How to increase clock speed?

i havs a pevilion g6 2005ax, how can i increase my amd a8 processor processing speed,
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Please note: You may not be able to overclock at all due to vendors may lock the CPU. This is understandable, they don't want users play around with the machines and then call for replacement.
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    Are you using NI Vision IMAQ AVI Read Frame or anther method to read the AVI file?
    Matthew Fitzsimons
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW 6.1 ... 2013, LVOOP, GOOP, TestStand, DAQ, and Vison

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    Are you using NI Vision IMAQ AVI Read Frame or anther method to read the AVI file?
    Matthew Fitzsimons
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW 6.1 ... 2013, LVOOP, GOOP, TestStand, DAQ, and Vison

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    Thanks in advance

    Depends on what kind of application it is, where you want the speed increase, and whether you can pay for it with additional memory usage.
    On general optimisations, there are two schools of thought.
    The academic side says, write your application without doing any optimisations, and then optimise the bits that ou can show to be bottle necks. While this produces elegant code, the result can be very hard to optimise when you need to.
    So I say; design with optimisation in the back of your mind. For example, if you need to access objects with great speed, then avoid interfaces if you can, because they will slow your code considerably, even if they do make it reuseable. Avoid massive creation of objects - for example string concatenation using + is very slow - use a stringbuffer instead if you have many to do.
    For smaller increases in speed in algorithms and such, consider creating a local reference in a method to a class object, and using short in place of int in loops. Unroll as many loops as you can. Avoid making repeated reads to the same value in an array - hold it in a temporary variable instead.
    For every optimisation you make, your program will get increasingly hard to read and maintain.
    Do you have some more detail on what it is you want to speed up?

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    This isn't a function of your Mac; it's either your ISP or your router that is causing slow performance.
    Make certain that you really are using a wired - only connection. Turn off AirPort to be sure.
    Try resetting your router. If that doesn't fix things complain to your ISP. They will want you to connect a computer directly to your modem and run whatever speed testing software they use. Their responsibility ends with the equipment they provide.

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    If anybody has any suggestions as to how we can increase the speed of the program, they would be very much appreciated!
    Thanks in advance!
    Attachments: ‏122 KB ‏14 KB

    i don't have tools needed but , i see one thing is that you enqueue 
    every time you are greater 3 that means about every 2-3 ms so consumer is really   sought
    is it really what you want ?
    may be you want to start on a treshold so you can use a treshold fonction 
    if i don't make mistake your square is 10 hz and the daq is configured 25000 sample 25000 hz
    so you aquire 1s of signal every 100ms , there is something to correct
    make tests and tell us
    CLAD / Labview 2011, Win Xp
    Mission d'une semaine- à plusieurs mois laissez moi un MP...
    RP et Midi-pyrénées .Km+++ si possibilité de télétravail
    Kudos always accepted / Les petits clicks jaunes sont toujours appréciés
    Don't forget to valid a good answer / pensez à valider une réponse correcte

  • How to increase the speed of my producer loop?

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    producer.jpg ‏66 KB
    receive.jpg ‏38 KB

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    Hi buddy,
    I had a similar problem on my new Satellite A660 and the problem was power saving mode of WLAN card...
    In Windows Power Management you can choose different power saving modes for WLAN card. You have to turn off power saving (=> High Performance) for WLAN card and then you will have the highest possible WLAN speed.
    This article explains all functions about Power Saving:

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    The max RAM for your Mac Mini is 1GB. Increasing to the max RAM will help.
    How much free space do you have on your hard drive. An almost full HD can cause slowness.
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    The Top 7 Free Utilities To Maintain A Mac. _a_mac/
     Cheers, Tom

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    Query All Records will go the other way. It might be faster when scrolling, but will take ages before being loaded to the Forms client (from the database to the server). Best would be if you can limit the number of returned records using the where condition of a block before querying it.
    Beside of that, using a different value of "Query array size","Number of Records Buffered" is the way to go.

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    Please go to the device manager and choose the modem. Then right click and properties.
    There you will find a many tabs. Please check if the option Maximum port speed in the Modem tab is set to highest value.
    Furthermore you can check in the Advanced tab the button Advanced Port settings The controller should be also set to the high (max).
    Please check these possibilities.

  • How to increase the Speed of USB Devices (6501 and 6009)?

    Hy guys!
    My question is:
    In datasheets of the USB devices, the only reference about the speed of
    these boards is the Bus Interface speed (12Mbit/s). But in my
    application (i'm trying to use delphi to control the device), each
    instruction, doesn't matter if is a write or a read function, is taking
    1ms to execute. Could i increase this speed?? What could be wrong?
    OBS: I updated the Ni-DaqmxBase 1.4 to the new NI-DaqMx 7.5, and notting has changed.
    Functions used:
    istatus := DAQmxWriteDigitalU32(TaskEscrever, 1, 0, -1, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, @writedata,nil, nil);
    istatus := DAQmxReadDigitalU32(taskLer, -1, 10, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, @readdata[j], 1,nil, nil);

    The two usb DAQ from NI are full speed interface (as you said 12M/s bus speed). The full speed interface has a frame size of 1ms, the root hub transmits a packet every 1.0 ms and this is the minimum time that you can read/write from/to usb device, normally because of the windows scheduling, 1ms is very tight, windows may miss it in some occasions, some usb device designers would prefer to use something between 2ms - 10ms polling period, which means some devices may even react to commands within 2ms - 10ms. But it looks like the two NI usb DAQ use the 1ms polling period and that is the shortest time you can get in software paced mode. If you need very fast digital update rate, you may need to look at PWM output, it generates digital pulses at very fast rate as the link given below, the iUSBDAQ - U120816 can generate PWM pulse from 3kHZ - 333kHZ.
    NI USB DAQ maybe good, but it wouldn't hurt to look at some other company's product too. the below link of usb daq gives the best price/performance ratio, LabVIEW vis are very easy to use and you avoid the pre-configuration in a separate application for DAQs which sometimes may be big deal if your customers are not engineer or scientist, but regular computer users. You are welcome to compare.
    Thank you.

  • How to increase cal. speed

    Dear Lab VIEW Engineer
    I used lab VIEW to make machine vision system.
    The analog mage graber  from interface with max frame is 30 /s was used.
    I am using computer with Core i7 3.4 Ghz, 8GB Memory and  windows 7 32 bit.
    My question is, why maximum calculation for measurement is only 15 data/s?
    How to increase up to 30 data/s?
    Herewith the machine vision program to capture the image and for image processing.
    Thank you
    Best regards
    Capture2 (1)-ok-realtime-macro-vertical-for ‏40 KB ‏29 KB

    Dear sugeng
    I examined your VI but there are many ways you can improve the performance.
    Firstly, you have a while loop enclosing the whole code which may lead to unnecessary code repetition.
    You seem to be using an old IMAQ VI to acquire images from a camera,
    but VIs such as should able to be left outside the loop.
    Especially if there is an, you should be able to leave those two VIs outside the loop
    and only call them when you start and finish the code.
    The same can be said for IMAQ Create and IMAQ Dispose.
    IMAQ Create creates a buffer for an image so it takes some processing time.
    You seem to be trying to use the same buffer for your image,
    (i.e. once processing is completed, you do not need the image from the previous loop)
    but if that is the case, I suggest leaving IMAQ Create and IMAQ Dispose outside the loop,
    in order to use the same image buffer and not keep recreating it.
    You have successfully done this with your File I/O function so you should do the same with other functions.
    However, in terms of memory performance, I suggest placing a Close File function outside the loop after writing into your file.
    If you do not close your file after opening it, this may lead to memory leaks and file access issues.
    You can find the Close File in your functions palette; Programming>>File I/O.
    On a memory performance note,
    you have some coercion dots (the red dot displayed on an input of a function/VI) near the end of your code,
    but they take up memory and may in turn decrease the performance of your VI,
    so I recommend converting wires to appropriate datatypes before connecting them to inputs with a different datatype.
    You can use the functions in Programming>>Numeric>>Conversion from the functions palette.
    Kind regards
    Taiki Hoshi
    Applications Engineer
    NI Japan

  • How to increase download speeds

    I am averaging a download speed of around 560 kbps how do i increase it?

    that depends on your internet connection/plan.

  • How to increase measuring speed of Agilent 34401A

    The process of my program (written in Labview) is:
    1) A control code is automatically generated by the program, and the code is sent to multiplexing circuit (the chips I used are ADG706) through digital port (USB6501 from NI)  then a coresponding channel is selected. (for example code hex0000 selects 1st channle,0001 selects 2nd channel, and so on......)
    2) Multimeter Agilent 34401A measures the current value of this channel, and send this value back to the computer for storage. After this, the program goes back to step 1) for next channel, and this program executes like this.
    The functions mentioed above are all realized, and the program works well, but the problem is the speed is slow. It takes a little more than 1 second to measure one channel, totally I have 2048 channels (32 groups and 64 channels in each group, I used two layers of "for" cycles), and it takes about 32 minutes to finish measure all these 2048 channels, too slow, I'd like to reduce them to 10 minutes.
    I tried to reduce the resolution to 4.5, turn off the autozero function of multimeter, but nothing happens, no change of the speed. Now every time the multimeter measures a channel, it makes a "click" sound, does it mean that every trigger the multimeter only takes one measurement? Is there anyway I can increase the measuring speed? Can I send the multimeter 64 control condes a time, and then let the multimeter takes 64 measurments in one trigger? Is it right? If so, how can I realized it?  If I'm wrong about it, can you give me some solutions?
    Thank you very much! 

    I don't have the manuals with me, but I do have a couple of these in my lab.   There is an internal buffer where you can store (I think) 512 readings.   You can use a digital output to trigger the DMM, and only transfer after every 512 readings (4 times) or perhaps one read per group as you mentioned.  I suggest one read per trigger (you can do many more) since it is easier to synchronize with your channel changes.  I believe the commands are INIT and FETCH?, check your manual.  The two times I know the instrument "clicks" are changing functions and certain range changes.  I suspect in your attempts to speed things up you are sending some config. commands each time.  Configure it once initially and make certain you are only sending measurement related commands during the scan, any config. changes (even if you resend the current value) will likely cost you time. 

Maybe you are looking for