How to reference the value of items in a generic report

I have created a generic report. The source is a PL/SQL-Function returning a query stored in a package of the parsing schema, using the apex_item package. I set the p_item_id values depending on p_idx and rownum. In the browser I can see the unique (id="...") of the items. The report works well.
One column is an analytical funtion and shows for every row the same value. The column is hidden. Depending on that value I want to show or hide buttons.
How can I get the value of this column. Apex_application.g_fxx don't work. Apex_application.g_fxx.COUNT =0 for all possible columns.
So how can I reference the value in the report.
Any suggestions?

Hallo varad
Should I do really?
The SQL is a function in a package returning a sql-string. It's a join over five tables (one outer join) refrences some other package variables. For testing purposes I put in into the region, but nothing changed. SQL is ok.
So here is the region source:
v_mdt_id pkg_typ_lagerplatzbelegungen.mdt_id_coltype;
v_laplstat_frei pkg_typ_lagerplatzbelegungen.laplstat_id_coltype;
v_laplstat_leermeldung pkg_typ_lagerplatzbelegungen.laplstat_id_coltype:=1;
v_sql VARCHAR2(10000);
v_mdt_id :=:g_mdt_id;
v_sql:= ' WITH lapl_lagepos
(SELECT (rownum ) zeile
,pkg_sel_lagerplaetze.fkt_get_lapl_kurzbez_display( laplbe1.lapl_koor1
, laplbe1.mdt_id) lapl_kurzbez
,mat.mat_id mat_id_neu
,mat.matart_id matart_id_neu
,mat.mdt_id_mat mdt_id_mat_neu
,NULL zumenge
,NVL(SUM(lagepos.lagepos_menge) OVER (PARTITION BY lagepos.lage_id),0)
WHEN NVL(SUM(lagepos.lagepos_menge) OVER (PARTITION BY lagepos.lage_id),0) = 0
AND (laplbe1.laplstat_id < '||v_laplstat_frei||' OR NVL(laplbe1.lage_id,0) > 0) THEN 0
NVL(SUM(lagepos.lagepos_menge) OVER (PARTITION BY lagepos.lage_id),0)+1
END leerkennung
FROM (SELECT laplbe.mdt_id
FROM lagerplaetze lapl
,lagerplatzbelegungen laplbe
WHERE lapl.lapl_kurzbez ='||'''77B04B1'''||'
AND lapl.mdt_id ='||v_mdt_id||'
AND laplbe.mdt_id ='||v_mdt_id||'
AND laplbe.lapl_koor1 = lapl.lapl_koor1
AND laplbe.lapl_koor2 = lapl.lapl_koor2
AND laplbe.lapl_koor3 = lapl.lapl_koor3
AND laplbe.lapl_koor4 = lapl.lapl_koor4
AND laplbe.lapl_koor5 = lapl.lapl_koor5
AND laplbe.mdt_id = lapl.mdt_id) laplbe1
, (SELECT lage_id
FROM lagergebindepositionen
WHERE NVL(lagepos_archiviert,0) =0
AND mdt_id = '||v_mdt_id||') lagepos
,(SELECT mat_id
FROM materialien
WHERE mat_archiviert= 0
AND NVL(mdt_id_mat,'||v_mdt_id||')='||v_mdt_id||') mat
WHERE laplbe1.lage_id = lagepos.lage_id(+)
AND lagepos.mat_id =mat.mat_id(+)
AND lagepos.matart_id = mat.matart_id(+)
AND lagepos.mdt_id_mat=mat.mdt_id_mat(+))
SELECT APEX_ITEM.hidden (31, zeile,'''',''P95801_f31_''||zeile ) zeile
,APEX_ITEM.text (32, leerkennung,10,10,''P95801_f32_''||zeile ) "Leerkennung "
,APEX_ITEM.hidden (33,mdt_id ,'''' ,''P95801_f33_''||zeile ) mdt_id
,APEX_ITEM.hidden (34,lapl_koor1 ,'''' ,''P95801_f34_''||zeile) lapl_koor1
,APEX_ITEM.hidden (35,lapl_koor2 ,'''' ,''P95801_f35_''||zeile ) lapl_koor2
,APEX_ITEM.hidden (36,lapl_koor3 ,'''' ,''P95801_f36_''||zeile) lapl_koor3
,APEX_ITEM.hidden (37,lapl_koor4 ,'''' ,''P95801_f37_''||zeile) lapl_koor4
,APEX_ITEM.hidden (38,lapl_koor5 ,'''' ,''P95801_f38_''||zeile ) lapl_koor5
,APEX_ITEM.hidden (39,lage_id ,'''',''P95801_f39_''||zeile ) lage_id
,APEX_ITEM.hidden (40,lagepos_id ,'''' ,''P95801_f40_''||zeile) lagepos_id
,APEX_ITEM.display_and_save(41,lapl_kurzbez,''P95801_f41_''||zeile) "Lagerplatz"
,APEX_ITEM.display_and_save(42,lavo_id ,''P95801_f42_''||zeile) "Fachtyp"
,DECODE(mat_id ,NULL, APEX_ITEM.popup_from_lov (43,'''',''MATLAVO'','''','''',0,'''',''''
,''onFocus="fkt_set_bordercolor(this)" onBlur="fkt_reset_bordercolor(this)" onkeydown="fkt_submit_tab(event,this)" ''
,APEX_ITEM.display_and_save(43,mat_id,''P95801_f43_''||zeile)) "Material-Id"
,DECODE(matart_id,NULL, APEX_ITEM.hidden(44,matart_id ,'''' ,''P95801_f44_''||zeile)
, APEX_ITEM.hidden(44,matart_id ,'''' ,''P95801_f44_''||zeile)) matart_id
,DECODE( mdt_id_mat,NULL, APEX_ITEM.hidden (45,mdt_id_mat ,'''' ,''P95801_f45_''||zeile )
,APEX_ITEM.hidden (45,mdt_id_mat ,'''' ,''P95801_f45_''||zeile )) mdt_id_mat
,APEX_ITEM.display_and_save(46,mat_name1 ,''P95801_f46_''||zeile) "Materialname"
,APEX_ITEM.display_and_save(47,mat_name2 ,''P95801_f47_''||zeile) "Materialbezeichnung"
,APEX_ITEM.display_and_save(48,lagepos_menge ,''P95801_f48_''||zeile) "Lagernde Menge"
,APEX_ITEM.display_and_save(49,meschl_id ,''P95801_f49_''||zeile) "Mengenschlüssel"
,APEX_ITEM.text(50,zumenge,10,10,'' style="width:120px" onFocus="fkt_set_bordercolor(this)" onBlur="fkt_reset_bordercolor(this)" onkeydown="fkt_submit_tab(event,this)" '',''P95801_f50_''||zeile ) "Einzulagernde Menge"
FROM lapl_lagepos';
RETURN v_sql;
Thank you for help

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    Create AppModuleImpl class and create ther for example setMyParam procedure.
    (You can use AppModule. There simple interface to do this classes
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    Hi Hanimi,
    1. You need to extend the VO, add a new Attribute.
    2. In VORowImpl of the extended VO, you can find the getter for your new attribute (example getItem())
    3. In this getter method you can write some code like:
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    if (properties.ListTitle.Equals("My List"))
    using(SPSite thisSite = new SPSite(properties.WebUrl))
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    properties.Cancel = true;
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    throw new SPException("An error occured while processing the My List Feature. Please contact your Portal Administrator");
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Feature Id="1c2100ca-bad5-41f5-9707-7bf4edc08383"
    Title="Prevents Duplicate Item"
    Description="Prevents duplicate Name in the "My List" List"
    <ElementManifest Location="elements.xml"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <Elements xmlns="">
    <Receivers ListTemplateId="100">
    <Assembly>AAA.BBB, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8003cf0cbff32406</Assembly>
    Below link explains adding the list events.
    Reference link:
    Amalaraja Fernando,
    SharePoint Architect
    Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if a post has been helpful for you. This post is provided "AS IS" with no warrenties and confers no rights.

    Recommended way for binding the list event handler to the list instance is through feature receivers.
    You need to create a feature file like the below sample
    <Feature xmlns=""
    Title="Installs MyFeatureReceiver"
    Description="Installs MyFeatureReceiver" Hidden="False" Version="" Scope="Site"
    ReceiverAssembly="ClassLibrary1, Version=, Culture=neutral,
    </Feature>For registering/binding the list event handler to the list instance, use the below sample codeusing System;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint;
    namespace ClassLibrary1
        public class MyFeatureReceiver: SPFeatureReceiver
            public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
                SPSite siteCollection = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
                SPWeb site = siteCollection.AllWebs["Docs"];
                SPList list = site.Lists["MyList"];
                SPEventReceiverDefinition rd = list.EventReceivers.Add();
                rd.Name = "My Event Receiver";
                rd.Class = "ClassLibrary1.MyListEventReceiver1";
                rd.Assembly = "ClassLibrary1, Version=, Culture=neutral,
                rd.Data = "My Event Receiver data";
                rd.Type = SPEventReceiverType.FieldAdding;
            public override void FeatureDeactivating(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
                SPSite sitecollection = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
                SPWeb site = sitecollection.AllWebs["Docs"];
                SPList list = site.Lists["MyList"];
                foreach (SPEventReceiverDefinition rd in list.EventReceivers)
                    if (rd.Name == "My Event Receiver")
            public override void FeatureInstalled(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
            public override void FeatureUninstalling(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
    }Reference link: ways of registering the list event handlers to the List instance are through code, stsadm commands and content types.
    Amalaraja Fernando,
    SharePoint Architect
    Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if a post has been helpful for you. This post is provided "AS IS" with no warrenties and confers no rights.

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    Thanks for quick response.
    com.ContractualSalaryByYearlyView xml
    <Attr Name="_isExpertMode" Value="true"/>
    ContractualSalYearlyByYearViewLink.xml file
    <Attr Name="_finderName" Value="ContractualSalaryByYearlyView"/>
    <Attr Name="_isUpdateable" Value="true"/>
    <AttrArray Name="Attributes">
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    <Attr Name="_isUpdateable" Value="true"/>
    <AttrArray Name="Attributes">

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    You can use GetDatabankValue(HeaderName, Value) to get the value from databank and SetDataBankValue(HeaderName, Value) to set the value to databank.
    You can refer to the API Reference to see list of associated functions and techniques we can use with related to Data Bank.
    This is the for OFT but if you are using Open Script then you have direct access for getting the databank value but when it comes to setting a value you have to use File operation and write you own methods to do the set operation.
    Edited by: Openscript User 100 on Nov 13, 2009 7:01 AM

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    When you are setting values, check the repository(getRepository()) from which mutable repository item is created. Go to that class .properties file and check the repository mapping.

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    Thank you,

    Hi AOK2013, 
    Have you had a look at this Microsoft tutorial:
    Essentially, you want to use the AfterProperties property to access the changed field value. 
    var personvalue = properties.AfterProperties["YourPersonFieldName"]
    Regards, Matthew
    My Blog
    Matthew Yarlett's profile
    See my webpart on the TechNet Gallery that allows administrative users to upload, crop and format user profile photos. Check it out here:
    Upload and Crop User Profile Photos

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Padma
    Can you do this activity once the company code is in to production. I guess you can not do this activity, if the company code is already in to live. Setting or resetting of the recon accounts will hinder the previous actitivity. Infact resetting of the company code is also not a good option.
    Any how, thanks for the inputs. Please let me know whether i can do this activity only at the subledger level which will not impact other modules. The one solution i can figured out is , reverse all the transactions for the corresponding asset in the year of takeover and pass the entries again in the same year correctly which will have effect in Subledger and also in general ledger. But the business people will not allow this, since for a big client it will require lot of authorizations and approvals. Infact the vendor also, is cleared. So we have to reverse the cleared documents as well which is again a task and require approvals as well.
    Thanks and regards

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                    Sequence mySequence = myEngine.NewSequence();
                    mySequence.Name = "myAction";
                    //Create new step of type Action and set Name
                    Step mystep = myEngine.NewStep(AdapterKeyNames.DotNetAdapterKeyname, StepTypes.StepType_Action);
                    mystep.Name = "GetStringObject";
                    //Obtain the code module from the step
                    DotNetModule myModule = mystep.Module as DotNetModule;
                    //Set properties of the module
                    myModule.SetAssembly(DotNetModuleAssemblyLocations.DotNetModule_AssemblyLocation_File, @"C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\HelperClass\HelperClass\bin\Debug\HelperClass.dll");
                    myModule.ClassName = "Class1";
                    myModule.MemberType = DotNetModuleMemberTypes.DotNetMember_GetProperty;
                    myModule.MemberName = "StringObject";
                    mySequence.InsertStep(mystep, 0, StepGroups.StepGroup_Setup);
                    mySequence.Locals.NewSubProperty("StringObject", PropertyValueTypes.PropValType_Reference, false, "", 0);
                    DotNetParameterDirections reference = mySequence.Locals as DotNetParameterDirections;
                    mySequence.Locals.GetPropertyObject("StringObject", 0);
                    myModule.ClassReference = "Locals.StringObject";
                    myModule.LoadPrototypeFromMetadataToken(385875969, 0);
    After this I am not able to proceed.herewith attached documents contain screenshot of teststand file marked red is to be solved. How to define the value field of the return parameters?
    HelperClass.cs ‏1 KB
    ex1.gif ‏2305 KB

    Please see my answer to your question on page two of the following forum thread:
    Programmatically generating DotNet Steps in TestStand
    Manooch H.
    National Instruments

  • How to acess the value in object

    Hi All,
    I am trying to create a table and bound the arraylist object to i created a method and set value to bean variables and added the bean object to arraylist
    and i created a datacontrol.The i dragged and dropped the dataHolder and created a table.when run this page its showing the object instead of value inside
    the object how to acess the value inside the object here.I also pasted the table code after dragging and dropping below
    public void setData() {
    TempleteBean bean =new TempleteBean();
    <af:table rows="#{bindings.dataHolder.rangeSize}"
    emptyText="#{bindings.dataHolder.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
    var="row" rowBandingInterval="0"
    rowSelection="single" id="t1">
    <af:forEach items="#{bindings.dataHolder.attributeDefs}" var="def">
    <af:column headerText="#{bindings.dataHolder.labels[]}"
    sortable="true" sortProperty="#{}" id="c1">
    <af:outputText value="#{row[]}" id="ot1"/>

    I think instead of
    you would use
    or something along this line.

  • Reference the value of a Derived Column

    Hi Folks.
    Starting a new tread on this because the title fo the original thread which I was replying to does not address the specific issue i have now.
    If I add a [derived column] to the report definition and give put the following in the HTML Expression..
    <input type="file">
    Then I get the file browser for each row.
    Now how can I reference the value of the derived column on a row by row basis. What is the syntax for referring to the column value?
    Any assistance greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks

    It's a case of "Close, but no cigar" I'm afraid.
    Whilst this solution will capture the 'string' selected in the column. APEX still will not put the file into the APEX_APPLICATION_FILES table.
    This would appear to be the final missing link in the chain.
    Should you, or anyone, know how to do this, please post a reply. I did find seom info in this thread...
    insert multiple files from a single form
    but I'm finding it hard to follow, especially as the original tutorial link no longer works.
    This page, by Denes Kubicek seems to do the trick for him...
    Have asked him if he will post the backend code.

  • How to reference the Instance name using Substitution string or SQL

    We have an Application that will be replicated in multiple Apex instances and would like to display the current Oracle Apex Instance name ( Similar to the &APP_USER. on the Welcome portion of the page ) .
    Is there a substitution string for this ?
    We plan on using a Show/Hide region on the splash page titled [About], that when clicked displays an HTML region with the subsitution strings.
    If no substitution strings, can someone help with an SQL that returns the Instance name ?
    Thanks for all the help.
    Aubrey Fernandes

    Aubrey Fernandes wrote:
    I currently have 3 URLs to get to my Development, QA and Production servers & will have many more production servers with different Application Ids.
    Development = http://canqa101:7777/pls/ngcrmd01/apex
    QA = http://canqa101:7777/pls/ngcrmq01/f?p=100:1
    Production = http://cancs105:7777/pls/ngcrmp01/f?p=100:1
    What I need are the portions before the final forward slash ( canqa101:7777/pls/ngcrmd01 ) which I assumed is the Oracle Apex instance.That information is determined by the web server configuration (e.g. the DADs when using OHS) rather than through APEX itself. There are no built-in substitution strings for this. Create an application item and an On New Instance (new session) computation to set the value using the function<tt>owa_util.get_cgi_env</tt> function to get the CGI environment variables <tt> HTTP_HOST</tt> and <tt>SCRIPT_NAME</tt>. You can then reference the value in the region using substitution string syntax.

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