How to reduce the size of icons and descriptions of pallets?

1. The "Control bar" is still something missing and to display the location of the same functions are different depending on the selected tool.
Therefore, the tools will I need to keep an eye on pallets or icons. But description of the pallets is too great for me, takes place and I can not see as many pallets as I need.
2. The idea to create multiple workspace and its continuous change is not good for me.
When I work I prefer to have the tools at its one location, then I can rely on My reflexes when choosing a tool, and not constantly look where this time or constantly switch the workspace.
3. How to reduce the size of icons and descriptions of pallets I, then he could fit more pallets in one column?
Best Regards!

Hi Monika,
Nice to read you again. Thank you for your response.
Yes, I read. It does not solve the problem about which I write. I guess that solves your opinion? Please hint.

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    with regards,

    Hi Monika,
    Nice to read you again. Thank you for your response.
    Yes, I read. It does not solve the problem about which I write. I guess that solves your opinion? Please hint.

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    Hi all,
    Can any one suggest me how to reduce the size of the following query .
    /* Formatted on 2011/07/12 11:02 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
    SELECT prs.pa_rqst_srvc_sid,
    (SELECT prpre.erroneous_data_value
    FROM pa_error pe,
    pa_error_detail ped,
    pa_request_procedure_run_error prpre
    WHERE pe.pa_error_sid = ped.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.pa_error_sid = prpre.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid = prp.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid
    AND pe.pa_error_nmbr = '5031'
    AND ped.aaa_segment_loop_nmbr = '2000F') revenue_iid,
    (SELECT prpre.erroneous_data_value
    FROM pa_error pe,
    pa_error_detail ped,
    pa_request_procedure_run_error prpre
    WHERE pe.pa_error_sid = ped.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.pa_error_sid = prpre.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid = prp.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid
    AND pe.pa_error_nmbr = '5013'
    AND ped.aaa_segment_loop_nmbr = '2000F') x12_code_list_qlfr_lkpcd,
    (SELECT prpre.erroneous_data_value
    FROM pa_error pe,
    pa_error_detail ped,
    pa_request_procedure_run_error prpre
    WHERE pe.pa_error_sid = ped.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.pa_error_sid = prpre.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid = prp.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid
    AND pe.pa_error_nmbr = '5026'
    AND ped.aaa_segment_loop_nmbr = '2000F') procedure_iid,
    (SELECT prpre.erroneous_data_value
    FROM pa_error pe,
    pa_error_detail ped,
    pa_request_procedure_run_error prpre
    WHERE pe.pa_error_sid = ped.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.pa_error_sid = prpre.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid = prp.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid
    AND pe.pa_error_nmbr = '5027'
    AND ped.aaa_segment_loop_nmbr = '2000F') mdfr_code,
    (SELECT prpre.erroneous_data_value
    FROM pa_error pe,
    pa_error_detail ped,
    pa_request_procedure_run_error prpre
    WHERE pe.pa_error_sid = ped.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.pa_error_sid = prpre.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid = prp.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid
    AND pe.pa_error_nmbr = '5028'
    AND ped.aaa_segment_loop_nmbr = '2000F') mdfr2_code,
    (SELECT prpre.erroneous_data_value
    FROM pa_error pe,
    pa_error_detail ped,
    pa_request_procedure_run_error prpre
    WHERE pe.pa_error_sid = ped.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.pa_error_sid = prpre.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid = prp.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid
    AND pe.pa_error_nmbr = '5029'
    AND ped.aaa_segment_loop_nmbr = '2000F') mdfr3_code,
    (SELECT prpre.erroneous_data_value
    FROM pa_error pe,
    pa_error_detail ped,
    pa_request_procedure_run_error prpre
    WHERE pe.pa_error_sid = ped.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.pa_error_sid = prpre.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid = prp.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid
    AND pe.pa_error_nmbr = '5030'
    AND ped.aaa_segment_loop_nmbr = '2000F') mdfr4_code,
    (SELECT prpre.erroneous_data_value
    FROM pa_error pe,
    pa_error_detail ped,
    pa_request_procedure_run_error prpre
    WHERE pe.pa_error_sid = ped.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.pa_error_sid = prpre.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid = prp.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid
    AND pe.pa_error_nmbr = '5014'
    AND ped.aaa_segment_loop_nmbr = '2000F') rqst_prcdr_amt,
    (SELECT prpre.erroneous_data_value
    FROM pa_error pe,
    pa_error_detail ped,
    pa_request_procedure_run_error prpre
    WHERE pe.pa_error_sid = ped.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.pa_error_sid = prpre.pa_error_sid
    AND ped.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prpre.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid = prp.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid
    AND pe.pa_error_nmbr = '5015'
    AND ped.aaa_segment_loop_nmbr = '2000F') srvc_line_rate,
    'NA' drug_desc, 'NA' product_service_id, 'NA' uom_code,
    'NA' rqst_prcdr_units
    FROM pa_transaction_request ptr,
    input_acknwldgmnt ia,
    input_batch_file ibf,
    pa_request pr,
    pa_request_service prs,
    pa_request_procedure prp
    WHERE ptr.input_acknwldgmnt_sid = ia.input_acknwldgmnt_sid
    AND ia.input_batch_file_sid = ibf.input_batch_file_sid
    AND ptr.pa_trnsctn_rqst_sid = pr.pa_trnsctn_rqst_sid
    AND pr.pa_rqst_sid = prs.pa_rqst_sid
    AND prs.pa_rqst_srvc_sid = prp.pa_rqst_srvc_sid
    AND pr.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prs.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND ptr.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prp.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
    AND prs.rqst_ctgry_lkpcd = 'AR'
    AND ibf.original_file_name = 'HIPAA.165760000.20110613I001.278_IRej.dat';
    P Prakash

    Maybe like that, but keep in mind that it is highly untested_ :SELECT
      pvt.c5031 revenue_iid,
      pvt.c5013 x12_code_list_qlfr_lkpcd,
      pvt.c5026 procedure_iid,
      pvt.c5027 mdfr_code,
      pvt.c5028 mdfr2_code,
      pvt.c5029 mdfr3_code,
      pvt.c5030 mdfr4_code,
      pvt.c5014 rqst_prcdr_amt,
      pvt.c5015 srvc_line_rate,
      'NA' drug_desc,
      'NA' product_service_id,
      'NA' uom_code,
      'NA' rqst_prcdr_units
      pa_transaction_request ptr,
      input_acknwldgmnt ia,
      input_batch_file ibf,
      pa_request pr,
      pa_request_service prs,
      pa_request_procedure prp,
          MAX(DECODE(pa_error_nmbr,'5013',prpre.erroneous_data_value,NULL)) c5013,
          MAX(DECODE(pa_error_nmbr,'5014',prpre.erroneous_data_value,NULL)) c5014,
          MAX(DECODE(pa_error_nmbr,'5015',prpre.erroneous_data_value,NULL)) c5015,
          MAX(DECODE(pa_error_nmbr,'5026',prpre.erroneous_data_value,NULL)) c5026,
          MAX(DECODE(pa_error_nmbr,'5027',prpre.erroneous_data_value,NULL)) c5027,
          MAX(DECODE(pa_error_nmbr,'5028',prpre.erroneous_data_value,NULL)) c5028,
          MAX(DECODE(pa_error_nmbr,'5029',prpre.erroneous_data_value,NULL)) c5029,
          MAX(DECODE(pa_error_nmbr,'5030',prpre.erroneous_data_value,NULL)) c5030,
          MAX(DECODE(pa_error_nmbr,'5031',prpre.erroneous_data_value,NULL)) c5031
          pa_error pe,
          pa_error_detail ped,
          pa_request_procedure_run_error prpre
          pe.pa_error_sid     = ped.pa_error_sid
        AND ped.pa_error_sid  = prpre.pa_error_sid
        AND ped.oprtnl_flag   = 'A'
        AND prpre.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
        AND pe.pa_error_nmbr IN ('5013','5014','5015','5026','5027','5028','5029',
        AND ped.aaa_segment_loop_nmbr = '2000F'
        GROUP BY
      pvt.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid       = prp.pa_rqst_prcdr_sid
    AND ptr.input_acknwldgmnt_sid = ia.input_acknwldgmnt_sid
    AND ia.input_batch_file_sid   = ibf.input_batch_file_sid
    AND ptr.pa_trnsctn_rqst_sid   = pr.pa_trnsctn_rqst_sid
    AND pr.pa_rqst_sid            = prs.pa_rqst_sid
    AND prs.pa_rqst_srvc_sid      = prp.pa_rqst_srvc_sid
    AND pr.oprtnl_flag            = 'A'
    AND prs.oprtnl_flag           = 'A'
    AND ptr.oprtnl_flag           = 'A'
    AND prp.oprtnl_flag           = 'A'
    AND prs.rqst_ctgry_lkpcd      = 'AR'
    AND ibf.original_file_name    = 'HIPAA.165760000.20110613I001.278_IRej.dat';Edited by: Nicosa on Jul 12, 2011 2:20 PM
    Corrected columns aliases in outer query :
    - c5031 instead of 5031
    - c5013 instead of 5013

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    How to reduce the size of the paper for form in sapscripts?
    Thank you.

    Goto SE71, enter your form name and press F6.
    Now goto Basic Settings (Button Top right in the Dynpro, not in the button bar tho).
    Now change page format and orientation to desired one.

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    The size of the database file isn't smaller than ago after delete some data from database.
    How to reduce the size of file after delete some datas?

    What BDB release are you using? If it's one of the latest releases, then what you are looking for is the DB->compact() method:
    The DB->compact() method compacts Btree, Hash, and Recno access method databases, and optionally returns unused Btree, Hash or Recno database pages to the underlying filesystem. Please let me know if it helps.
    Bogdan Coman

  • How to reduce the size of the pdf file?

    How to reduce the size of the pdf file?
    Thank you for the help,

    You have two options:
    In this screen shot I have two method chosen.
    the one highlighted in yellow is more effective, except in the case where the pdf was from a Scan which is graphics only.
    select the one in yellow first and click on Fonts. Remove all duplicates. for some reason, I don't know if its defect in Acrobat, but usually multiple copies of the exact Font will show up and some cases there will font families not even used in your document.  remove all duplicates.
    Note: Duplicates do not mean for example: Helvetica, Helevetica Bold, Helvetica Bold Italic (these are three different fonts).
    You can reduce the quality of the graphics used and so on while in menu.
    The feature highlighted in green  more or less just reduce the general qaulity of the PDF. and may work for some PDF's

  • How to reduce the size of cloned Oracle Applications Instance

    How to reduce the size of cloned Oracle applications instance, so as to save the storage space for the cloned systems.
    How can we remove unimplemented modules in the instance so that we can reclaim the space occupied by them.
    can any please suggest on this..?

    I would recommend to leave it as it is.
    If you can add some inexpensive HDD to your test system then do so.
    The Apps DB storage decreasing process is quite painful and isn't straightforward.
    You can’t just delete unused schemas & tablesapces (if they are not used than they are not consuming reasonable space anyway). The modules in Apps are using each other procedures and objects. The effect of deleting one module (schema) is highly unpredictable.
    If you will do something like that than you will not be able to patch your cloned system after that.
    Some things can be done however in order to reduce size of a testing Apps system:
    - Decries UNDO & TEMP tablespaces. Normally you do not need that big tbs in test system as you have got in the production.
    - If your REDO LOG files are quite big and you have got a lot of redo groups you can recreated smaller REDO log files.
    - On Apps tier you can delete OUTput and LOG files
    In case you still would like to decrease data volume in your testing system you need to take a look on some tools which provide data subtracting capabilities from Apps DB. This process has to be quite intelligent. The tool have to know the data structures in APPS DB and subtract data in the way to not harm logical relationships between records. After a subtracting process you will need to make multiple FULL exp/imp cycles in order to reduce physical space consumed by the database. Beside the fact that those tools are quite expensive you will need to spend a lot of your time to implement those.
    BTW: That is the size of you production DB? Have you analyzed which module takes most of the space? May be you can identify top 10 objects and try to archive a data from those object preventing the future grow of the production database.
    Just my 0.02£
    Check this out:
    - Users can subscribe to your list by sending email to with 'subscribe' in the Subject field

  • How to reduce the size of the search portlet

    How to reduce the size of the search portlet inserted into a

    you can reduce the size of the portlet customizing the HTML
    code... i had the same problem and i reproduced the search
    portlet with a dynamic page, customizing my HTML and using the
    categ. & perspective IDs of the original portlet. It works but
    is not an elegant way to do this... i'm searching a better way
    to do it. If you'll find, please let me know....

  • How to reduce the size of a pdf?

    How to reduce the size of a pdf?

    Not do-able with Reader. Acrobat Pro can reduce PDF file size, but... if it's text only (no media or images) it won't reduce any more than it already is.

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    I have canon PIXMA MG2120. I am trying to scan the documents but the size is to big to attach to email. Any Idea how to reduce the size of the PDF file?

     For pdf size,you can compress the pdf size if you want to reduce the size of the pdf files.
    Here is the code to do it:
    using System.IO;
    using System.Drawing.Printing;
    using RasterEdge.Imaging;
    using RasterEdge.Imaging.Codec.Compression;
    using RasterEdge.Imaging.PDF;
    DocumentEncoder = DocumentEncoder.Group3Encoding
    RasterEdgeImaging Document = new RasterEdgeDocumentg();
    Image. DocumentCompression(@"C:\1.pdf", "C:\2.pdf", DocumentEncoder DocumentEncoder.Group3Encoding);

  • Reducing the size of image and then save that image in a folder

    can anyone help me about how to reduce the size of the image which i received from client .

    use compressionQuality to redue the image size,
    for example,
    bufferedImage =;
    ImageWriter writer = (ImageWriter) ImageIO.getImageWritersBySuffix("jpeg").next();
    ImageWriteParam param = writer.getDefaultWriteParam();
    writer.write(null, new IIOImage(bufferedImage, null, null),param);
    hope this will help.....

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    so.. please refer me to a guide in order to do it without loosing my original system (windows 7 home premium)
    And what's the prefered size for c:\ drive
    Thank you.
    [Personal Information Removed]

    Reminder: Please select the "Accept as Solution" button on the post that best answers your question. Also, you may select the "Kudos" button on any helpful post to give that person a quick thanks.
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  • How to reduce the size of a PDF file from a 10.26 MB to a 2.0 MB?

    I have save my file using Adobe and converted it to a PDF file size 10.26MB but the file is too do I reduce the size of the file to upload to a website?.  It needs to be PDF size 2.0 MB

    The free Reader can do nothing to shrink the files. Acrobat can reduce them somewhat but I think that not to the extent that you want, although it can also separate them in smaller files. Depending on the specific files, it may be better to reduce them in the originals from which the PDFs were made; for example, by lowering the resolution of images.

  • How to reduce the size of System tables(RS*) in SAP BW?

    Hi All,
    We need to reduce the size of a system tables(RS*) in SAP BW system without impacting anything to system.
    Could you please let us know is there any Global program/Function module to do the same.
    If not if you know any individual program or other way to reduce the system table size it will be very much useful.
    Sample System tables(RS*) are given below.

    There are tables you can archive / clean up and then there are tables you cannot do anything about. For example - if your system has a million queries - the RSRREPDIR , RZCOMPDIR tables will be large.
    The tables that typically get archived are :
    1. BALDAT / BALHDR - application log tables
    2. Monitor tables - search for Request archiving which will tell you how to archive the same
    The other tables -
    First you would have to understand why they are large in the first place ... if you have too many hierarchies - then some tables can be huge - delete some of the hierarchies you do not need and the table sizes should come down.
    RSRWBSTORE - this is the internal store for workbooks - this will have the last executed version of the workbook stored in the table. This information is called when the workbook is executed without refreshing the variables - which is why you get the workbook output first and then get prompted to refresh the variables.

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