How to iterate over the attributes of a single entity?

I am working on a logical model transformation script. I take a list of all entities:
     var entities = model.getEntitySet().toArray();
iterate over the entities:
     for (var e = 0; e < entities.length; e++) {
        var entity = entities[e];
and try to get a list of all attributes for the current entity:
        var attributes = entity.getAttributeSet().toArray();
After that I try to iterate over the attributes:
        for (var a = 0; a < attributes.length; a++) {
            var attribute = attributes[a];
While iterating over the attributes I realized that the list is always the same. I get always a list of all attributes probably of the whole model even for entities without any attribute.
How can I get a list of the attributes for one single entity?

Use entity.getAttributes()

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    Hi all
    My users have asked me to create a "clear all" button that initializes all input values of a search form's fields to null.
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    public String ClearFieldsBtn_action()
    String[] fieldIDs = {
    for (int i = 0; i < fieldIDs.length; i++ )
    try {       
    AttributeBinding attr = (AttributeBinding)getBindings().getControlBinding(fieldIDs);
    attr.setInputValue( null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;
    I wonder if there any other more elegant way to iterate over the fields contained inside the JSF panelForm that contains all these "Material", "Description", etc fields and thus be able to easily transport the same functionality in more that one page?
    Thanks in advance

    I use some code like this (where "target" is a variable in the managed bean representing the parent component - the panelForm in your case):
        List children;
        int  i, cnt;
        children = target.getChildren();
        cnt = target.getChildCount();
        for (i=0; i< cnt; i++)
          // do whatever you need here, such as clearing fields
        }This doesn't operate on the model, just on the UI components themselves. I do use something like this in a superclass backing bean for when I need to iterate over a bunch of UI components.

  • How can I iterate over the columns of a REF CURSOR?

    I have the following situation:
       text   VARCHAR2 (100) := '';
       TYPE gen_cursor is ref cursor;
       c_gen gen_cursor;
       CURSOR c_tmp
            SELECT   *
              FROM   CROSS_TBL
          ORDER BY   sn;
       FOR tmp IN c_tmp
          text := 'select * from ' || tmp.table_name || ' where seqnum = ' ||;
          OPEN c_gen FOR text;
          -- here I want to iterate over the columns of c_gen
          -- c_gen will have different number of columns every time,
          --        because we select from a different table
          -- I have more than 500 tables, so I cannot define strong REF CURSOR types!
          -- I need something like
          l := c_gen.columns.length;
          for c in c_gen.columns[1]..c_gen.columns[l]
              -- do something with the column value
          END LOOP;
       END LOOP;
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    CREATE PACKAGE admin_data AS
       TYPE gencurtyp IS REF CURSOR;
       PROCEDURE open_cv (generic_cv IN OUT gencurtyp, choice INT);
    END admin_data;
       PROCEDURE open_cv (generic_cv IN OUT gencurtyp, choice INT) IS
          IF choice = 1 THEN
             OPEN generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM employees;
          ELSIF choice = 2 THEN
             OPEN generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM departments;
          ELSIF choice = 3 THEN
             OPEN generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM jobs;
          END IF;
    END admin_data;
    /But they have only 3 tables here and I have like 500. What can I do here?
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    The issue here is that you don't know your columns at design time (which is generally considered bad design practice anyway).
    In 10g or before, you would have to use the DBMS_SQL package to be able to iterate over each of the columns that are parsed from the query... e.g.
      v_v_val     VARCHAR2(4000);
      v_n_val     NUMBER;
      v_d_val     DATE;
      v_ret       NUMBER;
      c           NUMBER;
      d           NUMBER;
      col_cnt     INTEGER;
      f           BOOLEAN;
      rec_tab     DBMS_SQL.DESC_TAB;
      col_num     NUMBER;
      v_rowcount  NUMBER := 0;
      -- create a cursor
      -- parse the SQL statement into the cursor
      -- execute the cursor
      d := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(c);
      -- Describe the columns returned by the SQL statement
      DBMS_SQL.DESCRIBE_COLUMNS(c, col_cnt, rec_tab);
      -- Bind local return variables to the various columns based on their types
      FOR j in 1..col_cnt
        CASE rec_tab(j).col_type
          WHEN 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_v_val,2000); -- Varchar2
          WHEN 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_n_val);      -- Number
          WHEN 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_d_val);     -- Date
          DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_v_val,2000);  -- Any other type return as varchar2
        END CASE;
      END LOOP;
      -- Display what columns are being returned...
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('-- Columns --');
      FOR j in 1..col_cnt
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(rec_tab(j).col_name||' - '||case rec_tab(j).col_type when 1 then 'VARCHAR2'
                                                                                  when 2 then 'NUMBER'
                                                                                  when 12 then 'DATE'
                                                         else 'Other' end);
      END LOOP;
      -- This part outputs the DATA
        -- Fetch a row of data through the cursor
        v_ret := DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(c);
        -- Exit when no more rows
        EXIT WHEN v_ret = 0;
        v_rowcount := v_rowcount + 1;
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Row: '||v_rowcount);
        -- Fetch the value of each column from the row
        FOR j in 1..col_cnt
          -- Fetch each column into the correct data type based on the description of the column
          CASE rec_tab(j).col_type
            WHEN 1  THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_v_val);
                         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(rec_tab(j).col_name||' : '||v_v_val);
            WHEN 2  THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_n_val);
                         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(rec_tab(j).col_name||' : '||v_n_val);
            WHEN 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_d_val);
                         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(rec_tab(j).col_name||' : '||to_char(v_d_val,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(rec_tab(j).col_name||' : '||v_v_val);
          END CASE;
        END LOOP;
      END LOOP;
      -- Close the cursor now we have finished with it
    SQL> exec run_query('select empno, ename, deptno, sal from emp where deptno = 10');
    -- Columns --
    Row: 1
    EMPNO : 7782
    DEPTNO : 10
    SAL : 2450
    Row: 2
    EMPNO : 7839
    DEPTNO : 10
    SAL : 5000
    Row: 3
    EMPNO : 7934
    DEPTNO : 10
    SAL : 1300
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> exec run_query('select * from emp where deptno = 10');
    -- Columns --
    Row: 1
    EMPNO : 7782
    MGR : 7839
    HIREDATE : 09/06/1981 00:00:00
    SAL : 2450
    COMM :
    DEPTNO : 10
    Row: 2
    EMPNO : 7839
    MGR :
    HIREDATE : 17/11/1981 00:00:00
    SAL : 5000
    COMM :
    DEPTNO : 10
    Row: 3
    EMPNO : 7934
    MGR : 7782
    HIREDATE : 23/01/1982 00:00:00
    SAL : 1300
    COMM :
    DEPTNO : 10
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> exec run_query('select * from dept where deptno = 10');
    -- Columns --
    Row: 1
    DEPTNO : 10
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL>From 11g onwards, you can create your query as a REF_CURSOR, but then you would still have to use the DBMS_SQL package with it's new functions to turn the refcursor into a dbms_sql cursor so that you can then describe the columns in the same way.
    Welcome to the issues that are common when you start to attempt to create dynamic code. If your design isn't specific then your code can't be either and you end up creating more work in the coding whilst reducing the work in the design. ;)

  • Session Problems: "Don't know how to iterate over supplied "items""

    Hi, I am developing my first application using Struts and JSP. The Action Form loads an object called reportGrid into session and I am trying to display it on a JSP page. Displaying simple variables works fine, but I can display an object. The error I receive is: Don't know how to iterate over supplied "items"
    My object is made up of a group of ArrayLists looks similar to this this:
            private List affiliateID;
         private List affiliateName;
         private List product1;
         private List product2;
         //etc for about 10 listsThe object is filled with data from a result set and placed into session like:
         HttpSession session = request.getSession();
         session.setAttribute("grid", reportGrid);The goal is to display each list in its own column in a HTML table.
    <c:forEach var="affiliateName" items="${grid}">
                   <c:out value="${affiliateName}" />
         <c:forEach var="product1" items="${grid}">
                   <c:out value="${product1}" />
         <c:forEach var="product2" items="${grid}">
                   <c:out value="${product2}" />
    </table>I'm sure this has been asked before but I could not find any examples in the forums. I can place an ArrayList directly into session and iterate through using <c:forEach tags but when I try to do the same with an object it gives me the error " Don't know how to iterate over supplied "items" ".
    Does anyone have any examples of pulling and displaying an object in session which contains ArrayLists? I have been stuck on this same error for a while and any help will be greatly apreciated.

    What is the type of grid?

  • Don't know how to iterate over supplied "items" in forEach&gt

    I try the following
    I have form , bean , servlet and JSTL
    in bean I have constructor like
    public MyForm(String a_item) {
    this.a_item = a_item;
    in servlet
    MYForm uf = new MyForm(a_item);
    userSession.setAttribute("underform", uf);
    in jstl
    I have
    <c:forEach items="${sessionScope.underform}" var="found">
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
    <tr><td align="left" valign="top">
    <c:if test="${found.a_item=='on' }">
    <li> <input type="checkbox" name="a_item" checked></li>
    I GET THE ERR Don't know how to iterate over supplied "items" in &lt;forEach&gt;
    HOW CAN I Persisting data by the request by as an object ??
    thank you!

    so you suggest the method oneConsidering that I said exactly the opposite, it is a mystery to me how you could possibly have drawn that conclusion. I don't intend to keep repeating myself or to keep clarifying statements that are already perfectly clear. If you don't understand something, please say so. But don't put words into my mouth thanks.
    that means all logical will be handle on bean and not servlet is needed?Once again I have no idea what you mean by this question.
    what is the role for the servlet in MVC?And I have no idea what you mean by this question either, or how it relates to this thread. A JSP is a servlet in case you didn't know.

  • How can I get the attributes details like user name, mail , from sAMAccount csv or notepad file through powershell or any other command in AD?

    How can I get the attributes details like user name, mail , from sAMAccount csv or notepad file through powershell or any other command in AD?

    Ok what about If i need to get all important attributes by comparing Email addresses from excel file and get all required answers
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    I am trying to Scan all the AD matching HR Excel sheet and want to search quickly how many accounts are active , Line Managers names , Phone numbers , locations , title , AD ID .
    these are fields I am interested to get in output file after scanning Excel file and geting reply from AD in another Excel or CSV file
    Name’tAccountName’tDescri ption’tEma I IAddress’tLastLogonoate’tManager’tTitle’tDepartmenttComp
    Name,SamAccountName,Description,EmailAddress,LastLogonDate,Manager,Title,Department,Company,whenCreated,Enabled,MemberOf | Sort-Object -Property Name
    Can you modify this script to help me out :)
    Depending on what attributes you want.
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    #From a txt file
    $USERS = Get-Content C:\Temp\USER-LIST.txt
    $USERS|Foreach{Get-ADUser $_ -Properties * |Select SAMAccountName, mail, XXXXX}|Export-CSV -Path C:\Temp\USERS-ATTRIBUTES.csv
    #or from a csv file
    $USERS = Import-CSV C:\Temp\USER-LIST.csv
    $USERS|Foreach{Get-ADUser $_.SAMAccountName -Properties * |Select SAMAccountName, mail, XXXXX}|Export-CSV -Path C:\Temp\USERS-ATTRIBUTES.csv
    Gautam Ji<abbr class="affil"></abbr>
    Thanks for replying I tried both but it did not work for me instead this command which i extended generated nice results
    Get-ADUser -Filter * -Property * | Select-Object Name,Created,createTimeStamp,DistinguishedName,DisplayName,
    | Export-CSV Allusers.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
    only one problem is that Manager column is generating this outcome rather showing exact name of the line Manager .
    CN=Mr XYZ ,OU=Users,OU=IT,OU=Departments,OU=Company ,DC=organization,DC=com,DC=tk

  • In Jsp TagLib how can I get the Attribute value (like JavaBean) in jsp

    Dear Friends,
    TagLib how can I get the Attribute value (like JavaBean) in jsp .
    I do this thing.
    public void setPageContext(PageContext p) {
              pc = p;
    pc.setAttribute("id", new String("1") );
              pc.setAttribute("first_name",new String("Siddharth")); //,pc.SESSION_SCOPE);
              pc.setAttribute("last_name", new String("singh"));
    but in Jsp
    <%=pageContext.getAttribute("first_name"); %>
    cause null is returing.
    Pls HELP me
    with regards
    Siddharth Singh

    First, there is no need to pass in the page context to the tag. It already is present. How you get to it depends on what type of tag:
    Using [url]SimpleTagSupport
    public class MyTag extends SimpleTagSupport
      public void doTag()
        PageContext pc = (PageContext)getJspContext();
        pc.setAttribute("first_name", "Siddharth");
        pc.setAttribute("last_name", "Singh");
        pc.setAttribute("id", "1");
    }Using [url]TagSupport or it's subclass [url]BodyTagSupport the page context is aleady declared as an implicit object:
    public class MyTag extends TagSupport
      public void doStartTag()
        pageContext.setAttribute("first_name", "Siddharth");
        pageContext.setAttribute("last_name", "Singh");
        pageContext.setAttribute("id", "1");
    }In each case, this sort of thing should work:
    <mytags:MyTag />
    <%= pageContext.getAttribute("first_name") %>I

  • How and When Does the attribute VI_ATTR_VXI_TRIG_STATUS get initialized

    How and When  Does the attribute VI_ATTR_VXI_TRIG_STATUS get initialized. Do the actual trigger lines get measured or does the attribute get initialized to a default value when the vxi resource manager is executed?

    Hey whl6868,
    According to page 157 (or 3-135) of the manual (, there is no default value for VI_ATTR_VXI_TRIG_STATUS.  If Resman is returning valid values for it, then it must be actually reading the lines.  Else, I would only expect it to return valid values when you actually call the function yourself.
    David R
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • c:foreach Don't know how to iterate over supplied "items"

    I keep getting this error (Don't know how to iterate over supplied "items" in <forEach>) whenever i run my jsp page.
    JSP Code:
    <c:set var="page_action" value="${sessionScope.httpData.find_Fix}" />
                        <c:set var="LoadedUpdates" value="${sessionScope.hotFix.fixDetails}" />
    <c:if test="${page_action != null}" >
    <div class="hot-fix">
    <c:forEach items="${LoadedUpdates}" var="updates" varStatus="status">
    <td> ${status.count} </td><td><c:out  value="${updates}" /></td>
    </c:if>JAVA Code (Backend Bean):
    public class HotFixLoader {  
    ArrayList fixdetails = new ArrayList();
    public HotFixLoader(){
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){       
    fixdetails.add("<a href=\"#\">xxxxxx</a>, xx/xx/xxxx, xyxyxyxyxy");
    public ArrayList getFixDetails(){
    return fixdetails;

    Please don't post your problem multiple times

  • How can I convert the attribut lastLogon ...

    How can I convert the attribut lastLogon on an Active
    Directory Microsoft?
    Attributes ar = ctx.getAttributes(dn, attrs);
    if (ar != null) {
    for (int i=0; i<attrs.length; i++) {
    Attribute attr = ar.get(attrs);
    if (attr != null) {
    String values="";
    for ( Enumeration vals=attr.getAll();
    vals.hasMoreElements(); ) {
    values += vals.nextElement();
    if ( vals.hasMoreElements() )
    values += "\t";
    entry += SRV.SEPARATOR + values;
    When I take the value of the restrained attribut of the
    enumeration how I make convert it for example in a date ?
    I am using Windows2000 Advanced server.
    An example of lastLogon attribue is "126949578544450976".
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    It looks to be the same format at accountExpires.
    If so, your in luck, I worked that one out back in January:

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    How do I change the volume for a single midi instrument in GarageBand 10? Every time I move the volume, it moves back!

    Every time I move the volume, it moves back!
    Check, if you have a volume automation set on the software instrument track.
    If the track volume automation curve is enabled, the volume slider for the track will move with the automation curve.
    Click the automation curves disclosure triangle in the track header and disable the volume automation.

  • How can you get the schedule of a single reoccurring job with Restart ability in Redwood to pause when it has failed...?

    We need the Request Restart ability when scheduling a single reoccurring job in Redwood. Most of our jobs are scheduled in CHAINs which offers the Final Status Handler on Step level, and the schedule is "paused" when a job in the CHAIN has failed ( the next instance does not populate until the OP MSG has been Replied to) , and once the OPERATOR message is replied to, the CHAIN can resume running again ( desired ) . But we need this same ability when scheduling a single job not in a CHAIN. In our testing, we set up a job with Request Restart chosen on the Error , Killed and Unknown selections on the Restart Behavior Tab. But we found when a job is scheduled say once a day at 8AM, and when it fails, an OPERATOR msg appears allowing a Restart choice ( desired), but the next day's schedule also populates ( undesired) and we do NOT want the schedule to continue on yet because we need a chance to fix the error before the next insance runs for business reasons. So how can you get the schedule of a single reoccurring job with Restart ability in Redwood to pause when it has failed...?

    Hello Fran,
    You can wrap the job chain in a master job chain in the first step and set the final status handler there.
    You can also set the Restart Behavior to 'Stop Submit Frame', in that case you will have to resubmit the job once you are finished troubleshooting.
    Regards Gerben

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    How do i change the format of a single page in pages 09?
    I want a page to be landscape within a portrait-format doc.

    Question asked and answered many times !
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 19 janvier 2012
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My Box account  is :
    My iDisk is :
    Please :
    Search for questions similar to your own
    before submitting them to the community

  • How do I change the background of a single cell or a row in a table?

    How do I change the background of a single cell or a row in a
    table? I doesn't seem to be letting me do that.

    Are you using the latest DW? If so, then it isn't letting you
    bgcolor is deprecated and shouldn't be used.
    The correct way is to use css to define the background of a
    .blackcell {background-color: black;}
    <td class="blackcell">whatever in the cell</td>
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    CSS Templates |Tutorials |SEO Articles
    ~ Template Customization ~
    Spry Widget Examples
    "dm25" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:f4jr5h$luu$[email protected]..
    > for some reason that doesn't always work. When I click
    inside a cell, it
    > doesn't give me an option to change the background

  • How can I access the Attribute Values from the Search Region

    Hi all,
    I have a table which contains Company id, department id, and PositonId. For a particular Company and Department there may be multiple records.
    I have to pupulate a table which contains the position and other details that comes under a particular Department and Position based on the selection in the Three comboBoxes.
    Also I have to populate a select many Shuttle to add new postions and records under a particular Department.
    I created a query panel *(Search Region)* for the serch and a table to display the data. That is working fine.
    Now the issue is I am using a view criteria to populate the shuttle with two bind variables ie, DepartmentId and CompanyId.
    If the serach will return a resuktant set in the table it will also pupulate the correct records, otherwise ie, if the if the serch result is empty the corresponding iterator and the attribute is setting as null.
    SO I want to access the attribute values from the Search Region itsef to populate the shuttle.
    I don't know how can I access the data from the Search Region.
    Please Help.

    you could access the parameters entered in search region by the user as follows:
    You can get handle to the value entered by the user using queryListener method in af:query.
    You can intercept the values entered as described
    public void onQueryList(QueryEvent queryEvent) {
    // The generated QueryListener replaced by this method
    QueryDescriptor qdes = queryEvent.getDescriptor();
    //get the name of the QueryCriteria
    System.out.println("NAME "+qdes.getName());
    List<Criterion> searchList = qdes.getConjunctionCriterion().getCriterionList();
    for ( Criterion c : searchList) {
    if (c instanceof AttributeCriterion ) {
    AttributeCriterion a = (AttributeCriterion) c;
    for ( Object o : a.getValues()){
    //call default Query Event
    public void onQueryTable(QueryEvent queryEvent) {
    // The generated QueryListener replaced by this method
    QueryDescriptor qdes = queryEvent.getDescriptor();
    //get the name of the QueryCriteria
    System.out.println("NAME "+qdes.getName());
    private void invokeQueryEventMethodExpression(String expression, QueryEvent queryEvent){
    FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ELContext elctx = fctx.getELContext();
    ExpressionFactory efactory = fctx.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
    MethodExpression me = efactory.createMethodExpression(elctx,expression, Object.class, new Class[]{QueryEvent.class});
    me.invoke(elctx, new Object[]{queryEvent});

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