How to get total number of rows return by query

hi all
i am using forms 6i with oracle 10G in windows environment....
i have a tabular form now i want to know that how many rows return by the when user click on enter query and then give any search criteria and then execute displays the records but i want to count the records that how many rows are return.............
hope you understant what i mean
Thanks in advance

U can use
"Select count(*) from <table> where <condition>"
<condition> is the where clause being used during "Execute Query"
this will give u the no of records in query.
And second option is to take a summary column. whose function is set "COUNT" and
"Summarized item" should contain a column that will never be blank. After execute query this column will give u no of records in block.

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    My guess is that it only shows the number of rows it has retrieved. I believe the defailt is for it to only retrieve 50 rows and as you page through your report it retrieves more. So this would just tell you how many rows was retireved, but probably not how many rows the report would contain if you pages to the end. Oracle doesn't really have a notion of total number of rows until the whole result set has been materialized.

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    Thank You,,

    Hi Sridhar,
    Pls Try to search before posting general questions.
    Try this,
          i_datum_bis                   = p_lv_date1
          i_datum_von                   = p_lv_date2
         e_tage                        = p_e_date_difference
         days_method_not_defined       = 1
         OTHERS                        = 2
      IF sy-subrc  0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
             WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Sunil kairam.

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    Hi 281080,
    If your database and JDBC driver support it, in order to use the solution that da-alexj has suggested, you need to create a 'scrollable' "ResultSet" -- the javadoc for method "createStatement()" (in class "java.sql.Connection") has more details.
    However, I have found with Oracle database and Oracle (thin) JDBC driver, that part of their implementation of the "last()" method (in class "java.sql.ResultSet") is to actually iterate through the entire "ResultSet" in order to reach the last row. If your "ResultSet" is very large (I tested it with a 100,000 row "ResultSet"), this will take a long time.
    Just wanted to make you aware of that.
    Of-course, this may be irrelevant to you since I didn't see any mention in your post of what database and JDBC driver you are using.
    Hope this has helped you, anyway.
    Good Luck,

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
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        public static void main(String[] args) {
            EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    TreeModel model = new TreeModel() {
                        private String node = "Node!";
                        public void valueForPathChanged(TreePath path,
                                Object newValue) {
                            // not mutable
                        public void removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener l) {
                            // not mutable
                        public boolean isLeaf(Object node) {
                            return false;
                        public Object getRoot() {
                            return node;
                        public int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) {
                            return child == node ? 0 : -1;
                        public int getChildCount(Object parent) {
                            return 1;
                        public Object getChild(Object parent, int index) {
                            return node;
                        public void addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener l) {
                            // not mutable
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    Thanx a lot

    In order to find out how may rows are going to be processed, oracle has to visit every row. So with a cursor, there is no property that will accurately reflect the number of rows until you get to the last one. That said, you could use
    select count(*) over() as row_count, <rest of your columns> FROM <your table>
    which will give you the total row count agaist each row in the result set. There are performance penalties involved but they will be less than issuing the query twice, once to get the count and once to get the rows.
    Have a look on asktom for some very usefull info about all this.

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    Thanks in advance.

    user11100190 wrote:
    Thanks for suggesting a soultion, it works well.
    But apart from the count (cardinality), the client also expects the actual results. In this case, it seems that the filter will be executed twice (once for counting, then once again for generating actual resultset)
    Actually, we need to perform the paging. In order to achieve paging in efficient manner we need that filter returns only the PAGESIZE records and it also returns the total 'count' that meets the criteria.
    If you want to do paging, you can use the LimitFilter class.
    If you want to have paging AND total number of results, then at the moment you have to use two passes if you want to use out-of-the-box features because LimitFilter does not return the total number of results (which by the way may change between two page retrieval).
    What we currently do is, the filter puts the total count in a static variable and but returns only the first N records. The aggregator then clubs these info into a single list and returns to the client. (The List returned by aggregator contains a special entry representing the count).
    This is not really a good idea because if you have more than one user doing this operation then you will have problems storing more than one values in a single static variable and you used a cache service with a thread-pool (thread-count set to larger than one).
    We assume that the aggregator will execute immediately after the filter on the same node, this way aggregator will always read the count set by the filter.
    You can't assume this if you have multiple client threads doing the same kind of filtering operation and you have a thread-pool configured for the cache service.
    Please tell us if our approach will always work, and whether it will be efficient as compared to using Count class which requires executing filter twice.
    No it won't if you used a thread-pool. Also, it might happen that Coherence will execute the filtering and the aggregation from the same client thread multiple times on the same node if some partitions were newly moved to the node which already executed the filtering+aggregation once. I don't know anything which would even prevent this being executed on a separate thread concurrently.
    The following solution may be working, but I can't fully recommend it as it may leak memory depending on how exactly the filtering and aggregation is implemented (if it is possible that a filtering pass is done but the corresponding aggregation is not executed on the node because of some partitions moved away).
    At sending the cache.aggregate(Filter, EntryAggregator) call you should specify a unique key for each such filtering operation to both the filter and the aggregator.
    On the storage node you should have a static HashMap.
    The filter should do the following two steps while being synchronized on the HashMap.
    1. Ensure that a ConcurrentLinkedQueue object exists in a HashMap keyed by that unique key, and
    2. Enqueue the total number count you want to pass to the aggregator into that queue.
    The parallel aggregator should do the following two steps while being synchronized on the HashMap.
    1. Dequeue a single element from the queue, and return it as a partial total count.
    2. If the queue is now empty, then remove it from the HashMap.
    The parallel aggregator should return the popped number as a partial total count as part of the partial result.
    The client side of the parallel aware aggregator should sum the total counts in the partial result.
    Since the enqueueing and dequeueing may be interleaved from multiple threads, it may be possible that the partial total count returned in a result does not correspond to the data in the partial result, so you should not base anything on that assumption.
    Once again, that approach may leak memory based on how Coherence is internally implemented, so I can't recommend this approach but it may work.
    Another thought is that since returning entire cached values from an aggregation is more expensive than filtering (you have to deserialize and reserialize objects), you may still be better off by running a separate count and filter pass from the client, since for that you may not need to deserialize entries at all, so the cost on the server may be lower.
    Best regards,

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    Hi all,
    When I launch a report from forms then sometimes there are data in the report and sometimes there are no data. And the problem is that when there are no data then the frame containing the repeating frame is still displaying and a blank page displays on the report.
    So I want to get the number of rows from the repeating frame so that I can code a format trigger on the frame to display or not the enclosing frame depending on the existence of data from the repeating frame.
    Thank you very much indeed.

    Dear Friend,
    You can achieve this. Define a summary column (say cnt). Select summary type as "COUNT". select any one of columns that are getting displayed in your repeating frame as summary column and provide "reset at" group name (or set this to report if you are defining this field at report level) . This "cnt" variable will contain how many records that will be fetched for your repeating frame (i.e. Group of Repeating frame). You can use this "CNT" variable in your format trigger.
    In this case there is no need to write before report trigger or anything.
    Manish Trivedi

  • How to get the number of rows in a ResultSet

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    but I got an error. Could Below is my sample code:
    import java.sql.*;
    public class SarueckConnect {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Connection con = null;
    Statement stmt = null;
    ResultSet re = null;
    String[] ParamArray;
    ParamArray = new String[24];
    //Properties logon;
    try {
    Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); //Loading the Oracle Driver.
    con = DriverManager.getConnection
    ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","data","data"); //making the connection DB.
    stmt = con.createStatement ();// Sending a query string to the database
    //stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE test_table set steuk = 6 WHERE steuk = 5");
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT mandt,kokrs,werks,arbpl,aufnr,vornr,ile01,"+
    "kostl,pernr,rueckid FROM test_table where steuk =6");
    //Print the result out.
    rs.last(); //This is the line which gives an error.
    int rows = rs.getRow();
    rs.beforeFirst();// I presume this is wrong to.
    ParamArray = new String[24*rows];
    int counter=0;
    while ( {
    for (int i = 1; i <= 24; i++){
    ParamArray[i-1+(counter*24)] = rs.getString(i);
    System.out.print(rs.getString(i) + '\t');
    } catch(Exception e) {
    } finally {
    if(stmt != null) stmt.close();
    if(con != null) con.close();
    } catch (Exception exception) {
    TryBapi sap = new TryBapi(ParamArray);
    }When I run the code I do have the following ERROR Message:
    java.sql.SQLException: Invalid operation for forward only resultset : last
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.BaseResultSet.last(
    at SarueckConnect.main( could any body Help me out here to figure out how to correct this?
    Any Help would be highly apprecited.

    make your result set scrollable...Not such a good idea. With Oracle, the JDBC driver will read and cache all the ResultSet in memory (with other DBMSs/drivers the behavior will probably be different, but you will still have some unnecessary overhead).
    You can do the caching yourself if you think it's worth it. If the piece of code you posted is why you need this for, then use a List or Vector and you won't need to know the size upfront.
    The jTDS Project.

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    I need to create a header line for the spool file .
    the header line should include fixed length values .
    The header should include the number of records found in the table with a maximum begin date (begin_date is the column of the table)
    To get the header in the spool file , i wrote a select query has :-
    --SPOOL 'C:\Documents and Settings\abc\Desktop\output.TXT'
    select 'W'||to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYYMi:HH:SS')||lpad(max(rownum),9,'000000000') ||'R'||max(to_char(school_from_date,'MM/DD/YYYY')) ||
    rpad(' ',76,' ')
    group by sysdate;
    which gets me all the rows in the table , but i only want the rows with the latest school_begin_date .
    how can i achieve that ...
    I know that a subquery should be written in the from clause to get the number of rows found with a maximum school_begin_date.
    select 'W'||to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYYMi:HH:SS')||lpad(max(rownum),9,'000000000') ||'R'||max(to_char(school_from_date,'MM/DD/YYYY')) ||
    rpad(' ',76,' ')
    from where
    select rownum from
    where school_begin_date = max(school_begin_date) ;
    the error i get is
    ORA-00934: group function is not allowed here

    Try this:
    select 'W'||to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYYMi:HH:SS')||lpad(max(rownum),9,'000000000')||'R'||max(to_char(school_from_date,'MM/DD/YYYY')) || rpad(' ',76,' ')
    where school_begin_date = (select max(school_begin_date)

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    here is the FM:

  • Need to know how to limit the number of rows returned on Oracle

    MS SQL Server has a command called 'set row count'.
    We are trying to find similar one on Oracle.
    What we are trying to do is that instead of using rownum in the query statement, we would like to find way to limit the number of rows returned. I understand that we can use JDBC resultSet object, but that's not what we want.
    I know Oracle has one called arraysize, but this would not limit the number of rows returned either.
    Pease help.

    I understand that we can use JDBC resultSet object, but that's not what we want.I'm not sure which feature of ResultSet you use and which not.
    But if this question has anything to do with JDBC (that's the forum where you put it), I'd recommend to use Statement.setMaxRows(). This will limit the count of rows which your statement will fetch into it's ResultSet.

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    Hi All,
    I want to set the total number of rows of table control. I don't want to display the blank rows in table.

    Need some fine tuning regarding the scrollbar height but it's a start
    Unless this isn't what you asked for
    Small number of rows
    Large number of rows
    Attachments: ‏17 KB

Maybe you are looking for