How to make dynamic query using DBMS_SQL variable column names

First of all i will show a working example of what i intend to do with "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE":
(EXECUTE IMMEDIATE has 32654 Bytes limit, which isn't enough for me so i'm exploring other methods such as DBMS_SQL)
create or replace PROCEDURE get_dinamic_query_content
(query_sql IN VARCHAR2, --any valid sql query ('SELECT name, age FROM table') 
list_fields IN VARCHAR2) --list of the columns name belonging to the query (  arr_list(1):='name';   arr_list(2):='age';
-- FOR k IN 1..arr_list.count LOOP
-- list_fields := list_fields || '||content.'||arr_list(k)||'||'||'''~cs~'''; )
sql_stmt varchar (30000);
               sql_stmt :=
     counter NUMBER:=0;     
auxcontent VARCHAR2(30000);     
     CURSOR content_cursor IS '|| query_sql ||';
     content content_cursor%rowtype;     
          open content_cursor;
               fetch content_cursor into content;
               exit when content_cursor%notfound;
                    auxcontent := auxcontent || '||list_fields||';                    
          end loop;
          close content_cursor;
I'm attepting to use DBMS_SQL to perform similar instructions.
Is it possible?

Hi Pedro
You need to use DBMS_SQL here because you don't know how many columns your query is going to have before runtime. There are functions in DBMS_SQL to get information about the columns in your query - all this does is get the name.
3 numcols NUMBER;
4 col_desc_table dbms_sql.desc_tab;
6 cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
7 dbms_sql.parse(cur
8 ,query_in
9 ,dbms_sql.native);
10 dbms_sql.describe_columns(cur
11 ,numcols
12 ,col_desc_table);
13 FOR ix IN col_desc_table.FIRST .. col_desc_table.LAST LOOP
14 dbms_output.put_line('Column ' || ix || ' is ' ||
15 col_desc_table(ix).col_name);
17 dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur);
18 END;
19 /
Procedure created.
SQL> exec get_query_cols('SELECT * FROM DUAL');
Column 1 is DUMMY
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec get_query_cols('SELECT table_name, num_rows FROM user_tables');
Column 1 is TABLE_NAME
Column 2 is NUM_ROWS
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec get_query_cols('SELECT column_name, data_type, low_value, high_value FROM user_tab_cols');
Column 1 is COLUMN_NAME
Column 2 is DATA_TYPE
Column 3 is LOW_VALUE
Column 4 is HIGH_VALUE
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.I've just written this as a procedure that prints out the column names using dbms_output - I guess you're going to do something different with the result - maybe returning a collection, which you'll then parse through in Apex and print the output on the screen - this is just to illustrate the use of dbms_sql.
best regards

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    Hi Christophe,
         it's ok for me if I consider the customer only once in the final selection of customers that feeds the final query, this is my objective.
    However as test I've created 2 "input" queries, one related to 2006 and one related to 2007, and then in my destination query I've tried to restrict the customer using 2 variables of type replacement path-query (one attached to the 2006 query and one attached to the 2007 query). Unfortunately when I try to check and save the destination query, Query Designer tells me it is not possible to restrict the characteristic in this way.
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    Things are going wrong with setting the item values to NULL. If you check your session state, you'll see that in chrome your items values indeed will be set to null, but in firefox they won't.
    Also I've noticed that you don't reset the other input fields, so their values persist in the session state. Since you submit your page every time you change one of the report select lists, this might lead to unexpected behaviour. Lastly, I've noticed you use a sql exists expression to manage the display/hide of your page items. A condition of type "Value of  expression 1 = expression 2" causes less overhead as you don't need to switch to the db sql engine for every item to validate.
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    - Set the values for hidden items to null, also in session state
    - Use a refresh of region as extra event in your dynamic action, instead of submitting your page for every change.

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    Hi vinay9738,
    According to your description, you want to connect multiple database from multiple servers using dynamic connection.
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    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    hey yuri--
    if i'm understanding your questions correctly, the easiest way to achieve the functionality you're after is to have your query criteria fields submit the page when values are entered/selected. the page should then branch back to itself using the submitted criteria in the query. because you're asking about dynamically adding in your where clause predicates, you should consider using a report region of type "SQL Query (Pl/sql Function Body Returning SQL Query)". that way you can use pl/sql to piece together your query based on the provided criteria.
    so the part of your question i'm not sure of is when your page should submit itself ("without a GO button" as you said). for your first question, it seems to be a simple matter of javascript. you want users to be able to enter search criteria into a field and have that criteria be using in the report. to facilitate that we have a few self-submitting item types such as "SelectList with Submit" and "Text Field (always submits page when Enter pressed)". for your second question, it seems that you should have a Go button for the user to indicate he's done entering in his query criteria. anyhow, that's up to you, i suppose. hopefully this response will give you the concepts you need to implement this as you'd like.
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    Den ursprungliga Lorem Ipsum-texten från 1500-talet är återgiven nedan för de intresserade. Styckena 1.10.32 och 1.10.33 från "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" av Cicero hittar du också i deras originala form, åtföljda av de engelska översättningarna av H. Rackham från 1914.

    Moved to the main Dreamweaver support forum.
    There are several ways you could approach this. Here's one you might try:
    Give the first paragraph an ID, such as "first", and wrap the paragraphs you want to hide in a <div> with another ID, such as "more". Then add the following block of JavaScript just before the closing </body> tag of the page:
    var first = document.getElementById('first'),
         more = document.getElementById('more'),
         trigger = document.createElement('span'); = 'trigger';
    trigger.innerHTML = 'Show less';
    function toggleDiv() {
      var state = more.className,
           text = trigger.innerHTML;
      more.className = (state == 'open') ? 'closed' : 'open';
      trigger.innerHTML = (text == 'Show more') ? 'Show less' : 'Show more';
    if (trigger.addEventListener) {
        trigger.addEventListener('click', toggleDiv, false);
    } else if (trigger.attachEvent) {
      trigger.attachEvent('onclick', toggleDiv);
    } else {
      trigger.onclick = toggleDiv;
    This gets references to the "first" paragraph and the "more" <div>. It also creates a <span> with the ID "trigger" that's appended to the "first" paragraph. The rest of the script defines a function called toggleDiv(), which toggles the "more" <div> open and closed, and changes the text in the "trigger" <span>.
    You also need to create the following style rules for the various elements:
    #trigger {
        text-decoration: underline;
        color: blue;
        cursor: pointer;
    #more {
        transition: ease-out .7s;
        overflow: hidden;
    #more p:first-child {
        margin-top: 0;
    #more.closed {
        height: 0;
        -webkit-transform: translateY(-600px);
        transform: translateY(-600px); {
        -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
        transform: translateY(0);
        max-height: 600px;
    #more + p {
        margin-top: 0;
    This solution hides the text and creates the "trigger" <span> only if JavaScript is enabled in the browser. It should work in all browsers, including Internet Explorer 8 and earlier.

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    Go to Solution.

    what have you tried so far? and exactly what is it your tying to do?
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    Your question seems awfully similar to this thread. Is this a school assignment?
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  • How to enable dynamic query in weblogic 7.0?


    The documentation explains how to enable dynamic queries and set a
    method-permission to control access. If you find the information at the
    following link insufficient, let me know.
    You enable dynamic queries in your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file with the following:
    You can set a method permission as follows:
    <role-name> Admin </role-name>
    <ejb-name> EmployeeEJB </ejb-name>
    <method-name> createQuery </method-name>
    - Matt
    Sanjeev Chopra wrote:
    also posting to EJB newsgroup
    "CottonXu" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    How to enable dynamic query in weblogic 7.0? The documentation accompanieswith
    Bea doesn't explain it in detail. How to set <method-permission> inejb-jar.xml?
    Thanks in advance.

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    Error(12,37): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerInitTag; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\taglib\MapViewerInitTag.class not found
    Error(12,190): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerInitTag; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\taglib\MapViewerInitTag.class not found
    Error(12,102): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerInitTag; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\taglib\MapViewerInitTag.class not found
    Error(12,28): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.MapViewer; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\MapViewer.class not found
    Error(12,40): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.MapViewer; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\MapViewer.class not found
    Error(13,37): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerSetParamTag; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\taglib\MapViewerSetParamTag.class not found
    Error(13,198): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerSetParamTag; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\taglib\MapViewerSetParamTag.class not found
    Error(13,106): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerSetParamTag; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\taglib\MapViewerSetParamTag.class not found
    Error(14,37): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerRunTag; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\taglib\MapViewerRunTag.class not found
    Error(14,188): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerRunTag; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\taglib\MapViewerRunTag.class not found
    Error(14,101): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerRunTag; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\taglib\MapViewerRunTag.class not found
    Error(15,37): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerGetMapURLTag; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\taglib\MapViewerGetMapURLTag.class not found
    Error(15,200): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerGetMapURLTag; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\taglib\MapViewerGetMapURLTag.class not found
    Error(15,107): cannot access class oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerGetMapURLTag; file oracle\lbs\mapclient\taglib\MapViewerGetMapURLTag.class not found"
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    You could jump start the process with an Avery MS Word 8-up business card template as a free download. Either version of Pages will digest it nicely. Once you load it into Pages, do a File > Save As Template.. , add it to Chooser, and give it your name choice. Both versions of Pages will remove the printer registration marks in all four template corners. The free LibreOffice Writer retains them.

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    i'm newbie in jdev, i have little problem with af:query.
    how to make af: query (ResultComponentId) has two target values?
    agungdmt :D

    I think you can simply set the second target control's partialTrigger to the af:query.
    and access to the same binding attribute as your first target. (e.g.: if you have 2 target tables, set the value to #{bindings.XxxxxVO1.collectionModel})
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    By what code name identify that?
    Edited by: Rui Pereira on Aug 6, 2008 3:57 PM

    there is no link with OBTD to OJDT and JDT1.
    voucher number in obdt is different,
    after posting voucher is saved as journal entry seperate
    number is generated.
    you can link OACT,OCRD WITH OJDT,JDT1.

Maybe you are looking for