How to pass attribute of type java.util.ArrayList Property to a Tag

How do I pass an attribute of type, java.util.ArrayList<my.entity.Property> to a Tag implementation class?
Please advise!
package my.tags;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import my.entity.Property;
public class PropertiesTag extends SimpleTagSupport {
    private ArrayList<Property> properties;
    public void setProperties(ArrayList<Property> properties) {
 = properties;
     public void doTag() throws JspException, IOException {
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<taglib ...>
          <description>Displays the product selection left menu</description>
</taglib>Here's the error message:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The element type "my.entity.Property" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</my.entity.Property>".

802826 wrote:
How do I pass an attribute of type, java.util.ArrayList<my.entity.Property> to a Tag implementation class?
Please advise!
As already pointed out, there is no way to specify a generic type in a tag library descriptor. You may however specify an Object type in your tld and still have the variable in your tag as a parameterized generic type.
In your tld change the type to Object.
The properties tag itself needs no change and can continue to use parameterized types.

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    public String getMapKey() {
            return mapKey;
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    Hi All,
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    try changing the code to :
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    MAresJonson wrote:
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    (more specifically...what does the "? true : false" mean and is there another way to code that?)It's called the ternary operator. For your specific example, you could just do:
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    Are you using J2SDK 1.5.0 beta 1 or J2SDK 1.4.2? Are you using the docs from 1.5 and the compiler from 1.4.2?
    private java.util.ArrayList jobsList=new java.util.ArrayList(100); //-- 1.4.2 code
    private java.util.List<Job> jobsList = new java.util.ArrayList<Job> (100); //-- 1.5.0 code (preferred style)
    private java.util.ArrayList<Job> jobsList = new java.util.ArrayList<Job> (100); //-- 1.5.0 codeAs a matter of style, use the interface and not the real class when declaring a variable like the jobsList above whenever possible or applicable.
    You do not need to cast the object newJob to Object. And you have inverted the positions of the parameters.
    void add(int index, E element)
    Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list (optional operation).
    jobsList.add(Index, newJob);

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      at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache$ConverterFromBinary.convert(PartitionedCache.CDB:4)
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      at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.SafeNamedCache.get(SafeNamedCache.CDB:1)
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      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
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      at com.tangosol.util.ExternalizableHelper.deserializeInternal(
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      ... 11 more
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      at org.gridkit.coherence.utils.pof.ReflectionPofSerializer$CollectionSerializer.deserialize(
      at org.gridkit.coherence.utils.pof.ReflectionPofSerializer.internalDeserialize(
      ... 17 more
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      ... 18 more
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    You were using the ReflectionPofSerializer coded by Alexey.   If you are pretty sure that the object you retrieved was stored using the same serializer, might want to contact Alexey to see if he can help you out.
    ReflectionPofSerializer - gridkit - ReflectionPofSerializer project page - A home for code misc usefull code related …

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    create or replace procedure DISEASE_DTL<*** String Array ***> as
    v_SYMPTOM number(5);
    CURSOR C1 is
    select distinct a.DISEASE_NAME from SYMPTOM_DISEASE_RD a
    where ltrim(rtrim(a.SYMPTOM)) in ('Fever','COUGH','Headache','Rash') ------- ***** Here use this array element(like n1,n2,n3,n4,n5..) ******
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    order by a.DISEASE_NAME ;
    for C1rec IN C1 loop
    select count(distinct(A.SYMPTOM)) into v_SYMPTOM from SYMPTOM_DISEASE_RD a where A.DISEASE_NAME = C1rec.DISEASE_NAME;
    values (SL_ID_SEQ.nextval,
    (4/v_SYMPTOM), --------**** 4 is no of array element (n)************
    end loop;
    end DISEASE_DTL;
    Please give the proper solution and step ..
    Thanking you,

    I've haven't properly read through your code but here's an artificial example based on a sql collection of object types - you don't need that, you just need a type table of varchar2 rather than a type table of oracle object type:

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    <invitation:invdetails invid='1' />
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    I hear you calling me :)
    If this interests you I'll explain the problem from the beginning-
    I already have a C prog which outputs a HUGE binary file (therefore text is probably not a good idea),
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    sztejkat > Why use native code?
    I would have really wished I could do this entirely in Java, as for portability - it doesn't have much consideration, just in terms of "clean" programming.
    As you said struct packing is something unpredictable, therefore I do not see a way of reading one without using C.
    bschauwejava > I suggest you try to be less vague about the results you are getting.
    Sorry :)
    This is the structure: File (package) ->, (classes)
    I'm using "javac"
    And I'm getting: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class InsInfo
    location: package File
    import File.InsInfo;
    ^ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class InsInfo
    location: class File.File
    public native InsInfo readIns();
    2 errors
    (the arrows actually point to the first letter in the class name)
    If I use "Object" instead of "InsInfo" javac compiles the .class without problems.
    I'm using Jbuilder and inside it the import is OK. When I compile it with Jbuilder everything is OK.
    I actually haven't thought of this until now, I'll try to use the .class Jbuilder produces to generate the header.
    btw- Thanks for getting so involved!!

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    Your Help wil be greatly appreciated
    best Regards

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    Hi CRM Gurus,
    I want to create some attributes and set types on CRM system with
    `/FITGL/` namespace but system is not allowed to create objects
    according. After debugging derives that SAP standart coding given below
    on LCOM_ATTRIBUTE_NEWF19 include.
    IF ( lv_systemname <> gc_sap_system ) AND
           ( iv_object_name(1) <> 'Y' AND iv_object_name(1) <> 'Z' ).
    Should we make an enhancement on this include? Is there any side
    efffects of this enhancement creating attribute & set types on CRM
    system during the packaging in terms of related with other attribute & set types objects?
    Kind Regards,

    Hi CRM Gurus,
    I want to create some attributes and set types on CRM system with
    `/FITGL/` namespace but system is not allowed to create objects
    according. After debugging derives that SAP standart coding given below
    on LCOM_ATTRIBUTE_NEWF19 include.
    IF ( lv_systemname <> gc_sap_system ) AND
           ( iv_object_name(1) <> 'Y' AND iv_object_name(1) <> 'Z' ).
    Should we make an enhancement on this include? Is there any side
    efffects of this enhancement creating attribute & set types on CRM
    system during the packaging in terms of related with other attribute & set types objects?
    Kind Regards,

  • How to pass a complex type as input for a Java class in Oracle 11g?

    Hi All,
    This is my Parent Class..
    package ADFapplnPackage.model;
    public class ParentClass {
    String Name;
    int age;
    public ParentClass() {
    This is my ChildClass :
    package ADFapplnPackage.model;
    public class ChildClass {
    public ChildClass() {
    public ParentClass display() {
    ParentClass obj=new ParentClass();
    return obj;
    I have exposed both of them as webservices.
    When I call the display object in the parent class,
    I am getting 'parent' as the response.. I mean that ,only the word 'parent' is at the response. I couldnt find any elements (i mean the age and name) in the output.
    if my function 'display' in the child class is like
    public String display() {
    return "hello";
    then it is working fine. I am getting "hello" in the response. Why is the webservice supporting only standard datatypes.. and not Class datatypes.
    Kindly help me!!
    Thanks ,
    Sabarisri. N

    You can't do that with OLEDB. None of OLEDB providers has such a feature.
    Yuancai (Charlie) Ye
    Use of free SocketPro package for creating super client and server application,
    See 30 well-tested and real OLEDB examples

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    l_id number;
    -- memberNumber := '123456700';
    -- Policy Number
    l_record.pno := '1234567'
    -- Status. This will always be NEW.
    -- Call to API to add record
    (p_record => l_record,
    p_id => l_id,
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    ("app.batch_update.add_record", delConn);
    Object[] p1obj = {' 12345','124050'};
    STRUCT p1struct = new STRUCT(structdesc, delConn, p1obj);
    Not sure whether I am doing the logic correctly.
    Please point me to the correct approach.
    Thanks in Advice

    Wrap the method using a record-type parameter in PL/SQL; a simplified example follows. Add exception handling, translation of types etc. as needed.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE prc_wrap_prc_using_rec
    pv_my_field_01 IN VARCHAR2,
    pv_my_field_02 IN VARCHAR2,
    pv_my_field_99 IN VARCHAR2,
    pv_err_msg OUT VARCHAR2
    ) AS
    -- Non-scalar parameter
    pr_my_record user.pkg_rec_declarations.wr_a_record_decl;
    -- Load the work record
    pr_my_record.pv_field_01 := pv_my_field_1;
    pr_my_record.pv_field_02 := pv_my_field_2;
    pr_my_record.pv_field_99 := pv_my_field_99;
    -- Call the procedure
    pkg_std_routines.prc_do_sumfin(pr_my_record, pv_err_msg);

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    Thanks in advance for your input!

    Thanks a lot for the rapid response, Marcel.
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