How to merge spreadsheet data for labels

I've been to Avery and downloaded the template for the label sheets but I have to enter the content or cut and paste.
Isn't there a way to merge a spreadsheet using pages?

Here's a start...
Looking up the dimensions for the Avery 8160, we find that the layout is:
Margins: Top 0.5" Bottom 0.5" Left 0.1875" Right 0.1875"
We mock-up the label layout in a blank Pages Word Processing Template
This is trial and error on the dimensions of the (Inline) text boxes, although I suppose a calculator could speed things up a bit.
We only need one text box, but we want to see what 30 per page will look like after a merge.
Next we delete all but the first box, and add your field designations for the merge...
You will have a database that could look something like this...
Create the Mail Merge links per the instructions in the Pages User Guide p. 248.
Caution: before creating the links, make sure your Numbers document is stable and Saved, and Save after any changes.
Do the Merge to a new Pages document and you will have one record per Section/Page...
Using Find and Replace, get rid of all the Section Breaks. Doing that collapses the text boxes to three per line, 10 lines per page...
Prent a test sheet and if the alignment doesn't exactly match your label sheet, adjust the left and top margins a bit. You may also find that the Inset Margin in the Text inspector will help you to fit the text to the labels better.
This took longer to write about than to do.

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    CREATE TABLE #Tickets (
    TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,DateUpdated DATETIME
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    SELECT *
    FROM #Tickets
    CREATE TABLE #tempDist (
    NRow INT
    ,TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,MinDate DATETIME
    ,MaxDate DATETIME
    CREATE TABLE #tempUnUserdDate (
    TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,MissDate DATETIME
    INSERT INTO #tempDist
    SELECT Row_Number() OVER (
    ORDER BY TicketNo
    ) AS NROw
    ,Min(DateUpdated) AS MinDate
    ,MAx(DateUpdated) AS MaxDate
    FROM #Tickets
    GROUP BY TicketNo
    SELECT *
    FROM #tempDist
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    SET @RowCount = (
    SELECT COUNT(TicketNo)
    FROM #tempDist
    -- Declare an iterator
    -- Initialize the iterator
    SET @I = 1
    -- Loop through the rows of a table @myTable
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    --  Declare variables to hold the data which we get after looping each record
    DECLARE @TicketNo VARCHAR(50)
    ,@MinDate DATETIME
    ,@MaxDate DATETIME
    -- Get the data from table and set to variables
    SELECT @TicketNo = TicketNo
    ,@MinDate = MinDate
    ,@MaxDate = MaxDate
    FROM #tempDist
    WHERE NRow = @I
    SET @MyDate = @MinDate
    WHILE @MaxDate > @MyDate
    SELECT *
    FROM #Tickets
    WHERE TicketNo = @TicketNo
    AND DateUpdated = @MyDate
    INSERT INTO #tempUnUserdDate
    VALUES (
    SET @MyDate = dateadd(d, 1, @MyDate)
    SET @I = @I + 1
    SELECT *
    FROM #tempUnUserdDate
    DROP TABLE #tickets
    DROP TABLE #tempDist
    DROP TABLE #tempUnUserdDate
    Shridhar J Joshi 
    <If the post was helpful mark as 'Helpful' and if the post answered your query, mark as 'Answered'>

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                from  dual
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            trunc(dt + 6,'iw') first_monday_the_month
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    01-FEB-13 04-FEB-13
    01-MAR-13 04-MAR-13
    01-APR-13 01-APR-13
    01-MAY-13 06-MAY-13
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    01-NOV-13 04-NOV-13
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    Hi Hari3109,
    According to your description, you want to get the max date for the employees, right?
    In your scenario, do you want to get the max date for all the employees or for each employee? In MDX, we have the Max function to achieve your requirement. You can refer to Naveen's link or the link below to see the details.
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    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Use Set Waveform Attribute on each channel of your data.  Set an attribute with name "NI_ChannelName".  The value is a string containing the name you wish to call the channel.
    This account is no longer active. Contact ShadesOfGray for current posts and information.

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    Welcome to the forum!
    When you want to post a block of code, you can enclose it with the mark ups { code }
    That is the key word code surrounded by curly brackets, but without the spaces
    You seem to be running a very old (and unsupported release of the database)
    7.3 has not been a current release for about 10 years.
    It's probably been that long since I've used this technique, but i think it should work.
    You should consider welcoming your system to the 21st century by upgrading to a supported release ;-)
    If you used split to chop up your export file, use cat or dd to reassemble it.
    So, something like this:
    mknod bk.dmp p
    cat xaa xab xac xad xae xaf xag xah xai > bk.dmp &
    imp SYSTEM/$PASSWD parfile=imp_bk.parfile
    rm bk.dmp
    $ cat imp_bk.parfile
    commit=y let us know if still have problems.
    Good Luck!

  • How to merge source data with RFC response and post back again as Idoc

    Hi All,
    This is the requirement we have for an interface
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    > PI 7.0  -
    >Cremas Idoc SAP
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    If it is changed Vendor legacy will only send changed fields for that Vendor.In PI we would like to call an RFC which will return all the data for that changed Vendor Number and then merge the RFC response with changed data from legacy and then send it to SAP as Cremas Idoc again with all values.
    I am not sure why you want to pull whole data from R3 and send back to R3.
    you can follow any of these approach..
    if you have any indicator for new/ changed cusotmer in the legacy data then trigger CREMAS IDoc accordingly.
    mapping rules will be diffrent for New and changed CREMAS idoc.
    otherwise just do RFC look up for each record then based on the output(new/changed) create or update cusotmer data through CREMAS IDoc.
    when changing the customer through CREMAS no need to pass whole data again. it is enough if pass the changed fields. offcourse qualifier values  for segments will differ.

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    Thank you for your time and really looking for some help out there.
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    Good afternoon Mr. Niall,
    Well i already created the XML file so that is ready to go, just been trying to figure out how execute a merge and create 600 records one for each employee.
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    moreover, is it necessary to extend the existing cube, just to achieve this aim?
    Message was edited by: Gideon Lenz

    Hello Gideon,
    there's no need to program anything. You can display any attribute in planning layouts. In your case you would extract the master data from material from SAP R/3 (MARA) into BW. The setup the layout to show the required attribute(s) in the layout in BPS.
    If the attribute is relevant only for a specific user group, just give them access to this "special" layout (create a planning folder or web interface for this group).
    SAP NetWeaver RIG

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    Edited by: user637947 on Feb 5, 2009 2:02 PM

    Try this Filter....
    Thanks and Regards,
    Amit Koul

  • How to populate the data for additional fields in custom report of fbl5n tr

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    i ha ve to add some fields to the output of custome report of transaction FBL5N.
    Till now i have only added the fields to the output.
    Now i have to write the code to populate the data for those fields in the program.
    1.     Customer Credit Group(ACM/RCM): (Table: KNKK; Field Name: VKORG )
    2.     Credit Representative Group: (Table: KNKK; Field Name: SBGRP)
    3.     Customer Account Number(CAN#): (Table: KNKK; Field Name: KNKLI)
    4.     Alternative Payer(ALTP#) : (Table: KNA1; Field Name: KUNNR)
    5.     Risk Category: (Table: KNKK; Field Name: CTLPC)
    6.     Credit Info Number: (Table: KNKK; Field Name: KRAUS)
    7.     Rating: (Table: KNKK; Field Name: DBRTG)
    8.     Payment Index: (Table: KNKK; Field Name: DBPAY)
    9.     Credit control area: (Table: KNKK; Field Name: KKBER)
    10.     Company code: (Table: KNB1; Field Name: BUKRS)
    11.     Sales Organization: (Table: KNVV; Field Name: VKORG)
    These are al fields i have to populate in the program..
    I tried getting the data for KNKK table by GET KNKK ,but it is giving some garbage values...
    And Logical database used here is DDF,and i have to add the VKORG of KNVV too...but KNVV is not there in DDF...
    Can anybody tell me how should i proceed..
    thanks in advance.

    Thnx Andreas,
    i have following doubts again..
    I have to add sales organisation field to the selection screen...(this is given in the req.)
    now if i will say GET would not keep account of this 'sales organisation' how should i fetch the data with these input data( i.e. 'compny code' and 'customer' are the fields given by LDB and 'sales oraganisation' is the field i put it on the selection screen)
    And what about the KNVV-VKORG ,because the KNVV is not present in the LDB.

  • How to copy EXIF data for a single photo?

    I post photographs to a few different photo forums for community comment and critique. Including the basic technical data for each photograph is common and having to type it in manually is tedious. Is there a quick and easy way to copy or extract basic EXIF data (exposure, focal length, EV, ISO, exposure program, metering, make, model, lens) for a single photo to the clipboard? The information is all over LR I just can't determine how to get it out quickly.
    Thanks for your help!

    I don't see anyone provided you with an answer.
    The hard way is to export the metadata to the file and use an external program. There are many programs that manipulate metadata. I haven't wanted to export it in the way you describe.
    What operating system are you on?

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    I am not very good with the coding part so if it requires it any help with that would also be helpful.
    thank all.

    I should be able to get the understanding if explained.
    As for scripting i believe its PHP. at lease thats the page i created the login page with.
    As for user-specific information: basiclly there account information.
    As for database i have dreamweaver linked to a MySQL database. it pulls from 2) tables
    1st table has the following: ID - User Names - Password  - account number
    2nd table has the following: ID - account number - names - address - ect
    So basiclly i want when a user loges in for it to redirect them to a page which then only shows the data for that users. if i can link the data the pulls up by the account number that would be ideal
    Thank you Murry

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