How to pass value from main window to pop up window?

I want to pass a value from the main window (1st form) to pop-up window (2nd form). The first form is of name booking.jsp and 2nd form is of name Fund_booking.jsp. I am using window.showModalDialog to open the window. I think, I have written right code in main window to pass the value but even then I am not able to get it on pop-up window. I am not even able to display an alert on pop-up window saying "hi" by writing a function on save Button in pop-up window. The code is as follows:
On booking.jsp:
function popup()
var aForm;
aForm = D_requisition_id.options[D_requisition_id.selectedIndex].text;
\\Here I have captured value from a drop down box in my main window form and assigned it to the variable.
var myObject =new Object();
myObject.Brandcode = aForm;
<button name="B_FundBooking" tabIndex=4 style='POSITION:absolute;LEFT:393;TOP:292;WIDTH:100;height:24;BACKGROUND-COLOR:buttonface' onClick ="popup()">Fund Booking</button>
On Fund_booking.jsp:
var oMyObject = window.dialogArguments;
var sBrandcode = oMyObject.Brandcode;
Even the following alert is not getting displayed in pop-up window;
function ValidateData()
<button name="B_Save" tabIndex=1 style='POSITION:absolute;LEFT:255;TOP:315;WIDTH:75;height:24;BACKGROUND-COLOR:buttonface' onClick ="ValidateData()">Save</button>
I am using DIV instead of frames in my both forms. I just want to get that value in my pop-up window to write a query based on which data will get displayed in my table of pop-up window.
Plz help me to solve this problem.

just attach the value with its url for example
String names="java";
<a href="# onclick="'file.jsp?name='+names);"></a>

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    I want to pass a value from the main window (1st form) to pop-up window (2nd form). The first form is of name booking.jsp and 2nd form is of name Fund_booking.jsp. I am using window.showModalDialog to open the window. I think, I have written right code in main window to pass the value but even then I am not able to get it on pop-up window. I am not even able to display an alert on pop-up window saying "hi" by writing a function on save Button in pop-up window. The code is as follows:
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    function popup()
    var aForm;
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    \\Here I have captured value from a drop down box in my main window form and assigned it to the variable.
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    myObject.Brandcode = aForm;
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    On Fund_booking.jsp:
    var oMyObject = window.dialogArguments;
    var sBrandcode = oMyObject.Brandcode;
    Even the following alert is not getting displayed in pop-up window;
    function ValidateData()
    <button name="B_Save" tabIndex=1 style='POSITION:absolute;LEFT:255;TOP:315;WIDTH:75;height:24;BACKGROUND-COLOR:buttonface' onClick ="ValidateData()">Save</button>
    I am using DIV instead of frames in my both forms. I just want to get that value in my pop-up window to write a query based on which data will get displayed in my table of pop-up window.
    Plz help me to solve this problem.

    Well, this is actually a JavaScript question, not a Java question but I can give some hints.
    When you do pop-up windows you need to put JavaScript in the html of the pop-up itself. Data can be passed by creating new fields in the window object, which the popup can access via the window.openner field.
    So, before invoking the popup add any data to be passed to the window object, then the onLoad function in the popup grabs the data.

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    - How do we pass values from main report to sub-report?

    Look at this link which shows how to pass values from a subreport to a main report.
    You can use the same method to pass values from main report to a subreport.
    1) Create a formula @mainFormula in the main report, as given in item 1 of link.
    2) Place this formulla in a suppressed report footer section above the target subreport.
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    Use the <jsp:setProperty> tag. There are several ways to use it. The one you probably want is:
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    in a servlet :
    parse your xml file (see how at the end of the post) and
    put the values you want in the request attributes
    request.setAttribute("value1", value1);
    ...redirect to the jsp
    in the JSP:
    get the wanted attributes:
    String value1=(String)request.getAttribute("value1");To learn how to parse a xml file, pay a look at this page, it explains how to read the XML document to build an object representation, and then how to navigate through this object to get the data

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    function showpreview<xsl:value-of select="$ViewCounter" />(o) {
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    for(i = 0; i &lt; o.childNodes.length; i++)
    var child = o.childNodes[i];
    if ( == &quot;none&quot; &amp;&amp; child.tagName == &quot;DIV&quot;)
    f = document.getElementById(&quot;n&quot; + count + &quot;<xsl:value-of select="$WPQ" />&quot;);
    f.innerHTML = unescape(child.innerHTML) + &apos;&#160;&apos;;
    count ++;
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    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" id="previewpanetable{$ViewCounter}" dir="{List/@Direction}">
    <xsl:when test="not($dvt_RowCount=0)">
    <td valign="top" style="width: 186px">
    <div class="ms-ppleft" style="width: 100px">
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 122%">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="RenderView"/>
    <td valign="top">
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    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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    <td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" class="ms-formlabel" style="width: 143px">
    <xsl:value-of select="@DisplayName"/>
    <td valign="top" class="ms-formbody" id="n{position()}{$WPQ}" style="width: 370px">
    <td class="ms-vb">
    <table class="ms-summarycustombody" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    <xsl:call-template name="EmptyTemplate" />
    <td height="5">
    <img src="/_layouts/images/blank.gif" width="1" height="5" alt="" />
    Alla Sanders

    Hi Alla,
    You can show details from web part as pop up window using JavaScript with SP.UI.ModalDialog.ShowPopupDialog(url). Here is a demo you can refer to:
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var obj1=$("a[id='forum0-NewPostLink']");
    function openDialogBox(url) {
    var pageUrl=url;
    var title="New Discussion";
    url: pageUrl,
    autoSize: true,
    title: title,
    dialogReturnValueCallback: function (result){
    if(result== SP.UI.DialogResult.OK){
    //refresh parent window
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

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    avoid duplicate threads
    F4 help in dropdownlistbox and values in input fields
    if you feel that the thread heading or content is not what you wanted, you can edit it and leave a note in the same thread that you have edited it.

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                   Sirin Kittichotpanich

    Hi Marc,
    Yes, you have it correct in what I am trying to do and if I put a default value in the hidden item on page 2 and run it then that works fine. I just can't get the value from the form passed to page 2 for some reason. There are actually 22 items on the form that can be filtered but just using COREID for simplicity. When I run the form I am just entering a value in the COREID field to try and return those records. Most of the other items on the form are displayed as Popup LOV(fetches first row). Would the values of all these be done the same in a comma delimited list for the items and values? I was trying to get at least one of them working first. Here is the search result that comes up in the debug window:
    Search Results
    0.01: Item: P2_COREID HIDDEN
    0.01: show report
    0.02: determine column headings
    0.02: parse query as: MOTEAMSAPEX
    0.02: binding: ":P2_COREID"="P2_COREID" value=""
    0.02: print column headings
    0.02: rows loop: 15 row(s)
    No data found.
    Here is the SQL statement:
    select coreid, serialnumber
    from MOTEAMS.V_ASSETS where
    instr(UPPER("COREID"), UPPER(:P2_COREID)) > 0
    The branch settings are:
    Set these items: P2_COREID
    With these values: &P1_COREID (also tried this with period at the end)
    I am new to this and not familiar with How would I go about posting to that site?

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    <%db.setDatabase(database);%>are coding to set my databse connection
    private String database;
        public Conn(){
                   DriverManager.registerDriver((Driver) Class.forName("").newInstance());
                   String data=getDatabase();
                   String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/"+data;
                   Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
              catch(SQLException e){
              catch(Exception e){
         public void setDatabase(String Database){
          this.database = Database;
         public String getDatabase(){
         return this.database;
         }     and Below are error produce
    Note: has been deprecated.
    /mrs/system_menu.jsp:18: Method setDatabase(java.lang.String) not found
    in class bgoc.dbConn.Conn.
    1 error, 1 warning
    please help me soon. any that come to your will help
    thank you

    I have huge promblem .I want to pass value of combo box to bean file to set my database contecting.The is how i call function to pass database to the bean file
    <%db.setDatabase(database);%>are coding to set my databse connection
    private String database;
        public Conn(){
                   DriverManager.registerDriver((Driver) Class.forName("").newInstance());
                   String data=getDatabase();
                   String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/"+data;
                   Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
              catch(SQLException e){
              catch(Exception e){
         public void setDatabase(String Database){
          this.database = Database;
         public String getDatabase(){
         return this.database;
         }     and Below are error produce
    Note: has been deprecated.
    /mrs/system_menu.jsp:18: Method setDatabase(java.lang.String) not found
    in class bgoc.dbConn.Conn.
    1 error, 1 warning
    please help me soon. any that come to your will help
    thank you

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    Data flowing through the ESB is XML-based (or opaque), so if the value you want to pass is in the XML result of RS1, you can use it in RS2. If you have a good reason why not too or this doesn't work for you, you could store data somewhere along the ESB process (database, stateful bean, etc.). Otherwise, you would need to let the ESB generate (or create you own) XSD describing the XML.

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    Now the question is if the databank has got 10 columns where first 3 columns belong to one child script, second 3 columns belong to 2nd child script and so on.
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    I have a part of my stylesheet(xslt)like the below example:
    <xsl:variable name="amount">
    <xsl:call-template name="amountaggregate">
    <xsl:with-param name="sum">
    <xsl:value-of select="number(0)"/>
    <xsl:with-param name="cucount">
    <xsl:value-of select="number(1)"/>
    in my template "amountaggregate" i will be setting a maximum count and will be incrementing the cucount by 1 each till cucount=maxcount. For each increment i will be adding some values to the parameter sum. i need to assign the final value of sum to the variable amount so that i can access it by "$amount"
    Can anyone help me?

    Some of the tutorials for the ABAP WebDynPro
    for your question ,
    1. you should have two views and a Node in the Component controller
    2. In the first view you should bind the Component controller node attribute Employee ID.
    3. In the second view also u should bind the Employee id attribute and get the value from that and process the employee id.
    4. Display the employee Details in the Second view.
    all the business Logic please write in the component conntroller.
    the Data will pass like this
    FirstView Context --> Component controller Context --> Second view Context.
    here Component controller context is Global and can be visible to both the views.
    Reward if usefull.

  • How to pass value from the Z Report to the selection screen of the std rep

    Dear Experts,
    i have developed a report and the values are maintained only in internal table based on some condition.  When I execute the report, for example MM60, there is a material number field for multiple selection.
    the report should call the standard transaction and pass the values from the internal table to the multiple selection- material number of the standard transaction.
    the standard transaction should never get executed automatically.  Only the value should get passed from internal table to the standard t code.  Please help.

    Go through the following Documents
    SUBMIT rep.
    1. ... LINE-SIZE col
    2. ... LINE-COUNT lin
    3. ... TO SAP-SPOOL
    5. ... AND RETURN
    7. ... USER user VIA JOB job NUMBER n
    8. ... Various additions for parameter transfer to rep
    Calls the report rep . Leaves the active program and starts the new report rep .
    Addition 1
    ... LINE-SIZE col
    Prints the report with the line width col .
    Addition 2
    ... LINE-COUNT lin
    Prints the report with lin lines (per page).
    Addition 4
    Displays the selection screen for the user. In this case, the selection screen is redisplayed after return from the report list display - the user's entries are retained.
    Addition 5
    ... AND RETURN
    Returns to the calling transaction or program after the called program has been executed. SUBMIT ... AND RETURN creates a new internal mode .
    Addition 6
    Does not display the output list of the called report, but saves it in SAP memory and leaves the called report immediately. Since the calling program can read the list from memory and process it further, you need to use the addition ... AND RETURN . Also, since the called report cannot be requested for printing, the addition ... TO SAP-SPOOL is not allowed here. You can read the saved list from SAP memory with the function module 'LIST_FROM_MEMORY' and then (for example) store it in the database with EXPORT . You can process this list further with the function modules 'WRITE_LIST' , 'DISPLAY_LIST' ... of the function group "SLST" .
    Addition 7
    ... USER user VIA JOB job NUMBER n
    Schedules the specified report in the job specified by the job name job and the job number n . The job runs under the user name user and you can omit the addition USER user . The assignment of the job number occurs via the function module JOB_OPEN (see also the documentation for the function modules JOB_CLOSE and JOB_SUBMIT . This addition can only be used with the addition ...AND RETURN .
    When scheduling a report with the SUBMIT ... VIA JOB job NUMBER n statement, you should always use the addition ...TO SAP-SPOOL to pass print and/or archive parameters. Otherwise, default values are used to generate the list and this disturbs operations in a production environment.
    Addition 9
    Uses variants of the program prog when executing the program rep .
    The programs prog and rep must have the same SELECT-OPTIONS and PARAMETER s. Otherwise, variants of the program prog may be destroyed.
    When using this addition, the specified variant vari of the program prog is taken in USING SELECTION-SET vari . On the other hand, all variant-related actions on the selection screen of rep (Get , Save as variant , Display , Delete ) refer to the variants of prog .
    Executes the program REPORT01 with the variant VARIANT1 of the program REPORT00 .
    Runtime errors
    LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND : The specified program was not found.
    SUBMIT_WRONG_TYPE : The specified program is not a report.
    SUBMIT_IMPORT_ONLY_PARAMETER : Only one value passed to a report parameter.
    SUBMIT_WRONG_SIGN : Invalid value passed to a selection with the addition SIGN .
    SUBMIT_IN_ITAB_ILL_STRUCTURE : Table passed to a selection with WITH sel IN itab had an unexpected structure.
    Try with this Example
    Data: listobject like abaplist occurs 1 with header line.
    listobject = listobject
    OTHERS = 1 .
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    message ID '61' TYPE 'E' NUMBER '731'
    with 'LIST_FROM_MEMORY'.
    Thanks & regards
    Sreenivasulu P

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    Check my blog entry here It has an example.

  • How to pass value from one method to another method

    Hi all,
    I have created a funtion module and i am calling this function module inside a method and it is exporting some value in a table, now i have to pass table value to another method where i have do some thing based upon this values.
    I think there a marco available to move the values from one method to another method.
    Please help me in this issue.
    Balaji E.

    Let me make certain assumptions!
    Method 1 - You export the table values
    Method 2 - The method where you need the table values
    Once you create a method from a function module which has tables as one of the export parameters then the code automatically puts in the macro code which looks like : SWC_SET_TABLE CONTAINER 'Table' TABLE.
    The 'Table' in the above code is the container element which is created by the workflow once you use this method and the TABLE (The table that gets filled in the function module) is the variable to code automatically created.
    Now you can use the other function module in the workflow as a background step and pass the values from the 'Table' container to this method using the binding. When you use this then the method automatically has the macro SWC_GET_TABLE CONTAINER 'Table' ITABLE. Here the 'Table' is the same container table you used in the binding and the ITABLE would be the variable you can use in the other function module.
    Hope this helps,

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