How to restrict repeated method call?

I have a method which fetches data from DB and returns a map.
public Map myDataList(){
returns mymap;
I call this method in the body of another method.
public void myCall(){
now i want myDatalist() method to be called only once even if myCall() is executed multiple times.

Kapil wrote:
but if i call the method in a static block will it give what i want?
}I'm not quite sure why you're so fixated on only calling a method once. What's wrong with:
static {
   // some set-up code
   while (moreRowsToFetch) {
}But Kayaman's quite right. Explain what you want properly.

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    With reference to the article
    "", the downloadable example is not available.
    Is it possible to recover it ?
    Thank yoy in advance

    Can't you specify "Requires" in your deployment descriptor for all of these methods involved in the transaction? This should enable the container to manage it for you.

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    I ended up logging a call with Cisco and got the solution, so thought I'll share with you all.
    Although there is possible configuration per DN but that can be a bit of complex configuration and also will vary depend upon individual route pattern and circumstances.
    I used the global configuration suggested by Cisco engineer for our organisation as mentioned bellow:
    Choose Service > Service Parameters in the Cisco Unified CallManager Administration page.
              Choose the PUB IP and then choose the Cisco CallManager service.
              In Clusterwide Parameters (Device - General) change the parameter value of Always Display Original Dialed  Numberto true. The default setting is false.

  • How to restrict repeated values

    Iam trying to get values from BSAK using logical database.
    bsak-lifnr having having 10 records.
    nodes: bsak,bseg.
    get bsak.
    write bsak-lifnr.
    while iam outputting the data it is showing all the 10 records.But i want only one record.Could u pls tell me how to do that...
    reward guaranteed.

    can u check this one
    REPORT  Z1F_RFKEPL00 no standard page heading
            line-size 140
            line-count 65
            message-id Z1.
    TABLES: LFA1,t005t,bsak,bseg,t001,skat.
    data: begin of t_bsak occurs 0,
            bukrs like bsak-bukrs,        "company code
            lifnr like bsak-lifnr,        "Vendor acc number
            augdt like bsak-augdt,        "Clearing date
            AUGBL like bsak-AUGBL,        "Clearing Document
            GJAHR like bsak-GJAHR,        "year
            belnr like bsak-belnr,        "Document number
            BUZEI like bsak-BUZEI,        "Line Item
            budat like bsak-budat,        "Posting Date in the Document
            bldat like bsak-bldat,        "Document date in document
            blart like bsak-blart,        "Document type
            BSCHL like bsak-BSCHL,        "Posting key
            WAERS like bsak-WAERS,        "Currency key
            CPUDT like bsak-cpudt,        "Accounting Document Entry Date
            SHKZG like bsak-shkzg,        "Debit/Credit Indicator
            DMBTR like bsak-dmbtr,        "Amount in local currency
            WRBTR like bsak-wrbtr,        "Amount in document currency
            SGTXT like bsak-sgtxt,        "Item Text
            SAKNR LIKE bsak-saknr,        "G/L Account Number
            hkont like bsak-hkont,        "General Ledger Account
            SKFBT LIKE BSAK-SKFBT,        "Amount Eligible for Cash Discount
            KOSTL LIKE BSEG-KOSTL,        "Cost center
            ktopl like t001-ktopl,        "chart of accounts
            txt20 like skat-txt20,        "Short test for the GL acc
            name1 like lfa1-name1,
            land1 like lfa1-land1,
            landx like t005t-landx,
          end of t_bsak.
    data: begin of t_header occurs 0,
            bukrs like bsak-bukrs,
            hkont like bsak-hkont,
            lifnr like bsak-lifnr,
            land1 like lfa1-land1,
            name1 like lfa1-name1,
            landx like t005t-landx,
          end of t_header.
    data: begin of t_lfa1 occurs 0,
            lifnr like lfa1-lifnr,
            name1 like lfa1-name1,
            land1 like lfa1-land1,
            landx like t005t-landx,
          end of t_lfa1.
    data: t_bseg like t_bsak occurs 0 with header line.
    data: t_data like t_bsak occurs 0 with header line.
    selection-screen begin of block blk1 with frame title text-001.
    select-options: s_lifnr for bsak-lifnr,
                    s_bukrs for bsak-bukrs.
    selection-screen end of block blk1.
    selection-screen begin of block blk2 with frame title text-002.
    parameters s_budat like bsak-budat default sy-datum.
    select-options: s_augdt for bsak-augdt.
    selection-screen end of block blk2.
    selection-screen begin of block blk3 with frame title text-003.
    parameters: stand as checkbox default 'X',
                park as checkbox.
    selection-screen end of block blk3.
      perform process_data.
      perform set_page_header.
    *&      Form  process_data
    form process_data.
      data: line like t_bsak occurs 0 with header line.
      data: l_wrbtr(10) type c.
      data: l_debit type bsak-wrbtr,l_credit type bsak-wrbtr,
            l_balance type bsak-wrbtr.
      data:l_hkont(10) type n.
             from bsak
             into corresponding fields of table t_bsak
              lifnr in s_lifnr and
              BUKRS in s_bukrs and
              budat le s_budat and                 " Open  items
              augdt in s_augdt.
    *DELETE t_bsak WHERE non-indexed field not in value list.
    for parked items
      if park = 'X'.
               from bsak
               into corresponding fields of table t_bsak
                lifnr in s_lifnr and
                BUKRS in s_bukrs and
                budat le s_budat and                 " Open  items
                augdt in s_augdt and
                bstat = 'V'.
      sort t_bsak by BUDAT.
      CHECK NOT t_bsak[] IS INITIAL.
         into corresponding fields of table t_bseg from bseg
                FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_bsak
                where belnr = t_bsak-belnr and
                      gjahr = t_bsak-gjahr and
                      bukrs = t_bsak-bukrs.
    to get vendor name
      loop at t_bsak.
        select single * from lfa1 where lifnr = t_bsak-lifnr.
        move lfa1-lifnr to t_header-lifnr.
        move lfa1-name1 to t_header-name1.
        move lfa1-land1 to t_header-land1.
        move t_bsak-bukrs to t_header-bukrs.
        move t_bsak-hkont to t_header-hkont.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          append t_header.
          clear t_header.
    to get vendor country
      loop at t_header.
        select single * from t005t where land1 = t_header-land1 and
                                         SPRAS = 'E'.
        move t005t-landx to t_header-landx.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          modify t_header.
          clear t_header.
      sort t_header by bukrs.
      delete adjacent duplicates from t_header.
      loop at t_bsak.
        loop at t_bseg where belnr = t_bsak-belnr.
          l_hkont = t_bseg-hkont.
          t_data-bukrs = t_bsak-bukrs.
          t_data-lifnr = t_bsak-lifnr.
          t_data-augdt = t_bseg-augdt.
          t_data-AUGBL = t_bseg-AUGBL.
          t_data-GJAHR = t_bseg-GJAHR.
          t_data-belnr = t_bsak-belnr.
          t_data-BUZEI = t_bseg-BUZEI.
          t_data-budat = t_bsak-budat.
          t_data-bldat = t_bsak-bldat.
          t_data-blart = t_bsak-blart.
          t_data-BSCHL = t_bseg-BSCHL.
          t_data-WAERS = t_bseg-WAERS.
          t_data-CPUDT = t_bsak-cpudt.
          t_data-SHKZG = t_bseg-shkzg.
          t_data-DMBTR = t_bseg-dmbtr.
          t_data-WRBTR = t_bseg-wrbtr.
          t_data-SGTXT = t_bsak-sgtxt.
          t_data-SAKNR = t_bseg-saknr.
          t_data-hkont = t_bseg-hkont.
          t_data-SKFBT = t_bseg-SKFBT.
          t_data-KOSTL = t_bseg-KOSTL.
          t_data-ktopl = t_bseg-ktopl.
          t_data-txt20 = skat-txt20.
          append t_data.
          clear t_data.
      sort t_data by budat.
    *To get Chart of accounts
      loop at t_data.
        select single * from t001 where bukrs = t_data-bukrs.
        move t001-ktopl to t_data-ktopl.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          modify t_data.
          clear t_data.
    *To get short text for the chart of accounts
      loop at t_data.
        l_hkont = t_data-hkont.
        select single * from skat where ktopl = t_data-ktopl and
                                        saknr = l_hkont and
                                        spras = 'E'.
        t_data-txt20  = skat-txt20.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          modify t_data.
          clear t_data.
    *to display header
    data: l_buzei type bseg-buzei.
      loop at t_header.
        write:/1(6) t_header-bukrs    color 2,
                7(8) t_header-hkont    color 2,
                18(10) t_header-lifnr   color 2.
        write:/30(10) t_header-name1.
        write:/30(10) t_header-landx.
        loop at t_data where lifnr = t_header-lifnr.
          l_wrbtr = t_data-wrbtr.
          if t_data-wrbtr = t_data-skfbt.
            concatenate l_wrbtr '-' into l_wrbtr.
          write:/15(11) t_data-BUDAT no-zero    color 7,
                  26(5) t_data-BLART            color 7,
                  30(12) t_data-belnr           color 7,
                  42(16) t_data-BLDAT           color 7,
                  58(5)  t_data-buzei           color 7,
                  63(12)  t_data-BSCHL          color 7,
                  75(9)  t_data-AUGDT           color 7,
                  84(35) t_data-AUGBL           color 7,
                  119(7) t_data-WAERS           color 7,
                  126(12) l_wrbtr               color 7.
          write:/55 t_data-sgtxt.
          write:/60(10) t_data-kostl,
                70(10) t_data-hkont,
                80(20) t_data-txt20.
          clear l_wrbtr.
        write:/1(6) t_data-bukrs    color 2,
               7(8) t_data-hkont    color 2,
               18(10) t_data-lifnr   color 2.
        write:/1(6) t_data-bukrs    color 2,
               7(8) t_data-hkont    color 2,
              18(10) t_data-lifnr   color 2,
              105(5)  t_data-waers  color 2.
    *for totals
        line[] = t_data[].
        loop at line where lifnr = t_header-lifnr.
          if line-shkzg = 'H'.
            l_debit = l_debit + line-wrbtr.
          if line-shkzg = 'S'.
            l_credit = l_credit + line-wrbtr.
        l_balance = l_debit -  l_credit.
        write:115(15) l_debit  color 3.   write:135(1) 'D' color 3.
        write:/115(15) l_credit color 3. write:135(1) 'C' color 3.
    *for balnce
        write:/90(25) 'Bal.:' color 3.
        write:115(15) l_balance color 3.
        clear: l_debit,l_credit,l_balance.
    endform.                    "process_data
    *&      Form  set_page_header
    FORM set_page_header.
    call function 'Z_REPORT_TITLE'
         line_size       = sy-linsz
         sy_title        = 'List of Vendor Line Items'
         uline           = 'X'
         first_page_only = ' '.
      write :1(15)  'Allocation'            color col_heading,
             15(10) 'Pstng'         color col_heading,
             25(5)  'Do'             color col_heading,
             30(10) 'Documnet'          color col_heading,
             40(10) 'Doc'        color col_heading,
             50(8)  'BusA'              color col_heading,
             58(5)  'LIm'        color col_heading,
             63(4)  'PK'         color col_heading,
             67(4)  'S'       color col_heading,
             71(4)  'P'       color col_heading,
             75(7)  'Clrg'       color col_heading,
             82(10) 'Clearing'       color col_heading,
             92(20) 'D/c discount Amnt'       color col_heading,
             112(5) 'Rsn'       color col_heading,
             117(2) 'G'       color col_heading,
             119(7)  'Curr-'       color col_heading,
             126(12) 'Amount in'       color col_heading,
             138(2)  'T'       color col_heading.
      write space.
      write :1(15)  'number'            color col_heading,
             15(10) 'date'            color col_heading,
             25(5)  'ty'      color col_heading,
             30(10) 'number'     color col_heading,
             40(18) 'date'         color col_heading,
             58(5)  ''        color col_heading,
             63(4)  ''         color col_heading,
             67(4)  'I'       color col_heading,
             71(4)  'K'       color col_heading,
             75(7)  'date'       color col_heading,
             82(24) ''       color col_heading,
             105(20) 'in LC'       color col_heading,
             112(5) 'code'       color col_heading,
             117(2) 'L'       color col_heading,
             119(7) 'ency'       color col_heading,
             126(12) 'doc.curr.'       color col_heading,
             138(2) 'X'       color col_heading.
      write space.
    ENDFORM.                    " set_page_header

  • How do I keep track of how many times a method is called inside anthr clas?

    I am writing code for a program that solves a Knight's Tour. A Knight's Tour is a path a Knight Chess piece can take around the board starting at any spot, touching every square once, and only once. I have to write 2 classes and one is provided. The provided class is encrypted and written by our professor. All I know that it does is simulates the game using the two classes I write and provides a print out and prompts to ask the user which square they want to move to next.
    The square class I have to write consists of a constructor that makes a square object that keeps track of its color (white/black) and its status (whether it has been visited, is occupied by the knight, or is free and has not be visited).
    The GameBoard class I have to write is what I am having problems with. I am writing a method that determines how many squares have been visited. The previous mentioned class that my professor wrote for me contains a method moveKnight();. The way the program works is that every time moveKnight() is called a square's status is changed to occupied and therefore visited later. moveKnight() will only work if the move requested by the user is a valid move.
    SO! My main problem (sorry for all the explaining, just trying to give you all the information) is that I don't know how to keep track of how many times moveKnight() is called by the program. If i can figure this out it should be simple. I'm new to java but i believe...
    if(moveKnight() is called)
    {count++;} //count is a member variable already initialized
    return count;
    the moveKnight() is called section within the if() statement is what I am unclear how to do. Please help.
    Thanks, Veritas

    in your case you want 'count' to be a class attribute rather than a local variable. But yes, incrementing it each time that the method is called will serve your purpose.

  • How detect method calls that are not already in 1.4

    My program is compiled with JDK 1.5 or 1.6 and retroweaved to 1.4.
    If I do not take care I may type
    int i=65;
    instead of
    Without casting to char it uses a method that exists only since 1.5 but not
    yet in 1.4.
    There are a few other methods that had been added since 1.5
    Their use leads to NoSuchMethodError on 1.4 clients.
    Their usage must be avoided.
    How can I recognize them at compile time?
    Or has anybody written a tool to check all method calls
    whether they already exist in 1.4 ?
    If not I would write it myself and probably will use the javap output.
    After reading through the docs of java.lang.reflect.Method I guess that
    there is no flag telling when a method had been introduced.

    there was some discussion on that here:
    If you use ant, you could also try and configure the src and target properties of javac task:

  • How Can I Restrict Unwanted Incoming Call in iphone 4

    How Can I Restrict Unwanted Incoming Call. Help Me

    Your carrier might be able to help you but there isn't a setting on the phone to do it.

  • How to print a method trace to a file (first method called to the end)

    I have a tomcat war that I am deploying. I want to use some command line parameter or some tool that will show me a method trace of each method that gets executed.
    There is some static initializer in the code that starts everything in the war (the war is not a web app) but simply a process that runs in the background that does stuff.
    I want to find out what the first method called in the war is and to locate the static initializer. Having a method trace would do this because this method would be printed out first.
    After the static initializer gets called I want to see a method trace of all methods called. Having this printed to a file like Class:Method(params) would be nice.
    Even better would be some sort of tool that I could open a trace file with and see method calls in the order they were called.
    I tried several Java profiling tools but none of them show me the order (first to last) of the methods called. All I need is to see a method trace from beginning to end.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    JProbe provided almost everything I needed to see a method call trace. The method graph feature was great.
    I have a single static class with a static initializer that runs in a loop but did not know what the class name was (I inherited some code and was told about the static initializer).
    So when I fired it up in JProbe it showed me the class running off the root thread. In fact I found another static initializer that was unknown to me and another oddity as well.
    The only problem is that the method call graph is collapsed and you need to click [+] to expand every method call.
    I am told by JProbe support that there was an "expand all" option in JProbe 7.0 but it is not there in 7.1.
    Not sure why they took the time, money and energy to take a needed feature out.
    It would be great to have something that did the same thing from the command line or to be able to print a method call trace out to a file but not sure how to do this.

  • How populate and execute methods gets called in UserDefined Action Classes?

    In Struts2, if we override methods populate() and execute() , then if we made any request to some Action class which overrides these methods, then how does it look for these 2 methods??
    and why populate() method called first and later execute() method????
    Edited by: Harishwar_Madhya on Sep 3, 2010 2:47 AM
    Edited by: Harishwar_Madhya on Sep 3, 2010 2:49 AM

    45RPMSoftware wrote:
    Thanks for this. Alas, I do not have the source code used to generate the jar file, and I have no means of getting it. I imagine, therefore, that I will not be able to update the manifest file.The manifest file is just a simple text file.
    You can get at it by unpacking/repacking the jar file with the jar utility (tar like syntax).
    ... I assume that classpath is rather like the unix path.It specifies a list of jar files and directories containing java class files (and more).
    Is there anything that defines the classpath for each login session and, if so, how do I add to it?As the link I posted says;
    you can set a CLASSPATH env.var.

  • Please help on how to use variables inside a method call

    Hello guys,
    How's it goin?
    Pardon me if you find my question silly, but I am relatively
    new in ActionScript 2.0 programming.
    I have here a simple problem. It seems I can't use a variable
    inside a method call of an object. Here's the code. Please note of
    the authParams string variable below.
    import AkamaiConnection;
    var GeneratedToken:String;
    var authParams:String;
    // Create a Web Service object
    var TokGenService:WebService = new WebService("
    // Call the web service method
    var myToken:Object = TokGenService.GenerateToken();
    // Create an AkamaiConnection object
    var connection:AkamaiConnection = new AkamaiConnection();
    connection.addEventListener("onConnect", this);
    connection.addEventListener("onError", this);
    // If you get a result from the web service, save the result
    in a variable
    myToken.onResult = function(result)
    // If you get a result from the web service, save the result
    in a variable
    myToken.onResult = function(result)
    GeneratedToken = result;
    authParams = GeneratedToken +
    //Call the Connect method of the AkamaiConnection class
    But then, if I use a hard-coded string value in lieu of the
    variable, the method call works!
    I don't know what I'm missing or what I'm doing wrong... Can
    somebody help me please? I am using a 30-day trial version of Adobe
    Flash CS3. Also, when I Trace output the variables, the values are
    there. It just that they can't be read or recognize inside the
    method call. Is this a ActionScript limitation?
    Thanks so much in advance!

    The result param is a returned, “Decoded ActionScript
    object version of the XML”. I am not exactly sure what that
    means but I have had issues of returned XML values and their
    datatype. When I did have these issues I had to cast or convert
    into the desired datatype. Try one of the following, assuming the
    problem is related to the code that you have bolded.
    GeneratedToken = result.toString();
    authParams = GeneratedToken +
    GeneratedToken = String(result);
    authParams = GeneratedToken +
    GeneratedToken = result.toString();
    authParams = String(GeneratedToken +

  • How to refresh table column during button method call ?

    I have one table on my screen in which there are 5 rows.
    One of the column of this table is Status with initial value Not Completed.
    Now when I press submit button my 5 processes are started in for loop one by one.
    After completion of 1st process, I am updating 1st row status with Completed and vise a versa.
    But change is reflected on table after by method call over means if my submit action take 5 minutes to finish all 5 process than after 5 minutes, I can see all rows with status Completed while I want it to reflect as soon as I set its status.
    How can I do this ?

    .. or break up the method in 5 methods (for each process a separate method) and with you button you call the first method. then when at the end of the method you call a javascript which updates the first column to completed and the js calls the second method (with queue of client event and serverListener) ... and so on and so on.
    Really not so cool idea but I think it's achievable:)

  • How to call actionLister after "enforcePreventUserInput" method called

    in my use case i have a table with inputText where i have valueChage Listener method execute and one commadImageLink button(save).
    so i have add glass pane to prevent user input until value chage event is busy. using this tutorial link.
    and this is working fine.
    problem is when user change some value on input Text and click on save button.
    javascript method call and glass pane popup visible to user until value change event is not completed accepted. but it is skip save button action Listener method.
    i mean actionListener method of save button not executed.
    i want after executing value chage event busy state popup save method is also executed.
    How can i do this?

    Click on the Save button after the valueChangeEvent call has returned implying after the glass pane popup closes. Won't be feasible to invoke two action listeners simultaneously unless Ajax is used for the JavaScript method call from the inputText action method to return.
    Similar to
    <h:inputText id="name" event="" value="#{}">
       <f:ajax listener="#{}" render="" />

  • Repeater reference in method call

    I'm trying to reference a value from my repeater component in a method call and it's not working...
    <mx:Repeater id="rep" dataProvider="{data.choice}">
                            mouseDown="dragIt(event, rep.currentItem.price)"
    The dragIt() function looks like this:
    private function dragIt(event:MouseEvent, value:String):void {
    So I want the dragIt() function to get 2 parameters: the event and what is in "rep.currentItem.price"
    The code compiles but then nothing happens and I can't drag the image anymore.
    If I put a string in the method call it works fine...
      mouseDown="dragIt(event, "test")"
    I also tried
    mouseDown="dragIt(event, rep.currentItem.price as String)"
    same problem
    Can anyone help ?
    Is there another way to do this ?

    ok I solved it
    you have to use the event targets getRepeaterItem() method
    so the correct way to use it is:
                            mouseDown="dragIt(event, event.currentTarget.getRepeaterItem().price)"

  • How to pass attribute values after ExecuteWithParam to method call

    I am using Jdev
    My use case is that I have mainPage BTF which has ExecuteWithParam as the default activity. This filters the VO using params. I have a requirement to store some of the attributes from current row to pageFlowScope which needs to be passed to multiple child taskflows.
    I can introduce a method call after ExecuteWithParam activity and before the page renders but not sure how should I pass the current row (or something) to this method call to store the values on pageFlowScope.
    What should I pass to this managed bean to store the values on pageFlowScope? Is there any alternative?

    I see two possible ways to get to the attributes. First you can get the iterator current row and get the attributes from there. Second you add attribute bindings to the methods pageDef file for all attributes you are interested in. Then you access them using the attribute binding. I never tested the 2nd method but I guess the framework will fill the attribute bindings like it does in a normal page.
    Sorry, can't give you sample code on this add I'm not in front of a PC.

  • How to Restrict Single Delivery Date for PO with Multiple Line Items

    Dear Experts,
    How to Restrict Single Delivery Date for PO with Multiple Line Items.
    System needs to through Error Message if User Inputs Different Delivery Dates for PO with Multiple Line Items in ME21N Tcode.
    Can we achive this by Some Enhancement in SAP or Not ???
    If so how to do it.
    Any Inputs is highly appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Selvakumar. M

    Hi Selvakumar,
    we can resrict the PO to have a single delivery date in all the line items by means of giving a error message or overwiting the delivery date keyed/determined in the line item.
    You can use the BADI -> ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST. In which you need to implement the method PROCESS_SCHEDULE.
    (for technical aid - This method will be called for each and every PO line item, From the imporing parameter im_schedule we can get all the details of current PO line, even we can change the data in the current PO line. )

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