How to read MSMQ from OSB

Hi ,I need to create a proxy service that will listen from MSMQ (Microsoft Messaging Queue ) .May I know what transport protocol/ adapter should i use to make this possible ?

You can follow the examples given on .They provide JNI library for MSMQ. It allows Java applications to connect to MSMQ on Windows, then you can use java callout in your proxy service to call this java code.
But the Windows DLL library they provide only works on 32 bit JVM and not 64 bit.
Hope it helps.

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    <li>Once you call the function module RRW3_GET_QUERY_VIEW_DATA, lets say data is available in the corresponding tables e_cell_data e_axis_data which you have mentioned.
    <li>Modify your internal table defined for other purpose, with data from e_cell_data e_axis_data like below.
    LOOP AT t_cell_data INTO wa_t_cell_data.
      "Get the required data from t_cell_data.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_t_cell_data TO it_ur_tab.
      "Modify your internal table wih data
      MODIFY it_ur_tab TRANSPORTING <field1> <field2> <field3>.
    LOOP AT t_axis_data INTO wa_t_axis_data.
      "Get the required data from t_cell_data.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_t_axis_data TO it_ur_tab.
      "Modify your internal table wih data
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    On the server, perform the following steps:
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    Pipe the bytes from the file to the output stream
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