How to retrieve accelerometers data

Hi....So here is the scene.
I am working on Remote experiments with Publisher- Subscriber using scct .In publisher i am doing all the data aquasition(4 beams data) & actuation while in subscriber only data collection. In one situation, in subscriber i need to mix two beams data for comparison. As i try to collect mixed data, i am loosing one of it. So is there any other way to get this done..

You can do it as dba :
SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> select * from all_catalog
  2  where table_name='P_EMP';
OWNER                          TABLE_NAME                     TABLE_TYPE
TEST                           P_EMP                          TABLE
PUBLIC                         P_EMP                          SYNONYM
SQL> select count(*) from p_emp; -- public synonym
SQL> select count(*) from test.p_emp; -- table

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  • How to retrieve multiple data from table and represent it in jsp page

    The below JavaScript code is used to add row in the table when I want to add multiple row data into table for single entry no field.
      <html>  function addRow()
                var newRow = document.all("tblGrid").insertRow();
                var oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='srno"+i+"' type='text' id='srno"+i+"' size=10>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='itmcd"+i+"' type='text' id='itmcd"+i+"' size='10'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='itmnm"+i+"' type='text' id='itmnm"+i+"' size='15'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='indentqty"+i+"' type='text' id='indentqty"+i+"' size='10'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                    oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='uom"+i+"' type='text' id='uom"+i+"' size='10'><input type='hidden' name='mcode"+i+"'id='mcode"+i+"'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='packqty"+i+"' type='text' id='packqty"+i+"' size='10'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='packuom"+i+"' type='text' id='packuom"+i+"' size='10'><input type='hidden' name='pack"+i+"' id='pack"+i+"'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='rate"+i+"' type='text' id='rate"+i+"' size='10'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='dor"+i+"' type='text' id='dor"+i+"' size='0' onClick='"+putdate("'>";           
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='bccode"+i+"' type='text' id='bccode"+i+"' size='10'></td><input type='hidden' name='bcc"+i+"' id='bcc"+i+"'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='cccode"+i+"' type='text' id='cccode"+i+"' size='10'></td><input type='hidden' name='ccc"+i+"' id='ccc"+i+"'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='remark2"+i+"' type='text' id='remark2"+i+"' size='20'>";           
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input type='button' value='Delete' onclick='removeRow(this);' />";
               // oCell = newRow.insertCell();
               // oCell.innerHTML = "<input type='button' value='Clear' onclick='clearRow(this);' />";
            }<html>  Then this data are send to the next Servlet for adding into two table.
    My header portion data are added into one table which added only one row in table. while footer section data are added into the no of rows in another table dependent on No. of
    Rows added into jsp page.
    Here is an code for that logic.
    ArrayList<String> mucode = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<Integer> serials = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                ArrayList<Integer> apxrate = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                ArrayList<Integer> srname = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                ArrayList<String> itcode = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<String> itname = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<Integer> iqnty = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                ArrayList<String> iuom = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<Integer> pqnty = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                ArrayList<String> puom1 = new ArrayList<String>();
                               ArrayList<Integer> arate = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                ArrayList<String> rdate = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<String> bcs = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<String> ccs = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<String> remarkss = new ArrayList<String>();
                                //ArrayList<Integer> qtyrecs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                //ArrayList<String> dors = new ArrayList<String>();
                                //ArrayList<String> remarks = new ArrayList<String>();
                     String entryn = request.getParameter("entryno");       
                        String rows = request.getParameter("rows");
                        //String Entryno = request.getParameter("entryno");
                       // out.println(Entryno);
                      int entryno = 0,reqqty = 0,srno = 0,deprequest = 0,rowcount = 0;
                                        entryno = Integer.valueOf(Entryno);
                                        rowcount = Integer.valueOf(rows);
                               for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                        } //out.println(itcode.get(i));
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                               for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                               for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                     /* for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                              for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                                }catch(ParseException p){p.printStackTrace();}
                                           { rdate.add("");}
                                   for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                        ArrayList<String> Idate = new ArrayList<String>();
                        for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                                }catch(ParseException p){p.printStackTrace();}
                    String Rdate = dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());
                     String tdate = dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());    
                     // String Indentdate = dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());
                   //  String ApprovedT1 = dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());
                   //  String ApprovedT2 = dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());
                       // String ApprovedT1=" ";
                        //String ApprovedT2="";*/
                    String ApprovedT1= dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());
                   out.println (ApprovedT1);
                      String ApprovedT2=dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());
                    String Indentdate=(dashdate.format(slashdate.parse(request.getParameter("dateindent").trim())));
                        String Cocode ="BML001";  
                        String Deptcode = request.getParameter("dept1");
                        String Empcode = request.getParameter("emp");
                        String Refno =request.getParameter("rtype"); 
                        String Divcode = request.getParameter("todiv1");
                        String Usercode = "CIRIUS";    
                         String Whcode = request.getParameter("stor");
                        // String Itemgroupcode = request.getParameter("");
                         String Itemgroupcode ="120000";
                        String Supplytypecode = request.getParameter("stype");
                        String Delcode = request.getParameter("deliverycode");
                        String Itemclass="WS";
                        // String Itemclass = request.getParameter("iclass");
                       // out.println(Itemclass);
                        String unitcode = request.getParameter("uni");
                         String Todivcode = request.getParameter("todiv1");
                        String Appxrate = request.getParameter("rate");
                        String Srno = request.getParameter("srno");
                    /*    String Indqty = request.getParameter("indentqty");
                  String Itemcode = request.getParameter("itmcd");
                       String Othersp = request.getParameter("remark1");
                        String Reqdt = request.getParameter("dor");
                        String Munitcode = request.getParameter("mcode");
                        String Packqty = request.getParameter("packqty");
                        String Packuom = request.getParameter("pack");
                        String Remark2 = request.getParameter("remark2");
                        String BC = request.getParameter("bcc");
                        String CC = request.getParameter("ccc");
                            String sql="INSERT INTO PTXNINDHDR(COCODE,DEPTCODE,EMPCODE,APPROVEDT1,APPROVEDT2,INDDT,ENTRYNO,REFNO,REMARKS,DIVCODE,USERCODE,WHCODE,ITEMGROUPCODE,SUPTYPECODE,DELCODE,UNITCODE,TODIVCODE,ITEMCLASS)VALUES('"+Cocode+"','"+Deptcode+"','"+Empcode+"','"+ApprovedT1+"','"+ApprovedT2+"','"+Indentdate+"',"+Entryno+",'"+Refno+"','"+Othersp+"','"+Divcode+"','"+Usercode+"','"+Whcode+"','"+Itemgroupcode+"','"+Supplytypecode+"','"+Delcode+"','"+unitcode+"','"+Todivcode+"','"+Itemclass+"')";
                            for(int i=0;i<serials.size();i++){
                                out.println("Inside the Statement");
                                String query3="test query for u";
                               String queryx="Insert into PTXNINDDTL(APXRATE,ENTRYNO,BRKNO,INDQTY,ITEMCODE,OTHERSPFCS,MUNITCODE,PACKQTY,PACKUOM,REMARKS,DIMSUBGRPCODE,DIMCODE,REQDT)VALUES("+arate.get(i)+","+entryno+","+srname.get(i)+","+iqnty.get(i)+","+itcode.get(i)+",'"+Othersp+"','"+mucode.get(i)+"',"+pqnty.get(i)+",'"+puom1.get(i)+"','"+remarkss.get(i)+"','"+bcs.get(i)+"','"+ccs.get(i)+"','"+rdate.get(i)+"')";
                           int[] result=st.executeBatch();
                           for(int k=0;k<result.length;k++)
                           out.println("rows updated by "+(k+1)+"insert sta:"+result[k]+"");
                        catch(BatchUpdateException bue)
                        catch(SQLException sql)
                        catch(Exception l)
       Now I looking for to retrieve this footer section data available in multiple rows from footer table and present it in jsp page .
    I am finding difficulties in how to show this multiple row data for dynamic no of rows .i.e. variable no. of rows.
    I have able to show the data in Header portions of page in this ways
    here i am adding the part of code which shows the data from header part of table i.e from Header table
    <h2 align="center"><b>Indent Preparation</b></h2>
        <div align="left">
            <table width="849" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" align="center">
                    <td ><div align="left"><b>Indent No.</b></div></td>
                    <td ><label>
                            <input name="indentno" type="text" id="indentno" size="15" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="no" id="no">
                    <td ><div align="center"><strong>Indent Date</strong></div></td>
                    <td ><label>
                            <div align="center">
                                <input name="dateindent" type="text" id="dateindent"value="<%=date1%>"/><input type="hidden" name="no" id="no">
                    <td> </td>
                    <td><div align="right"><strong>Entry No.</strong></div></td>
                     <%if(oper!=null && oper.equals("view") && hdrcode!=null && hdrdetails!=null){%>
            <td><input type="text" value="<%=hdrcode.get(3)%>" size="10"></td>
                   <td><input type="text" name="entryno" id="entryno" value="<%=entryNo%>"/></td>
                            <div align="right"></div>
                    <%if(oper!=null && oper.equals("view") && hdrcode!=null && hdrdetails!=null){%>
    <td><input type="text" value="<%=hdrdetails.get(9)%>" size="20"</td>
    <td><input type="hidden" name="div1" id="div1" value='<%=hdrcode.get(10)%>'></td>
                   <td><input type="text" name="div" id="div" /></td>
                   <td><input type="hidden" name="div1" id="div1" /> </td>
                    <td> </td>
                    <td> </td>
                    <td><div align="right"><strong>Unit</strong></div></td>
                   <%if(oper!=null && oper.equals("view") && hdrcode!=null && hdrdetails!=null){%>
    <td><input type="text" value="<%=hdrdetails.get(14)%>" size="20"</td>
    <td><input type="hidden" name="uni" id="uni" value='<%=hdrcode.get(12)%>'></td>
                   <td><input type="text" name="unit" id="unit" /></td>
                   <td><input type="hidden" name="uni" id="uni" /> </td>
      Any suggestion on any above works is highly appreciated.
    Thanks and regards

    Too much code. It's also not well intented nor formatted. I don't see a question either or it got lost in that heap of unformatted code.
    I will only answer the question in the thread's subject:
    How to retrieve multiple data from table and represent it in jsp pageTo retrieve, make use of HttpServletRequest#getParameterValues() and/or #getParameter().
    To display, make use of JSTL's c:forEach.

  • How to retrieve all datas that lost when i update my iphone4 to that 6.10 ios. i tried to look at may i tunes in my computer but it seems that i forgot to perform back ups since i purchased this phone 2yirs ago.. pls send me an advice..thank u.

    how to retrieve all datas that lost when i update my iphone4 to that 6.10 ios. i tried to look at may i tunes in my computer but it seems that i forgot to perform back ups since i purchased this phone 2yirs ago.. pls send me an advice..thank u.

    All of the data should be on your computer, simply sync it back.
    If the update was done via iTunes on the computer, the first step in the process is a backup of the device.

  • How to retrieve the data from SAP-BAPI by using VB Code

    Hi ,
    I am new to BAPI.
    V have created an application in Visual Basic with the following fields
    EmpNo , EmpName, Addr1, Addr2, City and Phone (Only for Test)
    We have written the code for SAVING the data into SAP. Already we have
    constructed a table with the respective fields in SAP.
    For that we ourself created our own BAPI Structure / Function Group /
    Function Module/ Business Object - RELEASED related elements.
    1)Established the connection successfully.
    2)Stored the data into SAP Successfully and v r in need of
    Following is the code :
    'BAPI Structure  : ZBAPIEMP
    'Function Group  : ZBAPIEMP
    'Business Object : ZBAPIEMP
    'Function Module : ZBAPI_EMP_GETLIST
    Dim bapictrl As Object
    Dim oconnection As Object
    Dim boEmp As Object
    Dim oZEmp_Header As Object
    Dim oImpStruct As Object
    Dim oExpStruct As Object
    Dim oreturn As Object
    Dim x As String
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set bapictrl = CreateObject("SAP.BAPI.1")
    Set oconnection = bapictrl.Connection
    Set boEmp = bapictrl.GetSAPObject("ZBAPIEMP")
    Set oZEmp_Header = bapictrl.DimAs(boEmp, "CreateFromData", "EmployeeHeader")
    Set oImpStruct = bapictrl.DimAs(boEmp, "GetList", "EmployeeDispStruct")
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
        oZEmp_Header.Value("EMPNO") = txtEmpNo.Text
        oZEmp_Header.Value("EMPNAME") = txtEmpName.Text
        oZEmp_Header.Value("ADDR1") = txtAddr1.Text
        oZEmp_Header.Value("ADDR2") = txtAddr2.Text
        oZEmp_Header.Value("CITY") = txtCity.Text
        oZEmp_Header.Value("PHONE") = txtPhone.Text
        boEmp.CreateFromData EmployeeHeader:=oZEmp_Header, Return:=oreturn
        x = oreturn.Value("Message")
        If x = "" Then
            MsgBox "Transaction Completed!..."
            MsgBox x
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdView_Click()
    End Sub

    I didn't seen any other answers but here's how it's been done previously in our organization for a custom BAPI. In this example, we give material and language to return the part description. It's not specific to your project but may give you ideas..
    Option Compare Database
    Dim SAPLOGIN As Boolean
    Dim FunctionCtrl As Object
    Dim SapConnection As Object
    On Error GoTo LogoutFehler
        SAPLOGIN = False
    Exit Sub
        If Err.Number = 91 Then
            Exit Sub
            MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Fehler-Nr." & CStr(Err.Number) & " bei SAP-Logout"
        End If
    End Sub
    Function SAPLOG() As Boolean
    'Verbindungsobjekt setzen (Property von FunctionCtrl)
       Set FunctionCtrl = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
       Set SapConnection = FunctionCtrl.Connection
    'Logon mit Initialwerten
       SapConnection.Client = "010"
       SapConnection.Language = "EN"
       SapConnection.System = "PR1"
       SapConnection.SystemNumber = "00"
       'SapConnection.Password = ""
       SapConnection.GroupName = "PR1"
       SapConnection.HostName = ""
       SapConnection.MessageServer = ""
         If SapConnection.Logon(0, False) <> True Then  'Logon mit Dialog
             Set SapConnection = Nothing
             DoCmd.Hourglass False
             MsgBox "No connection to SAP R/3 !"
             SAPLOGIN = False
             SAPLOG = False
             Exit Function
          End If
        SAPLOG = True
    End Function
    Function MatDescr(MatNr As String)
    Dim func1 As Object
    Dim row As Object, X As Integer, ErsteNr As String
    Dim DatensatzZähler As Long
    Dim RowField(1 To 50, 0 To 1) As String, RowLine As Long
        If Not SAPLOGIN Then
            If Not SAPLOG() Then
                MsgBox "No connection  to SAP !", 16
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
    ' Instanziieren des Function-Objektes
    Set func1 = FunctionCtrl.Add("Z_BAPI_READ_MAKT")
    ' Export-Paramter definieren
    func1.exports("MATNR") = MatNr
    func1.exports("SPRAS") = "EN"
    If Not Then
        If func1.exception <> "" Then
            MsgBox "Communication Error with RFC " & func1.exception
        End If
        DoCmd.Hourglass False
        Exit Function
      MatDescr = func1.imports("MAKTX")
    End If
    If MatDescr = "" Then
        MatDescr = "PART NO. NOT FOUND"
    End If
    End Function

  • How to retrieve ECC data to CRM pdf factsheet ?

    Hi all,
    I need to customize the CRM pdf factsheet with data from R3.
    I know how to change the smartform that is behind the PDF factsheet, but I do not know how to retrieve additional data that comes from R3 ...
    What is the best way to do this ? I read about RFC call, but can someone give me a clear example on how to do this please ?
    Many thanks !

    To do a RFC call to read the data from R3 into CRM, create a Function module in R3 which takes some inputs and retrives the data from R3 and make it as 'Remote-enabled module' in Attributes tab of function module.
    Call this function module in CRM (in your case in smartforms) by specifying R3 destination
    Call function '<R3 function module>'
         destination <ERP log sys>
    ERP destination can be read using the function module
    call function 'SMOF_READ_SMOFERPSH'
           i_sitetypeid = 'SMOF_ERPSITE'
           t_erpsites   = lt_smoferpsh.
       if sy-subrc eq 0.
         read table lt_smoferpsh into ls_smoferpsh index 1.
       call function 'ZZOM_SALES_ORG_ADDRESS'
         destination ls_smoferpsh-erplogsys
    Hope this helps.

  • How to retrieve the data from SAP database.

    Hi Pals,
    How to retrieve data from SAP R/3 System to my third party software. I will make my query little bit more clear. There is a list of assets entered and stored in the SAP system. For example 3 mobile phones.
    1) Mobile 1- Nokia
    2) Mobile 2 - Samsung
    3) Mobile 3 u2013 Sony
    Now think I do not know what all assets is there. I have to retrieve the data and get it on my third party software. Just display the list of assets. Lets say SAP XI is also there. Now how will I map it and get the details.
    Please give me step by step method.
    N.B: Just to read the data from SAP database.
    Please make the flow clear step by step.
    Thanking you

    You can use RFC or ABAP Proxy to make synchronous call with SAP.
    Under RFC or ABAP Proxy Program you can get the data from SAP tables. Direct access to SAP Database is not preferrable even if its possible.
    The better way to go for RFC or PROXY.
    You will send the request from Third party system and the it will be as input parameters from RFC/ Proxy it will response based on it.
    This got it all..
    /people/arpit.seth/blog/2005/06/27/rfc-scenario-using-bpm--starter-kit - File to RFC
    HTTP to RFC - A Starter Kit
    Edited by: Swarup Sawant on Jun 4, 2008 9:32 AM

  • How to retrieve the date of the itme's version using Ecmascript

    Hello, all
    I'd like to retrieve the date of minor and major versions using ecmascript. Here is my script so far.
    I am getting ID from query string in URL, then passing it to access file.
    What I don't understand is to how to instantiate Version class and loop through version to retrieve created date.
    Can someone help?
    <Sharepoint:ScriptLink name="SP.js" runat="server" OnDemand="true" localizable="false"/>
    <pre class="brush: javascript;">
    <script language="ecmascript" type="text/ecmascript">
    //Get ID of the document
    function getParameterByName(name) {
        name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
        var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
            results = regex.exec(;
        return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
    var v_id = getParameterByName('ID');
            var item;
            var list;
            var file;
            function fileMajorandMinorVersion() {
                var clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
                if (clientContext != undefined && clientContext != null) {
                    var webSite = clientContext.get_web();
                    this.list = webSite.get_lists().getByTitle("List Title");
                    this.item = list.getItemById(v_id);
                    this.file = this.item.get_file();
                    clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.OnLoadSuccess), Function.createDelegate(this, this.OnLoadFailed));
             function OnLoadSuccess(sender, args) {
                var version = "Major Version: " + this.file.get_majorVersion() + '\n' + "Minor Version: " + this.file.get_minorVersion();
            function OnLoadFailed(sender, args) {
                alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
    <input id="btnFileMajorandMinorVersion" onclick="fileMajorandMinorVersion()" type="button" value="File Major and Minor Version"/>

    In order to loop through the version collection and display last version date here is the script that works for me:
    <Sharepoint:ScriptLink name="SP.js" runat="server" OnDemand="true" localizable="false"/>
    <script language="ecmascript" type="text/ecmascript">
    //Get ID of the document
    function getParameterByName(name) {
        name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
        var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
            results = regex.exec(;
        return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
    var v_id = getParameterByName('ID');
    function convertShortDate(par_date) {
       var var_date = new Date(par_date);
       var day = var_date.getDate();
       var month = var_date.getMonth() + 1;
       var year = var_date.getFullYear();
       var result_date = month+'/'+day+'/'+year;
       return result_date;
            var item;
            var list;
            var file;
            var versions;
            var _version;
            function set_LastCertDate() {
                var clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
                if (clientContext != undefined && clientContext != null) {
                    var webSite = clientContext.get_web();
                    this.list = webSite.get_lists().getByTitle("Archer Pages");
                    this.item = list.getItemById(v_id);
                    this.file = this.item.get_file();
                    this.versions = this.file.get_versions()               
                    clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.OnLoadSuccess), Function.createDelegate(this, this.OnLoadFailed));
             function OnLoadSuccess(sender, args) {
             var output = "";
             var certdate = "";
             var listItemEnumerator = this.versions.getEnumerator();
             // loop through the version items
             while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext())
              var oVersionItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();
              certdate = oVersionItem.get_created();
            function OnLoadFailed(sender, args) {
                alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
           document.write("<input name='Button1' type='button' value='Populate Certificate Date' onclick='set_LastCertDate()'/>");

  • How to retrieve the "date created" of a picture file?

    Hi there
    How can I retrieve the date of the creation of a file?
    It's picture I have scanned, I need to authentify it's date of creation.
    Finder doesn't do it
    A utility in Photoshope CS3 ( XMP ) doesn't seem reliable.
    Is there any way I can retrieve with a utility , the code of the file and its date of creation?
    Much help appreciated
    PS:I dont have Aperture ( I figured I could ask in this forum)

    Finder does do it. Select the file and choose File>>Get Info (command + i)
    It will tell you the date created and the date last modified.

  • Best practice how to retrieve & update data w/o any jsf-lifecycle-overhead

    I have a request scoped jsf managed bean called "ManagedBean". This bean has a method annotated with "@PostConstruct" that retrieves data from a database. The data is shown in a jsp "showAndEditData.jsp" in <h:inputText /> components - so the data is editable.
    The workflow is as follows:
    First, when navigating to "showAndEditData.jsp", the ManagedBean is created, the "@PostConstruct"-method is invoked, and the data retrieved from the database is shown to the user.
    Second, the user changes the data.
    Third, the user presses the submit button, the ManagedBean is created again, the "@PostConstruct"-method is invoked again, and the data is retrieved from the database again. Then the data is overridden by the changes the user made and passed to the business-tier (where it will be saved to the database).
    Every step that i marked with "*again*" is completely unneccessary and a huge overhead.
    Is there a way to prevent these unneccessary steps.
    Or asking in other words: Is there a best practice how to retrieve and update data efficently and without any overhead using JSF?
    I do not want to use session scoped managed beans, because this would be a huge overhead as well.

    The first "again" is neccessary, because after successfull validation, you need new object in request to store the submitted value.
    I agree to the second and third, really unneccessary and does not make sense.
    Additionally I think it�s bad practice putting data in session beansTotal agree, its a disadvantage of JSF that we often must use session.
    Think there is also an bigger problem with this.
    Dont know how your apps are working, my apps start an new database transaction per commit on every new request.
    So in this case, if you do an second query on postback, which uses an different database transaction, it could get different data as for the inital request.
    But user did his changes <b>accordingly</b> to values of the first snapshot during the inital request.
    If these values would be queried again on postback, and they have been changed meanwhile, it becomes inconsistent, because values of snapshot two, do not fit to user input.
    In my opionion zebhed has posted an major mistake in JSF.
    Dont now, where to store the data, perhaps page scope could solve this.
    Not very knowledge of that section, but still ask myself, if this data perhaps could be stored in the components and on an postback the data are rendered from components + submittedvalues instead of model.

  • How to retrieve lost data from the reset Blackberry?

    Hi all, I accidentally reset my Blackberry curve 8250 when i wasnt sober and all my phone contacts, sms and notes were lost. basically i use my bb as a note pad so there were many info saved on the phone. i didnt do any backup before, but i really wanna retrieve the lost data desperately. is there any method or third party software which can retrieve the data or its not possible at all? please help me out w this. thank you!!!!!

    Please see the answer to your duplicate post here:
    Please don't post duplicate questions.
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • How to retrieve the data from the RT card after the host rebooted??

    Thank you for your answer!
    how to design my application to retrieve the data that was collected on RT Series hardware while the host PC was not in communication with the embedded LabVIEW RT application.

    I rember correctly, that may be one of the more challenging varieties to pull this stunt off.
    First, you are going to have to make sure you have enough memory to buffer the data while the host if doing something else.
    If you have enough memory you may want explicitly work up a comm scheem between the host and PC (probaly using VI server) that will let the host know there is data avaiailable and it should get it.
    So, doe sit seem like we may be getting closer?
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • How to retrieve name4 data from backend for display on View Ship-to Address

    Hi Everyone,
    I need your advise / help:
    I added name4 in shiptodetails1.jsp for new ship-to address when ordering.  This name4 can be entered, saved to backend and display before submit rder.  but when dispaly the created order, the name4 data is not shown on View Ship-to party Address page.  Seems address.getName4() is not enough, I need to modify some method to retrieve the data from backend address object. Can anyone guide me what and how to enhance forretrieving name4 data from backend, so it can display on View Ship-to Address?
    Any advises / suggestions?
    Thanks, Jin

    Hi Jin,
    I hope you already found the solution but here some more detail.
    I am working on ISA with ECC so I do not have an access to CRM system.
    As you are facing problem to retrieve data from back-end while displaying it on order status page you can debug code of class DetailStrategyR3.class.
    There is a method fillDocument this method call RFC BAPI_ISAORDER_GETDETAILEDLIST. This RFC actually read Order related data from backend and fill the SalesDocument object. Method fillDocument also call other methods like fillShipTo.
    During debug in NWDS you can see address data and check the values of Address object. If Name3 or Name4 and nickName contains no value then you can't get it on JSP page because it is not coming from the RFC.
    So I suggest you should first check DetailStrategyR3.class as it is preparing Document for display purpose. When you open any order on orderstatusdetail page this class comes in Action and prepare SalesDocumet with all necessary information including  Ship to Address of that order. So If here you do not get value in Name3, Name4 or Nickname then you have to do some custom development
    Check Below code while debug in NWDS.
    //fill ship-to information on header and item level
            ShipToData shipTo = document.getHeaderData().getShipToData();
    Check shipTo object in "Variable" window while debugging. Here you will get address object and can see all the variable value like FirstName, LastName, Name1, NAme2, Name3...NickName etc..... If no value in Name3, Name4 then you will not get on Page.
    I hope this will help you to understand why Name3-Name4-Nickname does not have a Value though you have provided while creating an order.
    Thanks and Regards.
    eCommerce Developer

  • How to retrieve deleted data -blackberry 9360

    deleted blackberry desk top manager by mistake from my laptop.I have lost all my backup data.Any suggestions how to retrieve that info.

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    A very odd result...removing the app should not touch the actual backup files, unless perhaps you allowed the backup files to store in the same folders on your computer as the app itself (bad practice under any circumstances).
    As with anything deleted, restoration depends on having a source. If you were backing up your computer, then your source should be there. Depending on the method the backup files were deleted with, they may be in the computer Recycle Bin. Depending on how long it's been since you deleted the files, you may be able to procure some file recovery software for your computer (be quick...the longer you wait, the more likely the files cannot be recovered).
    Basically, this is a computer problem...not a BB problem.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • How to retrieve "Lost" data; zire31... help

    I have a Palm Zire 31 which no longer charges.  The reset button does not even bring up a screen. Once when I hit reset I got a home screen showing 2004.   I have backed up some of the data which is on a Excel spreadsheet on my computer.  However, unfortunately, I had not backed up the device recently and so there is data there that I do not have.  The Palm desktop does not contain any data either... I did not back that up properly. 
    I have three questions:
    (1) Can I verify that the charger is working correctly?
    (2) Is there some way to restart this old device so that I can retrieve the data there and then back it up?
    (3) Is there a way to reload the data that exists on the spreadsheet onto a new Palm Zire 31, or newer, which I would purchase?  If so, what model do you recommend... and how would I load the data from the spreadsheet onto the new device?
    Post relates to: Zire 31
    Post relates to: Zire 31

    If your Zire is totally without a charge for more than a few days, then all of the data that was on the handheld is gone.
    1.  You'll need another compatible device to plug into, to see if your charger is working.
    2.  We cannot diagnose such an apparent hardware failure over these forums.  I suggest plugging it in and trying a Hard Reset.  This article discusses the various types of Reset for different Palm devices:
    3.  Without knowing what kind of data you have saved to a spreadsheet (i.e. what program(s) the data came from), we cannot possibly know how or whether it can be restored to a replacement Palm device.  As for what kind of replacement device, go onto eBay and search for the Tungsten E2 or the TX.  They were the two most recent models, either of which would be a huge upgrade from the Zire 31.  But they will all be used and/or refurbished.
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

  • How to retrieve input data from a HTML form in the UTF-8 cha

    I encountered the following problem with a JWeb Application:
    I tried to write a JWeb-Application for OAS 4.0, that retrieves
    input data from a HTML form and writes it into an Oracle
    All processing should be done in the UTF-8 character set.
    The problem is, that the form data retrieved by getURLParameter
    are always encoded in a non-unicode character set and I found no
    way to change this.
    Can anybody tell me what I should do to get the form data in the
    UTF-8 character set?

    Try set in the JWEB application's Java environment such
    SYSTEM_PROPERTY: file.encoding=UTF8.
    Thomas Gertkemper (guest) wrote:
    : I encountered the following problem with a JWeb Application:
    : I tried to write a JWeb-Application for OAS 4.0, that
    : input data from a HTML form and writes it into an Oracle
    : database.
    : All processing should be done in the UTF-8 character set.
    : The problem is, that the form data retrieved by getURLParameter
    : are always encoded in a non-unicode character set and I found
    : way to change this.
    : Can anybody tell me what I should do to get the form data in
    : UTF-8 character set?

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