type p decimals 2 value '21.00', " For Ratio 21
            c_2299  type p decimals 2 value '22.99', " For Ratio 22.99
            c_23    type p decimals 2 value '23.00', " For Ratio 23
            c_g23(4) type c value '>=23',            " For Ratio >=23
            c_ratio(5) value 'RATIO',                  " For Ratio
Constants for Storing Selected item field information
            c_cursor1(15) value 'I_OUTPUT1-MEINS',   " For Selected Base
                                                     " Unit of Measure
            c_cursor2(15) value 'I_OUTPUT1-MATNR',   " For Selected Base
                                                     " Material Number
            c_cursor3(15) value 'I_OUTPUT1-MAKTX',   " For Selected Base
                                                     " Material Des.
            c_cursor4(15) value 'I_OUTPUT1-CLABS',   "For Selected Base
                                                     " Stock Value
            c_cursor5(15) value 'I_OUTPUT1-ATFLV',   " For Selected Base
                                                    " Char.Value (Ratio)
            c_cursor6(5) value 'C_G23'.
Declaration for Global Variables
data : g_exit  type c,                            " Flag
       g_clabs1(16) type c,                       " Quantity
       g_clabs(18)  type c,                       " Quantity
       g_cursor(15) type c,                       " Cursor field name
       g_matnr     type mara-matnr,               " Material Number
       g_werks     type mchb-werks,               " Plant
       g_atinn(30) type c.                        " Character.
Declaration for Internal tables
Internal table to hold Batch Stock data
data : begin of i_mchb occurs 0,
         matnr like mchb-matnr,      " Material Number
         werks like mchb-werks,      " Plant
         lgort like mchb-lgort,      " Storage Location
         charg like mchb-charg,      " Batch Number
         clabs like mchb-clabs,      " Stock Value
         meins like mara-meins,      " Unit of measure
         atflo like ausp-atflv,      " Char.Value (Ratio)
         atflv like ausp-atflv,      " Char.Value (Ratio)
       end of i_mchb.
Internal table to hold Secondary List data
data : begin of i_mchb1 occurs 0,
         werks like mchb-werks,      " Plant
         matnr like mchb-matnr,      " Material Number
         lgort like mchb-lgort,      " Storage Location
         charg like mchb-charg,      " Batch Number
         atinn like ausp-atinn,      " Char.Value
         clabs like mchb-clabs,      " Stock Value
         atflo like ausp-atflv,      " Char.Value (Ratio)
         atflv like ausp-atflv,      " Char.Value (Ratio)
       end of i_mchb1.
Internal table to get the Plant Name
data : begin of i_plant occurs 0,
         werks like t001w-werks,     " Plant
         name1 like t001w-name1,     " Name
       end of i_plant.
Internal table to get the Material Description
data : begin of i_makt occurs 0,
         matnr like makt-matnr,      " Material
         maktx like makt-maktx,     " Description
       end of i_makt.
Internal table to hold AUSP data
data : begin of i_ausp occurs 0,
         objek like ausp-objek,      " Object No
         atinn like cabn-atinn,      " Characteric value
         atflv like ausp-atflv,      " Characteristic Value
       end of i_ausp.
Internal table to hold output data
data : begin of i_output occurs 0,
         atinn like cabn-atinn,      " Characteric value
         werks like mchb-werks,      " Plant
         matnr like mchb-matnr,      " Material Number
         atnam like cabn-atnam,      " Characteristic
         atflv like ausp-atflv,      " Char.Value (Ratio)
         name1 like t001w-name1,     " Plant Description
         maktx like makt-maktx,      " Material Description
         clabs like mchb-clabs,      " Stock Value
         meins like mara-meins,      " Base Unit of Measure
       end of i_output.
Internal table to hold final Output data
data : begin of i_output1 occurs 0,
         atinn like cabn-atinn,      " Characteric value
         werks like mchb-werks,      " Plant
         matnr like mchb-matnr,      " Material Number
         atnam like cabn-atnam,      " Characteristic
         atflv(32) type c,           " Char.Value (Ratio)
         name1 like t001w-name1,     " Plant Description
         maktx like makt-maktx,      " Material Description
         clabs like mchb-clabs,      " Stock Value
         meins like mara-meins,      " Base Unit of Measure
       end of i_output1.
       Selection screen
selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
select-options: s_werks for t001w-werks obligatory,  " Plant
                s_lgort for t001l-lgort,             " Stor.Location
                s_matnr for mara-matnr  obligatory,  " Material No
                s_atinn for cabn-atinn.              " Character.
selection-screen end of block b1.
At selection screen
at selection-screen.
Validation of Selection Screen Fields
  perform validate_screen.
Start of selection
Get the Material and Batch Stock data from MARA and MCHB Tables
  perform get_mat_stock_data.
Get the Material Group Text and Plant Name from T023T and T001W Tables
  perform get_plant_grp_data.
Append the data into final Output Internal Table after getting the
Characteristic Values data from INOB and AUSP Tables
  perform append_final_data.
Processing if the Characteristics contain 'RATIO'
  perform collect_ratio.
  write /1(125) sy-uline.
End of selection
  if g_exit <> c_flag.
Display the Report Output data
    perform display_report.
Write the Report and Column Headings
  perform get_headings.
at line-selection
at line-selection.
  if sy-lsind = 1.
    perform display_batch.
Top of page during line-selection
top-of-page during line-selection.
  perform heading_seclist.
      Form validate_screen
Validation of Selection Screen fields
form validate_screen.
Validation of Plant
  clear t001w.
  if not s_werks[] is initial.
    select werks
      into t001w-werks
      from t001w
      up to 1 rows
      where werks in s_werks.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
      message e899 with 'Enter Valid Plant'(002).
Validation of Material Number
  clear mara.
  if not s_matnr[] is initial.
    select matnr
      into mara-matnr
      from mara
      up to 1 rows
      where matnr in s_matnr.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
      message e899 with 'Enter Valid Material'(003).
Validation of Storage Location
  clear t001l.
  if not s_lgort[] is initial.
    select lgort
      into t001l-lgort
      from t001l
      up to 1 rows
      where lgort in s_lgort.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
      message e899 with 'Enter Valid Storage Location'(004).
Validation of Characteristic Value
  clear cabn.
  if not s_atinn[] is initial.
    select atinn
      into cabn-atinn
      from cabn
      up to 1 rows
      where atinn in s_atinn.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
      message e899 with 'Enter Valid Characteristic Value'(005).
Validation of Plant, Material and Storage Location
  clear mard.
  select matnr werks lgort
    into (mard-matnr, mard-werks, mard-lgort)
    from mard
    up to 1 rows
    where matnr in s_matnr and
          werks in s_werks and
          lgort in s_lgort.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message e899 with 'No Data found for the Selection Criteria'(006).
endform.                          "validate_screen
*&      Form  get_headings
Write the Report and Column Headings
form get_headings.
  data: l_repid type sy-repid.
  l_repid =  sy-repid.
  call function 'Y_STANDARD_HEADING'
            repid    = l_repid
            heading1 = sy-title.
  write:/1(125) sy-uline.
  format color col_heading on.
  write : /1  sy-vline,  2(18)   'Material Number'(008) centered,
          20  sy-vline,  21(40)  'Material Description'(011) centered,
          61  sy-vline,  62(22)  'Ratio'(009) centered,
          84  sy-vline,  85(18)  'Quantity'(010) centered,
         103  sy-vline, 104(20)  'Base Unit of Measure'(015) centered,
         125  sy-vline.
  write:/1(125) sy-uline.
  format color off.
endform.                    "get_headings
*&      Form  get_mat_stock_data
Get the Material and Batch Stock data from MARA and MCHB Tables
form get_mat_stock_data.
  clear: i_mchb,i_output, i_output1.
  refresh: i_mchb,i_output, i_output1.
  select a~matnr       " Material Number
         b~werks       " Plant
         b~lgort       " Storage Location
         b~charg       " Batch Number
         b~clabs       " Stock Value
         a~meins       " Base Unit of Measure
      into table i_mchb
      from mara as a inner join mchb as b
      on amatnr eq bmatnr
      where b~matnr in s_matnr and
            b~werks in s_werks and
            b~lgort in s_lgort.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    g_exit = c_flag.
    message s899 with 'No Data found for the Selection Criteria'(006).
  sort i_mchb by matnr werks lgort charg.
endform.                    " get_mat_stock_data
*&      Form  get_plant_grp_data
Get the Material Group Text and Plant Name from T023T and T001W
form get_plant_grp_data.
  if not i_mchb[] is initial.
Get the Plant Description from t001w Table
    clear i_plant.
    refresh i_plant.
    select werks      " Plant
           name1      " Name
      into table i_plant
      from t001w
      for all entries in i_mchb
      where werks = i_mchb-werks.
Get the Material Description from MAKT Table
    clear i_makt.
    refresh i_makt.
    select matnr      " Material number
           maktx      " Material Description
      into table i_makt
      from makt
      for all entries in i_mchb
      where matnr = i_mchb-matnr and
            spras = sy-langu.
    sort i_plant by werks.
    delete adjacent duplicates from i_plant comparing werks.
    sort i_makt by matnr.
    delete adjacent duplicates from i_makt comparing matnr.
endform.                   "form get_plant_grp_data.
*&      Form  append_final_data
Append the data into final Internal Table
form append_final_data.
  data : l_matbatch(28),
         l_tabix like sy-tabix.
  if not i_mchb[] is initial.
    loop at i_mchb.
      l_tabix = sy-tabix.
      clear l_matbatch.
      concatenate i_mchb-matnr i_mchb-charg into l_matbatch.
      move-corresponding i_mchb to i_output.
Get the Plant Description from i_plant Table
        read table i_plant with key werks = i_mchb-werks binary search.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          i_output-name1 = i_plant-name1.
Get the Material Description from i_makt Table
      read table i_makt with key matnr = i_mchb-matnr binary search.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        i_output-maktx = i_makt-maktx.
Get the Characteristic Values data from INOB and AUSP Tables
      clear inob.
      select single cuobj from inob
          into inob-cuobj
          where klart = c_klart and
                obtab = c_obtab and
                objek = l_matbatch.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        select objek
           from ausp
           into table i_ausp
           where objek = inob-cuobj and
                 atinn in s_atinn   and
                 klart = c_klart.
        sort i_ausp by objek atinn.
        loop at i_ausp.
          clear cabn.
          select single atinn atnam from cabn
                     into (cabn-atinn,cabn-atnam)
                     where atinn = i_ausp-atinn.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
If the ratio value is between 13-14.99, display 13
            if cabn-atnam cs c_ratio.
              if i_ausp-atflv between c_13 and c_1499.
                i_mchb-atflo = i_ausp-atflv.
                i_mchb-atflv = c_13.
If the ratio value is between 15-16.99, display 15
              elseif i_ausp-atflv between c_15 and c_1699.
                i_mchb-atflo = i_ausp-atflv.
                i_mchb-atflv = c_15.
If the ratio value is between 17-18.99, display 17
              elseif i_ausp-atflv between c_17 and c_1899.
                i_mchb-atflo = i_ausp-atflv.
                i_mchb-atflv = c_17.
If the ratio value is between 19-20.99, display 19
              elseif i_ausp-atflv between c_19 and c_2099.
                i_mchb-atflo = i_ausp-atflv.
                i_mchb-atflv = c_19.
If the ratio value is between 21-22.99, display 21
              elseif i_ausp-atflv between c_21 and c_2299.
                i_mchb-atflo = i_ausp-atflv.
                i_mchb-atflv = c_21.
If the ratio value is greater than or equal to 23, display 23
              elseif i_ausp-atflv >= c_23.
                i_mchb-atflo = i_ausp-atflv.
                i_mchb-atflv = c_23.
              endif.           " Condition for RATIO values
            else.              " If characteristic does contain RATIO
              i_mchb-atflv = i_ausp-atflv.
            i_output-atinn = cabn-atinn.
            i_output-atnam = cabn-atnam.
            i_output-atflv = i_ausp-atflv.
            i_mchb1-matnr = i_mchb-matnr.
            i_mchb1-werks = i_mchb-werks.
            i_mchb1-lgort = i_mchb-lgort.
            i_mchb1-charg = i_mchb-charg.
            i_mchb1-clabs = i_mchb-clabs.
            i_mchb1-atinn = i_ausp-atinn.
            i_mchb1-atflo = i_mchb-atflv.
            i_mchb1-atflv = i_ausp-atflv.
            append : i_output, i_mchb1.
            clear i_mchb1.
            modify i_mchb index l_tabix transporting atflo atflv .
Checking whether the table is filled or not
  if not i_output[] is initial.
    sort i_output by atinn werks matnr atflv.
    g_exit = c_flag.
    message s899 with 'No Data found for the Selection Criteria'(006).
Delete the records where RATIO is less than 13.
  delete i_output where atnam cs c_ratio and atflv lt c_13.
endform.                    "append_final_data
*&      Form  display_report
Display the Report Output data
form display_report.
data: l_tabix like sy-tabix.
  loop at i_output1.
    l_tabix = sy-tabix.
At new Characteristic
     at new atinn.
      read table i_output1 index l_tabix.
      format color 1 intensified on.
      write: /1 sy-vline, 2(20) 'Characteristic Name:'(007),
             23(40) i_output1-atnam,
             125 sy-vline.
      format color off.
      format color 4 intensified on.
      write: /1 sy-vline, 2(20) 'Plant Name         :'(022),
             23(4) i_output1-werks, 29(30) i_output1-name1,
             125 sy-vline.
      format color off.
      write /1(125) sy-uline.
    clear: g_clabs, g_clabs1.
    format color col_normal.
    write :/1 sy-vline,  2(18)   i_output1-matnr,
           20 sy-vline,  21(40)  i_output1-maktx,
           61 sy-vline.
    if i_output1-atflv = c_c23.
      write: 62(22)  c_g23 centered.
      shift i_output1-atflv left deleting leading space.
      write: 62(22)  i_output1-atflv centered.
    write:  84     sy-vline,
           103     sy-vline,
           110(5)  i_output1-meins.
If the quantity value is negative
    if i_output1-clabs ge 0.
      write: 85(18) i_output1-clabs unit i_mchb-meins,
            125     sy-vline.
      i_output1-clabs = - i_output1-clabs.
      write i_output1-clabs unit i_mchb-meins to g_clabs1.
      condense g_clabs1.
      concatenate '(' g_clabs1 ')' into g_clabs separated by space.
      write: 85(18) g_clabs right-justified,
           125 sy-vline.
    format color off.
    hide : i_output1.
At end of material
    at end of matnr.
      move : i_output1-matnr to g_matnr.
      format color 3 intensified on.
      write /1(125) sy-uline.
      write :/1 sy-vline,  2(25) 'Total for Material      :'(012),
             28(18) g_matnr.
      if i_output1-clabs ge 0.
        write: 85(18) i_output1-clabs  unit i_mchb-meins,
        125 sy-vline.
        i_output1-clabs = - i_output1-clabs.
        write i_output1-clabs unit i_mchb-meins to g_clabs1.
        condense g_clabs1.
        concatenate '(' g_clabs1 ')' into g_clabs separated by space.
        write: 85(18) g_clabs right-justified,
             125 sy-vline.
      write: 125 sy-vline.
      format color off.
      write /1(125) sy-uline.
At end of plant
    at end of werks.
      move : i_output1-werks to g_werks.
      format color 3 intensified off.
      write :/1 sy-vline,  2(25) 'Total for Plant          :'(013),
             28(4) g_werks.
      if i_output1-clabs ge 0.
        write:  85(18) i_output1-clabs  unit i_mchb-meins,
        125 sy-vline.
        i_output1-clabs = - i_output1-clabs.
        write i_output1-clabs unit i_mchb-meins to g_clabs1.
        condense g_clabs1.
        concatenate '(' g_clabs1 ')' into g_clabs separated by space.
        write: 85(18) g_clabs right-justified,
             125 sy-vline.
      format color off.
      write /1(125) sy-uline.
At end of  characteristic
    at end of atinn.
      read table i_output1 index l_tabix.
      format color 3 intensified on.
      write :/1 sy-vline,  2(25) 'Total for Characteristic:'(014),
             28(25) i_output1-atnam.
      if i_output1-clabs ge 0.
        write:  85(18) i_output1-clabs  unit i_mchb-meins,
        125 sy-vline.
        i_output1-clabs = - i_output1-clabs.
        write i_output1-clabs unit i_mchb-meins to g_clabs1.
        condense g_clabs1.
        concatenate '(' g_clabs1 ')' into g_clabs separated by space.
        write: 85(18) g_clabs right-justified,
             125 sy-vline.
      format color off.
      write /1(125) sy-uline.
endform.                    " display_report
*&      Form  DISPLAY_BATCH
     Display the batch details for the seclected material            *
form display_batch.
Get the batch details for the selected material
  get cursor field g_cursor.
  if g_cursor = c_cursor1 or
     g_cursor = c_cursor2 or
     g_cursor = c_cursor3 or
     g_cursor = c_cursor4 or
     g_cursor = c_cursor5 or
     g_cursor = c_cursor6.
    format color 3.
    write: /1 sy-vline,
            2(17) 'Material Number :'(020),
           20(17) i_output1-matnr,
           94 sy-vline.
    format color off.
    write /1(94) sy-uline.
    loop at i_mchb1 where matnr = i_output1-matnr and
                          atinn = i_output1-atinn and
                          atflo = i_output1-atflv.
      format color col_normal.
      shift i_mchb1-charg left deleting leading '0'.
      write :/1 sy-vline,  2(16) i_mchb1-lgort centered,
             18 sy-vline, 19(17) i_mchb1-charg centered,
             36 sy-vline.
      if i_output1-atnam cs c_ratio.
        write: 37(29) i_mchb1-atflv
                       exponent 0 decimals 2 centered.
        write : 37(29) i_mchb1-atflv
                      exponent 0 decimals 0 centered.
      write : 66 sy-vline, 67(27) i_mchb1-clabs unit i_mchb-meins,
              94 sy-vline.
      format color off.
    write /1(94) sy-uline.
    message s899 with 'Invalid cursor position'(016).
endform.                    " DISPLAY_BATCH
      Write the Column Headings for Interactive Report
form heading_seclist.
  write /1(94) sy-uline.
  format color col_heading on.
  write :/1 sy-vline,  2(16) 'Storage Location'(021),
         18 sy-vline, 19(17) 'Batch Number'(017) centered,
         36 sy-vline, 37(29) 'Characteristic Value'(018) centered,
         66 sy-vline, 67(27) 'Quantity'(019) centered,
         94 sy-vline.
  write /1(94) sy-uline.
  format color off.
endform.                    " HEADING_SECLIST
*&      Form  COLLECT_RATIO
      Display the Characteristic ratio data
form collect_ratio.
  loop at i_output.
    clear g_atinn.
    i_output1-atinn = i_output-atinn.
    i_output1-atnam = i_output-atnam .
    i_output1-werks = i_output-werks.
    i_output1-name1 = i_output-name1.
    i_output1-matnr = i_output-matnr.
    i_output1-maktx = i_output-maktx.
    i_output1-clabs = i_output-clabs.
    i_output1-meins = i_output-meins.
              input  = i_output-atinn
              output = g_atinn.
    if g_atinn cs c_ratio.
If the ratio value is between 13-14.99, display 13
      if i_output-atflv between c_13 and c_1499.
        i_output1-atflv = c_13.
If the ratio value is between 15-16.99, display 15
      elseif i_output-atflv between c_15 and c_1699.
        i_output1-atflv = c_15.
If the ratio value is between 17-18.99, display 17
      elseif i_output-atflv between c_17 and c_1899.
        i_output1-atflv = c_17.
If the ratio value is between 19-20.99, display 19
      elseif i_output-atflv between c_19 and c_2099.
        i_output1-atflv = c_19.
If the ratio value is between 21-22.99, display 21
      elseif i_output-atflv between c_21 and c_2299.
        i_output1-atflv = c_21.
If the ratio value is greater than or equal to 23, display 23
      elseif i_output-atflv >= c_23.
        i_output1-atflv = c_23.
      write i_output1-atflv to i_output1-atflv .
      write i_output-atflv to i_output1-atflv exponent 0 decimals 0.
    collect i_output1.
    clear   i_output1.
  sort i_output1 by atinn werks matnr atflv.
endform.                    " COLLECT_RATIO
Reward if useful..

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                The archiving object for sales order is SD_VBAK. If you run the program S3VBAKAU by transaction se38 and search based on the document numbers ( as you mentioned it is the preceeding document numbers to the current document), you will be able to retrieve the information regarding the previous sales orders.
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    <<text removed by moderator>>
    Edited by: Matt on Nov 16, 2008 5:08 PM - Do not request points

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    Here are some links with additional information:
    If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.

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    EXPORTING  application_name = <name_of_your_application>
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    Best Regards,

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    Workflow {
    bean = StandaloneSetup {
    scanClassPath = true
    platformUri = "${runtimeProject}/.."
    // The following two lines can be removed, if Xbase is not used.
    registerGeneratedEPackage = "org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XbasePackage"
    registerGenModelFile = "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.xtext.xbase/model/Xbase.genmodel"
    component = ParseXextModel{
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    directory = "${runtimeProject}/src-gen"
    component = DirectoryCleaner {
    directory = "${runtimeProject}/model/generated"
    component = DirectoryCleaner {
    directory = "${runtimeProject}.ui/src-gen"
    component = DirectoryCleaner {
    directory = "${runtimeProject}.tests/src-gen"
    component = Generator {
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    pathUiProject = "${runtimeProject}.ui"
    pathTestProject = "${runtimeProject}.tests"
    projectNameRt = projectName
    projectNameUi = "${projectName}.ui"
    encoding = encoding
    language = auto-inject {
    uri = grammarURI
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    fragment = grammarAccess.GrammarAccessFragment auto-inject {}
    // provides a compare view
    fragment = compare.CompareFragment auto-inject {}
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    //Load the xtext model again and keep the reference of the inmem model
    component = CompareModel {
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