How to install nitroX, i have downloaded it.

I've downloaded and I also have its order id and serial number but at the time of installation it asks for either information abt proxy or activate from default browser. But I don't know what should i write in proxy. I've tried by selecting "activate from default browser" but i wasn't worked. so please tell me what should i do?
Thanks in Advance

Download a new copy of the Firefox program and save the DMG file to the desktop
* Firefox 4.0.x:
* Trash the current Firefox application to do a clean (re-)install
* Install the new version that you have downloaded
Your profile data is stored elsewhere in the [ Firefox Profile Folder], so you won't lose your bookmarks and other personal data.

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    It does seem that you really want to get a working GNU/Linux distribution, when I first started with it, I was a student at high school (circa 1994), and there WERE no easy to use distributions, everything was a hard slog to get working.  Arch is quite simple once you work your way around it the first time, unfortunately however, it does require you to become a little familiar with the terminal and the commands available from it.
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    The most important thing though is to not let yourself get intimidated.  It is quite easy to just look at the wiki for example, and think to yourself that you are not capable of understanding or following the instructions, in some respects you don't need to understand them now, that will come later, but if you think you can follow the instructions, even if it means printing the pages out so that you have a hard copy that you can follow then it is worth doing, and you will find yourself with a feeling of accomplishment at the end that you would not get if you got Ubuntu or Fedora working.

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    Last edited by kaszak696 (2013-09-23 12:30:08)

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    only a Nokia Care point can do this. just visit one
    If you want to thank someone, just click on the blue star at the bottom of their post

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    Running lsblk -lf
    NAME   FSTYPE LABEL      UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT
    ├─sda1 ntfs              1CF45A405825898C                     
    ├─sda2 ntfs              E27CDAE57CDAB40F                     /mnt/tempdrive1
    ├─sda3 ntfs              D44E14D44E14B0EA                     /mnt/tempdrive2
    └─sda5 ext4   arch_linux 44d38a19-2b36-465f-9ae1-f3387e5dc558 /
    #sda4 is an extended partition which has sda5, on which Arch is installed. sda2 and sda3 are the #Windows partitions I want to delete and merge into a single one to make space for Ubuntu. sda1 is #/boot (maybe, that's what it shows in Gparted. Doesn't it have to be boot since it is the only one left?
    Please help with detailed instructions since I am a complete novice at these sort of things (boot and all). Contrary to the norm, I installed Arch first, and am curious about Ubuntu so I want to try it out. Post any other information you'd like to have, and maybe I'll post a gparted screenshot if needed.
    P.S- Not sure whether I'm allowed to post about installing some other distro, so I posted in this section. Please notify me via email if I'll have to remove it, and I'll do so.

    I am not sure to what senjin refers, as I have never had a problem with ubuntu controlling grub, with one exception:
    Sometimes ubuntu's OS-prober can't find Arch (so it disappears from the automatically created menu).  Maybe this is the problem senjin found.
    One way around this is to have a file in your Arch /etc that OS-prober looks for when it searches for other operating systems.  Look for a file in your ubuntu called /etc/lsb-release.  Make an appropriate copy in your Arch install, and OS-prober will always find it.
    Another way to ensure OS-prober always finds Arch is to mount the Arch / partition before [re]running update-grub.
    Finally, since you don't really need to ever generate a new menu entry for Arch - since it will always be the same - you can simply run update-grub once, copy the menu entries generated into /etc/grub.d/40-custom, and then disable the OS-prober (so it will only ever update the ubuntu entries (what I do these days).
    grub, run from other distros, losing "Arch" seems to be a fairly common problem that is easily solved by any of the above.

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