How to remove step in Incident Wizard

I have copied the standard Transaction Type SMIN to YMIN and thats fine... But i really cannot find the place to modufy the Incident Wizard?
I have the need to remove the "Select reference Object" because we do not want the user to fill theese fields. But how?
I can remove the Fields of the step via the CRM webClient setup, but i would like remove the step finally?!

Hello Jakob,
Use marked icon and move step as shown

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    It sounds more like you are asking how to remove 2012 from several pages, rather than how to edit the script to not put 2012 in to begin with. If I'm wrong about that, you might want to ask over at the scripting forum.
    One easy way to remove 2012 is to use Find/Change. If you search for 2012 and leave the change field blank, it will replace 2012 with nothing. In the Find/Change window, there is a field that will let you search from the cursor location to the end of the current story, the whole story, all stories in the document, or all open documents. If you set it to Document, you can use the find button to find the first instance, and if you want to delete it, you can hit either Change, Change/Find (which will change it and look for the next instance), or Change All. I'd use Change/Find, in the event you have 2012 on another part of the calendar that you want to keep. You can also have it look for the text only when it has a particular paragraph or character style, and change to the same or a different paragraph or character style. To do that, click in the Find Format and Change Format boxes. To clear them out, hit the little trash can icon next to the field.

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    Hi Guna,
    To achieve this issue, we need to replace the value of ‘#’, we need to change the description while retrieving the data from tables. So we need to write some ABAP code in SE38. Go to RSA1 transaction and go to Info objects tab. Then go to context menu for ‘cProject Key Figures’ as shown below. Click on the ‘Object Overview’ to get the overview of all the info objects. Here you can see the field names which are used to know the table names.
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    Now click on the button rounded in the below screen to view the data in the table.
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    Now write the below code for that particular table in which you want to change the value ‘#’ to description ‘Blank’. In the below source code, we are updating particular table, setting the field as ‘Blank’ where it is null or no value. Here the field will automatically get updated to ‘#’ if there is no value or null.
    update /BIC/PXXXXX set /BIC/ZXXXX = 'Blank' where /BIC/ZXXXXX is null or /BIC/ZXXXX = ''.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
    write 'successful'.
    commit work.
    write 'unsuccessful'.
    If this # is because of the missing master data than,
    right click that IO -> maintain master
    you will see first row as a blank.
    whatever value you maintain in this row that will come in the report for all Not assigned # values of the master data in the report.
    maintain it according to your requirement, save and activate the master data
    Hope this helps u...

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    Hey Mohammed Usman,
    We have an article with the steps to remove credit card details from your account.  I'd take a look at the following article:
    iTunes Store: Changing account information
    It guides you to the Payment Information section on your iOS device or iTunes on your computer, and once there, you can select None:
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    please take a look at this
    on the <b style="font-weight: normal;">Environmental
    Consequence</b> window
    captures and displays information that you reported to a
    agency, police, rescue center, or internal company sources.
    <div class=droptext id=POPUP286607275 x-ss-type=dropdown
    style="display: none;">
    <p class=Graphic style="margin-left: 0in;"><img
    x-maintain-ratio=TRUE class=img_whs2 style="width: 1108px;
    height: 120px; border-style: none; border-style: none;"
    width=1108 height=120 border=0></p>
    <p class=Body>The following is a description of some of
    the fields that
    display on the <b style="font-weight:
    normal;">Agency Notification</b> tab:</p>
    <ul class=whs3 style="list-style: disc;" type=disc>
    <li class=p-BulletedList1><p
    class=BulletedList1><b style="font-weight: bold;">Reported
    By</b> - Person who reported the incident to an agency
    or organization.</p></li>
    <li class=p-BulletedList1><p
    class=BulletedList1><b style="font-weight: bold;">Agencies
    Notified</b> - Agencies or organizations notified
    about the incident.</p></li>
    <li class=p-BulletedList1><p
    class=BulletedList1><b style="font-weight:
    - Contact person at the notified agency or
    <li class=p-BulletedList1><p
    class=BulletedList1><b style="font-weight: bold;">Notify
    Date</b> - Date the agency was
    <li class=p-BulletedList1><p
    class=BulletedList1><span style="font-weight:
    Number</span> - This field can be used to record any
    comments, notes,
    agency report/case numbers associated with the agency
    notification. </p></li>
    <p class=TableText><a href="javascript:void(0);"
    onClick="var e; if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4){e=event;}
    if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >=2 &amp;&amp;
    typeof(PopupMenu_Invoke) == 'function')
    a Row','../../03_Getting_Started_files/Adding_Row.htm','Adding Text
    Record','EC_Environmental_Consequence_Record.htm','Searching by
    title="Related Topics" id=a2 style="position:
    relative;"><img src="../../ss_btn_related_topics1.gif"
    alt="Related Topics" style="width: 81px; height: 17px;
    border-style: none; border-style: none;"
    width=81 height=17
    <script language=javascript1.2
    if you could paste this code on your word doc and try to
    search for .bmp it exactly shows where it is used i tried removing
    that line but it acted strange as even when i added a pop up to a
    word it does not show anything in the view mode.

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    1. Pass in a piece of XML to the database as a CLOB
    2. Database converts this to XMLTYPE (stored as a CLOB (you can skip over this, Marco *{;-) ))
    3. An application then reads the XML from the database and inserts it into another bit of XML
    4. The application continues its processing based on this new composite XML.
    Up until now, the XML loaded into the database in step 1 (by various systems) has never contained a prolog. However, a new system has come along and is now passing in a prolog. This causes problems for the application in step 3.
    Aside from trying to get the new system to not pass in the prolog, is there a way to remove it from within Oracle?
    The two solutions I've come up with don't feel elegant:
    1. Use XMLTABLE to extract the main root node (which could be different, depending on which system sent in the data, and could change)
    2. Convert the prolog into a comment, using REPLACE, before converting the CLOB into an XMLTYPE.
    If I was forced to use one of these methods, I'd go with 2, but I really, really hope there's a better way of doing it.
    Has anyone got any other suggestions, please?
    PS. We're currently on and are shortly about to move to, but the solution has to work on both versions, for added fun and excitement!

    This is the error the application gives: "Error obtaining Additional Info SAX Exception : No processing instruction starts with 'xml'" which the app dev says is due to the presence of the prolog in the middle of the xml the app has build up.So basically, the app just "pastes" the XML in the middle of another without caring about the structure? What kind of design is that?
    IMO, the app has to be fixed, not the input XML.
    Plenty about how to add the prolog, nothing about how to remove it!You can use XMLQuery function to extract the root element :
    SQL> create table tmp_xml3 of xmltype
      2  xmltype store as basicfile clob;
    Table created
    SQL> insert into tmp_xml3 values (xmltype('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root/>'));
    1 row inserted
    SQL> select * from tmp_xml3;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root/>
    SQL> select xmlquery('*' passing object_value returning content)
      2  from tmp_xml3;
    Edited by: odie_63 on 22 août 2012 15:26

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    Here's a screenshot showing the duplicate page numbers:
    Does anybody have an idea how to remove them?

    Sometimes in the process of importing from Word, page numbers are improperly converted to Master Objects or Background Objects. Go to Format > Advanced > Make Master Objects Selectable. Then, with the cursor in the Margin of the document, press the Command Key (Cursor changes to an Arrow) and drag the cursor diagonally across the page number to select it. Then press the Delete key and the number should be gone. You need to check carefully to make sure that you have eliminated all the instances. There may be one per Section.

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    I wanted to document this because nobody should have to go through the hoops I just had to.  Sadly, I'm sure others have gone through much more.  Follow these steps to remove channels you no longer want to pay for, or avoid paying for because their free trial is about to expire:
    log in here - (Note: This login page could be different then what you're used to signing in to.  I have no clue why there are different systems that you can log into.)
    make sure the tab that says TV is selected in the middle of the screen towards the top
    select the add/change channels hyperlink towards the middle of the page
    uncheck whatever channel or bundle you no longer what to have
    select the Next button at the bottom of the page
    review the Order and select Next
    at this point I can't remember the rest of the steps, but they should be very self-explanatory
    Also, if you're trying to get actual help via chat, go to the home page for Verizon FiOS and act like you're going to order new service.  As you click around you'll find a link to chat to a rep.  Click there and they can help you out just like any other customer service rep.  I would just give the link if I could find it again.  For being an internet provider, Verizon FiOS' site is TERRIBLE.

    JHelven wrote:
    I have been going around in circles for like 30 minutes trying to figure out how to remove HBO. I tried what you said, but I don't see any link that says add/change channels. Everything I click on keeps taking me back to a page to "compare tv plans". I am about to go insane...when I tried to chat, I typed in my message and when I hit send, it said Chat no longer available, sorry!
    The post you are replying to is over 3 years old. It is very likely Verizon has changed the structure of the pages and moved stuff, they do that all the time.
    I don't know where you need to go since I do not have any premium channels that I could try to remove, but I would start at MyVerizon and click on the Shop button.
    FiOS TV, 25/25 Internet, and Digital Voice user
    QIP7232, QIP7100-P2, IMG 1.9.4
    Keller, TX 76248 (VHO 1)

  • How to remove data guard broker configuration when  ORA-16625?

    I setup data guard broker for a standby database. However, we recreate the database and re-setup the standby database. But find the earlier broker configuration still exists. But I cannot remove or disable the configuration or any database within the configuration. When I try to do so I got the error, although all network settings are correct:
    Error: ORA-16625: cannot reach the database
    How to remove the configuration at this stage?
    Thanks for help,

    Hi, I saw same issue when doing switchover testing in my lab environment.prerequisite is primary role and standby role switched and og can be applied without data guard broker.
    Here is the step I resolved the issue
    1)on both primary and standby database
    SQL> alter system set dg_borker_start=false;
    on primary DB:
    SQL>alter system set dg_broker_config_file1='?/dbs/dr1afterswichoverpry.dat';
    SQL>alter system set dg_broker_config_file1='?/dbs/dr2afterswichoverpry.dat';
    on standby DB:
    SQL>alter system set dg_broker_config_file1='?/dbs/dr1afterswichoverstby.dat';
    SQL>alter system set dg_broker_config_file1='?/dbs/dr2afterswichoverstby.dat';
    2) enable dg_borker_start on both primay and sandbby db
    SQL> alter system set dg_borker_start=true;
    3)on primary database to create configuration
    Hope this can help you!
    email: [email protected]

  • How to remove large message stuck in the adapter engine?

    Hi experts,
    We have a large message abt 100 MB stuck in the adapter engine which is causing the J2EE server to restart continuously.
    I have tried increasing the heap sizes and the number of threads in config tool, but no luck. My question here is how to remove that message? Also I checked smq1 and smq2 both are empty.

    Hi Nagasatya,
    This issue is realted to Large amount of data.You have to write condition in the query.I have face same issue,but resolved it.Please do the following steps.
    Go to Configtool and selct the and set this jdbc service to start manually instead of auto.
    Then restart server0, this time it should be started successfully. Then go to rwb and try to
    find if any jdbc hanging/failed messages are there, if so, cancel them;also deactivate the problematic jdbc communication channel, otherwise itwill poll the data again. After all above, you can manually try to start this jdbc.svc particually.

  • How to remove the a report from Transport

    Hi Have CR in transport and the CR contains many reports.
    a) If  i want to remove one report from that, plese tell wht are the steps do i need to follow.
    b)  if i want to remove entire transport request,Plese tell how to remove  the transport
    c) also give me steps if i want to remove the entire CR  from the transport.
    thanks in advance
    d) also please give me steps to release it to Quality.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello KP,
    a) If i want to remove one report from that, plese tell wht are the steps do i need to follow.
    Go to SE09
    Find out the TR where u have added the report.
    Select the report and click delete button. A Popup will apprear for confirmation.Press YES.
    b) if i want to remove entire transport request,Plese tell how to remove the transport
    Then remove all objects from the TR and Delete the TR.
    Please reward points if it helps.

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    We are having a four nodes in a cluster.
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  • How to remove a roll back segment file in 8.1.7

    How to remove a roll back segment file in 8.1.7 ?
    My RBS tablespace has two datafiles, how can I delete one of them ?
    Thank you.

    You would
    a. Create a new tablespace to hold rollback segments
    b. Create rollback segments in the new tablespace
    c. Bring the new rollback segments online and the old rollback segments offline
    d. Wait for all the old rollback segments to go offline (they'd be in PENDING OFFLINE if there are active transactions)
    d. Drop the old rollback segments
    e. Drop the old rollback tablespace -- after confirming that it has NO active rollback segments and NO OTHER segments at all
    f. Modify your init.ora to specify the new rollback segments in the "rollback_segments=" parameter
    If you want to switch back to the old tablespace name and segment names, you'd do steps a to e and then run them again to recreate the old tablespace name (with 1 datafile, excluding the one you want to drop) and segment names.

Maybe you are looking for