How to include XML Entity in XSU?

I am using XSU to get XML output, I couldn't find a way to output an ENTITY in XML output.
I hope I can get help on this.

Hi Vineet ,
You can use function module "SDIXML_DATA_TO_DOM" to convert the data in internal table to XML form. This function module is used to create the structure for XML document.
After this you use FM "SDIXML_DOM_TO_XML".
Hope this helps you!!!!

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    Hi Vineet ,
    You can use function module "SDIXML_DATA_TO_DOM" to convert the data in internal table to XML form. This function module is used to create the structure for XML document.
    After this you use FM "SDIXML_DOM_TO_XML".
    Hope this helps you!!!!

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    Thanks in advance...

    Hi swigg,
    It's not the partnerlink input variable that I want to manipulate, it's the SOAP Envelope that the Partner Link generates when it is invoked.
    I know that you can manipulate the SOAP Header by adding properties to the Partnerlink but it's the Envelope that surrounds both the Header and the Body that I want to set the prolog on.
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    As GerdW said, it is preferable (and better practice) to use the project explorer. My guess, you didn't configure the build correctly (and probably used the default settings).
    First, you have to specify your xml file as Always included is the source file tab
    Now look at how the build folders are built:
    The .ini file (xml in your case) is in the data folder. So in the build the relative position of the xml file is not the same as in the development environment. You have to be aware of this difference and use a diiferent relative path for the exe. You can do this using a conditional disable symbol in the project and then use the conditional disable structure in your VI.
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    If you don't want to embed the XML file into a SWF, then the SWF can download the XML file from the server at runtime when it needs it. But there will be a delay while that happens. Maybe it would be better to put the data in the XML file into a database and then access only the parts of it that you need.
    Gordon Smith
    Adobe Flex SDK Team

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    When i build my web service i cannot be able to put in the war file my .xml files they are copy out of the war :__ I need those files because are for ibatis
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    <target name="build.WebService">
         keepGenerated="yes" >
              <module contextPath="test" name="testWS">
                   <jwsfileset srcdir="${src.dir}/testWS">
                        <include name="**/*.java" />
                        <copy todir="${dest.dir}">
                        <fileset dir="${src.dir}/testWS" excludes="**/*.java"/>
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    Try using the following to Update your WAR/EAR file...:
    <taskdef name="jwsc" classname="" />
        <target name="build-target">
            <jwsc srcdir="src" destdir="${ear-dir}" listfiles="true">
                 <jws file="" compiledWsdl="${cowDir}/target/Target_wsdl.jar" type="JAXWS"/>
    <font color=maroon>
             <zip destfile="${ear-dir}/jws.war" update="true">
                 <zipfileset dir="src/examples/webservices/callback" prefix="wsdls">
                     <include name="Callback*.wsdl"/>
    For real demo of this <Zip> tag please refer to :
    Jay SenSharma  (WebLogic Wonders Are Here)

  • How to create xml entity in java?????

    public Document createXml(String Error,String src,String trg)
                 DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = null;
                DocumentBuilder docBuilder = null;
            //    src= src.replaceAll("&","I want this ");
               //  trg= trg.replaceAll("&","Yse !!!;");
                 try {
                      docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                      docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
                      xmlDoc = docBuilder.newDocument();
                     //create the root element
                     Element errorLog = xmlDoc.createElement("errorLog");
                     //all it to the xml tree
                      Entity e1=(Entity) xmlDoc.createEntityReference("amit");
                       Entity e2=(Entity) xmlDoc.createEntityReference("chch");
                          Element error = xmlDoc.createElement("error");
                             Element source = xmlDoc.createElement("source");
                             Element target = xmlDoc.createElement("target");
                 } catch (Exception ex) {
                 return xmlDoc;
            }It seem to be failing in creating entities Help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    I want out put like
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!ENTITY amit ' xyz'>
    <error Type="Error">
    <source> this is </source>
    bUT iT gives rest except Entity part

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    William T.

    You can use an entity reference to point to the next xml file.
    An entity reference in an xml file is preceded by the & And then the name of the reference i.e.
    <mytag>&nextFile</mytag>. Your DTD for the xml file must have a corresponding <!ENTITY> tag that says how to dereference the entity reference in the xml file to an actual resource. If you want to handle entity references via a SAXParser, then you will need to implement the EntityResolver interface and register this with the parser. I think it should be possible in the entity resolver to create a new parser object to handle the new file.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to include custom application.xml in JDev9i project

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    After searching this forum, I see that jdev9i can't include the orion-application.xml, but I want to include just the standard J2EE application.xml. Is this possible?

    The standard application.xml file unfortunately can't be customized in JDev 9.0.2. The reasons why this capability was left out of JDev 9.0.2 are same reasons why the other EAR-level XML files were excluded. The OTN thread
    Re: Regarding 11i and E-business suite
    has a summary of those reasons, which you've probably seen. We know this is an area in need of improvement and will be adding this functionality in the JDev 9.0.3 release. Until then, you'll have to go with a work-around like an Ant build file, batch file, Java application, or some other kind of script.
    Below is a sample Java application which can be used to insert <security-role> elements into an EAR file's application.xml. Modify the main() method to customize for your purposes, and put xmlparserv2.jar on the classpath (in a JDev project, add the "Oracle XML Parser v2" library):
    package mypackage4;
    import java.util.*;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    public class PostProcessEAR
    public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException
    final String earFile = "C:\\temp\\myapp.ear";
    final PostProcessEAR postProcess = new PostProcessEAR( earFile );
    postProcess.addSecurityRole( null, "first_role" );
    postProcess.addSecurityRole( "Description for the second role", "second_role" );
    System.out.println( "Done." );
    private final File _earFile;
    private final ArrayList _securityRoles = new ArrayList();
    public PostProcessEAR( String earFile )
    _earFile = new File( earFile );
    public void addSecurityRole( String description, String roleName )
    if ( roleName == null )
    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    _securityRoles.add( description );
    _securityRoles.add( roleName );
    * Write out modified EAR file.
    public void commit() throws IOException
    if ( _securityRoles.size() == 0 )
    final ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile( _earFile );
    final Enumeration entries = zipFile.entries();
    final File outFile = new File( _earFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".out" );
    final ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( outFile ) ) );
    while ( entries.hasMoreElements() )
    final ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) entries.nextElement();
    final InputStream in = zipFile.getInputStream( entry );
    if ( "META-INF/application.xml".equals( entry.getName() ) )
    final XMLDocument modifiedApplicationXml = insertSecurityRoles( in );
    final ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    modifiedApplicationXml.print( byteOutput );
    final int numBytes = byteOutput.size();
    entry.setSize( numBytes );
    if ( entry.getMethod() == ZipEntry.STORED )
    entry.setCompressedSize( numBytes );
    final CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();
    crc32.update( byteOutput.toByteArray() );
    entry.setCrc( crc32.getValue() );
    out.putNextEntry( entry );
    byteOutput.writeTo( out );
    // Copy all other zip entries as they are.
    out.putNextEntry( entry );
    copy( in, out );
    private XMLDocument insertSecurityRoles( InputStream in ) throws IOException
    final DOMParser domParser = new DOMParser();
    domParser.setAttribute( DOMParser.STANDALONE, Boolean.TRUE );
    domParser.parse( in );
    final XMLDocument doc = domParser.getDocument();
    final Element docElem = doc.getDocumentElement();
    final Iterator iter = _securityRoles.iterator();
    while ( iter.hasNext() )
    final String desc = (String); // might be null
    final String roleName =; // must not be null
    final Element securityRoleElem = doc.createElement( "security-role" );
    if ( desc != null )
    securityRoleElem.appendChild( createPcdata( doc, "description", desc ) );
    securityRoleElem.appendChild( createPcdata( doc, "role-name", roleName ) );
    docElem.appendChild( securityRoleElem );
    return doc;
    catch ( SAXException e )
    return null;
    private Element createPcdata( XMLDocument doc, String elemName, String pcdata )
    final Element elem = doc.createElement( elemName );
    elem.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( pcdata ) );
    return elem;
    private final byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
    private void copy( InputStream in, OutputStream out ) throws IOException
    while ( true )
    final int bytesRead = buffer );
    if ( bytesRead < 0 )
    out.write( buffer, 0, bytesRead );

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    *<details></details> (they are unbounded, but the first detail tag which comes in the input file is a mandatory tag in such a way that it needs to be included in every transformed message)*
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    *<1st detail></1st detail>*
    *<detail></detail> (2nd row of detail in input file)* -------------------------> Goes to BS1
    *<1st detail></1st detail>*
    *<detail></detail> (3rd row of detail in input file)* ----------------------------->Goes to BS2
    And so on.
    Now, the problem is how to include the first row( *1st detail* ) of detail in every xquery transformed xml?

    are you looping of this input with a for each?
    /yourdata/details[1] should return always the first detail element.
    or before the for each do an assing of this first detail element to "generic_details_var"
    and use this var in every looping iteration (in an assign or as input for xquery)

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    I process the file named <b>XXIMN21022007.txt</b> and I need an XML like:

    Just go for dynamic configuration.
    Check the sender file adapter to write the filename in the header (as explained in Michal's blog) and then read that header in some mapping.
    U can use that even in simple message mappings.
    Your code for the filename tag would be something like:
    <i>DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create(
    return conf.get(key);</i>

  • How to include .js file into validater-rules.xml

    iam doing project using struts.
    i have .js file for client side to include .js file into struts validate-rules.xml so that i can use those validation in my project.
    without writing any class.
    is there any way

    copy + paste from my book...............
    Enabling Client-Side Validations
    In addition to providing a framework for simplifying server-side form data validations, Validator provides an easy-to-use mechanism for performing client-side validations. Each validation routine defined in the validator-rules.xml file optionally specifies JavaScript code that can be run in the browser (client side) to perform the same validations that take place on the server side. When run on the client side, the validations will not allow the form to be submitted until they have all passed.
    To enable client-side validation, you have to place the HTML Tag Library's javascript tag in each JSP for which you want validation performed, as shown here:
    <html:javascript formName="logonForm"/>
    The javascript tag requires that you use the formName attribute to specify the name of a <form> definition from the validation.xml file, as shown here, for which you want validations performed:
    <form name="logonForm">
    <field property="username" depends="required">
    <arg0 key="prompt.username"/>
    <field property="password" depends="required">
    <arg0 key="prompt.password"/>
    All the validations that you have specified for the <form> definition to run on the server side will be run on the client side.

  • How to include  % in xml document element

    I am not able to figure how to include % in xml elements
         <ITEM> 90% of people</ITEM>

    The error message suggests that the % is not in a text node, like your example, but in an element name -- where it is not permitted. Perhaps you could post the actual XML document that causes the error, or at least the part of it that contains the % character.

  • How to include a license header in fxml file?

    How to include a license header in fxml file?
    I tried xml block comments <!-- mylicense here -->
    but it wasn't accepted by screen builder.
    Also I wondered, even if it had been accepted, would screen builder have saved the header back - or deleted it?

    All XML documents should begin with an XML declaration.
    If you have your fxml file starting with  the following lines :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- mylicense here -->
    .. it will be loaded in Scene Builder, and saved back as is.

  • How to include Material Cost in the SD report

    I am working on Cube 0SD_C03 for the Sales and Distribution Report "Sales Contribution - Product Wise u2013 KPI" where I have to show the following information which are given below.
    1. Total Sales Qty.
    2. Total Sales Value
    3. Total Material Cost
    For third one I do not know how to include this in this SD report.
    so please tell me about this if anybody has idea about this?

    Hi Francisco,
    your xml should only have
    Show me your sample XML , i can help you.
    What is your expected output ? PDF or HTML ?
    here it is.
    If the XML data includes an element that contains a hyperlink , then you can use that element to create dynamic hyperlinks at runtime.
    a. insert hyperlink from word menu
    b. In the Type the file or Web page name field of the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, enter the following syntax:
    where ELEMENT_NAME_WHICH_HAS_URL_LINK is the xml data element name
    create a form field, you can add it
    <fo:basic-link external-destination="">
    <fo:inline text-decoration="underline">google Link</fo:inline>
    <fo:basic-link external-destination="{ELEMENT_NAME}">
    <fo:inline text-decoration="underline">google Link</fo:inline>
    <xsl:attribute name="external-destination"><xsl:value-of select="ELEMENT_URL"/>
           <xsl:value-of select="LINK_NAME"/>

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