How to get the requestee userlogin in lookup query

I have a lookup query attached with a field in object form and in that query i am fetching the results based on requestee login. In the forums i could see USR_LOGIN = '$Requester Information.User Login$'. Is there any way to retrieve the requestee login. Thanks in advance

I wonder that would ever be possible and here is the justification:
You can add multiple benefeciaries/requestee in a request with a single Object Form. In such cases OIM doesn't want to confuse itself with the reasoning that it has to pass which out of all the existing benefeciaries. You can always do it using OIM tcRequestOperationsIntf API.
By the way what does your use-case do in case of multiple requestee's in the same request.

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    Hi Sananda,
    When you go to RSRREPDIR table selection screen in SE16, you will see 2 'Query' fields.  Put your query technical names in second 'Query' field and execute. From the output, collect the values in first 'Query' field (GENUNIID). Take these IDs and put them in AGR_HIER table to see menu roles against these IDs. You can download data from both these tables into excel sheets and put vlookup to find menu roles against query technical names.
    Hope it helps.

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    public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException {  }
    public void ejbRemove() {  }
    public void ejbActivate() {   }
    public void ejbPassivate() {   }
    public void setSessionContext(SessionContext sessionContext) {
    this.sessionContext = sessionContext;
         public void createSample() throws EJBException
                   InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
                   UserTransaction ut = (UserTransaction) ctx.lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");
              }catch(Exception e) {
              System.out.println(“ Exception === > “+e)
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    first of all, you could just use sessionContext.getUserTransaction(). however, that would only work if your bean is using bean-managed transactions. the default is container-managed transaction, in which case you cannot get a UserTransaction object. if you want to manage transactions, you need to add the TransactionManagementType.BEAN annotation to your ejb.

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        title: "Online book library";
        width: 1024
        height: 768
        scene:Scene {
        fill: Color.WHITE
        content: [
           banner ,
           login = Login{translateX:715 translateY:135}
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            translateX:25 translateY: 170
            text: "Log On"
            font: Font {size:11 name: "Verdana Bold"}
            action: function() {
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       // add a label in index.fx whose text is "welcome!";
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    def IMAGES_WIDTH = 100;
    def IMAGES_HEIGHT = 100;
    var COLUMN_NB = 3;
    var ROW_NB = 3;
    var scene: Scene;
    var previews: Container;
      title: "Test of Tile layout"
      scene: scene = Scene
        width: 500
        height: 500
        fill: Color.LAVENDER
          previews = Tile
            hgap: 10
            vgap: 10
            layoutX: bind (scene.width - previews.width) / 2
            layoutY: bind (scene.height - previews.height) / 2
            columns: COLUMN_NB
            content: for (i in [ 1 .. COLUMN_NB * ROW_NB ])
                id: "IV{i}"
                image: Image
                  url: "{__DIR__}clock.gif"
                  width: IMAGES_WIDTH
                  preserveRatio: true
                onMousePressed: Hide
    function Hide(evt: MouseEvent): Void
      println("{evt.node} ({}) - {evt.node.parent}");
      var nm: Node = evt.node.parent.lookup("IV5"); // Middle node
      nm.visible = false;
      var ntl: Node = evt.node.parent.lookup("IV1"); //Top left node
      (ntl as ImageView).viewport = Rectangle2D { height: IMAGES_WIDTH/2, width: IMAGES_WIDTH/2 };
      (evt.node.parent as Tile).hgap = 20; // Strange effect, but works

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    Nope I want the log-in user to retrieve its Group where he is belong. I have this following code
    strUsername = Request.getParameter("username").toLowerCase().trim()+"";
    strPassword = Request.getParameter("password").toLowerCase().trim();
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, MY_HOST);
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, strPassword);
    // enable tracing
    env.put("com.sun.naming.ldap.trace.ber", System.err);
    // Create the initial context
    DirContext initCtx = new InitialDirContext(env);
    // Get the target context
    DirContext targetCtx = (DirContext)initCtx.lookup("");
    SearchControls constraints = new SearchControls();
    // Perform the search on the target context
    NamingEnumeration enum ="","(userPrincipalName="+strUsername+")",constraints); attrs;
    NameClassPair item;
    String[] attrIds = new String[]{"MemberOf"};
    // For each answer found, get its "Groups" attribute
    // If relative, resolve it relative to the target context
    // If not relative, resolve it relative to the initial context
    while (enum.hasMore()) {
    item = (NameClassPair);
    attrs = targetCtx.getAttributes(item.getName(), attrIds);
    Out.println(attrs + "<br>");
    It returns all this string :
    {memberof=memberOf: CN=CMCanadaRD,OU=Groups / Teams,DC=dev,DC=test,DC=com,DC=ph, CN=iMngrCanadaRW,OU=Groups / Teams,DC=dev,DC=test,DC=com,DC=ph, CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=dev,DC=test,DC=com,DC=ph, CN=Backup Operators,CN=Builtin,DC=dev,DC=test,DC=com,DC=ph, CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=dev,DC=test,DC=com,DC=ph}
    How can i retrieve the Group named CMCanadaRW and CMCanadaRD on the Attribute?

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    We have this sample code
    String INITCTX ="com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory";
    //String MY_HOST = "ldap://myserver/ou=dev,dc=test,dc=com,dc=ph";
    String MY_HOST ="ldap://,dc=test,dc=com,dc=ph";
    String strUsername,strPassword;
         strUsername = Request.getParameter("username").toLowerCase().trim();
         strPassword = Request.getParameter("password").toLowerCase().trim();
         Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
         env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, INITCTX);
         env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, MY_HOST);
         env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
         env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, strPassword);
    After validating the User Name and Password the next task is to Retrieve the group list of the User.

    Nope I want the log-in user to retrieve its Group where he is belong. I have this following code
    strUsername = Request.getParameter("username").toLowerCase().trim()+"";
    strPassword = Request.getParameter("password").toLowerCase().trim();
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, MY_HOST);
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, strPassword);
    // enable tracing
    env.put("com.sun.naming.ldap.trace.ber", System.err);
    // Create the initial context
    DirContext initCtx = new InitialDirContext(env);
    // Get the target context
    DirContext targetCtx = (DirContext)initCtx.lookup("");
    SearchControls constraints = new SearchControls();
    // Perform the search on the target context
    NamingEnumeration enum ="","(userPrincipalName="+strUsername+")",constraints); attrs;
    NameClassPair item;
    String[] attrIds = new String[]{"MemberOf"};
    // For each answer found, get its "Groups" attribute
    // If relative, resolve it relative to the target context
    // If not relative, resolve it relative to the initial context
    while (enum.hasMore()) {
    item = (NameClassPair);
    attrs = targetCtx.getAttributes(item.getName(), attrIds);
    Out.println(attrs + "<br>");
    It returns all this string :
    {memberof=memberOf: CN=CMCanadaRD,OU=Groups / Teams,DC=dev,DC=test,DC=com,DC=ph, CN=iMngrCanadaRW,OU=Groups / Teams,DC=dev,DC=test,DC=com,DC=ph, CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=dev,DC=test,DC=com,DC=ph, CN=Backup Operators,CN=Builtin,DC=dev,DC=test,DC=com,DC=ph, CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=dev,DC=test,DC=com,DC=ph}
    How can i retrieve the Group named CMCanadaRW and CMCanadaRD on the Attribute?

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    For A record in DNS, we can use Java API InetAddress.getHostAddress() to get the IP address.
    But for mx record, how to get the IPaddress?

    If you know the hostname of the MX record (eg., you can still use the InetAddress.getByName(hostname).getAddress()
    If you don't know the specific host name you can do a DNS lookup directly:
            String host="";
            DirContext ictx = new InitialDirContext();
            Attributes attrs = ictx.getAttributes("dns:/" + host, new String[]{"MX"});This will give you a object from which you can...
    Attribute att = attrs.get ("MX");This will give you all the MX records for the domain. To get the IP address of the MX hosts, you need to parse the record String returned. Usually something like:       MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail.somehost.comParse out the and use:
        String mailhost = <Parse MX record here>
        InetAddress host = InetAddress.getByName(mailhost);

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    Dear All ,
    I have been trying to figure it out why the UserLockoutManagerMBean API not working on the managed Server of Weblogic . Its always returns 0 value . Where as in the Admin server it give a proper result . I am attaching the code for the references . Please help me out.
                              MBeanHome home = null;
                                    Environment env = new Environment();
                                    javax.naming.Context context = env
                                    home = (MBeanHome) context
                                    RealmMBean realmMBean = home.getActiveDomain()
                                    UserLockoutManagerMBean userLockoutManagerMBean = realmMBean
                                    boolean d2 = userLockoutManagerMBean
                                    long getUser = userLockoutManagerMBean

    Thanks for your help Satya - it did work!
    Looking up "SecurityConfigurationConfigMBean" does return an instance of SecurityConfigurationMBean.
    Satya Ghattu <[email protected]> wrote:
    On a managed server you will need to query the
    SecurityConfigurationConfig MBean, from that you know how to get to the
    UserLockoutManager MBean.. :-).
    DKV wrote:
    I need to get counts for the invalid user login attempts. Accordingto javaDocs,
    these are published by the following MBEans:
    1. ServerSecurityRuntimeMbean [does not
    The first one does not work [always returns back "0"]. Hence, the needfor the
    other approach.
    I have not been able to figure out how to get the UserLockoutManagerMBeanfor
    a managed server.
    [On a domain server I was able to fetch it using: securityConfigurationMBean.findDefaultRealm().getUserLockoutManager()
    However, on a managed server the MBEan "SecurityConfigurationMBean"
    is not available..
    Q) How do I get the UserLockoutManagerMBean
    [from a remote client] targeting a managed WLS 8.x version?

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    Hi Kranthi,
    Every webdynpro component has a global controller called the component controller which is visible to all other controllers within the component.So whenever you want to share some data in between 2 different views you can just make it a point to use the component controller's context for the same. For your requirement (within your popups view context) you will have have to copy the component controllers context to your view. You then will have to (programmatically) fill this context with your desired data in this popup view. You can then be able to read this context from whichever view you want. I hope that this would have made it clear for you. Am also giving you an [example|http://****************/Tutorials/WebDynproABAP/Modalbox/page1.htm] which you can go through which would give you a perfect understanding of all this. In this example the user has an input field in the main view. The user enters a customer number & presses on a pushbutton. The corresponding sales orders are then displayed in a popup window for the user. The user can then select any sales order & press on a button in the popup. These values would then get copied to the table in the main view.

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