How to listen to treeModel before an update was made

I have got a listener on DefaultTreeModel. The problem is that its lisetner on 'treeNodesChanged' method contain only the new value of the node and not the previous value. How can I get the previous value of the node before it was changed.
can I have some event listener that have the old value, the new value and the path? on a changing TreeNode?
Alternatively, can I override the update of the TreeNode itself because I'd like to set it to another value and not the String value that JTree modification set it.
Edited by: Rotshield on Dec 8, 2008 2:17 PM

when you say "value" im not entirely sure what you mean, but if say value is path or really anything else this problem is quite trivial; Just have a local variable to equal this value e.g
TreePath mypath = tree.getLastPath(); (or whatever the method is)
then if an event happens you still know your previous path, do whatever you want with this and then write
mypath = tree.getLastPath() ; (or whatever the method is)

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    English (US)
    User Agent
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    We'll stay in this one: []

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    What part of the lifecycle are you using in the backing file?
    Consider using handlePostBackData in your backing file.
    Also, for some older but good basic reading, see:

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    You should, however, be able to write your focusGained method in such a way, that it does different things according to the selection state of your widget and your widgetSelected method in such a way, that it does different things according to the focus state of your widget.

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