How to read the second line in a .txt file with bufferedReader?

i am not the best in speaking english and programming java :)
so, just try to make sense of my question:
Im using a BufferedReader to read a .txt file.
the .txt file has 5+ different lines, and each line has 6 tokens (separated with ; )
My java file has 6 textFields and each textfield is filled with one of the 6 different tokens.
and my problem is:
I want my buffered reader to read the next line (with 6 new different tokens) by pressing a button.
if somethings not understandable, just ask :)

maybe its easier to help me, when i publish my code, so here it is:
(its my version, without Thof's code. Sorry, but the comments are the most in german)
/* */
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
public class userdata extends Frame {
private JPanel panel = new JPanel ();
String tokId = "";
String tokName= "";
String tokAge= "";
String tokTel= "";
String tokMail= "";
String tokText= "";
BufferedReader br;
String zeile;
StringTokenizer st;
String delim = ";";
//---------Buttons f?r Panel 1-------------------------
Button first = new Button("|< First");
Button back = new Button("< Back");
Button next = new Button("Next >");
Button last = new Button("Last >|");
//---------Buttons f?r Panel 3-------------------------
Button neu = new Button("New");
Button safe = new Button("Safe");
Button refresh = new Button("Refresh");
//--------Labels f?r Panel 2-----------------------------
Label lid = new Label("ID",Label.LEFT);
Label lname = new Label("Name",Label.LEFT);
Label lage = new Label("Age",Label.LEFT);
Label ltel = new Label("Tel.",Label.LEFT);
Label lmail = new Label("E-Mail",Label.LEFT);
Label ltext = new Label("Spruch",Label.LEFT);
Label lub = new Label("Last Button",Label.LEFT);
TextField id = new TextField();
TextField name = new TextField();
TextField age = new TextField();
TextField tel = new TextField();
TextField mail = new TextField();
TextField text = new TextField();
TextField usedbutton = new TextField();
//--------ActionEvent bla sachen eben--------------------
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException {
userdata wnd = new userdata();
public userdata() throws IOException {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
//--------------------------------Layout mit panel bestimmung--------------------------------------
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
JPanel p2 = new JPanel();
JPanel p3 = new JPanel();
add(BorderLayout.NORTH ,p1);
add(BorderLayout.CENTER , p2);
add(BorderLayout.SOUTH , p3);
//-------------------------------Funktionslose Buttons in PANEL 1------------------------------------
//--------------------------------Funktionierende Textfelder in PANEL 2------------------------------
Panel labelpanel = new Panel();
p2.setLayout(new GridLayout(7,3));
//--------------------------------------Buttons in PANEL 3-----------------------------------------
//--------------------------------BufferedReader -------------------------------------------------
//--------------------------------Panel 2 TextField-----------------------------------------------
first.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
System.out.println ("First");
back.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
System.out.println ("Back");
next.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
System.out.println ("Next");
last.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
System.out.println ("Last");
neu.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
System.out.println ("New entry");
safe.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
System.out.println ("Now Saving, do not turn off!");
refresh.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
}catch( IOException ioe){
System.out.println("Fehler beim lesen aus Datei");
//=============================================================================Button Funktionen!!!
//--------------------------------WindowsListener hinzuf?gene--------------------------------------
new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event)
//-----------------------------------readData() - > Buffered Reader in aktion! --------------------
private void readData() throws IOException{
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("My .txt File with path"));
String zeile;
StringTokenizer st;
String delim = ";";
zeile = br.readLine();
st = new StringTokenizer(zeile, delim);
//System.out.println (st.nextToken());
tokId = new String(st.nextToken());
tokName = new String (st.nextToken());
tokAge = new String (st.nextToken());
tokTel = new String (st.nextToken());
tokMail = new String (st.nextToken());
tokText = new String (st.nextToken());
//--------------------------fillForm() - > f?llt die TextFelder aus!--------------------------------
private void fillForm(){

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    If the file is coded as ASCII or one of the encodings that maps a single byte to a char then the following class will assist you
    import java.util.*;
    public class GetLinesFromEndOfFile
        static public class BackwardsFileInputStream extends InputStream
            public BackwardsFileInputStream(File file) throws IOException
                assert (file != null) && file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead();
                raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
                currentPositionInFile = raf.length();
                currentPositionInBuffer = 0;
            public int read() throws IOException
                if (currentPositionInFile <= 0)
                    return -1;
                if (--currentPositionInBuffer < 0)
                    currentPositionInBuffer = buffer.length;
                    long startOfBlock = currentPositionInFile - buffer.length;
                    if (startOfBlock < 0)
                        currentPositionInBuffer = buffer.length + (int)startOfBlock;
                        startOfBlock = 0;
                    raf.readFully(buffer, 0, currentPositionInBuffer);
                    return read();
                return buffer[currentPositionInBuffer];
            public void close() throws IOException
            private final byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
            private final RandomAccessFile raf;
            private long currentPositionInFile;
            private int currentPositionInBuffer;
        public static List<String> head(File file, int numberOfLinesToRead) throws IOException
            return head(file, "ISO-8859-1" , numberOfLinesToRead);
        public static List<String> head(File file, String encoding, int numberOfLinesToRead) throws IOException
            assert (file != null) && file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead();
            assert numberOfLinesToRead > 0;
            assert encoding != null;
            LinkedList<String> lines = new LinkedList<String>();
            BufferedReader reader= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), encoding));
            for (String line = null; (numberOfLinesToRead-- > 0) && (line = reader.readLine()) != null;)
            return lines;
        public static List<String> tail(File file, int numberOfLinesToRead) throws IOException
            return tail(file, "ISO-8859-1" , numberOfLinesToRead);
        public static List<String> tail(File file, String encoding, int numberOfLinesToRead) throws IOException
            assert (file != null) && file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead();
            assert numberOfLinesToRead > 0;
            assert (encoding != null) && encoding.matches("(?i)(iso-8859|ascii|us-ascii).*");
            LinkedList<String> lines = new LinkedList<String>();
            BufferedReader reader= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new BackwardsFileInputStream(file), encoding));
            for (String line = null; (numberOfLinesToRead-- > 0) && (line = reader.readLine()) != null;)
                // Reverse the order of the characters in the string
                char[] chars = line.toCharArray();
                for (int j = 0, k = chars.length - 1; j < k ; j++, k--)
                    char temp = chars[j];
                    chars[j] = chars[k];
                    chars[k]= temp;
                lines.addFirst(new String(chars));
            return lines;
        public static void main(String[] args)
                File file = new File("/usr/share/dict/words");
                int n = 10;
                    System.out.println("Head of " + file);
                    int index = 0;
                    for (String line : head(file, n))
                        System.out.println(++index + "\t[" + line + "]");
                    System.out.println("Tail of " + file);
                    int index = 0;
                    for (String line : tail(file, "us-ascii", n))
                        System.out.println(++index + "\t[" + line + "]");
            catch (Exception e)
    }Note, the EOL characters are treated as line separators so you will probably need to read the last two lines (think about it for a bit).

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    If you know the number of the line you want to read, I can sugget you to use the MORE dos command or the TAIL unix command that redirect to a temporary text file
    Example to create a file that contains the 200010th last lines :
    (Client)Host( 'MORE the_file_name.txt +200010 > small_file.txt') ;So you have only to read the small file with the TEXT_IO functions.

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    bibiancheng wrote:
    would you please explain to me what
    String[] tokens = line.trim().split("\\s*,\\s*")"\\s*,\\s*" is a regex where \\s means whitespace and the * means "any number of".
    so \\s* means that it will grab all the whitespace if there is any.
    trim() removes white space from the beginning and end of the string.
    dont put a comma in the name.
    spaces allowed: "jane doe, 12-14-09, 428438, 6, 388473, 7, 187374, 3"
    it was just a recommendation. breaking it into separate lines would be fine.

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    Buenos días - Good morning
    Mi pregunta la escribiré en español y en ingles y espero alguien tenga la solución.
    I'll write my question in Spanish and English and I hope someone has the solution.
    Creé una Macro en VBA que lee mas de 200.000 archivos de texto (.txt) los cuales tienen diferentes tamaños y cantidad de información dentro de ellos, de cada archivo necesito extraer la información de las 3 primeras lineas y las ultimas 10 lineas, las 3
    primeras lineas es fácil ya que uso un "READLINE" 3 veces y voy capturando la información de las tres primeras lineas, para las ultimas 10 lineas las cuales están identificadas por un código inicial hago un ciclo que lee linea por linea hasta que
    encuentra el numero 3 en un espacio especificado de la linea y de ahí captura la información de cada linea de texto que serian las 10 ultimas, el problema que tengo es que la cantidad de archivos y de información dentro de los archivos aumenta considerablemente
    cada día y por tener el ciclo que lee cada una de las lineas de cada archivo de texto la Macro se demora cada vez mas a medida que aumenta la información y consume cada vez mas memoria de la maquina.
    Necesito un método diferente que no lea linea por linea y que yo le pueda decir lea la linea (renglón) numero 1000 (ejemplo) y capture la información a partir de ahí para ahorrar algo de tiempo, o saber cuantas lineas de texto tiene el archivo .txt y decirle
    que me lea a partir de (numero total de lineas del txt -(menos) 10 lineas) así me leería las 10 ultimas.
    I created a Macro in VBA that reads more than 200,000 text files (.txt) which have different sizes and quantity of information within them, each file need to extract the information from the first 3 lines and last 10 lines, 3 first lines is easy as using a
    'READLINE "3 times and am capturing information from the first three lines, for the last 10 lines which are identified by an initial code I make a loop that reads line by line until it finds the number 3 in a specified area of ​​the line and then capture
    the information of each line of text that would be 10 last, the problem that I have is that the number of files and information within files significantly increases every day and having the loop that reads each line of each text file is delayed Macro increasingly
    as more information and consume more and more memory on the machine.
    I Need a different method not read line by line and I can tell you read the line (row) number 1000 (example) and capture the information from there to save some time or know how many lines of text have the file .txt and tell me read from (total number of lines
    of txt - (minus) 10 lines) so I would read 10 last.
    Here is the code I currently use
    Dejo el código que uso actualmente
    Dim fs, f, ts, REG
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        On Error Resume Next
    sFilePath = strFolder & "\" & strFileName
    Set f = fso.getFile(sFilePath)
    Set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(1, 0)
    Ciclo para llegar hasta las ultimas 10 lineas
    Cycle to reach the last 10 lines
    For J = 1 To 200000
                REG = ts.READLINE
                    If Val(Mid(REG, 6, 1)) = 3 Then

    Good Morning ryguy72
    First thank you so much for your answer, sorry for my english in the question, I tried for a long time to make a code that wasn't so slow to read the last 10 lines, 'cuz most codes used a cycle "For" to read line by line asking if in the specific
    position is the character(number) that tells me that i should get started to read the last lines that i need, that takes a lot longer than your code doing a Split with Mydata and storing it in strData(). I don't know how to do this and every forum that
    i consulted to read the last 10 lines quickly they made the same read line by line with a Cycle "for".
    Thanks again, I gonna improve my code with your help, 'cuz it took about 4 hours to read all the information and everyday ascended more time and memory consumption.
    Thanks to everyone who offered their help so disinterested and free, so should always be people with that spirit, I hope someday to be SO good as you programming.

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    i'm pointing the cursor to that particular linenumber as in.setLineNumber(5) it moves to that particular line but after that when i try to read that particular line i'm not able to read that line.
    could any one tell me which is the other way to read that particular line or in this only where i'm doing wrong...
    i need this urgent....

    As is typical of people who claim their problem is urgent, you posted this in the wrong forum (it doesn't have anything to do with JSP) and you left out any details that might help us understand what you are blathering about.
    So take a deep breath. It isn't urgent. There is no rush. Now formulate a proper description of your problem and post it in the proper forum.

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    create  table tab1(
    response_log blob,
    empcode  number,
    ename  varchar2(50 byte)
    )Sample code goes something like the one below .
    select xmltype( response_log, nls_charset_id( 'char_cs' ) ).getclobval() || '|' || empcode || '|' || ename
    from tab1 Can I have any other alternate way for this.
    Please advice

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    Photos which are captured by a digital camera, have some parameters, such as the exposure time,ISO speed rating,camera model,focal length etc.
    How to read this parameters???

    Is it listed in the IIOMetadata?
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    import javax.imageio.metadata.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    public class IIOMetaDataExample {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            URL url = new URL("");
            Iterator readers = ImageIO.getImageReadersBySuffix("jpeg");
            ImageReader reader = (ImageReader);
            IIOMetadata metadata = reader.getImageMetadata(0);
        public static void displayMetadata(IIOMetadata metadata) {
            String[] names = metadata.getMetadataFormatNames();
            for(int i=0; i<names.length; ++i) {
                System.out.println("METADATA FOR FORMAT: " + names);
    displayTree(metadata.getAsTree(names[i]), 0);
    public static void displayTree(Node node, int indent) {
    String name = node.getNodeName();
    System.out.print("<" + name);
    if (node.hasAttributes()) {
    NamedNodeMap attrs = node.getAttributes();
    for(int i=0, ub=attrs.getLength(); i<ub; ++i) {
    Node attr = attrs.item(i);
    System.out.print(" " + attr.getNodeName() + "=" + attr.getNodeValue());
    if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
    NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
    for(int i=0,ub=children.getLength(); i<ub; ++i)
    displayTree(children.item(i), indent+4);
    System.out.println("</" + name +">");
    } else
    static void indent(int indent) {
    for(int i=0; i<indent; ++i)
    System.out.print(' ');

  • How to read the content from a External Content Type with out creating External List in Sharepoint 2013?

    I have a requirement to read the External Content Type and storing the Data in a Session Variable. The Reading of the content from External Content Type with out creating a External List.
    Please help I am trying to find the solution, but unable to do that.

    Firstly an external content type designed to work with SharePoint list and there is no way to read apart from this.
    If you are looking the solution out of the " Business Connectivity" then find that data source has been exposed through WCF and  Web Service ?
    So you can use REST API and CSOM to consume those data in SharePoint.
    You can also leverage the ADO.NET option if the datasources based on MS technologies.
    Murugesa Pandian| MCPD | MCTS |SharePoint 2010

  • How to skip first 5 lines from a txt file when using sql*loader

    I have a txt file that contains header info tat i dont need. how can i skip those line when importing the file to my database?

    Danny Fasen wrote:
    I think most of us would process this report using pl/sql:
    - read the file until you've read the column headers
    - read the account info and insert the data in the table until you have read the last account info line
    - read the file until you've read a new set of column headers (page 2)
    - read the account info and insert the data in the table until you have read the last account info line (page 2)
    - etc. until you reach the total block idenfitied by Count On-line ...
    - read the totals and compare them with the data inserted in the tableOr maybe like this...
    First create an external table to read the report as whole lines...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  CREATE TABLE ext_report (
      2    line VARCHAR2(200)
      3          )
      5    TYPE oracle_loader
      9      BADFILE 'bad_report.bad'
    10      DISCARDFILE 'dis_report.dis'
    11      LOGFILE 'log_report.log'
    15        (
    16         line
    17        )
    18      )
    19      LOCATION ('report.txt')
    20    )
    21  PARALLEL
    SQL> /
    Table created.
    SQL> select * from ext_report;
    x report page1
    CDC:00220 / Sat Aug-08-2009 xxxxp for 02/08/09 - 08/08/09 Effective Date 11/08/09 Wed Sep-30-2009 08:25:43
    Bill to
    Retailer Retailer Name                  Name on Bank Account           Bank ABA   Bank Acct            On-line Amount  Instant Amount  Total Amount
    ======== ============================== ============================== ========== ==================== =============== =============== ===============
    0100103  BANK Terminal                  raji                           123456789  123456789            -29,999.98    9 0.00         99 -29,999.98
    0100105  Independent 1                  Savings                        123456789  100000002            -1,905.00     9 0.00         99 -1,905.00
    0100106  Independent 2                  system                         123456789  100000003            -800.00       9 -15.00       99 -815.00
    weekly_eft_repo 1.0 Page: 2
    CDC:00220 / Sat Aug-08-2009 Weekly EFT Sweep for 02/08/09 - 08/08/09 Effective Date 11/08/09 Wed Sep-30-2009 08:25:43
    Bill to
    Retailer Retailer Name Name on Bank Account Bank ABA Bank Acct On-line Amount Instant Amount Total Amount
    ======== ============================== ============================== ========== ==================== =============== =============== ===============
    Count On-line Amount Instant Amount Total Amount
    ============== ====================== ====================== ======================
    Debits 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Credits 3 -32,704.98 -15.00 -32,719.98
    Totals 3 -32,704.98 -15.00 -32,719.98
    Total Tape Records / Blocks / Hash : 3 1 37037034
    End of Report
    23 rows selected.Then we can check we can just pull out the lines of data we're interested in from that...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create view vw_report as
      2* select line from ext_report where regexp_like(line, '^[0-9]')
    SQL> /
    View created.
    SQL> select * from vw_report;
    0100103  BANK Terminal                  raji                           123456789  123456789            -29,999.98    9 0.00         99 -29,999.98
    0100105  Independent 1                  Savings                        123456789  100000002            -1,905.00     9 0.00         99 -1,905.00
    0100106  Independent 2                  system                         123456789  100000003            -800.00       9 -15.00       99 -815.00And then we adapt that view to extract the data from those lines as actual columns...
    SQL> col retailer format a10
    SQL> col retailer_name format a20
    SQL> col name_on_bank_account format a20
    SQL> col online_amount format 999,990.00
    SQL> col instant_amount format 999,990.00
    SQL> col total_amount format 999,990.00
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create or replace view vw_report as
      2  select regexp_substr(line, '[^ ]+', 1, 1) as retailer
      3        ,trim(regexp_replace(regexp_substr(line, '[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:] ]*[[:alpha:]]', 1, 1), '(.*) +[^ ]+$', '\1')) as retailer_name
      4        ,trim(regexp_replace(regexp_substr(line, '[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:] ]*[[:alpha:]]', 1, 1), '.* ([^ ]+)$', '\1')) as name_on_bank_account
      5        ,to_number(regexp_substr(regexp_replace(line,'.*[[:alpha:]]([^[:alpha:]]+)','\1'), '[^ ]+', 1, 1)) as bank_aba
      6        ,to_number(regexp_substr(regexp_replace(line,'.*[[:alpha:]]([^[:alpha:]]+)','\1'), '[^ ]+', 1, 2)) as bank_account
      7        ,to_number(regexp_substr(regexp_replace(line,'.*[[:alpha:]]([^[:alpha:]]+)','\1'), '[^ ]+', 1, 3),'999,999.00') as online_amount
      8        ,to_number(regexp_substr(regexp_replace(line,'.*[[:alpha:]]([^[:alpha:]]+)','\1'), '[^ ]+', 1, 5),'999,999.00') as instant_amount
      9        ,to_number(regexp_substr(regexp_replace(line,'.*[[:alpha:]]([^[:alpha:]]+)','\1'), '[^ ]+', 1, 7),'999,999.00') as total_amount
    10* from (select line from ext_report where regexp_like(line, '^[0-9]'))
    SQL> /
    View created.
    SQL> select * from vw_report;
    0100103    BANK Terminal        raji                  123456789    123456789    -29,999.98           0.00   -29,999.98
    0100105    Independent 1        Savings               123456789    100000002     -1,905.00           0.00    -1,905.00
    0100106    Independent 2        system                123456789    100000003       -800.00         -15.00      -815.00
    SQL>I couldn't quite figure out the "9" and the "99" data that was on those lines so I assume it should just be ignored. I also formatted the report data to fixed columns width in my external text file as I'd assume that's how the data would be generated, not that that would make much difference when extracting the values with regular expressions as I've done.
    So... something like that anyway. ;)

  • How to read columns of a Microsoft Excel .csv file with LabVIEW?

    This should be simple.  Any ideas on how to read an Excel file with csv extension using LabVIEW?

    Use the Read From SpeadSheet File.VI which you can find on the FILE I/O pallette.
    "Read From Spreadsheet File
    Reads a specified number of lines
    or rows from a numeric text file beginning at a specified character offset and
    converts the data to a 2D, single-precision array of numbers. You optionally can transpose the
    array. The VI opens the file before reading from it and closes it afterwards.
    You can use this VI to read a spreadsheet file saved in text format. This VI
    calls the Spreadsheet String
    to Array function to convert the data."
    The CSV file is essentially a text file which uses commas as delimiters in the files structure.

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    Hi Everybody,
    as my first experience in AS3 I'm bulding a photo multigallery. In that gallery I have some buttons, each one pointing to its respective set of images.
    Each button is created with the for loop, that picks the information from a XML file. From this XML I get the text of the button, the position etc. What I did with some sucess. But there is a scary problem: I don't know how to make each button load the respective and unique set of images.
    I've tryied several different methods, with no effect, to make each loop to give to each button an unique identity to load the respective set of images.
    I imagine that the solution pass by the use of arrays. I wrote some code, and I guess that I'm almost there (but not sure). Here is my AS3 code until now:
    var menuContainer:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    var imagesContainer:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    //// LOAD XML ////
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, whenLoaded);
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("XML/roiaXML.xml"));
    var xml:XML;
    function whenLoaded(evt:Event):void {
         xml=new XML(;
         var mySetsList:XMLList=xml.children();
         //// MENU BUTTONS ////
         // CREATE ARRAYS //
         var totalArray:Array = new Array();
         var setNodesArray:Array = new Array();
         var setNamesArray:Array = new Array();
         var rowsQuantity:Number=3;
         var columnsQuantity:Number=Math.ceil(mySetsList.length()/rowsQuantity);
         var cellWidth:Number=160;
         // CREATE BUTTONS //
         for (var i:int=0; i< mySetsList.length(); i++) {
              var newSetButtonMC:setButtonMC=new setButtonMC();
              //what do I do here to make it works? To give each button created a unique id.
              var imageNodesArray:Array = new Array();
              for (var j:int=0; j<mySetsList[i].IMAGE.length(); j++) {
              var cellX:Number=Math.floor(i/rowsQuantity);
              var cellY:Number=i%rowsQuantity;
              newSetButtonMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
         //// MENU BUTTONS ACTIONS ////
         function onClick(mevt:MouseEvent):void {
              trace(totalArray [0][0]);
              trace(totalArray [0][0]);
              // in the line above I achieved some success loading a specific info from XML.
              // but I don't know what to do with it.
              //what do I do here? To make each button to load its own node from XML.
    Here is my XML:
    <GALERIA galeriaTitle="galeria 01">
      <IMAGE imageTitle="imageTitle01">feio.jpg</IMAGE>
      <IMAGE imageTitle="imageTitle02">muitofeio.jpg</IMAGE>
      <IMAGE imageTitle="imageTitle03">aindamaisfeio.jpg</IMAGE>
    <GALERIA galeriaTitle="galeria 02">
      <IMAGE imageTitle="imageTitle01">estranho.jpg</IMAGE>
      <IMAGE imageTitle="imageTitle02">maisestranho.jpg</IMAGE>
      <IMAGE imageTitle="imageTitle03">aindamaisestranho.jpg</IMAGE>
    Thanks everyone . ABSTRATO

    you can assign each newSetButtonMC and ivar property that points to its i value or, even easier:
    var menuContainer:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    var imagesContainer:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    //// LOAD XML ////
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, whenLoaded);
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("XML/roiaXML.xml"));
    var xml:XML;
    function whenLoaded(evt:Event):void {
         xml=new XML(;
         var mySetsList:XMLList=xml.children();
         //// MENU BUTTONS ////
         // CREATE ARRAYS //
         var totalArray:Array = new Array();
         var setNodesArray:Array = new Array();
         var setNamesArray:Array = new Array();
         var rowsQuantity:Number=3;
         var columnsQuantity:Number=Math.ceil(mySetsList.length()/rowsQuantity);
         var cellWidth:Number=160;
         // CREATE BUTTONS //
         for (var i:int=0; i< mySetsList.length(); i++) {
              var newSetButtonMC:setButtonMC=new setButtonMC();
              //what do I do here to make it works? To give each button created a unique id.
              var imageNodesArray:Array = new Array();
              for (var j:int=0; j<mySetsList[i].IMAGE.length(); j++) {
             nextSetButtonMC.imageArray = imageNodesArray;
              var cellX:Number=Math.floor(i/rowsQuantity);
              var cellY:Number=i%rowsQuantity;
              newSetButtonMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
         //// MENU BUTTONS ACTIONS ////
         function onClick(mevt:MouseEvent):void {
              var mc:setButtonMC=setButtonMC(mevt.currentTarget);
    Here is my XML:
    <GALERIA galeriaTitle="galeria 01">
      <IMAGE imageTitle="imageTitle01">feio.jpg</IMAGE>
      <IMAGE imageTitle="imageTitle02">muitofeio.jpg</IMAGE>
      <IMAGE imageTitle="imageTitle03">aindamaisfeio.jpg</IMAGE>
    <GALERIA galeriaTitle="galeria 02">
      <IMAGE imageTitle="imageTitle01">estranho.jpg</IMAGE>
      <IMAGE imageTitle="imageTitle02">maisestranho.jpg</IMAGE>
      <IMAGE imageTitle="imageTitle03">aindamaisestranho.jpg</IMAGE>
    Thanks everyone . ABSTRATO

  • How to only read the last line in the text file by using BufferedReader ?

    Dear all,
    Hello, I am new to Java. Do anybody know how to read the last line (this is the last record) in the text file.The method I am now using is reading from the first line until I reach the last line in the text file. Thank you!!
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("c:\\sdk1.4.1\\bin\\dbExport.txt"));
    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("c:\\sdk1.4.1\\bin\\dbExport.txt"));
    String input;
    String firstinput;
    String secondinput;
    int count=90;
    int year=1955;
    while ((input = br.readLine()) != null) {
    firstinput = input.substring(0, 10);
    secondinput = input.substring(10);
    String insertStore1 = ("INSERT INTO AUTHORS " +
    "VALUES ('" + count + "', '" + firstinput + "', '" + secondinput + "', 1955)");
    int result = stmt.executeUpdate(insertStore1);

    I suppose you could use a

  • Read the first line of the table.

    Can you pls let me know as to how I read the first line of the table.

    hi check this.
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
            matnr like mara-matnr ,
            meins like mara-meins,
            end of itab.
    select-options: s_matnr for mara-matnr .
    select matnr
             from mara
             into table itab
             where matnr in s_matnr .
    read table itab index 1 .
    loop at itab .
    write:/ itab-matnr .
    endloop .

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