How to implement a foreach cycle through Office 365 Calendar appointments?

Hi everyone,
I am looking for a way to implement a foreach cycle that is better than what I could create already, so I would like to have your feedback.
Basically, I have an Office365 Calendar and I want to count the number of appointments per day, so that I can show that in a line graphic. I was able to get the information but in a "not-so-elegant" way that I hope can be greatly optimized. The
behavior I have now is the following: when I click a button, on the On Select statement I have:
Collect(MeetingsCollection, Office365!Calendar(Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+Today(),"UTC"), Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+1+Today(),"UTC"))!count); Collect(MeetingsCollection, Office365!Calendar(Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+1+Today(),"UTC"),
Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+2+Today(),"UTC"))!count); Collect(MeetingsCollection, Office365!Calendar(Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+2+Today(),"UTC"), Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+3+Today(),"UTC"))!count);
Collect(MeetingsCollection, Office365!Calendar(Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+3+Today(),"UTC"), Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+4+Today(),"UTC"))!count); Collect(MeetingsCollection, Office365!Calendar(Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+4+Today(),"UTC"),
Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+5+Today(),"UTC"))!count); Collect(MeetingsCollection, Office365!Calendar(Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+5+Today(),"UTC"), Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+6+Today(),"UTC"))!count);
Collect(MeetingsCollection, Office365!Calendar(Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+6+Today(),"UTC"), Text(Gallery1!Selected!Value+7+Today(),"UTC"))!count)
I am collecting all the appointments 7 days from now, create a collection with 7 entries (each with the total number of appointments on a given day) and the use that collection as the source for the graph.
Do you know how to implement something similar to a foreach cycle in this situation? I would like to be able to give a start date and an end date and for each day collect the result. How would you do this?
Thanks a lot for your help and let me know if you need any clarification.

Hey Sergio,
Thanks for posting! You don't necessarily have to collect this data, you can compute it directly in your chart's Items function. In order to maintain your button press functionality and date selection I did two things:
1) Create an input box for the start date
I set the Default property of this to be the current day in a short date time format: Text(Today(), DateTimeFormat!ShortDate)
2) Create a button that updates a context variable, in this case the start date.
The 'OnSelect' for this button is: UpdateContext({StartDate : DateValue(Text1!Text)})
Then I built the chart by manually populating its Items with the following:
[Office365!Calendar(Text(StartDate, "UTC"), Text(StartDate + 1, "UTC"))!count,
Office365!Calendar(Text(StartDate + 1, "UTC"), Text(StartDate + 2, "UTC"))!count,
Office365!Calendar(Text(StartDate + 2, "UTC"), Text(StartDate + 3, "UTC"))!count,
Office365!Calendar(Text(StartDate + 3, "UTC"), Text(StartDate + 4, "UTC"))!count,
Office365!Calendar(Text(StartDate + 4, "UTC"), Text(StartDate + 5, "UTC"))!count,
Office365!Calendar(Text(StartDate + 5, "UTC"), Text(StartDate + 6, "UTC"))!count,
Office365!Calendar(Text(StartDate + 6, "UTC"), Text(StartDate + 7, "UTC"))!count]
As for computing a range of dates, that becomes a bit trickier (and much more complex). You can use the DateDiff function to get the offset between two dates, and the FirstN function on a Collection similar to the one that you built above containing
366 Calendar queries to display only that number of days. Given a start date, this would allow you to limit the dates displayed by the DateDiff.
There may be a simpler solution to this, but it's not coming to me. I'll give this some thought over night and see if I can come up with a solution that is a little more elegant.

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    FileInformation info = File.OpenBinaryDirect(context, "/" + _fileVersion.Url);  //throws 401
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    Thank you SO much (Can't wait for the next release)!
    For anyone else who lands here, here's the code I ended up using:
    // VersionAccessUser and VersionAccessPassword are stored in web.config
    // web.Url is loaded via the clientContext
    // myVersion is the FileVersion I got from the file's Versions.GetById() method
    // probably a lot of ways to get hostUrl, it just needs to be
    // - I'm running my app from a subweb
    // I had trouble following the links to get the full MsOnlineClaimsHelper code
    // (the one on was missing RequestBodyWriter, WSTrustFeb2005ContractClient,
    // and IWSTrustFeb2005Contract
    // so I've included the code I used here.
    string myVersionFullUrl = string.Format("{0}/{1}", web.Url, myVersion.Url);
    string userName = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("VersionAccessUser");
    string strPassword = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("VersionAccessPassword");
    string hostUrl = Regex.Replace(web.Url, "([^/]+//[^/]+/).*", "$1");
    MsOnlineClaimsHelper claimsHelper = new MsOnlineClaimsHelper(hostUrl, userName, strPassword);
    var client = new WebClient();
    client.Headers["Accept"] = "/";
    client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.0.3705;)");
    client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Cookie, claimsHelper.CookieContainer.GetCookieHeader(new Uri(hostUrl)));
    var document = client.DownloadString(myVersionFullUrl);
    // These classes are needed to download old versions of files (see:
    // I cobbled this file from
    // and
    using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Net.Security;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    namespace DPSiDoxAppWeb.Helpers
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a new contract to use for issue claims for the SharePoint requests
    /// </summary>
    public interface IWSTrustFeb2005Contract
    [OperationContract(ProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign,
    Action = "",
    ReplyAction = "",
    AsyncPattern = true)]
    IAsyncResult BeginIssue(Message request, AsyncCallback callback, object state);
    Message EndIssue(IAsyncResult asyncResult);
    /// <summary>
    /// Implement the client contract for the new type
    /// </summary>
    public class WSTrustFeb2005ContractClient : ClientBase<IWSTrustFeb2005Contract>, IWSTrustFeb2005Contract
    public WSTrustFeb2005ContractClient(Binding binding, EndpointAddress remoteAddress)
    : base(binding, remoteAddress)
    public IAsyncResult BeginIssue(Message request, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
    return Channel.BeginIssue(request, callback, state);
    public Message EndIssue(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
    return Channel.EndIssue(asyncResult);
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a class that will serialize the token into the request
    /// </summary>
    class RequestBodyWriter : BodyWriter
    readonly WSTrustRequestSerializer _serializer;
    readonly RequestSecurityToken _rst;
    /// <summary>
    /// Constructs the Body Writer.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="serializer">Serializer to use for serializing the rst.</param>
    /// <param name="rst">The RequestSecurityToken object to be serialized to the outgoing Message.</param>
    public RequestBodyWriter(WSTrustRequestSerializer serializer, RequestSecurityToken rst)
    : base(false)
    if (serializer == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("serializer");
    _serializer = serializer;
    _rst = rst;
    /// <summary>
    /// Override of the base class method. Serializes the rst to the outgoing stream.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="writer">Writer to which the rst should be written.</param>
    protected override void OnWriteBodyContents(XmlDictionaryWriter writer)
    _serializer.WriteXml(_rst, writer, new WSTrustSerializationContext());
    public class MsOnlineClaimsHelper
    #region Properties
    readonly string _username;
    readonly string _password;
    readonly bool _useRtfa;
    readonly Uri _host;
    CookieContainer _cachedCookieContainer = null;
    DateTime _expires = DateTime.MinValue;
    #region Constructors
    public MsOnlineClaimsHelper(string host, string username, string password)
    : this(new Uri(host), username, password)
    public MsOnlineClaimsHelper(Uri host, string username, string password)
    _host = host;
    _username = username;
    _password = password;
    _useRtfa = true;
    public MsOnlineClaimsHelper(Uri host, string username, string password, bool useRtfa)
    _host = host;
    _username = username;
    _password = password;
    _useRtfa = useRtfa;
    #region Constants
    public const string office365STS = "";
    public const string office365Login = "";
    public const string office365Metadata = "";
    public const string wsse = "";
    public const string wsu = "";
    private const string userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)";
    class MsoCookies
    public string FedAuth { get; set; }
    public string rtFa { get; set; }
    public DateTime Expires { get; set; }
    public Uri Host { get; set; }
    // Method used to add cookies to CSOM
    public void clientContext_ExecutingWebRequest(object sender, WebRequestEventArgs e)
    e.WebRequestExecutor.WebRequest.CookieContainer = getCookieContainer();
    //e.WebRequestExecutor.WebRequest.UserAgent = userAgent;
    // Creates or loads cached cookie container
    CookieContainer getCookieContainer()
    if (_cachedCookieContainer == null || DateTime.Now > _expires)
    // Get the SAML tokens from SPO STS (via MSO STS) using fed auth passive approach
    MsoCookies cookies = getSamlToken();
    if (cookies != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookies.FedAuth))
    // Create cookie collection with the SAML token
    _expires = cookies.Expires;
    CookieContainer cc = new CookieContainer();
    // Set the FedAuth cookie
    Cookie samlAuth = new Cookie("FedAuth", cookies.FedAuth)
    Expires = cookies.Expires,
    Path = "/",
    Secure = cookies.Host.Scheme == "https",
    HttpOnly = true,
    Domain = cookies.Host.Host
    if (_useRtfa)
    // Set the rtFA (sign-out) cookie, added march 2011
    Cookie rtFa = new Cookie("rtFA", cookies.rtFa)
    Expires = cookies.Expires,
    Path = "/",
    Secure = cookies.Host.Scheme == "https",
    HttpOnly = true,
    Domain = cookies.Host.Host
    _cachedCookieContainer = cc;
    return cc;
    return null;
    return _cachedCookieContainer;
    public CookieContainer CookieContainer
    if (_cachedCookieContainer == null || DateTime.Now > _expires)
    return getCookieContainer();
    return _cachedCookieContainer;
    private MsoCookies getSamlToken()
    MsoCookies ret = new MsoCookies();
    var sharepointSite = new
    Wctx = office365Login,
    Wreply = _host.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/_forms/default.aspx?wa=wsignin1.0"
    //get token from STS
    string stsResponse = getResponse(office365STS, sharepointSite.Wreply);
    // parse the token response
    XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(stsResponse);
    // get the security token
    var crypt = from result in doc.Descendants()
    where result.Name == XName.Get("BinarySecurityToken", wsse)
    select result;
    // get the token expiration
    var expires = from result in doc.Descendants()
    where result.Name == XName.Get("Expires", wsu)
    select result;
    ret.Expires = Convert.ToDateTime(expires.First().Value);
    HttpWebRequest request = createRequest(sharepointSite.Wreply);
    byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(crypt.FirstOrDefault().Value);
    using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream())
    stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
    using (HttpWebResponse webResponse = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
    // Handle redirect, added may 2011 for P-subscriptions
    if (webResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently)
    HttpWebRequest request2 = createRequest(webResponse.Headers["Location"]);
    using (Stream stream2 = request2.GetRequestStream())
    stream2.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
    using (HttpWebResponse webResponse2 = request2.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
    ret.FedAuth = webResponse2.Cookies["FedAuth"].Value;
    ret.rtFa = webResponse2.Cookies["rtFa"].Value;
    ret.Host = request2.RequestUri;
    ret.FedAuth = webResponse.Cookies["FedAuth"].Value;
    ret.rtFa = webResponse.Cookies["rtFa"].Value;
    ret.Host = request.RequestUri;
    catch (Exception ex)
    return null;
    return ret;
    static HttpWebRequest createRequest(string url)
    HttpWebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest;
    request.Method = "POST";
    request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
    request.AllowAutoRedirect = false; // Do NOT automatically redirect
    request.UserAgent = userAgent;
    return request;
    private string getResponse(string stsUrl, string realm)
    RequestSecurityToken rst = new RequestSecurityToken
    RequestType = WSTrustFeb2005Constants.RequestTypes.Issue,
    AppliesTo = new EndpointAddress(realm),
    KeyType = WSTrustFeb2005Constants.KeyTypes.Bearer,
    TokenType = Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenTypes.Saml11TokenProfile11
    WSTrustFeb2005RequestSerializer trustSerializer = new WSTrustFeb2005RequestSerializer();
    WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding();
    binding.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential;
    binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.UserName;
    binding.Security.Message.EstablishSecurityContext = false;
    binding.Security.Message.NegotiateServiceCredential = false;
    binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.None;
    EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress(stsUrl);
    using (WSTrustFeb2005ContractClient trustClient = new WSTrustFeb2005ContractClient(binding, address))
    trustClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = _username;
    trustClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = _password;
    Message response = trustClient.EndIssue(
    new RequestBodyWriter(trustSerializer, rst)
    using (XmlDictionaryReader reader = response.GetReaderAtBodyContents())
    return reader.ReadOuterXml();

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    If this does not make sense feel free  to message me or I will respond here.

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    "" + window.location
    so that the window.location is returned to after the authentication is done. It worked so far, but today I encountered the following problem: now says page cannot be found, DNS lookup failed. Apparently the correct
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    one in the future?
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    Hi, Jason, and thank you for the answer.
    I am not the global administrator. The problem is that I want an universal problem for any SharePoint Online site that will be accessed by the users - A link like the one above, authenticating the user to SharePoint Online via Office 365 and then returning
    to my website.
    I composed the URL above by simply looking at what redirects Office 365 does when I try to log in into my SharePoint Online site. At that moment I understood that wreply=
    was an universal authentication endpoint, but then the address changed and it was,
    and currently it is
    . I am confused by these changes. Do you mean to tell me that this part www10706 is specifically only to one SharePoint Online site and that if you tried to authenticate to a different SharePoint address than mine, it wouldn't work? If so, how should
    the URL be in order to achieve what I want, authentication and returning to website, having the security token attached to the request?
    I came across this article, but I am unsure whether it has to do with the changes I am experiencing. I tried putting the SharePoint address inputted by the user in the wreply parameter
    (such as wreply= but after
    the authentication it just remains on the SharePoint page, without returning to my website.
    Please advise, I need to find a solution to this.

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    and emails. What is the best approach to this?

    Hello Aslr12,
    Based on these requirements I would just create a new site collection within SharePoint online service of your Office 365 tenant, based on the community site template. This template has some nice web parts like the Discussion list and some Community tools. 
    - Dennis | Netherlands | Blog |

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    Your users can do this now if interactivity isn't required. If it is, you'll need to move up to an E3 plan. If your models exceed 10 MB, and you want interactivity, you'll need Power BI licenses for your users.

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    Someone who knows how to build
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    Check out the
    SuiteLinksDelegate Delegate Control  in link below

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    Anyone know how to display it?

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    Hybrid configuration wizard re-create them.  
    Any help here is appreciated!  Thanks.

    Your question is not that easy to be answered since the planning and migrating depends upon the current environment setup, status and everything.
    However you can  follow this conitious thread step by step for Migrating from Exchange 2013 to Office 365 which will help you to plan accordingly to your environment
    I would recommend you to open up a ticket with Microsoft for a hassle free migration from Exchange 2013 to O365
    But for migration from Notes to o365 we need some kind of third party softwares like Quest Tools to throttle the process quickly and also you need to set few throttling policies in Exchange end as well inorder to integrated well with Microsoft Cloud
    during Migration process. Its better you can open up a ticket with Microsoft and Quest for planning the migration acording do your needs and proceed.
    Below one is for your reference
    Please mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question.That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.

  • How to establish a Microsoft Exchange connection (Office 365)?

    My institution has just informed me that they are switching off IMAP and POP access from Monday. Email and calendaring are provided by Office 365. Alternative configuration instructions are available for mobile devices (iOS, Blackberry, Android etc.) but not for Thunderbird. Their only suggestion is a paid plugin which my school would have to pay for. This just ain't gonna happen. Moreover, I would prefer a free software option if at all possible. ('Free' as in 'freedom', though beer is important, too.)
    Calendaring isn't important as I have that setup independently of my organisation's provision. Only email matters.
    Searching rather urgently has turned up a few leads but they are generally quite old and almost all require IMAP and/or POP enabled on the server. Beyond that, I've come across the following possibilities:
    davmail which apparently bridges between OWA and IMAP/POP, but I'm not clear if this would work with Office 365 as I've only found references to using it with older MS Exchange servers;
    evolution with a plugin;
    possibly KDE's mail programme, although I'm not clear from the information I've found whether this is really an option or not.
    I'm running KDE. If possible, I'd prefer to avoid the Gnome dependencies of evolution. However, if that's the only option, so be it. An ideal solution will work on Fedora as well as Arch. (Obviously Fedora is off-topic here - I just thought I might as well mention it.) A really ideal solution would also let me continue using Thunderbird without relying on proprietary code, but I'm beginning to think this is probably a pipe dream.
    The most attractive of the above options is currently davmail, if that is really an option. However, I get the impression that this could require considerable overhead.
    I would greatly appreciate any advice or pointers anybody can offer me. So far, I've not found anything which even mentions Linux with Office 365. I'm not sure if this is because 'Office 365' is actually relying on something else (and that's what I need to search for), whether it is because the situation is hopeless or whether it is for some other reason.

    brebs wrote:
    cfr wrote:I'm not clear if this would work with Office 365
    Well, 10 seconds of googling for "office 365 imap" shows encouraging davmail fixed bug report.
    Thanks. Sorry. I did spend a lot of time searching but I did not find that. (Using IXQ for search.) But I was not trying 'imap' specifically - rather 'linux' - as I just wanted any way to access it. And the results I got tended to assume the Exchange server had imap enabled.
    Some things I would raise:
    * Check the IT policy regarding whether Linux is supported/accepted. And if not, why not.
    * Push for clarification regarding the supposed security risk, or whatever is being used as justification.
    As Trilby pointed out, this is useless.
    Linux is not supported except on a 'best effort' basis. I run Linux on my office PC. I'm entirely responsible for it. Local IT will help if they possibly can. Central IT will say that Linux is supported sufficiently because you can use web mail.
    They do not need to justify this. There does not need to be an answer to 'why not?'
    No justification has been offered for switching off the support. Trilby's IT invoke security to justify not turning it on. My IT offer no reason for turning it off. It is just a fact that it is being switched off.
    [For some reason, it has not yet been switched off, although they said it would be yesterday.]
    The suggestion of raising these issues may sound perfectly reasonable, but it is a suggestion based on ignorance of reality.
    In a sane world, it would make perfect sense. But this is academia in 2015. (Not just academia, I know.) Sanity is an irrelevant standard.
    Last edited by cfr (2015-06-09 15:31:28)

  • Viewing Office 365 Calendar entries on Z10

     Hi I have a Z10 connected to Office 365. When I made the connection I could sync email calendar, notes etc. I have lost the ability to see appointments in the calendar function in the phone. I can see appointments in the hub for that day.  I can also see appointments in a subsidiary calendar tied to my MS email account giving birthdays but nothing in my primary business calendar in the calendar app, only in the hub.. I can enter appointments in the calendar app in the phone and they appear in Office 365 but the calendar app in the phone shows no appointments including the one I just entered. The Calendar worked with my primary business calendar and the birthday calendar to begin with and then the business calendar disappeared with me making no changes that I am aware of, while the birthday calendar continues to show.   How do I get my business calendar to show in the calendar app as well as the Hub while continuing to sync with Office 365

    Hi DT655,
    Thanks for your reply.  Since my original post I have upgraded and subscribed to Office 365 Midsize Business.  All has gone well, everything has been migrated over and all has been synced correctly.
    Except my BlackBerry Z10 where Calendar syncs everything going forward, but only three months back.  My BB PlayBook is the same (only three months back).  However, my desktop and iPads sync all events going back many years.
    I have followed your instructions by deleting my old e-mail accounts on both my Z10 and my PlayBook and reinstalled them using the Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, but it is still the same - only three months back on both BB devices.
    As my other devices sync all events going back many years, and as there used to be an option within the old BB Desktop Manager to sync All Events, I am sure the restriction I now have must be a BB issue and not an Office 365 issue.  Do you agree, and do you know where I can get to some settings that allow me to change the three month default?

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    As mentioned by TSN above, Acrobat base version 11.0 is not compatible with Office 365.
    The update 11.0.1 and later is compatible with Office 365.
    Acrobat 10 is not compatible with Office 365. Please refer the KB:

  • Shared Office 365 calendars not showing up in iCal

    We are using Microsoft's Office 365 and have users with a variety of devices and applications (Mac/iCal/Mail, Windows/Outlook, iPhone, Android, etc.).
    I am the administrator of the Exchange accounts. I have created four calendars that are viewable by everyone within our organization (just general "company-wide calendars").
    Users with Outlook are able to view those shared calendars just fine. However, I'm not able to add the shared calendars with users using iCal.
    If I add them as a delegate, they can see all my calendars, but if I just share the calendar, they get a "no access" error.
    Here's where I'm setting the shared calendar permissions. I've tried setting them as Reviewer, setting the Default as Reviewer, and setting them as Owner.
    Because it works fine in Outlook, I'm wondering if it's an iCal problem. For cross-referencing purposes, here's my issue at Office 365's community: Shared calendars not showing up in Apple iCal

    Hi All, after much trial and tribulation, this works for me on BusyCal. It is an app you can get on the apple store.
    Calendar should be created then shared with the busycal user. The link does not work, but add exchange account as you would on  Mac Calendar under preference>accounts. The go to the sharing tab and  click plus and type in email of person who shared calendar. It will auto populate. For some reason it does not work under delegation in Mac Calendar
    The  key and where I spent 4 days on the phone with apple and office 365, is  that the owner of the calendar has to share their calendar, named  :"calendar" They can just click the permission "show availability only."  Once they do that, any other calendars they have created and added you  as full permissions or details, you can see. I see nothing on their  calendar called "calendar"  Not the perfect solution, but it works. BusyCal is $30
    If this does not make sense feel free  to message me or I will respond here.

  • Lync conference meeting + Office 365 calendar

    Hello I am working with office 365 rest api.
    When I create event in calendar using REST API, can we add online meeting while creating event using API.
    Are there REST API's for Lync server meeting creation.
    Please help me.
    thank you

    Hi Socialwebi,
    As Anthony suggested, to ensure you get better support, I suggest you turn to our Lync Development forum for dedicated support. With the assistance provided there, it is more likely the issue
    can be resolved. Sorry for any inconvenience this caused. Thanks for your understanding.
    Best regards,

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