How to give some color to a Node in a JTree

Hi there,
I have built a JTree that is now ALMOST ready to be the way I want... but ONE thing is missing : I want to be able to put some color on the leaves of my tree, well on the String objects that are just right to their icons. I searched almost all day! Why is it so hard to find some function to accomplish this task when this task is a common one.
Well please if anyone knows how to do that in a simple way please write back.
Mr. Big

It's actually quite easy.
What you have to do is write a custom tree cell renderer which extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer. In that class, your getTreeCellRenderer() method should do something like the following:
public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(
    JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected,
    boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus )
        Component treeCellRenderer =
              super.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus);
        if (selected) {
        } else {
        return treeCellRenderer;
Then you'll need to make sure that you call myTree.setCellRenderer(new CustomTreeCellRenderer());

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    It's actually quite easy.
    What you have to do is write a custom tree cell renderer which extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer. In that class, your getTreeCellRenderer() method should do something like the following:
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            Component treeCellRenderer =
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    Hi saaiful,
    Thank you for posting your question. window. will print header and footer.
    Here are some solutions I found after researching your issue:
    *take a screenshot and create a page that is printable []
    *Target to another window then print: []
    Hope this helps.

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    Perhaps slithery should have said most programs have color support.  You just need to configure the ones you want to use.  The terminal just shows what the running program tells it to show.  If you want color in vim, you'd set up color in vim.  If you want color in mutt, you'd set up color in mutt.  Etc.
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    public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e4)
    DefaultMutableTreeNode node = ( DefaultMutableTreeNode )
    (tree.getLastSelectedPathComponent ());
    Object nodeInfo = node.getUserObject();
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    displayForm ( category.farFormName );
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    System.out.print ( category.categoryURL + ":\n" );
    else if ( nodeInfo instanceof FilledInfo )
         FilledInfo category2 = ( FilledInfo ) nodeInfo;      
         displayFilledForm ( category2.num );
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    tree.addTreeSelectionListener( new TreeSelectionListener()
    public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e4)
    DefaultMutableTreeNode node = ( DefaultMutableTreeNode )
    (tree.getLastSelectedPathComponent ());
    Object nodeInfo = node.getUserObject();
    if (node.isLeaf())
    if ( nodeInfo instanceof FARInfo )
    FARInfo category = (FARInfo) nodeInfo;
    displayURL ( category.categoryURL );
    displayForm ( category.farFormName );
    if ( DEBUG )
    System.out.print ( category.categoryURL + ":\n" );
    else if ( nodeInfo instanceof FilledInfo )
    FilledInfo category2 = ( FilledInfo ) nodeInfo;
    displayFilledForm ( category2.num );

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    (tree.getLastSelectedPathComponent ());
    Object nodeInfo = node.getUserObject();
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    displayURL ( category.categoryURL );
    displayForm ( category.farFormName );
    if ( DEBUG )
    System.out.print ( category.categoryURL + ":\n" );
    else if ( nodeInfo instanceof FilledInfo )
    FilledInfo category2 = ( FilledInfo ) nodeInfo;
    displayFilledForm ( category2.num );

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    HI Kranthi,
    Check out teh foll. link,
    Hope this helps.

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    Check this blog.........
    It provides your required output...........
    See the point 7 for complete code...

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    If you talking about reposts just concatenate it in in your SQL
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    If thats what your looking for you need to add more detail into your question.

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    See the below report extract:
    where it_data is having uploaded data.
    LOOP AT<b> it_data</b> INTO wa_data.
        line_count = sy-tabix.
        "Date Validation
        CONCATENATE wa_data-uplft_date4(4) wa_data-uplft_date2(2) wa_data-uplft_date+0(2)
        INTO wa_data-uplft_date.
        "READ TABLE it_ekko INTO wa_ekko WITH KEY lifnr = wa_data-vendor.
        LOOP AT it_ekko_temp INTO wa_ekko_temp WHERE lifnr = wa_data-vendor.
          IF wa_ekko_temp-kdatb <= wa_data-uplft_date AND wa_ekko_temp-kdate >= wa_data-uplft_date.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_ekko_temp TO wa_ekko.
            APPEND wa_ekko TO it_ekko.
        "IF sy-subrc = 0 AND wa_ekko-kdatb <= wa_data-uplft_date AND wa_ekko-kdate >= wa_data-uplft_date.
        LOOP AT it_ekko INTO wa_ekko.
          wa_data_header-pstng_date = wa_data-uplft_date.
          wa_data_header-doc_date = sy-datum.
          wa_data_header-bill_of_lading = wa_data-bill_of_lad.
          wa_data_header-ref_doc_no = wa_data-del_no.
          CONCATENATE wa_data-header_text1 '-'
                      wa_data-header_text2 '-'
                      wa_data-header_text3 '-'
                      into wa_data_header-HEADER_TXT.
          IF wa_data-indicator = 'Y'.
            wa_data_item-material = '000000000000200568'.
            wa_data_item-material = '000000000000200566'.
          LOOP AT it_ekpo INTO wa_ekpo WHERE ebeln = wa_ekko-ebeln AND matnr = wa_data_item-material.
            "Collect Item Level Data
            wa_data_item-plant = '1000'.
            wa_data_item-stge_loc = '1001'.
            wa_data_item-move_type = '101'.
            wa_data_item-vendor = wa_data-vendor.
            wa_data-qnty = wa_data-qnty / 1000.
            wa_data_item-entry_qnt = wa_data-qnty.
            wa_data_item-po_pr_qnt = wa_data-qnty.
            wa_data_item-entry_uom = 'KL'.
            wa_data_item-entry_uom_iso = 'KL'.
            wa_data_item-orderpr_un = 'KL'.
            wa_data_item-orderpr_un_iso = 'KL'.
            wa_data_item-no_more_gr = 'X'.
            wa_data_item-po_number = wa_ekpo-ebeln.
            wa_data_item-po_item = wa_ekpo-ebelp.
            wa_data_item-unload_pt = wa_data-unload_pt.
            wa_data_item-mvt_ind = 'B'.
            APPEND wa_data_item TO it_data_item.
            CLEAR wa_data_item.
              goodsmvt_header = wa_data_header
              goodsmvt_code   = goodsmvt_code
              testrun         = 'X'
              goodsmvt_item   = it_data_item
              return          = return.
          READ TABLE return INTO wa_return WITH KEY type = 'S'.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            DESCRIBE TABLE return LINES sy-tfill.
            IF sy-tfill = 0.
              CALL FUNCTION <b>'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'</b>   
                  goodsmvt_header = wa_data_header
                  goodsmvt_code   = goodsmvt_code
                  testrun         = ' '
                  goodsmvt_item   = it_data_item
                  return          = return.
                 WAIT          = 'X'
                RETURN        =
          LOOP AT return INTO wa_return.
            WRITE: 'Messsage TYPE  ', wa_return-type,
                  /,'ID  ', wa_return-id,
                  /, 'Number  ', wa_return-number,
                  /, 'Message  ', wa_return-message,
                  /, 'Long Text  ', wa_return-message_v1,
                 /, 'Failed at line', line_count.
          CLEAR: wa_ekko, wa_ekpo, wa_data, it_data_item[], wa_data_header.
    Reward if useful!

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    You can define that customer master records, which have been created for each sales organization for a distribution channel (or division), are also valid in other distribution channels (or divisions). As a result, you create and change customer master records that are required in different distribution channels or in different divisions only once. This makes it easier to create and change master records.
    In Customizing, you can specify other divisions in which customer master data (and article master data and prices) from the reference division are also valid.
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    Define Common Distribution Channels
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