How to pass javascript variable to PLSQL stored procedure

How can I pass a javascript variable to a database procedure. I have a form with a radio button group and would like to save the value of the selected radio button to a database table by passing the value to the stored procedure.

You can use iframe to call the procedure. Here is an example used in dynamic page or pl/sql portlet. The pl/sql procedure is called myprocedure and resists in the schema myschema. This example passes 2 parameters, but I have not yet reased a limit.
First the call within a javascript function:
myiframe.location.href="myschema.myprocedure?p_myprameter1=" + vJvascriptparameter1 + "&p_myprameter2=" + vJvascriptparameter2;
Then the iframe:
<iframe id="myiframe" height="0" width="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
You can let the pl/sql procedure print a value, that can be used i the portlet. You can get the value in a javascript this way:
Best regards

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    Advance Thanks

    Doc number (MOS Doc 743490.) is avaiable in metalink or ?Yes.
    Note: 743490.1 - Customization in Oracle Applications

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    type cityArray is table of city%rowtype index by binary_integer;
    procedure city_report( p_inputs in cityArray );
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    FOR i IN 1 .. p_inputs.COUNT
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'citycode = '
    || p_inputs (i).city_code
    || p_inputs (i).city_description
    INSERT INTO testing
    (city_code, city_description
    VALUES (p_inputs (i).city_code, p_inputs (i).city_description
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    Your exact question has been asked before, see:
    or do a search on this forum.
    And please use this tag => (yes, just the 4 characters forming the word 'code' between curly brackets)
    *before* and *after* your example to maintain formatting and indentation, it's hard to read now....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    var iteration = lastRow;
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  • URGENT: I want to pass a variable to a stored procedure at run time

    Post Author: aruplabs
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    I work for a health care provider and I have reports that pull PHI (Protected Health Information) about patients that needs to be logged according to federal HIPAA regulations. One of the pieces of information that needs to be logged is the username of the person who ran the report. Since these reports will be run from our Crystal Enterprise server I can get this from the CurrentCEUserName variable but I am looking for a way to pass this value to a stored procedure that will not only return the records for the report, but also log the disclosure in our PHI disclosure tracking table. I know you can pass a parameter to a stored procedure but I dont know how, or if it is even possible, to pass a run time variable. This is an urgent problem that I need to find a solution for. Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you.

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    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE testProj.testProcedure (
         v_segment_id IN VARCHAR2,
         v_student_id OUT VARCHAR2,
         v_current_code OUT NUMBER,
         v_new_code OUT NUMBER
    ) AS
         FROM testProj.students s
         INNER JOIN testProj.new_codes nc ON s.student_id = nc.student_id
         WHERE s.segment_id = v_segment_id ;
    END testProcedure ;
    EXECUTE testProj.testProcedure ('44') ;
    When I execute that stored procedure with the above execute statement, I get this error:
    Error report:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'testProcedure'
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    +06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\n%s"+
    *Cause:    Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.+

    Using Refcursor is one way you can do that ->
    satyaki>select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.21
    satyaki>create or replace procedure r_arg(
      2                                      choice in number,
      3                                      b in out sys_refcursor
      4                                   )
      5  is  
      6    str   varchar2(500);
      7  begin   
      8     str := 'select * from emp';   
      9     open b for str;
    10  exception  
    11    when others then     
    12      dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
    13  end;
    14  /
    Procedure created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.84
      2    rec_x emp%rowtype;   
      3    w sys_refcursor;
      4  begin  
      5    dbms_output.enable(1000000);  
      6    r_arg(1,w);  
      7    loop    
      8      fetch w into rec_x;     
      9        exit when w%notfound;             
    10        dbms_output.put_line('Employee No: '||rec_x.empno||' - '||                          
    11                             'Name: '||rec_x.ename||' - '||                          
    12                             'Job: '||rec_x.job||' - '||                          
    13                             'Manager: '||rec_x.mgr||' - '||                          
    14                             'Joining Date: '||rec_x.hiredate||' - '||                          
    15                             'Salary: '||rec_x.sal||' - '||                          
    16                             'Commission: '||rec_x.comm||' - '||                          
    17                             'Department No: '||rec_x.deptno);  
    18     end loop;  
    19     close w;    
    20  exception  
    21    when others then    
    22       dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
    23  end;
    24  /
    Employee No: 9999 - Name: SATYAKI - Job: SLS - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 02-NOV-08 - Salary: 55000 - Commission: 3455 - Department No: 10
    Employee No: 7777 - Name: SOURAV - Job: SLS - Manager:  - Joining Date: 14-SEP-08 - Salary: 45000 - Commission: 3400 - Department No: 10
    Employee No: 7521 - Name: WARD - Job: SALESMAN - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 22-FEB-81 - Salary: 1250 - Commission: 500 - Department No: 30
    Employee No: 7566 - Name: JONES - Job: MANAGER - Manager: 7839 - Joining Date: 02-APR-81 - Salary: 2975 - Commission:  - Department No: 20
    Employee No: 7654 - Name: MARTIN - Job: SALESMAN - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 28-SEP-81 - Salary: 1250 - Commission: 1400 - Department No: 30
    Employee No: 7698 - Name: BLAKE - Job: MANAGER - Manager: 7839 - Joining Date: 01-MAY-81 - Salary: 2850 - Commission:  - Department No: 30
    Employee No: 7782 - Name: CLARK - Job: MANAGER - Manager: 7839 - Joining Date: 09-JUN-81 - Salary: 4450 - Commission:  - Department No: 10
    Employee No: 7788 - Name: SCOTT - Job: ANALYST - Manager: 7566 - Joining Date: 19-APR-87 - Salary: 3000 - Commission:  - Department No: 20
    Employee No: 7839 - Name: KING - Job: PRESIDENT - Manager:  - Joining Date: 17-NOV-81 - Salary: 7000 - Commission:  - Department No: 10
    Employee No: 7844 - Name: TURNER - Job: SALESMAN - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 08-SEP-81 - Salary: 1500 - Commission: 0 - Department No: 30
    Employee No: 7876 - Name: ADAMS - Job: CLERK - Manager: 7788 - Joining Date: 23-MAY-87 - Salary: 1100 - Commission:  - Department No: 20
    Employee No: 7900 - Name: JAMES - Job: CLERK - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 03-DEC-81 - Salary: 950 - Commission:  - Department No: 30
    Employee No: 7902 - Name: FORD - Job: ANALYST - Manager: 7566 - Joining Date: 03-DEC-81 - Salary: 3000 - Commission:  - Department No: 20
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.48
    Satyaki De.

  • How to pass RECORD input type to stored procedure from JDBC?

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    We could execute the below script from oracle client tool and get the response.
    l_record app.batch_update.add_record;
    l_id number;
    -- memberNumber := '123456700';
    -- Policy Number
    l_record.pno := '1234567'
    -- Status. This will always be NEW.
    -- Call to API to add record
    (p_record => l_record,
    p_id => l_id,
    We have requirement to construct RECORD input from Java application and pass it to callable statement.
    We have tried to construct it via STRUCT and pass it to callable statement but it didn't work.
    We have constructed it like the following but not sure whether it is correct. It was throwing error "java.sql.SQLException: invalid name pattern: app.batch_update.add_record
    StructDescriptor structdesc = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor
    ("app.batch_update.add_record", delConn);
    Object[] p1obj = {' 12345','124050'};
    STRUCT p1struct = new STRUCT(structdesc, delConn, p1obj);
    Not sure whether I am doing the logic correctly.
    Please point me to the correct approach.
    Thanks in Advice

    Wrap the method using a record-type parameter in PL/SQL; a simplified example follows. Add exception handling, translation of types etc. as needed.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE prc_wrap_prc_using_rec
    pv_my_field_01 IN VARCHAR2,
    pv_my_field_02 IN VARCHAR2,
    pv_my_field_99 IN VARCHAR2,
    pv_err_msg OUT VARCHAR2
    ) AS
    -- Non-scalar parameter
    pr_my_record user.pkg_rec_declarations.wr_a_record_decl;
    -- Load the work record
    pr_my_record.pv_field_01 := pv_my_field_1;
    pr_my_record.pv_field_02 := pv_my_field_2;
    pr_my_record.pv_field_99 := pv_my_field_99;
    -- Call the procedure
    pkg_std_routines.prc_do_sumfin(pr_my_record, pv_err_msg);

  • How to pass javascript variables into an Edge Animate project from HTML

    I have just about got the basics nailed for Edge Animate now - coming from a Flash background it's been fairly straight forward, nice work so far (but more on that later)
    I have had to build a "promoted items" slider for the homepage on one of our sites....previously this would have been a flash animation but, hey ho .
    I originally built it as a jQuery extension/plugin but found it too time consuming to make minor alterations - that's where Edge came in and SEEMED to fill the job pretty well.
    Now for the moment i'll put on hold the whole issue about how we NEED to be able to work with dom-level elements directly on the page (eg, animating divs and images within a ul-li structure which is how these things usually work) and concentrate on the Edge specific issue...
    I've seen a few people asking this same question, but none of the answers either a) work at all for me , or b) are good enough for what I need to do.
    see previous solutions here and here :
    My project uses an internal array of data, and while in "preview" mode it works reasonably well.
    in the Stage creationComplete event i have Edge code like, for example :
       var imagesArray = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg"];
       var headlinesArray = ["product 1", "product 2", "product 3"];
       var subTxtArray = ["lovely widgets", "smelly doo-dads", "purple whatchamacallits"];
       var linksArray = ["", "", ""];
       //variables set to full internal scope, used immediately after this and called from sub-elements afterwards
       sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable("imagesArrayData", imagesArray);
    this code obviously needs to be changed via the HTML page that is calling it.
    IDEALLY i would have these elements already on the page ( <div><h1>Product 1</h1><img src="....  etc ) and then jquery it to hell to make it look funky. This is how we NEED to be doing it in the future...that way our content is still searchable and findable by search bots etc. Edge will output a "static" version of the page, i tried that, but it won't work for dynamically built objects. There's no way i've found of building an array of Symbols based on the existing DOM structure like you can do in jQuery itself.
    however, in the meantime i'll settle for being able to set a javascript call up somewhere - like the old flashvars solution (which was horrible fudge, but worked as a way to get data into a project )
    i'd REALLY rather not use an internal jSon call .... it's adding uneccessary bandwidth and additional server processing when the data it needs has already been retrieved from the database when the HTML page is drawn - AND it means i need to make sure that the json producing web service gets ported accross to any other projects that use this same "slider"
    i've tried removing the internal declaration and changing my HTML to :
    var imagesArray = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg"];
       var headlinesArray = ["product 1", "product 2", "product 3"];
       var subTxtArray = ["lovely widgets", "smelly doo-dads", "purple whatchamacallits"];
       var linksArray = ["", "", ""];
    <!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
         <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="index_edgePreload.js"></script>
    but this hasn't worked.
    i'm going to attempt the solution using
    AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback(function(compId) { ....
    as found on
    but this doesnt explain how to set up Stage level variables, rather than targeting a specific Edge property
    Anyone got any ideas? Or do I just scrap the project?
    IMHO : Adobe need to be careful of falling into the same mindset that most of the anti-flash brigade have.
    Please remember that Flash is used for WAY more than just adverts.
    At the moment, Edge will work great as a way to put a simple animation onto the page with REALLY basic interactivity - suitable for a basic advert - but we need our HTML5 animations and scripts to be fully dynamic, data-driven, and portable, and preferably using existing DOM elements.
    One last thing, any chance of a feature to say "my page already uses jQuery, don't import Edge's own outdated version"
    Message was edited by: j1mp

    I have just about got the basics nailed for Edge Animate now - coming from a Flash background it's been fairly straight forward, nice work so far (but more on that later)
    I have had to build a "promoted items" slider for the homepage on one of our sites....previously this would have been a flash animation but, hey ho .
    I originally built it as a jQuery extension/plugin but found it too time consuming to make minor alterations - that's where Edge came in and SEEMED to fill the job pretty well.
    Now for the moment i'll put on hold the whole issue about how we NEED to be able to work with dom-level elements directly on the page (eg, animating divs and images within a ul-li structure which is how these things usually work) and concentrate on the Edge specific issue...
    I've seen a few people asking this same question, but none of the answers either a) work at all for me , or b) are good enough for what I need to do.
    see previous solutions here and here :
    My project uses an internal array of data, and while in "preview" mode it works reasonably well.
    in the Stage creationComplete event i have Edge code like, for example :
       var imagesArray = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg"];
       var headlinesArray = ["product 1", "product 2", "product 3"];
       var subTxtArray = ["lovely widgets", "smelly doo-dads", "purple whatchamacallits"];
       var linksArray = ["", "", ""];
       //variables set to full internal scope, used immediately after this and called from sub-elements afterwards
       sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable("imagesArrayData", imagesArray);
    this code obviously needs to be changed via the HTML page that is calling it.
    IDEALLY i would have these elements already on the page ( <div><h1>Product 1</h1><img src="....  etc ) and then jquery it to hell to make it look funky. This is how we NEED to be doing it in the future...that way our content is still searchable and findable by search bots etc. Edge will output a "static" version of the page, i tried that, but it won't work for dynamically built objects. There's no way i've found of building an array of Symbols based on the existing DOM structure like you can do in jQuery itself.
    however, in the meantime i'll settle for being able to set a javascript call up somewhere - like the old flashvars solution (which was horrible fudge, but worked as a way to get data into a project )
    i'd REALLY rather not use an internal jSon call .... it's adding uneccessary bandwidth and additional server processing when the data it needs has already been retrieved from the database when the HTML page is drawn - AND it means i need to make sure that the json producing web service gets ported accross to any other projects that use this same "slider"
    i've tried removing the internal declaration and changing my HTML to :
    var imagesArray = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg"];
       var headlinesArray = ["product 1", "product 2", "product 3"];
       var subTxtArray = ["lovely widgets", "smelly doo-dads", "purple whatchamacallits"];
       var linksArray = ["", "", ""];
    <!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
         <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="index_edgePreload.js"></script>
    but this hasn't worked.
    i'm going to attempt the solution using
    AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback(function(compId) { ....
    as found on
    but this doesnt explain how to set up Stage level variables, rather than targeting a specific Edge property
    Anyone got any ideas? Or do I just scrap the project?
    IMHO : Adobe need to be careful of falling into the same mindset that most of the anti-flash brigade have.
    Please remember that Flash is used for WAY more than just adverts.
    At the moment, Edge will work great as a way to put a simple animation onto the page with REALLY basic interactivity - suitable for a basic advert - but we need our HTML5 animations and scripts to be fully dynamic, data-driven, and portable, and preferably using existing DOM elements.
    One last thing, any chance of a feature to say "my page already uses jQuery, don't import Edge's own outdated version"
    Message was edited by: j1mp

  • How to pass  JavaScript variable value throuh netui form ??

    Hi All,
    I have reqmnt,where in I need to pass the value from JavaScript function through
    Form submission.
    I could able to pass this through simple HTML form using SIMPLE HTML tags. How
    can i do the same thing using NETUI tag (NETUI form)??
    Can somebody throw some input on this??

    Excellent - Thats what I was also looking.
    Thomas Cook <[email protected]> wrote:
    Here's an example of what I think you're trying to do:
    <netui:form action="submitIt" tagId="myForm">
    <netui:button value="Submit It" onClick="return setFormValue()"/>
    function setFormValue()
    var form = document.getElementById( getNetuiTagName( "myForm",
    this ) );
    var newVal = document.createElement( "input" );
    newVal.type = "hidden"; = "foo";
    newVal.value = "bar";
    form.appendChild( newVal );
    return true;
    RAMt wrote:
    Hi All,
    I have reqmnt,where in I need to pass the value from JavaScript functionthrough
    Form submission.
    I could able to pass this through simple HTML form using SIMPLE HTMLtags. How
    can i do the same thing using NETUI tag (NETUI form)??
    Can somebody throw some input on this??
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    Here's an example of what I think you're trying to do:<br>
    <nobr>  <body></nobr><br>
    <nobr>    <netui:form action="submitIt" tagId="myForm"></nobr><br>
    <nobr>    <netui:button value="Submit It" onClick="return
    <nobr>    <script></nobr><br>
    <nobr>      function setFormValue()</nobr><br>
    <nobr>      {</nobr><br>
    <nobr>          var form
    = document.getElementById( getNetuiTagName(
    "myForm", this ) );</nobr><br>
    <nobr>          var newVal
    = document.createElement( "input" );</nobr><br>
    <nobr>          newVal.type
    = "hidden";</nobr><br>
    = "foo";</nobr><br>
    <nobr>          newVal.value
    = "bar";</nobr><br>
    <nobr>          form.appendChild(
    newVal );</nobr><br>
    <nobr>          return true;</nobr><br>
    <nobr>      }</nobr><br>
    <nobr>    </script></nobr><br>
    <nobr>    </netui:form></nobr><br>
    <nobr>  </body></nobr><br>
    RAMt wrote:
    <blockquote cite="[email protected]" type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">Hi All,
    I have reqmnt,where in I need to pass the value from JavaScript function
    Form submission.
    I could able to pass this through simple HTML form using SIMPLE HTML
    tags. How
    can i do the same thing using NETUI tag (NETUI form)??
    Can somebody throw some input on this??

  • Executing a Variable in a Stored Procedure containing an Update Statement

    I have created a Stored Procedure, it has one input parameter. Inside the Stored Procedure there are 5 other variables are declared, based on the input parameter 4 of these variables are populated.
    Fifth variable is a a concatenation of text and some of these variables and creates a dynamic Update Statement. Once it is created I want to execute this variable but it is not executing.
    Could someone please help me in knowing how to execute a variable within a stored procedure that contains an update statement.
    Thanks for your help.

    If you have set up the variable so that it contains a valid sql update, it should work.  For example, see below, which does do an update
    use tempdb
    Create Table #Test(i int);
    Insert #Test(i) Values(1);
    Create Procedure TestProc As
    Declare @SQL nvarchar(250);
    Set @SQL = 'Update #Test Set i = 2';
    --Print @SQL;
    Exec sp_executesql @SQL;
    Exec TestProc
    -- Test Result
    Select * From #Test;
    Drop Procedure TestProc;
    Drop Table #Test;
    One thing I would recommend while testing is that you print out or select the variable that contains the dynamic sql.  (Like the above code where I have a print statement.  That lets you see exactly what you are executing and if there is any problem
    with the update command. 
    As Naomi said, to get anything more than general help, you will probably have to show us your code and the parameter values you are passing when you execute the stored proc.

  • How to pass session variable value with GO URL to override session value

    Hi Gurus,
    We have below requirement.Please help us at the earliest.
    How to pass session variable value with GO URL to override session value. ( It is not working after making changes to authentication xml file session init block creation as explained by oracle (Bug No14372679 : which they claim it is fixed in 1.7 version  Ref No :Bug 14372679 : REQUEST VARIABLE NOT OVERRIDING SESSION VARIABLE RUNNING THRU A GO URL )
    Please provide step by step solution.No vague answers.
    I followed below steps mentioned.
    ****-> Created a session variable called STATUS
    -> Create Session Init block called Init_Status with SQL
        select 'ACTIVE' from dual;
    -> Assigned the session variable STATUS to Init block Init_Status
    <RequestVariable source="url" type="informational"
    nameInSource="RE_CODE" biVariableName="NQ_SESSION.STATUS"/>
    Edit column "Contract Status" and added session variable as
    When  I run the URL above with parameter EXPIRED, the report still shows for  ACTIVE only. The URL is not making any difference with report.
    Report is picking the default value from RPD session variable init query.
    could you please let me know if I am missing something.

    Check those links might help you.
    Integrating Oracle OBIEE Content using GO URL
    How to set session variables using url variables | OBIEE Blog
    OBIEE 10G - How to set a request/session variable using the Saw Url (Go/Dashboard) | (BI, OBIEE, O…

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