How to install server on 10.7.1

i downloaded OS X Lion Server from the app store. installed it and tested it. updated to 10.7.1.
then i followed apples instructions to remove lion server.
now, when i try to re-install server, i cannot because my desktop version is 10.7.1, 10.7.0 is required. what to do????

I had to re-format and re-install.
Command-R during a reboot got me to the Lion recovery,
Reformatted with disk utility.
Reinstalled Lion.
Went to app store and re-downloaded and re-installed server.
Then went to and manually installed 10.7.1 server for Mac mini.
Everything is working great now !

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    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----3) Finish up the rest of the steps.
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    2. Create a certificate request in webserver console.
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    Hope it helps.

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    Loading ...
    MoinMoin - 1.5.5a [97bf3d768af3 tip; DesktopEdition Release 1.5.5a-1]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 54, in ?
    File "/home/shantanu/personal/wiki/moin-desktop/MoinMoin/server/" , line 510, in run
    httpd = makeServer(config)
    File "/home/shantanu/personal/wiki/moin-desktop/MoinMoin/server/" , line 450, in makeServer
    return serverClass(config)
    File "/home/shantanu/personal/wiki/moin-desktop/MoinMoin/server/" , line 176, in __init__
    SimpleServer.__init__(self, config)
    File "/home/shantanu/personal/wiki/moin-desktop/MoinMoin/server/" , line 63, in __init__
    BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, address, MoinRequestHandler)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 330, in __init__
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 101, in server_bind
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 341, in server_bind
    File "<string>", line 1, in bind
    socket.gaierror: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
    And hence, could not get moinmoin working either.
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    [shantanu@bluehead ~]$ sudo pacman -S dokuwiki
    Targets: php-5.2.0-1 dokuwiki-20061106-1
    Total Package Size: 7.9 MB
    Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] y
    :: Retrieving packages from community...
    dokuwiki-20061106-1 [################] 100% 1040K 6.8K/s 00:02:33
    checking package integrity... done.
    loading package data... done.
    checking for file conflicts... done.
    installing php... done.
    ==> PHP has been built with some optional modules.
    ==> To enable these modules, uncomment the modules from php.ini
    ==> The optional modules included in php require extra packages
    ==> to be installed.
    ==> - mysql : libmysqlclient
    ==> - pgsql : postgresql-libs
    ==> - ldap : libldap
    ==> - sqlite : sqlite3
    ==> - odbc : unixodbc
    ==> - snmp : net-snmp
    ==> - mcrypt : mcrypt
    installing dokuwiki... done.
    -- Go to the http://your-server/dokuwiki/install.php to setup dokuwiki
    grep: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: No such file or directory
    chown: `nobody.httpd': invalid use
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    Because TiddlyWiki is a single HTML file, you've actually already downloaded the entire software just by viewing this site. If you want to be able to SaveChanges, you can save your own blank TiddlyWiki to your local drive by right clicking on this link to empty.html and selecting 'Save link as...' or 'Save target as...'. You can choose where to save the file, and what to call it (but make sure that it's saved in HTML format and with an HTML extension).
    Here's the link to it :

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    Note: This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites; therefore,
    Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure that you
    completely understand the risk before retrieving any software from the Internet.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • How to Install Coldfusion 8 64-bit on Small Business Server 2008 64-bit

    How to Install Coldfusion 8 64-bit on Small Business Server 2008 64-bit
    I ran Coldfusion 8 on SBS 2003 Premium for 6 months with no problems.  When we finally decided to cut over to SBS 2008, that’s when everything went to hell.  I tried for weeks to get Coldfusion 8 to install properly on the new SBS 2008 64-bit box.  During the course which, I found bits and pieces of information for Vista 64-bit and Windows Server 2008 64-bit installations.  There are some distinct differences, however, with SBS 2008 since it runs core Web applications like OWA, RWW and Companyweb.  After countless unsuccessful attempts, one of which completed corrupted the box, I found the solution.
    I have attempted in this white paper to detail the steps to assist others who may be in a similar situation.  I don’t make any warranty for the information, but so long as you follow the steps carefully you should be fine.  BTW, for those of you who say Adobe offers free technical support for licensed users, that’s not entirely true.  Like I said, I purchased CF8 and originally installed it on an SBS 2003 Premium box.  After we cut over to SBS 2008 and encountered problems, Adobe wouldn’t provide any technical support without charging.  Moreover, based on my initial conversations with Adobe’s technical team, no one seemed to know much about running 64-bit on SBS.
    From my understanding, only two versions of Coldfusion 8 can be installed in 64-bit: Enterprise and Developer.  The “normal” install (which I paid a grand for) can only be deployed in 32-bit mode – gee, THANKS Adobe!  By the way, in Developer mode only two distinct IPs can access the site in addition to the localhost.  Any additional IPs will result in a CFML error message stating that the maximum number of IPs have been exceeded.  At any rate, take your time and follow the steps to achieve a successful installation. 
    Back Up SBS
    It’s always a good practice to backup your server before deploying any kind of major system changes.  Although this step is optional, I recommend it in case you need to restore your server for any reason.  Bear in mind, if your system ever gets totally corrupted, you cannot restore back from the twice daily incremental backup images alone.  You will need a full backup with system recovery information to restore.  Here are the basic steps:
    Click: Start > Programs > Administrative Tools.  Right-click “Windows Server Backup” and choose “Run as administrator”.
    Click “Backup Once” under Actions in the right-hand pane.
    Choose the “Different Options” radio button under Backup Options.
    Choose the “Custom” radio button.  What we’re primarily interested in here is backing up the OS – not your data partitions or attached drives.
    Select the “SYSTEM (C)” checkbox, uncheck any others.  Also, ensure that the “Enable system recovery” checkbox is selected before continuing on.
    Under ‘Specify Destination Type’, I usually select the “Local drives” radio button and point it to a Terrabyte USB drive I use for backups.  You can point this to a tape drive, or select the “Remote shared folder” radio button if you map to a UNC path to store your backup images.  Just remember, make sure that whatever path you select can readily be accessed in the event of an emergency.  Also, make sure the “Verify after writing (recommended)” checkbox is selected.
    Under ‘Specified Advanced Option’, I usually select the “VSS full backup” radio button instead of the default since I don’t use a 3rd party backup product.  If like me you rely solely on SBS for your backups, choose the full backup option.
    Confirm everything and click “Backup”.  This process may take several hours depending on the size of your system.
    Verify ISAPI Filters:
    In IIS Manager, double-click the server instance in the left-hand pane.
    In the center pane under IIS, double click the “Modules” icon to verify that the ISAPI native modules are already installed for IIS.  If it’s set up correctly you should see two entries:
    IsapiFilterModule              %windir%\System32\inetsrv\filter.dll
    IsapiModule                        %windir%\System32\inetsrv\isapi.dll
    If either of these modules are missing, you will need to re-install these (google for a solution).
    Set Up Development Environment
    Create a directory for your CFML files outside of the default Windows location (e.g., default is usually C:\inetpub\wwwroot\).  For the purpose of our install, I created a directory on a separate disk called: D:\DEV.
    Copy and paste your CFML files and directories into the new DEV root Web directory.  This will eventually be the directory where the Coldfusion installer places the CFIDE and CFDOCS folders. 
    Open IIS Manager and double-click the server instance in the left hand pane.  Expand the “Sites” folder.  Right-click the Sites folder and select “Add Web Site”.
    Enter a name in the “Site Name” box (e.g., “test-site”).  You will notice that the system will automatically create a corresponding Application Pool with the same name.  NOTE: this is important to prevent conflicts between the DefaultAppPool (needed for SBS Web apps like OWA, RWW, etc.) and the application pool needed for Coldfusion to function properly in SBS 2008.
    Point the “Physical Path” to the directory you created in step #1 above (e.g., “D:\DEV”).
    Don’t worry about testing the connection.  If you click “Test Settings” you may receive a warning that IIS cannot verify access to path (D:\DEV).  Don’t worry about this for the time being.
    Under “Host name”, enter a DNS path to your site (e.g., “”).  Click “OK”.
    Configure Application Pools for Installation
    In IIS Manager, double-click the server instance in the left-hand pane.  Click on “Application Pools” to display the list of server application pools in the center pane.
    In the “Actions” pane on the right-hand side, click “Set Application Pool Defaults”.
    Change “Enable 32-Bit Applications” - the second item from the top – from “False” to “True”, and then click “OK”.  NOTE: if you skip this step, Coldfusion will not properly create the required mappings during the install. We will change this setting back after the installation completes – more on this later.
    Modify the File for 64-Bitness
    Click: Start > Programs > Accessories.  Right-click “Notepad” and choose “Run as administrator”.
    Open the config file from within Notepad – default location: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config
    Do a search and change this one line from:
    <add name="PasswordExpiryModule" image="C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll" />
    To this:
    <add name="PasswordExpiryModule" image="C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll" preCondition="bitness64" />
    Restart the IIS Admin service.
    Set HTTP Compression
    According to some threads I read, the http compression module can cause errors if you don’t disable it globally. To remedy this, perform the following:
    Click: Start > Programs > Accessories.  Right-click “Command Prompt” and choose “Run as administrator”.
    At the command prompt, change directory to intetsrv by typing: cd inetsrv
    Run the following command:
    C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv>appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/httpCompression /-[name='xpress']
    This will turn off HTTP compression for all sites in IIS.
    In IIS Manager, double-click the server instance in the left-hand pane.  Double-click the “Compression” icon in the IIS section of the center pane.
    Uncheck all of the boxes, then click the “Apply” button under Actions in the right-hand pane.
    Recheck all of the boxes, then click the “Apply” button under Actions in the right-hand pane.
    Restart the IIS Admin service.  This should enable compression and coldfusion to work at the same time.
    NOTE: if for some reason you need to reverse this, run the following command from the command prompt:
    C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/httpCompression /+[name='xpress',doStaticCompression='false',dll='%windir%\system32\inetsrv\suscomp.dll']
    Download the 64-bit installation package from Adobe – filename: coldfusion-801-wind64.exe.
    Right-click the file and select “Run as administrator”.
    Accept the terms of the License Agreement.
    If you have an Enterprise license, enter it.  For our purposes, just click the “Developer Edition” checkbox.
    Select “Server configuration” – the default radio button.
    I deselected all subcomponents and can’t guarantee that you’ll arrive at the same results if you select additional items like “.NET Integrated Services”.  It should be fine, particularly if you install documentation.  My preference was to keep the install as plain vanilla as possible.
    Select the directory path for Coldfusion to install into – default is :C\Coldfusion
    THE NEXT TWO STEPS ARE CRITICAL TO YOUR SUCCESS.  Unselect “All IIS Websites” and select the “Configure specific IIS Website or another web server” radio button.  Click “Add”, and then select your test Web site (e.g., “test-site”) under “IIS Web Site”.  Hit “OK”.
    Do NOT use the default directory path for the CF Administrator location (e.g., default path: “C:\inetpub\wwwroot”).  Instead, point the installer to your new DEV root Web directory (e.g., “D:\DEV”).  The bottom line, you want the installer to place the CFIDE directory and files within this folder, alongside your other CFML files and folders.
    Enter an Administrator password.
    Choose to Enable RDS, or not.  I enable this by preference but it is not required.  This allows you to make updates to files using a CFML editor directly vs. having to move/FTP the files over if you’re working remotely.  Opponents to this argue that it’s potentially less secure, but for a lower environment I don’t see this as a major concern.
    Confirm everything to kick off the install.
    If all goes well you should see a message at the end stating that the install was successful.  I recommend you uncheck the box that asks you to open the CF Administrator in the default Web browser after the install.  NOTE: we will open it a different way during the post-installation tasks.  The worst thing that will happen if you forget to uncheck the box is that you might receive an error that the command prompt hung – not a big deal – just close it and move on to the next (final) steps.
    Verify CF Installation:
    The installation will create a new folder in your program group: Start > Programs > Adobe > Coldfusion 8.  The default “Administrator” link will not work because it points to the wrong path: The “” or “localhost” path as you may recall in IIS, points by default to the “C:\inetpub\wwwroot” directory.  Our CFIDE files, however, are located within: D:\DEV.
    To bring up the CF Administrator logon page, open up a Web browser and replace the “” part of the path with the DNS path name to your CF environment (e.g.,
    This should bring up the Coldfusion Administrator Login screen.  Enter in the Administrator password you created during the install to log in and configure your application server.
    Verify that your test-site renders correctly by typing in your test URL into a Web browser (e.g.,
    Fix Application Pool Defaults to Re-enable SBS Web Applications:
    At this point, Coldfusion Administrator and your test CMFL Web site should be working properly.  The problem is, default SBS Web applications like OWA, RWW and Companyweb will throw errors and fail to start.  Fortunately, this is easily remedied by performing the following steps:
    In IIS Manager, double-click the server instance in the left-hand pane.  Click on “Application Pools” to display the list of server application pools in the center pane.
    In the “Actions” pane on the right-hand side, click “Set Application Pool Defaults”.
    Change “Enable 32-Bit Applications” - the second item from the top – from “True” to “False” this time.  This should re-enable the SBS applications, which would otherwise result in 500 errors (e.g., OWA, RWW, Companyweb, etc.).  There is no need to restart IIS.
    Open a Web browser and test that you can once again connect to OWA, RWW and Companyweb successfully.
    In IIS click to highlight the application pool for your new site (e.g., “test-site”).  In the right-hand pane, click “Advanced Settings”.  Ensure that “Enable 32-Bit Applications” – second item from the top – is set to “True” for this application pool specifically.
    Lastly, jump up and down for joy!  Hopefully now, everything is working.  Best of luck!! ..Paul D (MCP).

    First, it would be a good idea for you to specify what distro of Linux you're using, as not all are supported by Adobe.
    Second, this is probably your problem right here:
    In a nutshell, CF expects the 32-bit version of to be in /lib, but it's probably not. You might be able to modify the installer to point to the correct location for that file, or you might be able to create a symlink to the file - but as the above link describes, creating a symlink might have negative consequences.
    As for installing CF 8 64-bit, that's only available with Enterprise, not Standard. If you want CF Standard 64-bit, you need to upgrade to CF 9.
    Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

  • How To Install A (Almost) Working Lion Server With Profile Management/SSL/OD/Mail/iCal/Address Book/VNC/Web/etc.

    I recently installed a fresh version of Lion Server after attempting to fix a broken upgrade. With some help from others, I've managed to get all the new features working and have kept notes, having found that many or most of the necessary installation steps for both the OS and its services are almost entirely undocumented. When you get them working, they work great, but the entire process is very fragile, with simple setup steps causing breaks or even malicious behaviors. In case this is useful to others, here are my notes.
    Start with an erased, virgin, single guid partitioned drive. Not an upgrade. Not simply a repartitioned drive. Erased. Clean. Anything else can and probably will break the Lion Server install, as I discovered myself more than once. Before erasing my drive, I already had Lion and made a Lion install DVD from instructions widely available on the web. I suppose you could also boot into the Lion recovery partition and use disk utility to erase the OS X partition then install a new partition, but I cut a DVD. The bottom line is to erase any old OS partitions. And of course to have multiple, independent backups: I use both Time Machine with a modified StdExclusions.plist and Carbon Copy Cloner.
    Also, if you will be running your own personal cloud, you will want to know your domain name ahead of time, as this will be propagated everywhere throughout server, and changing anything related to SSL on Lion Server is a nightmare that I haven't figured out. If you don't yet have a domain name, go drop ten dollars at or wherever and reserve one before you start. Soemday someone will document how to change this stuff without breaking Lion Server, but we're not there yet. I'll assume the top-level domain name "" here.
    Given good backups, a Lion Install DVD (or Recovery Partition), and a domain name, here are the steps, apparently all of which must be more-or-less strictly followed in this order.
    DVD>Disk Utility>Erase Disk  [or Recovery Partition>Disk Utility>Erase Partition]
    DVD>Install Lion
    Reboot, hopefully Lion install kicks in
    Update, update, update Lion (NOT Lion Server yet) until no more updates
    System Preferences>Network>Static IP on the LAN (say and Computer name ("server" is a good standbye)
    Terminal>$ sudo scutil --set HostName
    App Store>Install Lion Server and run through the Setup
    Download install Server Admin Tools, then update, update, update until no more updates
    Server Admin>DNS>Zones [IF THIS WASN'T AUTOMAGICALLY CREATED (mine wasn't): Add zone with Nameserver "" (that's a FQDN terminated with a period) and a Mail Exchanger (MX record) "" with priority 10. Add Record>Add Machine (A record) pointing to the server's static IP. You can add fancier DNS aliases and a simpler MX record below after you get through the crucial steps.]
    System Prefs>Network>Advanced>Set your DNS server to
    A few DNS set-up steps and these most important steps:
    A. Check that the Unix command "hostname" returns the correct hostname and you can see this hostname in>Hardware>Network
    B. Check that DNS works: the unix commands "host" and "host" (assuming that that's your static IP) should point to each other. Do not proceed until DNS works.
    C. Get Apple Push Notification Services CA via>Hardware>Settings><Click toggle, Edit... get a new cert ...>
    D.>Profile Manager>Configure... [Magic script should create OD Master, signed SSL cert]
    E.>Hardware>Settings>SSL Certificate> [Check to make sure it's set to the one just created]
    F. Using, turn on the web, then>Profile Manager> [Click on hyperlink to get to web page, e.g.] Upper RHS pull-down, install Trust Profile
    G. Keychain Access>System>Certificates [Find the automatically generated cert "Domain", the one that is a "Root certificate authority", Highlight and Export as .cer, email to all iOS devices, and click on the authority on the device. It should be entered as a trusted CA on all iOS devices. While you're at it, highlight and Export... as a .cer the certificate "IntermediateCA_SERVER.DOMAIN.COM_1", which is listed an an "Intermediate CA" -- you will use this to establish secure SSL connections with remote browsers hitting your server.]
    H. iOS on LAN: browse to> [click on LHS Install trust cert, then RHS Enroll device.
    I. Test from web browser Lock Device to test
    J. ??? Profit
    12. Server Admin>DNS>Zones> Add convenient DNS alias records if necessary, e.g.,,, If you want to refer to your box using the convenient shorthand "", you must enter the A record (NOT alias) "" FQDN pointing to the server's fixed IP. You can also enter the convenient short MX record "" with priority 11. This will all work on the LAN -- all these settings must be mirrored on the outside internet using the service from which you registered
    You are now ready to begin turning on your services. Here are a few important details and gotchas setting up cloud services.
    Server Admin>Firewall>Services> Open up all ports needed by whichever services you want to run and set up your router (assuming that your server sits behind a router) to port forward these ports to your router's LAN IP. This is most a straightforward exercise in grepping for the correct ports on this page, but there are several jaw-droppingly undocumented omissions of crucial ports for Push Services and Device Enrollment. If you want to enroll your iOS devices, make sure port 1640 is open. If you want Push Notifications to work (you do), then ports 2195, 2196, 5218, and 5223 must be open. The Unix commands "lsof -i :5218" and "nmap -p 5218" (nmap available from Macports after installing Xcode from the App Store) help show which ports are open.
    Do this with strong security. to turn on remote logins (open port 22), but edit /etc/sshd_config to turn off root and password logins.
    PermitRootLogin no
    PasswordAuthentication no
    ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
    I'm note sure if toggling the Allow remote logins will load this config file or, run "sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/org.openbsd.ssh-agent.plist ; sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/org.openbsd.ssh-agent.plist" to restart the server's ssh daemon.
    Then use ssh-keygen on remote client to generate public/private keys that can be used to remotely login to the server.
    client$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C client_name
    [Securely copy ~/.ssh/ from client to server.]
    server$ cat > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
    I also like DenyHosts, which emails detected ssh attacks to [email protected]. It's amazing how many ssh attacks there are on any open port 22. Not really an added security feature if you've turned off password logins, but good to monitor. Here's a Lion Server diff for the config file /usr/share/denyhosts:
    $ diff denyhosts.cfg-dist denyhosts.cfg
    < SECURE_LOG = /var/log/secure
    > #SECURE_LOG = /var/log/secure
    > SECURE_LOG = /var/log/secure.log
    < HOSTS_DENY = /etc/hosts.deny
    > #HOSTS_DENY = /etc/hosts.deny
    > #
    > # Mac OS X Lion Server
    > HOSTS_DENY = /private/etc/hosts.deny
    < LOCK_FILE = /var/lock/subsys/denyhosts
    > #LOCK_FILE = /var/lock/subsys/denyhosts
    > LOCK_FILE = /var/denyhosts/
    > #
    > ADMIN_EMAIL = [email protected]
    Network Accounts
    User to create your network accounts; do not use Workgroup Manager. If you use Workgroup Manager, as I did, then your accounts will not have email addresses specified and iCal Server WILL NOT COMPLETELY WORK. Well, at least collaboration through network accounts will be handled clunkily through email, not automatically as they should. If you create a network account using Workgroup Manager, then edit that account using to specify the email to which iCal invitations may be sent. doesn't say anything about this, but that's one thing that email address entry is used for. This still isn't quite solid on Lion Server, as my Open Directory logs on a freshly installed Lion Server are filled with errors that read:
    2011-12-12 15:05:52.425 EST - Module: SystemCache - Misconfiguration detected in hash 'Kerberos':
         User 'uname' (/LDAPv3/ - ID 1031 - UUID 98B4DF30-09CF-42F1-6C31-9D55FE4A0812 - SID S-0-8-83-8930552043-0845248631-7065481045-9092
    Oh well.
    Email aliases are handled with the file /private/etc/postfix/aliases. Do something like this
    root:           myname
    admin:          myname
    sysadmin:       myname
    certadmin:      myname
    webmaster:      myname
    my_alternate:   myname
    Then run "sudo newaliases". If your ISP is Comcast or some other large provider, you probably must proxy your outgoing mail through their SMTP servers to avoid being blocked as a spammer (a lot of SMTP servers will block email from Comcast/whatever IP addresses that isn't sent by Comcast). Use>Mail to enter your account information. Even then, the Lion Server default setup may fail using this proxy. I had to do this with the file /private/etc/postfix/
    cd /etc/postfix
    sudo cp ./ ./
    sudo echo 'smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous' >> ./
    sudo serveradmin stop mail
    sudo serveradmin start mail
    Finally, make sure that you're running a blacklisting srevice yourself! Server Admin>Mail>Filter> Use as a blacklister. Finally, set up mail to use strong Kerberos/MD5 settings under on Server Admin>Mail>Advanced. Turn off password and clear logins. The settings should be set to "Use" your SSL cert, NOT "Require". "Require" consistently breaks things for me.
    If you already installed the server's Trust Certificate as described above (and opened up the correct ports), email to your account should be pushed out to all clients.
    iCal Server>Calendar>Turn ON and Allow Email Invitations, Edit... . Whatever you do, do NOT enter your own email account information in this GUI. You must enter the account information for local user, and the password for this account, which is stored in the System keychain: Keychain Access>System> Item Double-click and Show Password, copy and paste into dialog. This is all described in depth here. If you enter your own account information here (DO NOT!), the iCal Server will delete all Emails in your Inbox just as soon as it reads them, exactly like it works for user Believe me, you don't want to discover this "feature", which I expect will be more tightly controlled in some future update.
    The functionality of's Web management is pretty limited and awful, but a few changes to the file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf will give you a pretty capable and flexible web server, just one that you must manage by hand. Here's a diff for httpd.conf:
    $ diff httpd.conf.default httpd.conf
    < #LoadModule ssl_module libexec/apache2/
    > LoadModule ssl_module libexec/apache2/
    < #LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/
    > LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/
    < #LoadModule auth_digest_apple_module libexec/apache2/
    < #LoadModule encoding_module libexec/apache2/
    > LoadModule auth_digest_apple_module libexec/apache2/
    > LoadModule encoding_module libexec/apache2/
    < #LoadModule xsendfile_module libexec/apache2/
    > LoadModule xsendfile_module libexec/apache2/
    < ServerAdmin [email protected]
    > ServerAdmin [email protected]
    < #ServerName
    > ServerName
    > # Server-specific configuration
    > # sudo apachectl -D WEBSERVICE_ON -D MACOSXSERVER -k restart
    > Include /etc/apache2/mydomain/*.conf
    I did "sudo mkdir /etc/apache2/mydomain" and add specific config files for various web pages to host. For example, here's a config file that will host the entire contents of an EyeTV DVR, all password controlled with htdigest ("htdigest ~uname/.htdigest EyeTV uname"). Browsing to points to /Users/uname/Sites/EyeTV, in which there's an index.php script that can read and display the EyeTV archive at If you want Apache username accounts with twiddles as in, specify "UserDir Sites" in the configuration file.
    Alias /eyetv /Users/uname/Sites/EyeTV
    <Directory "/Users/uname/Sites/EyeTV">
        AuthType Digest
        AuthName "EyeTV"
        AuthUserFile /Users/uname/.htdigest
        AuthGroupFile /dev/null
        Require user uname
        Options Indexes MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    Alias /eyetv_archive "/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Documents/EyeTV Archive"
    <Directory "/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Documents/EyeTV Archive">
        AuthType Digest
        AuthName "EyeTV"
        AuthUserFile /Users/uname/.htdigest
        AuthGroupFile /dev/null
        Require user uname
        Options Indexes MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    I think you can turn Web off/on in to relaunch apached, or simply "sudo apachectl -D WEBSERVICE_ON -D MACOSXSERVER -k restart".
    Securely copy to all desired remote clients the file IntermediateCA_SERVER.DOMAIN.COM_1.cer, which you exported from System Keychain above. Add this certificate to your remote keychain and trust it, allowing secure connections between remote clients and your server. Also on remote clients: Firefox>Advanced>Encryption>View Certificates>Authorities>Import...> Import this certificate into your browser. Now there should be a secure connection to without any SSL warnings.
    One caveat is that there should be a nice way to establish secure SSL to and, but the automagically created SSL certificate only knows about I attempted to follow this advice when I originally created the cert and add these additional domains (under "Subject Alternate Name Extension"), but the cert creation UI failed when I did this, so I just gave up. I hope that by the time these certs expire, someone posts some documentation on how to manage and change Lion Server SSL scripts AFTER the server has been promoted to an Open Directory Master. In the meantime, it would be much appreciated if anyone can post either how to add these additional domain names to the existing cert, or generate and/or sign a cert with a self-created Keychain Access root certificate authority. In my experience, any attempt to mess with the SSL certs automatically generated just breaks Lion Server.
    Finally, if you don't want a little Apple logo as your web page icon, create your own 16×16 PNG and copy it to the file /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default/favicon.ico. And request that all web-crawling robots go away with the file /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default/robots.txt:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /
    VNC easily works with iOS devices -- use a good passphrase. Edit /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postgresql.postgres.plist and set "listen_addresses=" to allow PostgreSQL connections over localhost. I've also downloaded snort/base/swatch to build an intrusion detection system, and used Macports's squid+privoxy to build a privacy-enhanced ad-blocking proxy server.

    Privacy Enhancing Filtering Proxy and SSH Tunnel
    Lion Server comes with its own web proxy, but chaining Squid and Privoxy together provides a capable and effective web proxy that can block ads and malicious scripts, and conceal information used to track you around the web. I've posted a simple way to build and use a privacy enhancing web proxy here. While you're at it, configure your OS and browsers to block Adobe Flash cookies and block Flash access to your camera, microphone, and peer networks. Read this WSJ article series to understand how this impacts your privacy. If you configure it to allow use for anyone on your LAN, be sure to open up ports 3128, 8118, and 8123 on your firewall.
    If you've set up ssh and/or VPN as above, you can securely tunnel in to your proxy from anywhere. The syntax for ssh tunnels is a little obscure, so I wrote a little ssh tunnel script with a simpler flexible syntax. This script also allows secure tunnels to other services like VNC (port 5900). If you save this to a file ./ssht (and chmod a+x ./ssht), example syntax to establish an ssh tunnel through localhost:8080 (or, e.g., localhost:5901 for secure VNC Screen Sharing connects) looks like:
    $ ./ssht 8080:[email protected]:3128
    $ ./ssht 8080:alice@:
    $ ./ssht 8080:
    $ ./ssht 8018::8123
    $ ./ssht 5901::5900  [Use the address localhost:5901 for secure VNC connects using OS X's Screen Sharing or Chicken of the VNC (sudo port install cotvnc)]
    $ vi ./ssht
    # SSH tunnel to squid/whatever proxy: ssht [-p ssh_port] [localhost_port:][user_name@][ip_address][:remotehost][:remote_port]
    # SSH port forwarding specs, e.g. 8080:localhost:3128
    LOCALHOSTPORT_DEFAULT=8080      # Default is http proxy 8080
    REMOTEHOST_DEFAULT=localhost    # Default is localhost
    REMOTEPORT_DEFAULT=3128         # Default is Squid port
    # Parse ssh port and tunnel details if specified
    while [ "$1" != "" ]
      case $1
        -p) shift;                  # -p option
         *) TUNNEL_DETAILS=$1;      # 1st argument option
    # Get local and remote ports, username, and hostname from the command line argument: localhost_port:user_name@ip_address:remote_host:remote_port
    shopt -s extglob                        # needed for +(pattern) syntax; man sh
    CDR=${TUNNEL_DETAILS#+([0-9]):}         # delete shortest leading +([0-9]):
    CAR=${TUNNEL_DETAILS%%$CDR}             # cut this string from TUNNEL_DETAILS
    CAR=${CAR%:}                            # delete :
    if [ "$CAR" != "" ]                     # leading or trailing port specified
    CDR=${TUNNEL_DETAILS%:+([0-9])}         # delete shortest trailing :+([0-9])
    CAR=${TUNNEL_DETAILS##$CDR}             # cut this string from TUNNEL_DETAILS
    CAR=${CAR#:}                            # delete :
    if [ "$CAR" != "" ]                     # leading or trailing port specified
    CDR=${TUNNEL_DETAILS%:*}                # delete shortest trailing :*
    CAR=${TUNNEL_DETAILS##$CDR}             # cut this string from TUNNEL_DETAILS
    CAR=${CAR#:}                            # delete :
    if [ "$CAR" != "" ]                     # leading or trailing port specified
    CDR=${TUNNEL_DETAILS#*@}                # delete shortest leading +([0-9]):
    CAR=${TUNNEL_DETAILS%%$CDR}             # cut this string from TUNNEL_DETAILS
    CAR=${CAR%@}                            # delete @
    if [ "$CAR" != "" ]                     # leading or trailing port specified
    if [ "$HOSTNAME" == "" ]                # no hostname given
        && echo "SSH tunnel established via $LOCALHOSTPORT:$REMOTEHOST:$REMOTEPORT\n\tto $USERNAME@$HOSTNAME:$SSHPORT." \
        || echo "SSH tunnel FAIL."

  • How to install a plugin on 64 bits windows 2008 server?

    From the developer forum, I found a description which told me how to install a plugin on windows series system, but I only succeded intalling the plugin on 32 bits windows xp, couldn't install the plugin on 64 bits windows 2008 server. Any ideas or advices, men of genius? Thanks :-)

    Please check if all your plugins are up-to-date. To do this, go to the [ Mozilla Plugin Check site].
    Once you're there, the site will check if all your plugins have the latest versions.
    If you see plugins in the list that have a yellow ''Update'' button or a red ''Update now'' button, please update these immediately.
    To do so, please click each red or yellow button. Then you should see a site that allows you to download the latest version. Double-click the downloaded file to start the installation and follow the steps mentioned in the installation procedure.

  • How to install Small Business Server 2008 in an existing Active Directory domain

    It is shown on this page:, "How to install Small Business Server 2003 in an existing Active Directory domain".
    Is it possible to do this with SBS2008 ?
    If "YES", are there any published information about the procedure ?

    Yes, it is. Thank you very much.
    But there is something that confuses me - I want to migrate from Win2003Std to SBS2008. And also, I want to keep the existing Win2003Std as a second DC for a long time.
    But it is written in the shown article:
    ... After the migration is finished, you must remove the Source Server from the network within 21 days. ...
    Is this rule mandatory for the scenarios where the Source Server is Std, not SBS ? As I know, I can have more than one DC(Win2003Std/Win2008Std) together with SBS2003. But what about SBS2008 ?

  • How to install IE8 on Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter?

    Can anybody tell me, how to install IE8 on 2008 R2 Datacenter?
    I've downloaded this for "Windows Server 2008 64-bit and more..", removed IE11, IE10, IE9 from installed updates, and runned "dism /online /disable-feature
    And nothing helps. I've got a message "Internet Explorer 8 is not supported on this operating system".

    you can't "install" IE8 on WS2008R2, nor on Windows7 - because those OS's shipped with IE8.
    IE is an OS component, and so when you "upgrade" or "downgrade" IE, you are affecting an OS component.
    What this means is that the "IE8" download you are trying to apply, is actually IE8 for WinXP or maybe WinVista.
    You can usually "downgrade" Win7 back to IE8, by uninstalling the newer "upgrade" of IE - this causes the OS to automatically attempt to revert to the prior IE version.
    This reversion assumes/requires a healthy OS and component store (CBS), including all the pkgmgr file needed to revert to component.
    Sometimes, the component store is damaged, or is missing files.
    you may need to check the CBS logfiles, and may need to perform SFC /scannow
    You may need to use CheckSUR to repair system health.
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

  • How to install the Remote Desktop Services role on a Windows 2012 R2 Server

    I am a bit confused on how to install the RDP role on a 2012 R2 server. I have a two server domain and would like to make the second member server an RDP server to host applications (Word, Excel, a medical software, etc.) where users from their windows
    7 desktop will use the Remote Desktop Connection to connect to the server, create a session and do their work. When installing the role, I am prompted with two options:
    1- Role-based or feature based installation
    2- Remote Desktop services installation
    I see the RDP install option in both cases.
    1- Which one do I use?
    2- What role services do I install? (Connection broker, Gateway, Licensing, Session Host, Virtualization host and Web access). I think I need the first four only.
    3- When installing software after RDP, I use the Change user /install and Change user /execute commands. What happens to the software that is already installed? Can remote
    users use those?
    Any help will be very much appreciated.
    Thank You,

    Thank you for your response. I added the RD Licensing thru the Role-based option.
    Also opened the local group policy thru gpedit.msc and added the server name and the licensing mode type to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session
    Host -> Licensing
    Use the specified RD license servers = NameOfMyServer
    Set the Remote Desktop licensing mode = TypeOfMyLicense (Per User in my case)
    Thank you again,

  • How to install APEX in a server database, instead XE database?

    Hi, sorry but I'm new with APEX.
    Till today I've just used it to simple applications inside a XE database, but now I've to use it in a production database.
    Should I use the enterprise database, which is an Oracle 11G, or should I install it inside the database that comes with the Oracle Application Server (OAS)?
    Is there a documentation to teach how to install the last version of Apex inside this database?
    Thank you in advance and sorry for the silly question?

    You can install APEX in a regular database - documentation is at

  • How to instal a LAN WebSite in MacOSX Server 10.2 ?

    How to install a Site Interns (Intranet / LAN) on MacOS X Server 10.2?
    I sought in the APPLE forum, but did not find anything on the subject.
    Would somebody have the method, with screen printing for beginner?
    And, is it possible to create, on this XServ, a site Intranet of the www.LeNomDeLaboî kind?
    Thank you.
    Comment installer un Site Interne (Intranet) sur un MacOS X Server 10.2 ?
    J'ai cherché dans le forum Apple, mais n'ai rien trouvé sur le sujet.
    Quelqu'un aurait-il la méthode, avec copie d'écran pour débutant ?
    Et, est-il possible de créer, sur cet XServ, un site Intranet du genre www.LeNomDeLaboî ?
    G4/1,25MHz + iBookG4/1.42GHz + Epson SC980   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Mac OS X has a web server built in. Just use Server Admin to start the web service after dropping your web content into /Library/WebServer/Documents.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Error in Mobile application 5.0 sp09

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  • Applying interim patches to Oracle

    Hi, After the CRM upgrade to CRM 2007 on oracle on soalris 10, I need to apply interim patches to oracle As I am new to it, please any one send me the step by step procedure to do so. I have already taken a backup. Regards M Kumar