How to register EEM Tcl script

I've a EEM tcl script in bootflash. How to register EEM script. I did the following but it couldn't locate the script in bootflash.
switch2(config)#event manager policy bootflash:eem-stuckcpu.tcl type user
EEM configuration: policy file bootflash:eem-stuckcpu.tcl could not be found
switch2(config)#event manager policy eem-stuckcpu.tcl type user          
EEM configuration: policy file eem-stuckcpu.tcl could not be found

You need to configure:
event manager directory user policy bootflash:
Then use:
event manager policy eem-stuckcpu.tcl

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    No.  Time of Event             Event Type          Name
    1    Wed Mar 3  09:39:31 2010  none                script: test_err.tcl
    2    Wed Mar 3  10:56:42 2010  timer watchdog      script: free_mem.tcl
    3    Wed Mar 3  11:43:19 2010  syslog              applet: Login-Fail
    So the policies coming after the stuck policy won't run.  I've tried to un-register/re-register the policy, but it didn't help.

    If your device does not support "event manager scheduler clear" the only way to terminate a stuck, or long-running EEM policy is to reboot.

  • EEM TCL script configuration issue

    Hi Experts,
    I need help with an EEM TCL script for the CRS platform that generates a SYSLOG message after the CPU reaches a threshold value and then stays over the threshold value for 15 minutes, I've already tryied several thing and the last TCL script that I tested generated the SYSLOG message when the CPU reaches the threshold but I can't seem to find any way to make it wait the 15 min over the threshold and then generate the message.
    My current script looks like this:
    ::cisco::eem::event_register_wdsysmon timewin 900 sub1 cpu_tot op ge val 70
    namespace import ::cisco::eem::*
    namespace import ::cisco::lib::*
    array set event_details [event_reqinfo]
    action_syslog msg "sub1 is $event_details(sub1)"
    action_syslog msg "High CPU threshold value over 70%"
    puts ok
    I've tryied using the 'period' option for the 'cpu_tot' variable but the TCL script was'nt recognized and couldn't be registered, and I'm using the 'timewin' option here but it seems to be wrong as it says it's the time it has for multiple sub-events to ocurr in order for the script to execute.
    (Optional) Time window within which all of the subevents have to occur in order for an event to be generated and is specified in SSSSSSSSSS[.MMM] format. SSSSSSSSSS format must be an integer representing seconds between 0 and 4294967295 inclusive. MMM format must be an integer representing milliseconds between 0 and 999).
    Also, the 'period' option I believe wouldn't have worked because I understand that it referrs to the time period that the script will take to monitor the CPU:
    •1. cpu_tot [op gt|ge|eq|ne|lt|le] [val ?] [period ?]
    (Optional) Comparison operator that is used to compare the collected total system CPU usage sample percentage with the specified percentage value. If true, an event is raised.
    (Optional) Percentage value in which the average CPU usage during the sample period is compared.
    (Optional) Time period for averaging the collection of samples and is specified in SSSSSSSSSS[.MMM] format. SSSSSSSSSS format must be an integer representing seconds between 0 and 4294967295, inclusive. MMM format must be an integer representing milliseconds between 0 and 999. If this argument is not specified, the most recent sample is used.
    As I said, I couldn't try this because the script send an error when I tried to register using the following line:
    ::cisco::eem::event_register_wdsysmon sub1 cpu_tot op ge val 70 period 900
    This is the error message that appeared:
    RP/0/RP0/CPU0:CRS(config)#event manager policy test.tcl username cisco
    Thu Aug 29 12:35:43.569 CDT
    % Failed to commit one or more configuration items during a pseudo-atomic operation. All changes made have been reverted. Please issue 'show configuration failed' from this session to view the errors
    RP/0/RP0/CPU0:CRS(config)#sh conf fail
    Thu Aug 29 12:35:52.427 CDT
    !! SEMANTIC ERRORS: This configuration was rejected by
    !! the system due to semantic errors. The individual
    !! errors with each failed configuration command can be
    !! found below.
    event manager policy test.tcl username cisco persist-time 3600
    !!% Embedded Event Manager configuration: failed to retrieve intermediate registration result for policy test.tcl
    Anyway, to make this work I understand that I need nested TCL scripts that do the following:
    •1. Monitor the CPU and when it reaches the threshold install another TCL policy that counts down 15 min.
    •2. If the second TCL policy reaches zero then it should generate the SYSLOG message.
    •3. Monitor the CPU while this is running and if it falls below the threshold it should stop the second TCL policy.
    I don't know how I can acomplish this so if anyone can help me with this or show me another way to do this I would really appreciate it.
    Thanks in advance for all your help!

    Neither option is likely to do what you want.  The timewin is for correlating multiple events, and period is the polling interval.  What you want is to create a timer when the CPU is first detected as being high, countdown 15 minutes, then alert you.  You can do this with a nested EEM policy.  For example, you can add the following to your existing policy:
    proc get_pol_dir { fd } {
        set res {}
        set output [cli_exec $fd "show event manager directory user policy"]
        set output [string trim $output]
        regsub -all "\r\n" $output "\n" result
        set lines [split $result "\n"]
        foreach line $lines {
            if { $line == "" } {
            if { ! [regexp {\s} $line] && ! [regexp {#$} $line] } {
                set res $line
        if { $res == {} } {
            return -code error "The user policy directory has not been configured"
        return $res
    if { [catch {cli_open} result] } {
        error $result $errorInfo
    array set cli $result
    set output [cli_exec $cli(fd) "show event manager policy registered | inc tm_alert_high_cpu.tcl"]
    if { [regexp {tm_alert_high_cpu.tcl} $output] } {
        exit 0
    set poldir [get_pol_dir $cli(fd)]
    set polname "${poldir}/tm_alert_high_cpu.tcl"
    set fd [open $polname "w"]
    puts $fd "::cisco::eem::event_register_timer countdown time 900"
    puts $fd "namespace import ::cisco::eem::*"
    puts $fd "namespace import ::cisco::lib::*"
    puts $fd "action_syslog msg \"CPU has been over 70% for 15 minutes\""
    close $fd
    cli_exec $cli(fd) "config t"
    cli_exec $cli(fd) "event manager policy tm_lert_high_cpu.tcl username eem"
    cli_exec $cli(fd) "commit"
    cli_exec $cli(fd) "end"
    catch {cli_close $cli(fd) $cli(tty_id)}
    Additionally, you'll want another permanently configured policy that checks for a low CPU threshold.  Something like:
    ::cisco::eem::event_register_wdsysmon sub1 cpu_tot op le val 10
    namespace import ::cisco::eem::*
    namespace import ::cisco::lib::*
    if { [catch {cli_open} result] } {
        error $result $errorInfo
    array set cli $result
    cli_exec $cli(fd) "config t"
    cli_exec $cli(fd) "no event manager policy tm_alert_high_cpu.tcl"
    cli_exec $cli(fd) "commit"
    cli_exec $cli(fd) "end"
    catch {cli_close $cli(fd) $cli(tty_id)}

  • IP SLA EEM/Tcl Scripts

    Hello Community,
    I have been testing a EEM/Tcl scripts for IP SLA. However, after testing I realised that the script didn't go far enough in identifying the link(s) that has actually gone down.
    I was wondering if someone knows any good EEM/Tcl scripts for IP SLA?

    What about it doesn't work?  Is the policy not triggering?  Is the IPSLA operation not transitioning state?

  • EEM-TCL Script to switch config from interface X to interface Y

    Hello Guys,
    I’m trying to create a script which is controlled by an EEM-UPDOWN event of an interface. What I’m trying to do is, if interface X is down for some reason it should copy the interface configuration to interface Y.
    So my problem is I’m very new to eem-tcl scripting and I have some basic problem hopefully u can help me =) I’m working on a ASR9K !
    So what i have done so fare:
    ::cisco::eem::event_register_syslog occurs 1 pattern ".*CHANGED.*$_sat_1_link_1.*" maxrun 90   
    namespace import ::cisco::eem::*
    namespace import ::cisco::lib::*
    array set arr_einfo [event_reqinfo]
    if {$_cerrno != 0} {
        set result [format "component=%s; subsys err=%s; posix err=%s;\n%s" \
          $_cerr_sub_num $_cerr_sub_err $_cerr_posix_err $_cerr_str]
        error $result
    if [catch {cli_open} result] {
        error $result $errorInfo
    } else {
        array set cli1 $result
    action_syslog priority emergencies msg "start script testv1_1"
    #puts "\nEXECUTE CLI COMAND :\n"
    set out {cli_exec $cli1(fd) "show running-config formal interface $_sat_1_link_1"}
    set xout [split $out \n]
    #puts "DEBUG : $xout \n\n"
    set anz [llength $xout]
    #puts "DEBUG : count rows = $anz \n\n"
    for {set ii "0"}  {$ii < $anz } {incr ii} {
           set indexout [lindex $out $ii]
        regexp  {([\w]+)[ ]([\w\d/]+)\s(.*)} $indexout a b c d
        #puts "\nDEBUG START"
        #puts "\nindex Nr  $ii"
        #puts "Full Match: $a"
        #puts "Sub Match1: $b"
        #puts "Sub Match2: $c"
        #puts "Sub Match3: $d"
        #puts "DEBUG END\n"
        set intsrc {cli_exec $cli1(fd) "no $b $_sat_1_link_1 $d"}
        set intdest {cli_exec $cli1(fd) "$b $_sat_1_link_2 $d"}
    if [catch {cli_exec $cli1(fd) "commit"} result] {
        error $result $errorInfo
    if [catch {cli_exec $cli1(fd) "end"} result] {
        error $result $errorInfo
    action_syslog priority emergencies msg "End script testv1_1"
    ps. $_sat_1_link_1 and $_sat_1_link_2 are globaly set per cli in the event manager env.
    Thanks for your help and hopefully u can help me with this script

    after show running-config formal interface TenGigE 0/0/2/1 the cli output example is :
    interface TenGigE0/0/2/1 description Test: 0-43
    interface TenGigE0/0/2/1
    interface TenGigE0/0/2/1 shutdown
    and now i want to split the config with my regex
    regexp  {([\w]+)[ ]([\w\d/]+)\s(.*)} $indexout a b c d
    As example line 1
    set x= "TenGigE0/0/2/2"                  --> =dest_interface
    a= interface TenGigE0/0/2/1 description Test: 0-43
    b= interface
    c= TenGigE0/0/2/1
    d= description Test: 0-43
    do this
    cli_exec $cli1(fd) "no $b $c $d"      --->no interface TenGig E0/0/2/1 description Test: 0-43
    cli_exec $cli1(fd) " $b $x $d"          ---> interface TenGigE0/0/2/2 description Test: 0-43
    and from this point it shoud do this until there are no config lines  =)
    as a final result is should copy the whole config from interface X to interface Y  if the trigger is active
    but as i see, the main problem is to get the CLI output in a format like this
    set xy = interface TenGigE0/0/2/1 description Test: 0-43\ninterface TenGigE0/0/2/1\ninterface TenGigE0/0/2/1 shutdown
    or in an index like this:
    Index | command
    1         interface TenGigE0/0/2/1 description Test: 0-43
    2         interface TenGigE0/0/2/1
    3         interface TenGigE0/0/2/1 shutdown

  • EEM / Tcl Script Help Please

    Hello Community,
    I have been evaluating a Tcl Script posted here sometime ago, designed to help monitor track interfaces and routes, see attached.
    I believe I have applied the configurations correctly, however when I test the script by shutting down interfaces nothing happens.
    I'm sure its something very simple that I'm missing.
    I wonder if someone could take a look at the configs and let me know what I'm doing wrong. I have also attached a diagram.

    I did read again and I got it to work :-)
    On a slightly different topic, is it possible to 'track' a static ip address?
    For example, I have the following tracking configured:
    track 1 ip route reachability
    track 2 interface FastEthernet0/0 ip routing
    track 3 interface FastEthernet0/1 ip routing
    track 4 ip route reachability
    track 5 ip route reachability
    R3#show track brie
    Track   Object                         Parameter        Value
    1       ip route            reachability     Up (static)
    2       interface FastEthernet0/0      ip routing       Up
    3       interface FastEthernet0/1      ip routing       Up
    4       ip route        reachability     Down (no route)
    5       ip route        reachability     Down (no route)
    However, you will see that track 4 and 5 are down. This is because, although I can ping and the actual ip addresses don't appear in the routing table:
    Gateway of last resort is to network is subnetted, 1 subnets
    C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets
    C is directly connected, FastEthernet1/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets
    C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets
    C is directly connected, Ethernet2/0
    S* is directly connected, FastEthernet1/0
    Therefore, is there way of creating a track for /32 ip addresses?
    I hope that makes sense.

  • Router Crashs when using EEM(TCL script)

    I wrote a TCL script to deal with my  dual-link router, but the script running for some time will case the router crash.Could you help me for this?
    Is there some problem with my script ?Thank you!
    Routers :CISCO2821
    IOS vesion:12.4(15)T8

    This looks like CSCsv52332.  This bug is fixed in 12.4(15)T10.

  • SNMP GET operation via EEM Tcl Scripting

    Hi Experts,
    I am writing to you because I was browsing through the archives and saw in one discussion the following command:
    sys_reqinfo_snmp_set oid int 2 community private ipaddr
    I am trying to the get the "get" version of the above command. This means a command that gives you the ability to poll an external/remote SNMP Agent MIB. This is the reason I highlited the "ipaddr" keyword.
    The following command gives you the option to locally poll an object, but it does not give you the option (as indicated in the available literature) to do it on an external device:
    sys_reqinfo_snmp oid ? get_type exact|next
    In applet configuration mode there is a way to achieve that but I have not found any indication on how to do it via Tcl, which supposedly supersedes what you can do via applet configuration.
    Thanks in advance for you knowledge and help.

    Assuming you have a new enough version of EEM, the command is:
    sys_reqinfo_snmp oid OID get_type {exact|next} community COMMUNITY ipaddr IPADDR

  • Registering a Tcl Script

    I have an easy problem that I'm obviously over looking.  I imagine it's been asked before.
    I've downloaded the multiple pipe support script, copied it to flash, used the event manager policy cl_multi_pipe.tcl command. 
    Then I get an error:
    EEM configuration:  policy file cl_multi_pipe.tcl could not be found, the user policy directory is not configured.
    What am I missing?

    I just found it:
    event manager directory user policy flash:

  • EEM/Tcl Script Assistance Part3

    Hello Community,
    Attached is a script originally posted by Joseph.
    When I apply the script I get the following error message:
    R2(config)#event manager policy switchstats.tcl  
    Compile check and registration failed:policy file does not start with event register cmd: file
    Tcl policy execute failed: policy file does not start with event register cmd: file
    Embedded Event Manager configuration: failed to retrieve intermediate registration result for policy switchstats.tcl: Unknown error 0
    I was wondering if someone could take a quick look and let me know what the problem is/

    Hello Community,
    I realised what I was doing wrong, so please ignore the original post.
    However, I get the following error on line 22 when I run the script.
    uk0149_SW2960_100Cheapside#tclsh switchstats.tcl
    extra characters after close-quote
        while executing
    "puts $filename "switch, interface, packets input,bytes,no buffer,broadcasts,multicasts,runts,giants,throttles,input errors,CRC,frame,overrun,ignored,w..."
        (file "switchstats.tcl" line 22)
    Line 22 is:
    puts $filename "switch, interface, packets input,bytes,no buffer,broadcasts,multicasts,runts,giants,throttles,input errors,CRC,frame,overrun,ignored,watchdog,multicast,pause input,input packets with dribble condition detected,packets output,bytes,underruns,output errors,collisions,interface resets,babbles,late collision,deferred,lost carrier,no carrier,PAUSE ,output buffer failures,output buffers swapped out"
    Can you help?

  • Signing byte-encoded TCL script for EEM

    Good day,
    I am trying to figure out how to sign a TCL script which is distributed in byte-encoded form.
    The byte coding is performed with TCL pro (
    Any pointers on how to do it will be much appreciated.

    EEM 3.4 should support third party signing of Tcl policies.  As to whether or not byte-code compiled policies will be supported is uncertain.  However, you should be able to sign a byte-code compiled Tcl script (regular Tcl script, and not EEM policy) by putting the signature after the closing tbcload '}'.  I assume the same thing will eventually be doable with EEM.

  • Using EEM and TCL scripts for voice

    HI all,
    I'd like to use eem to check Sip dial-peer status+interface BRI status, when sip dial-peer has no answer to invite and bri interface is down the LAN interface must be shutted down. Is it possible to avhieve it using eem? I didn't find anything for eem monitoring sip dial-peers...

    EEM doesn't have any ability to control the data plane currently.  Therefore, there is no direct voice tie-in.  There is a way to do Tcl scripting of some voice operations (e.g. IVR scripts), but those do not relate to EEM.
    That said, if there are some show commands which provide you the data you need, you can create an EEM timer policy (i.e. one that runs periodically), parsers the show command output, and takes further action if the output contains certain patterns.  Depending on the version of IOS, this may require an EEM Tcl script, or you may be able to do it within an EEM applet.
    If you need further assistance, you will need to provide your IOS version, and the exact commands (and output) which would tell you if the SIP peer isn't getting an answer and the BRI interface is truly down (I'm imagining something like "show isdn status" for this one).
    Please support CSC Helps Haiti

  • TcL Scripting for Cisco IOS,

    anyone has idea how useful this book
    TcL Scripting for Cisco IOS,
    thank you

    Hi Joe
    it is interesting that you are the technical reviewer of this book
    i was think to get mid level in Tcl scripting with EEM to give me the ability to  implement some automated things
    i am good with EEM but Tcl not
    will this book take the reader from scratch to tcl scripting ?
    thank you and happy new year

  • TCL script help needed on Nexus7000 !

    Does anyone know how to create a TCL script on Nexus7000 switch for following scenario ? Need urgent help here.. :-
    Here is what I am trying to do :-
    1. Whenever following log on "show log log" prints out :-
    2. Print out the output of show system internal pixm errors
    And look for following line :-
    [102] pixm_send_msg_mcast(1208): MTS Send to LC X failed >> where X is 0 based
    and this error can occur multiple times for different LCs too.
    4. Reload line card (s) X and syslog " task done"

    Vijaya I found same post on support cisco forums So people helped someone in same question !!!!!!
    Please read it ....
    Yes plus if u can help me in ......Cisco ASA same security problem than that will be good for me .....I will contact u and will be great help for me if u help
    Hope that link help u .....

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    how do i run a script in ombplus
    when i give a command ompplus.bat test.tcl the script doesnt run.
    it is given in a doc that in INTERACTIVE SHELL the SOURCE should be set as test.tcl
    and then ombplus.bat test.tcl command should be given in the ombplus command line.
    what is interactive shell in ombplus.
    and how to run a tcl script in ombplus.

    What is in the script?
    Try starting ombplus - you get cmd window and then type:
    source c:/test.tcl
    and so on...

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