How to make mail colours follow onto mac from .mac

I have a .mac account with several alisas and in my .mac account i have them colour co-ordinated so I can see which email alisas most of my trafic is coming from.
I have a work one(pink) , home one(blue), google one etc, you get the picture. Is there anyway to get the colours to come through on my mail as at the minute it doesn't work.
Also the stationery feature, is it any good, as in response time, slowing the machine, font problems, corruption sending mail etc

Sorted my self, used rules in mail

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    <Image Edited By Host>

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    john weis
    [email protected]
    This is the authors description of the panel:
    Genealogy Photo (Private Collection) Custom File Info Panel 1.0 for Photoshop. 11 FEB 2007
    Developed by Ron Reiger [email protected]
    Please contact me to suggest improvements.
    The Custom File Info Panel is used to capture metadata about a genealogy/family history photo that is privately held (that is, the photo is not in the possession of a library). The metadata property names on the File Info Panel are based on my interpretation of the recommended primary citation for a photograph (private possession) (annotated, with provenance) as described on page 95 of Elizabeth Shown Mill's "Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian" and on my interpretation of recommended primary citation for an Electronic File (Image from Private Files - Annotated), Mills, "Citation!", page 81. I added a few more property names for location and date the photo was taken and keywords (to ID people by number rather than by name), the name of the person who provided the description, a surety for their description, and an informal description. Each field is discussed below.
    Date Scanned: This is the date the photo was scanned. Date is populated by Photoshop and is not editable.
    Provider: The owner of the photo as of the date it was scanned. A researcher in a future generations will know who had the photo at a particular point in time.
    Provenance: Describe as best you can how the photo got from the person in the photo to the Provider.
    Description Provided By: List the person who identified the people and location in the image.
    Description Surety: (This is an open text field. You can use any surety rating system you want.) Describe or rate the quality of the Description of the image's people and location. Note any uncertainties regarding any particular people in the photo.
    Complete Subject Description: List the full name of each individual in the image, in order. You may want to list the location and date of the image even though there are separate property names for that data.
    Informal Subject Description: An optional non-genealogical description of the image, perhaps for using the photo outside of genealogy. Example Informal Subject Description: "Grandpa as a young man."
    Media Description: Describe the paper photo you scanned. Dimensions, border, frame, damage, etc. Your ancestors will have an easier time finding the paper photo later if you describe it well!
    Annotations: Copy any annotations on the front or back of the photo and frame. Transcribe any photographer embossing/imprint; this is a clue for dating/locating photos.
    Special Editing/Alterations: Describe any restoration you performed on the digital image. Did you correct for the lateral reverse of a tintype or daguerreotype?
    City/County: List the City/County where the image was taken.
    State: List the State where the image was taken.
    Country: List the County where the image was taken.
    Photo Date: List the date the image was taken.
    Keywords: This is the standard keyword entry. Commas or semicolons can be used to separate keywords. I type the TMG ID number of each person in the photo here so I can search for all photos of the person without typing their name.
    I have not created a working namespace URI or rdf ala for this panel. I have not created localization dictionary files for this panel. Data entered into the panel will appear in Adobe Bridge. As you can see below I re-used lots of pre-existing property names and dumped all my new property names into the photoshop namespace. I don't know if this approach has drawbacks.
    Date Scanned:                xmp_path: 'CreateDate'   Pre-existing property name
    Provider:    xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Credit'    Pre-existing property name
    Provenance:    xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Provenance'
    Description Provided By:  xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DescriptionProvidedBy'  Pre-existing property name
    Description Surety:   xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DescriptionSurety'
    Complete Subject Description:   xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Description'   Pre-existing property name
    Informal Subject Description:  xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Caption'   Pre-existing property name
    Media Description:   xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'MediaDescription'
    Annotations:     xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Annotations'
    Special Editing/Alterations:  xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'SpecialEditing'
    City/County:    xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'City'    Pre-existing property name
    State:     xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'State'    Pre-existing property name
    Country:     xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Country'   Pre-existing property name
    Photo Date:    xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DateCreated'   Pre-existing property name
    Keywords:               xmp_path: 'Keywords'   Pre-existing property name
    I have tested this panel with Photoshop CS2 and Adobe Bridge CS2 only.  It may not work on earlier versions.  FWIW a malformed Custom File Info Panel will fail to load in File Info; it won't crash Photoshop.
    The following was taken from "XMP Custom Panels," Adobe, Oct 2003.
    Each time an Adobe application opens the File Info dialog, it scans all the files in these directories and appends them to the file list. If more than one of the description files has
    the same panel name, the one found in the last file to be loaded is added, and others are ignored.
    Changes to the contents of the directories do not require you to reload an application; changes are automatically reflected in the dialog the next time it is opened.
    The panel description and localization dictionary files must reside in the following locations for use with Adobe Creative Suite applications:
    Mac OS X
    {Root Volume}/Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels
    {Home Directory}/Library/Application/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels
    \Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info Panels
    \Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info Panels
    The panel description and localization dictionary files must reside in the following locations for use with Adobe Acrobat 7.0 or 6.0:
    Mac OS X
    {Root Volume}/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Custom File Info Panels
    {Home Directory}/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Custom File Info Panels
    \Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\\Custom File Info Panels
    \Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Adobe\Custom File Info Panels
    I actually do not understand how to write a panel but here is the actual panel:
    <?xml version="1.0">
    <!DOCTYPE panel SYSTEM "">
    <panel title="$$$/CustomPanels/Acro/PanelName=Gen Photo (Private Collection)" version="1" type="custom_panel">
    group(placement: place_column, spacing: gLargeSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top)
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text(name: '$$$/AWS/FileInfoLib/Panels/Description/DateCreated=Date Scanned:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      date_static_text(fbname: '$$$/AWS/FileInfoLib/Panels/Description/DateCreated=Date Scanned', name: '$$$/AWS/FileInfoLib/Panels/DateCreated=Created', xmp_path: 'CreateDate', horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, truncate: true, locked: true);   
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text(name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Provider=Provider:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Provider=Provider', horizontal: align_fill, font: font_small, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Credit', vertical: align_top);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Credit', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text(name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Provenance=Provenance:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Provenance=Provenance', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Provenance', container_type: alt_struct, v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Provenance', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/DescriptionProvidedBy=Description Provided By:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/DescriptionProvidedBy=Description Provided By', horizontal: align_fill, font: font_small, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DescriptionProvidedBy', vertical: align_top);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DescriptionProvidedBy', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/DescriptionSurety=Description Surety:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/DescriptionSurety=Description Surety', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DescriptionSurety', v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DescriptionSurety', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text(name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Description=Complete Subject Description:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Description=Complete Subject Description', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Description', container_type: alt_struct, v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Description', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Caption=Informal Subject Description:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Caption=Informal Subject Description', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Caption', v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Caption', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/MediaDescription=Media Description:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/MediaDescription=Media Description', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'MediaDescription', v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'MediaDescription', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Annotations=Annotations:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Annotations=Annotations', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Annotations', v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Annotations', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/SpecialEditing=Special Editing/Alterations:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/SpecialEditing=Special Editing/Alterations', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'SpecialEditing', v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'SpecialEditing', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/City=City/County:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/City=City/County', horizontal: align_fill, font: font_small, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'City', vertical: align_top);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'City', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/State=State:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/State=State', horizontal: align_fill, font: font_small, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'State', vertical: align_top);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'State', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Country=Country:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Country=Country', horizontal: align_fill, font: font_small, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Country', vertical: align_top);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Country', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/PhotoDate=Photo Date:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/PhotoDate=Photo Date', horizontal: align_fill, font: font_small, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DateCreated', vertical: align_top);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DateCreated', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/AWS/FileInfoLib/Panels/Description/Keywords=Keywords:',font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      cat_container_edit_text(fbname: '$$$/AWS/FileInfoLib/Panels/Description/Keywords=Keywords',horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_path: 'Keywords', container_type: bag_struct, v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_path: 'Keywords', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);

    You are not going to be able to run your old system from the backup on this old computer as the hardware is incompatible.
    You need to get a new computer or a refurbished one.

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